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show episodes
Muusika mängib kasiinos olulist rolli, luues mugava ja lõõgastava atmosfääri. See aitab vähendada stressi, parandab meeleolu ja muudab mängukogemuse nauditavamaks. Hästi valitud meloodiad aitavad mängijatel end rahulikumalt tunda ja keskenduda meelelahutusele, luues täiusliku keskkonna puhkuseks.
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ilovemywife podcast

Anne Steele and Kelli Carpenter

#ilovemywifepodcast is an entertainment show hosted by married couple Kelli and Anne. These wives do it all, travel, music, empty nester parenting and of course cocktailing! Go on the road with them for all new adventures in Season 5!
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Eman Amini

پادکست ایلولا یه مونولاگ از نوشته‌های ایلولاست برای اونایی که حس خوندن ندارن یا از شنیدن بیشتر از خوندن خوششون میاد
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Iti programa a "Bagnos Iti Biag" ket paset iti ministeryo iti Thru the Bible iti intiro a lubong maipapan iti sursuro iti Biblia. Iti tunggal paset na daytoy ket orihinal nga aramid ni Dr. J. Vernon McGee a naiyangay ken naipataros iti nasurok a sangagasot (100) a lenguahe ken pagsasao. Panggip iti daytoy tallo-pulo (30) a minuto a programa iti radyo a nasimpa na a maidalan dagiti agdengdengngeg iti intiro a Biblia. Itatta ngarud ket addan a mabalin yon a mangngeg nga online iti tunggal pase ...
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يوميا+ offers the best opportunity for creators to collaborate with different brands and monetize their content. Visit for more details now.
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Glow by Margaux-Ilona

Margaux-Ilona Letouche

Bienvenue dans Glow, le podcast dédié aux femmes ambitieuses et visionnaires qui aspirent à changer le monde. Ici, nous te fournissons la dose de manifestation 4.0 dont tu as besoin pour décupler ton ambition et atteindre la vie de tes rêves. À travers des contenus inspirants, motivants et pratiques, nous t'accompagnons dans ton parcours pour devenir une leader du monde de demain. Entre conseils pratiques, visualisations puissantes et moments de pleine conscience, découvre comment aligner to ...
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This podcast was created so I could talk about the genius of Ilona Andrews. They are the co-authors, Ilona Gordon and Andrew Gordon, who have created the Kate Daniels series, the Edge series, the Hidden Legacy series, the Innkeeper series, and spawned many shorter stories over the last decade and a half. This project is my humble attempt to study and appreciate the literary style of House Andrews. (A special note to the Book Devouring Horde: thank you for being the amazing community you are!)
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The Ilona Effect

Jason Whitesel

The son of his estranged mother has the opportunity to interview her and ask the questions about long-held family secrets, her years of drug addiction and how this affected his childhood growing up with his grandparents, her parents. Support this podcast:
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Take a seat in this safe space full of positive vibes to learn how to take the first steps to start your personal level up journey by raising your self-esteem. During this journey of evolving into your highest and best self there will undoubtedly be various struggles. This podcast openly shares these struggles and provides inspiration through lived experiences, spiritual teachings, therapeutic techniques and powerful affirmations. You will be forced to self-reflect and self-improve, so any e ...
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show series
🚀 Comment Utiliser le Journaling pour Manifester Tes Désirs ? Il existe une pratique puissante qui permet aux femmes ambitieuses et visionnaires de clarifier leurs intentions, élever leur vibration et manifester plus rapidement leurs désirs. Trop de personnes sous-estiment le pouvoir de l’écriture… et c’est un énorme frein à leur manifestation. Mai…
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🚀Comment transformer ton identité pour devenir Inarrêtable ? Il existe un cadre puissant qui permet aux femmes ambitieuses et visionnaires d’élever leur jeu, d’incarner pleinement leur puissance et de se faire enfin remarquer. Trop de femmes restent dans l’ombre… et c’est en partie leur faute. Mais ça s’arrête ici ! Dans cette vidéo, je te partage …
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Join Anne & Kelli for their 240th NEW episode of #ilovemywife podcast. They begin by talking about being home for a couple of months and asking for topics and questions from listeners via social media. They catch you up on Anne’s root canal and the aftermath. You know it was dramatic! Next, they fill you in on their road trip to Maine with their so…
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Tu sens que tu lâches prise ? Que tu n'y arrives plus ? Cette vidéo de motivation est faite pour toi ! Découvre les 3 clés essentielles pour surmonter les obstacles et retrouver la force de réaliser tes rêves ! 🌟✨ Ne manque pas cette opportunité de découvrir comment ces habitudes peuvent réellement changer ta vie. Et si tu veux aller plus loin, ins…
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Prête à transformer ton identité et à reprendre le contrôle de tes pensées ? Découvre les 3 habitudes puissantes qui vont changer ta vie de femme ! 🌟✨ Dans cette vidéo, je te dévoile des stratégies simples mais efficaces pour hacker ton cerveau et devenir la meilleure version de toi-même. Tu apprendras comment : Transformer ta perception pour renfo…
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Chaque soir, tu as le pouvoir d’influencer ton futur. Ce hack rapide t’aide à reprogrammer ton subconscient et à aligner ton énergie avec tes objectifs. Au programme : Clarifie ton désir en quelques bullet points Visualise ta réussite et ressens-la pleinement Observe le changement en toi et ancre cette nouvelle énergie Choisis une action concrète à…
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Muusika roll kunstis ja selle mõju kasiinodes Muusika on üks olulisemaid kunstivorme, millel on võime edasi anda emotsioone, inspireerida ja luua teatud meeleolu. See mängib võtmerolli erinevates kunstivaldkondades – alates teatrist ja filmist kuni maalikunsti ja arhitektuurini, täiustades visuaalseid kujundeid ja andes neile sügavust. Teatris ja k…
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Join Anne & Kelli for their 239th NEW episode of #ilovemywife podcast. They begin by talking about how the new apartment is starting to finally feel like home. All of that really started to happen with they began having family and friends over for dinner. They also talk about the learning curve of hanging their artwork including learning how to han…
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Join Anne & Kelli for their 238th NEW episode of #ilovemywife podcast. They begin by talking about celebrating their 7th anniversary of their podcast! They reminisce about their first guest Judy Gold and how she loved that they had a big fight the night before the podcast launched. Next, they give you the low down on their move to Nyack and how the…
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The Coaching Wisdom Every Sports Parent and Coach Needs – A Conversation with Greg BergeThe Coaching Wisdom Every Sports Parent and Coach Needs – A Conversation with Greg Berge. How do you build a winning team culture? What’s the biggest mistake parents make in youth sports? And why do some of the best players never start?In this episode, I sit dow…
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Join Anne & Kelli for their 237th NEW episode of #ilovemywife podcast. They begin by talking about the day they are recording this episode because it is significant in many ways. First and foremost, it was MLK Day. They honor his memory and his legacy with their favorite quotes from Dr. King. Second, it was Inauguration Day. They talk about the nex…
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Breaking Through Fear and Perfectionism in Youth Sports, with Rebecca Smith. Why do some kids freeze in sports while others thrive under pressure?Breaking Through Fear and Perfectionism in Youth Sports. In this episode, I sit down with Rebecca Smith, founder of Complete Performance Coaching and Perform Happy, to discuss the hidden mental struggles …
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