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Integrative Health Simplified

Kari Coody, Pharm D.

It's easy to get overwhelmed with all the information out there on alternative ways of healthcare. Join Pharmacist and Integrative Health Practitioner Kari Coody as she simplifies the process of taking care of yourself in a different, more preventative way. If you want a different way of healthcare and all the information out there simplified- this is the show for you!
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Integrative You Radio

Integrative You

The Leading Global Integrative Doctor Duo - Dr. Nick & Dr. Nicole get Real, Raw & Disruptive on IntegrativeYou Radio diving deep into the human’s mind and body potential. They share out-of-the-box insights and techniques rooted in neurology, human behavior, quantum medicine, innovation, and biology to help families create leaders and geniuses. Learn More About the Docs Here:
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Integrating Presence

josh dippold

Allow media from to inform the process of embodying heart-centered awareness. By balancing holistic wisdom with the love flavors of unimpeded friendliness; compassion; vicarious joy; and equanimity we naturally unfold our innate courage while aligning into wholeness upon our progressive development journey into completing our full potentials and capacities towards complete freedom.
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Integrated helps us rightly cherish the Bible and theology, but John won’t stop there. He will show us how to make the connection between head and heart. We will understand how the Bible and theology are not only meant to inform us, they are intended to impact our lives which, in turn, will impact the lives of others.
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Integrative Practitioner Podcast

The IPractitioner Podcast is the leading on-the-go resource for the latest news, trends, and strategies in the world of integrative medicine. Tune in for exclusive interviews and insights from a wide spectrum of top integrative practitioners and thought leaders as they delve in to what’s new in brain health, mind-body medicine, the microbiome, integrative nursing, and more, plus hear case studies, practice management tips, and Q&A with experts helping integrative healthcare professionals sol ...
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Integrated Wisdom

Tatiana Da Silva

Integrated Wisdom podcast aims to bridge the gap between spirituality and science. By exploring the lessons of neuroscience, psychology, holistic healing modalities and spiritual wisdoms, and integrating these insights, we seek to uncover the keys to deepening our connection with ourselves and others, whilst paving the way for a more deeply connected and inspired world along the way.
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Behavioral Health Integration is meant to raise knowledge and awareness of the behavioral health field for those planning to enter the field and the professionals that are currently in it. Behavioral Health Integration prides itself on discussions and topics on mental health and substance abuse interventions being used as a collaborative approach to improving the lives of others.
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GW Integrative Medicine

GW Integrative Medicine

Welcome to GW Integrative Medicine, a podcast about using an integrative approach to disease prevention and health promotion. We look forward to sharing the latest news and research on Integrative Medicine – where the best practices of conventional medicine and evidence-based complementary medicine meet. This podcast is brought to you by the Office of Integrative Medicine and Health, the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, in collaboration with the university ...
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Já recebeu diagnóstico crônico? Artrite, diabetes, hipotireoidismo, algum cisto? Não consegue perder peso nem o mau humor? Tem doença auto-imune ou problemas circulatórios e lhe disseram que não há cura? Meu palpite é que, você até acreditou que é normal ter uma doença crônica que dura a vida toda e ser "obrigado" a tomar remédios contínuos. Ficar mais doente e dependente com o passar do tempo é triste mas normal, certo? ERRADO! Você precisa saber que a Medicina evoluiu! É possível SIM ter E ...
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Discussions and musing on health from an integral perspective. Incorporating Integral Life Practice, LifeForce Dynamics Qigong & Integral Health. We've also been rated as one of the top 15 Qigong podcasts Become a supporter of this podcast:
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Integrating AI

Ricky Rose

"Integrating AI" is where business meets artificial intelligence. Hosted by Ricky Rose, this podcast explores how AI is changing industries, solving problems, and shaping the future. Join us for real conversations with experts, leaders, and innovators who are using AI to work smarter, make better decisions, and drive success. Whether you're curious about AI or already using it, this podcast is your guide to understanding its impact—without the hype. Let’s dive into the future of AI, one conv ...
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Integrated Rhythm

Chisomo & Bobby

Two besties navigate race and the Black Experience in the world of Jazz Dance and other Afro-centric social dancing. Join Associate Professor, instructor, and swing and Zambian heritage dancer CHISOMO SELEMANI and world champion swing dancer, instructor, and historian BOBBY WHITE as they discuss Afro-centric social dancing with a range of guests, make bad puns, and occasionally sing. The goal is comfortable conversations about uncomfortable things. You can support us at: Patreon: www.patreon ...
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Auf Integrationskurs

Initiative Integration

Im Podcast „Auf Integrationskurs“ erzählen wir die Lebensgeschichten von Menschen aus der ganzen Welt. Warum will ein Enkel von Holocaust-Überlebenden in Deutschland leben? Ein junger Palästinenser verlässt die Trümmer seiner Stadt. Was kommt nach der Abschiebung ins Heimatland? Eine Belarussin, die nur die Herrschaft Lukaschenkos kennt, atmet die Freiheit in Leipzig. Was fehlt zur Integration, wenn Sprache, Familie und Job gelingen? Eine japanische Frau sucht einen Job in Leipzig. Wir sind ...
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Medycyna Integracyjna

Maciej Duczyński

Podcast Medycyna Integracyjna powstał dla każdego, kto chce świadomie dbać o swoje zdrowie pod każdym względem. Mówię o aktywności fizycznej, zdrowych nawykach, jedzeniu, emocjach, naszych przekonaniach i relacjach między tymi czynnikami.
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Mindfully Integrative Show

Dr. Damaris Grossmann FNP-C

Welcome to the Mindfully Integrative Podcast! We are dedicated to featuring inspirational and successful individuals who have embraced mindful investing to achieve optimal integrative wellness. Our podcast delves into all aspects of mindfully incorporating integrative functional health into our lives, aiming to help create a more balanced and fulfilling life. New episodes are released every Friday and cover a wide range of informative and entertaining topics, interviews, and discussions. We ...
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The Integrative Palliative Podcast

Delia Chiaramonte, MD

Hosted by integrative palliative medicine physician, Dr. Delia Chiaramonte, The Integrative Palliative Podcast helps physicians and clinicians guide families facing serious illness to physical and emotional wellbeing. Listeners will find insights, skills and knowledge in evidence-supported integrative symptom management, as well as attention to their own self-care, because you can't pour from an empty cup! Everyone who cares for seriously ill people will find something for themselves and the ...
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Interior Integration for Catholics

Peter T. Malinoski, Ph.D.

The mission of this podcast is the formation of your heart in love and for love, Together, we shore up the natural, human foundation for your spiritual formation as a Catholic. St. Thomas Aquinas asserts that without this inner unity, without this interior integration, without ordered self-love, you cannot enter loving union with God, your Blessed Mother, or your neighbor. Informed by Internal Family Systems approaches and grounded firmly in a Catholic understanding of the human person, this ...
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The Cancer Pod: Integrative Medicine Talk

Dr. Tina Kaczor and Dr. Leah Sherman

Join Tina and Leah, two naturopathic physicians with lots of experience in natural medicine and cancer care. Leah is the ”cancer insider.“ Tina is the science-y one. Listen in and join us as we talk with each other or respected experts in integrative oncology. Whether it is you or a loved one, whether you are in treatment or beyond, you'll find helpful info, tips, and tricks to get through tough times. We frame things around cancer, but honestly, anyone can benefit. So, tune in, join our com ...
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The Integral Stage

Layman Pascal / Bruce Alderman

At THE INTEGRAL STAGE, we provide a platform to explore emergent integral perspectives, host innovative thinkers, communicators, and creators from around the world, and reflect the larger integrative meta-community back to itself in all its forms. Additional Audio Podcasts: Integral Stage Sexuality Series Integral Stage Metapodcast Integral Stage Author Series The Integral Stage is BRUCE ALDERMAN - Creator, Producer, and Occasional Host LAYMAN PASCAL - Interviewer, Co-Conspirator, and Digita ...
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The TopHealth #IntegrativeWellness Stream is an exclusive thought leadership series designed to amplify voices and insights within the integrative wellness space. Hosted on TopHealth Media's innovative network. This stream brings together select integrative wellness experts, founders, and industry leaders to share their knowledge, discuss emerging trends, and inspire change. Each episode features engaging 35-50 minute discussions and dynamic panels that offer fresh perspectives on wellness c ...
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Welcome to the Integrative Women's Health Podcast with Jessica Drummond, your go-to resource for cutting-edge insights into women's health and wellness. Hosted by Dr. Jessica Drummond, DCN, CNS, PT, NBHWC, a renowned expert with over two decades of experience in pelvic health and clinical nutrition, this podcast is designed for health and wellness professionals specializing in pelvic health, fertility, perinatal, postpartum, perimenopause, menopause, and overall wellness. The "Integrative Wo ...
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Welcome to Integrative Oncology Talk! Where we discuss the latest science and opinions from leading voices in integrative oncology. Integrative oncology utilizes complementary therapies and lifestyle strategies to help those affected by cancer, using personalized approaches and evidence based recommendations. This podcast is hosted by Dr. Santosh Rao, a medical oncologist and integrative oncologist. Dr. Judith Lacey, a supportive care and integrative oncology physician. And Leigh Leibel (pro ...
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The mission of the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Health is to nurture health and inspire well-being in all people. Our educational programming, formerly known as Osher Mini Medical School for the Public, has been reimagined as Osher WISE (Well-being and Integrative Science for Everyone). This public education program offers courses on integrative health topics that are current and compelling, providing an opportunity for community members to become active, informed participants in their ...
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Our positive vibe podcast series radiates uplifting energy and inspiration, featuring heartfelt conversations and empowering stories that spread joy and optimism. With each episode, we share a virtual space where positivity thrives, fostering a sense of community and motivating listeners to embrace the bright side of life. There's no alternative to always having a positive attitude. .
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The #EduDuctTape Podcast, hosted by Jake Miller, focuses on viewing #edtech as a tool used to meet goals, address learning standards, and solve problems in the classroom, much as duct tape is used as a tool that solves a plethora of problems in our lives. In each episode, Jake sits down with a different inspiring guest to share and discuss some awesome ideas for using tech in the classroom!
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Bienvenidos a "Educación Integral en el Hogar", un podcast dedicado a transformar tu hogar en un espacio de crecimiento, bienestar y aprendizaje. Soy Yanmarie Rijos, madre homeschooler y Coach de Vida certificada, Facilitadora de educación Integral y estoy aquí para compartir contigo estrategias prácticas, consejos y recursos para educar a tus hijos en casa mientras promovemos el bienestar integral de toda la familia. ¿Qué encontrarás en este podcast? Este es tu espacio para descubrir todo l ...
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Are you struggling with various health issues that are keeping you from experiencing a life overflowing with vibrant health? Have low energy, excessive weight, chronic fatigue, imbalanced hormones or body aches and pains robbed you of doing the things that you enjoy the most? Hi, I’m Rekishia. I’m a mom, honorably retired Air Force veteran, award-winning author, social worker and Christian Alternative Medicine provider. This show helps Christian women experience undeniable results like: more ...
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The Integrative Health Podcast is hosted by Dr. Jen Pfleghaar. Dr. Jen is a double board certified physician (Emergency Medicine and Integrative Medicine). This podcast is meant to educate and empower about important health topics. Dr.Jen's passion is to get to the root cause of disease and prevent illness. Dr. Jen will feature guests who are experts in their fields and experiences in all things related to Integrative Medicine. From Hashimoto's to Breast Implant Illness, Dr. Jen and her gues ...
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“The Integrated Home” examines the home integration business. Every episode speaks to business owners, technicians and industry insiders who understand the challenges and the opportunities facing those working in the professional smart home space. Guests draw on their own, very real experiences to share their thoughts and ideas on what's happening now, the business trends that matter and what's important to build and maintain a successful integration business. For an informative and entertai ...
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Integration er og bliver et af de mest aktuelle, vedkommende og afgørende politiske temaer i vores samfund. Den borgerlige samfundsdebattør, Ali Aminali, mener, at integrationen i Danmark er forfejlet, og at debatten er blevet for overfladisk. I Alis integrationsland kæmper Ali Aminali for at få gjort integrations-debatten relevant igen bl.a. ved at komme ind bag de skarpe holdninger og udfordre både sig selv og sine gæster.
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Marketing Integral

Angel Gonzales

Marketing Integral ® es una organización que apuesta por la educación en la Región de Piura a través de la enseñanza y asesoría en los complejos principios del marketing digital.
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Integrative Nurse Coaches in ACTION!

Integrative Nurse Coach Academy | International Nurse Coach Association

Where Nurses, healthcare professionals and consumers hear from inspirational Nurse Coaches who are leading the way in health and wellness coaching. Listen to innovative Nurses who are shifting the paradigm of disease care to HEALTH care through the art and science of Nurse Coaching.
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show series
Aujourd'hui, dans "Punchline", Laurence Ferrari, ses invités avec notamment le Président du Rassemblement National, Jordan Bardella, ils débattent de l'allocution d'Emmanuel Macron, tenue hier soir et de ses propos concernant le conflit ukrainien et de la nécessité d'accentuer l’effort de défense de l’Europe.…
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Dans cette édition : Volodymyr Zelensky est accueilli chaleureusement par les dirigeants européens à Bruxelles pour discuter de l'aide à l'Ukraine et du renforcement de la défense européenne. Le discours d'Emmanuel Macron, très suivi, est analysé comme une opportunité pour le président de revenir au centre du jeu politique, national et européen. Le…
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Aujourd'hui, dans "Punchline", Laurence Ferrari et ses invités débattent de l'allocution du président de la République, Emmanuel Macron et des propos graves qu'il a tenus, notamment concernant la guerre en Ukraine et du danger que représente la Russie vis-à-vis la France et l'Europe.بقلم Europe 1
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Send us a text We're teasing you a little here in this episode. Kevin and Skip tackle about a dozen questions that are asked daily about Costa Rica and the Pura Vida Lifestyle. Of course, Kevin's contact info is posted below if you need clarification on anything! You're invited to visit our REAL ESTATE / Legal Residency website at www.costaricareti…
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Tieraona Low Dog, MD, ABOIM, joins Integrative Practitioner Content Specialist Avery St. Onge to discuss her journey as an integrative medicine doctor after being honored as a pioneer in the field at the Integrative Healthcare Symposium’s 20th anniversary celebration. About the Expert Tieraona Low Dog, M.D.’s path in integrative medicine is unique,…
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Kathie Swift, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND, EBQ, joins Integrative Practitioner Content Specialist Avery St. Onge to discuss the evolution of integrative medicine after being honored as a pioneer in the field at the Integrative Healthcare Symposium’s 20th anniversary celebration. About the Expert Author, educator, and registered dietitian/nutritionist, Kathi…
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Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACN, FACB, CNS, joins Integrative Practitioner Content Specialist Avery St. Onge to discuss how he became the father of functional medicine and what he envisions for the future of integrative healthcare. About the Expert Dr. Jeffrey Bland is a personable and highly respected thought leader who has spent more than five decades f…
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Frank Lipman, MD, joins Integrative Practitioner Content Specialist Avery St. Onge to discuss his career in integrative medicine after being honored as a pioneer in the field at the Integrative Healthcare Symposium’s 20th anniversary celebration. About the Expert A world renowned pioneer and innovator in integrative and functional medicine with mor…
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Are you running your family like a well-structured organization, or does it feel like chaos and misalignment? In this episode of Integrative You Radio, we dive into how the same principles that make businesses thrive—clear values, communication, and accountability—can transform your household dynamics. Discover how identifying your personal and fam…
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What’s new in edtech? In this episode, I break down Google’s new parent permission requirements, an awesome Google Classroom add-on, and Screencastify’s expanded free plan. Science teachers, you’ll want to hear about PhET Simulations inside Quizizz, and we’ll discuss Common Sense Media’s latest report on AI in education. Plus, I’ll wrap up with a t…
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Gérald Darmanin doit annoncer ce 6 mars quelle prison sera choisie pour accueillir les 100 plus gros bonnets du narcotrafic. Quatre sites sont envisagés : Condé-sur-Sarthe, Vendin-le-Vieil, Saint-Maur et Arles. Certains policiers et magistrats craignent que la concentration au même endroit de bandits de haut niveau soit contreproductive.…
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La santé du pape François, hospitalisé depuis le 14 février pour une double pneumonie, inquiète profondément les fidèles. À Rome, l'ombre de sa santé fragile plane sur les touristes français, touchés par la personnalité attachante du Saint-Père.بقلم Europe 1
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Dans une allocution télévisée ce mercredi soir, Emmanuel Macron a pris la parole pour affirmer la position de la France et de l’Europe face à la Russie et à l’Ukraine. Ne manquant pas l’occasion de réaffirmer son leadership national et européen, il cherche à redresser sa popularité tout en imposant son projet de défense européenne.…
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Tous les jours dans la matinale d’Europe 1, Olivier de Lagarde scrute et analyse la presse du jour. Aujourd’hui, l'allocution d'Emmanuel Macron sur la nécessité de créer une défense européenne et la menace russe, un livre pour enfants sans Israël et le scandale de l'A69.بقلم Europe 1
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Dans cette édition : Emmanuel Macron s'adresse solennellement aux Français pour les appeler à la mobilisation face à la menace russe, annonçant le renforcement de la défense européenne et la possibilité d'un déploiement de troupes en Ukraine. Gérald Darmanin dévoile son projet de création d'une super-prison pour les 100 plus gros narcotrafiquants d…
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Dans cette édition : Emmanuel Macron appelle les Français à l'action face à la menace russe en Ukraine et annonce des réformes majeures pour renforcer la défense européenne, notamment par des investissements massifs et un débat sur l'élargissement de la dissuasion nucléaire française. Le président souhaite s'imposer comme le leader de l'Europe, alo…
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Dans cette édition : Le président Macron s'adresse aux Français pour évoquer la menace russe qui touche désormais l'Europe et appelle à ne pas rester spectateur, annonçant des investissements majeurs pour renforcer la défense européenne. L'industrie française de la défense, très solide, va devoir augmenter sa cadence de production pour répondre aux…
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Tous les soirs, la rédaction d'Europe 1 vous livre le concentré de l'actualité du jour, tout en gardant un œil sur les événements à venir avec les Unes de la presse du lendemain.بقلم Europe 1
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C'est un débat politique tendu qui se tient à l'Assemblée nationale autour de la libération de l'écrivain franco-algérien Boualem Sansal. L'invitée d'Alexandre Le Mer est Constance Le Grip, députée Ensemble pour la République et rapporteure d'une proposition de résolution visant à exiger la libération immédiate de Boualem Sansal, détenu arbitrairem…
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Send us a text Sacrifice. . for a noble cause, it take bravery and dedication to a higher end. "Take one for the team!" Pepe shares with us his theory behind his short yet meaningful life! You're invited to visit our REAL ESTATE / Legal Residency website at Lots to see and over 2,500 properties to revi…
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Send us a text Luxury Living in Costa Rica’s Pura Vida | 5-Acres Estate near Quepos Quepos (EHC-2532) - For Sale $2,500,000 USD Type: Houses Beds: 7 Baths: 7 Construction Size: 15000 Sq. Ft. MLS: EHC-2532 Discover the epi…
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Dans cette édition : Un ressortissant algérien considéré comme dangereux par les autorités françaises a été expulsé vers l'Algérie, mais le pays a refusé de l'accueillir, le renvoyant en France. Le président Emmanuel Macron s'adresse aux Français pour évoquer la situation internationale, notamment les relations avec les États-Unis et la menace russ…
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Dans cette édition : Le président Emmanuel Macron s'adressera aux Français ce soir à 20h pour évoquer les défis auxquels le pays est confronté, notamment la menace russe et les questions de souveraineté. Lors de son discours devant le Congrès américain, le président Donald Trump a évoqué le conflit en Ukraine, appelant à la fin de la "guerre lâche"…
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Lors d'un match contre Brest, l'entraîneur de l'OL Paulo Fonseca a fait un front contre front avec l’arbitre, après un carton rouge adressé par Benoît Millot, dimanche 2 mars dernier. Une scène inimaginable dans d’autres disciplines comme le rugby, qui dénoncent un tel comportement.بقلم Europe 1
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Le parquet de Nanterre vient de rendre son réquisitoire définitif dans l'affaire Nahel. Il réclame que le policier, auteur du tir mortel, soit jugé devant une cour d'assises pour meurtre. Autrement dit, le parquet considère qu'il avait bel et bien l'intention de tuer le jeune homme. Europe 1 s'est procuré le document judiciaire et la lecture du dos…
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Les catholiques entament ce mercredi 5 mars le Carême, une période de jeûne qui ne concerne pas seulement la nourriture mais aussi nos appareils numériques pour certains jeunes qui décident de réduire leur utilisation. Europe 1 est allée à leur rencontre.بقلم Europe 1
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Tous les jours dans la matinale d’Europe 1, Olivier de Lagarde scrute et analyse la presse du jour. Aujourd’hui, le début du Carême, le fast-checking face à la religion et l'imposition de nouveaux droits de douane par Donald Trump.بقلم Europe 1
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Dans cette édition : Le parquet de Nanterre réclame le renvoi en cour d'assises pour meurtre du policier auteur du tir mortel sur le jeune Naël dans les Hauts-de-Seine, suscitant la colère du syndicat de police Alliance qui dénonce une décision "quasi politique". Les autorités ont saisi 10 tonnes de cocaïne, d'une valeur de plus de 300 millions d'e…
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Dans cette édition : Donald Trump a prononcé un discours très attendu devant le Congrès américain, évoquant notamment sa stratégie commerciale avec les droits de douane, la guerre en Ukraine et son soutien à Elon Musk. Des groupuscules d'extrême-gauche appellent à s'en prendre aux concessions et véhicules Tesla, en réaction à la politique d'Elon Mu…
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Dans cette édition : Le président américain Donald Trump a prononcé un discours au Congrès, évoquant notamment ses mesures sur les droits de douane, l'immigration et la lutte contre le wokisme. Dans l'affaire Naël, le parquet de Nanterre a requis un procès pour meurtre à l'encontre du policier ayant tiré sur l'adolescent de 17 ans, malgré les concl…
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Alexandre Le Mer reçoit Roger Vicot, député socialiste du Nord et co-rapporteur de la proposition de loi visant à renforcer la lutte contre le narcotrafic en France. Alors que le pays vient de connaître une saisie record de 10 tonnes de cocaïne dans le port de Dunkerque, représentant une valeur de 320 millions d'euros, l'urgence d'agir contre ce fl…
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Dans cette édition : L'état de santé du pape François, hospitalisé depuis plus de deux semaines pour une double pneumonie, est stable selon le dernier bulletin de santé publié par le Vatican. Après le gel de l'aide militaire américaine envoyée à l'Ukraine, le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky propose une trêve immédiate des combats dans les ai…
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Dans cette édition : Le parquet requiert un procès pour meurtre contre le policier impliqué dans la mort de Naël, un jeune de 17 ans, lors d'un contrôle de police à Nanterre en juin 2023. Volodymyr Zelensky annonce sur Twitter qu'il est prêt à travailler sous la direction de Donald Trump pour obtenir une paix durable en Ukraine et signer l'accord s…
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