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show episodes

City Life Church Leuven

City Life Church Leuven

Welkom bij de City Life Church Leuven Podcast. We zijn er om mensen te helpen God te vinden, vrijheid te ervaren en een verschil te maken. We hopen dat je bemoedigd wordt door deze Podcast. Je mag elke week een nieuwe Episode verwachten.
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Welcome to the weekly podcast of Pastor Tim Woody and City Life Church in Fort Worth, Texas. City Life Church exists to influence culture by making Jesus known. For more information visit us online at
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City Life with Raymond Cazis

City Life Church

City Life Church exists to lift you up in your relationship with Jesus Christ as you navigate life in NYC. We are a family of believers seeking to serve our communities with authentic grace and humility. Raymond Cazis is the lead pastor. This podcast includes his Biblical sermons and additional messages from our other pastors and guest speakers. To learn more visit our website at
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City Life Church

City Life Church

Messages by pastor Marc Holland and other guests. Introducing you to the loving God you've been longing to experience. Sundays at 10:00am, 2574 21st Street, Midtown Sacramento, California
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City Rev Life Podcast

City Rev Church

Conversations on what it looks like to live like Christ in a modern culture, how to navigate relationships, and equip you to make a difference in your city. To learn more visit our website at or download the City Rev App. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here:
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New Life City

New Life City

Welcome to the New Life City Sermoncast! We're glad you're here. New Life City is a Spirit and Word church based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Join us Live at Sat. | 6p Sun. | 10a
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Welcome to the Huntsville City Lifestyle Podcast, your auditory gateway to the heart of the Rocket City! Join us as we embark on a thrilling exploration of all things Huntsville, Alabama – where southern charm meets cutting-edge technology. Our podcast is your front-row seat to the pulse of this vibrant city, bringing you stories that capture the essence of the community, the spirit of innovation, and the richness of its diverse culture.
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Victoria Shaffer, aspiring actress, babysitter extraordinaire and animal enthusiast is on her own for the first time in New York City. A student in college, Victoria lives with her two dogs, Rue and Echo. Tails of the City will follow Victoria as she interviews New Yorkers, asking them for advice on how they do it-- caring for their dogs, juggling home life with a career, all the while managing to survive in the world's most hectic city.
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Life In The Urban City

Just Us 4 Youth

Just Us 4 Youth created a podcast called Life in the Urban City which brings to life the stories JU4Y youth and staff go through on a daily basis. We want to encourage students to know they are not the only person going through these tough life situations. For the youth worker we want to encourage you and help you persevere through the tough times life brings you.
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Welcome to Life & Times with Tubb City. A former college football player and coach, who is now a Scout for professional athletes and entrepreneur. Join us at Life and Times as upcoming personalities in the sports, entertainment and the real world sit down and have conversations about their journey thru this thing we call Life. Inspiring stories that range anywhere from personal struggles, to public trials and tribulations. In the end we are all trying to find the secret code to develop the w ...
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Pets in New York City are like no other pets in the world. Just like their people, city pets of all types have to grapple with cramped apartments (if they’re lucky enough to find a pet-friendly building) local politics, busy streets and dog-run drama. No hopping into the backseat or backyard for them! And those are just the pets that already have homes-pets waiting for adoption have to contend with life in overwhelmed city shelters or life on the streets. "Pets in the City" with New York Tai ...
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show series
Pastor Ray examines the Biblical foundation of marriage and studies why God included that as part of human flourishing. Scripture: Ephesians 5:28-32. This message was recorded as part of a Sunday service at City Life Church, Brooklyn, NY. ASL interpretation is provided. Questions? Email: For more information visit: https://…
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Hij is gekend voor zijn groot geloof in God. Maar de Bijbel laat ons ook zien dat ondanks dat hij een groot geloof vertoont door alles achter te laten en te gaan naar waar de Heer hem zeggen zou, dat hij ook een aantal lage momenten heeft gekend. Wanneer er hongersnood in Kanaän komt, vertrouwt hij niet op God om voor gezorgd te worden, maar trekt …
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Life is full of ups and downs, setbacks, frustrations, challenges and difficulties. How do we make it through, especially when everything looks bleak and dark? In this life, obstacles are common, but our God is uncommon! Learn how to trust in the Lord like never before. It's simply a choice to be strengthened to persevere through His power.…
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In the third and final episode of Gambling & God, host Angelica Barros sits down with Pastors Josh Slautterback and Craig Stephens to tackle a new kind of gamble—pyramid schemes, cryptocurrency, and the fast-moving world of digital assets. In a culture that constantly promises quick wealth, how can Christians discern between wise investing and reck…
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Pastor Reed teaches on the Ten Commandments in our series New Year, New You. They are NOT what you think. Bring your idols. You’ll need to rethink things after listening to this. Questions? Email: For more information visit: Facebook: All Mus…
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Meer van God zien en groeien in intimiteit met Hem vraagt een hartsgesteldheid van nederigheid; die weet dat God God is en wij niet; die weet dat wij het waren die God de rug toe keerde daar waar Hij altijd trouw bleef aan Zijn verbond om ons Zijn nabijheid en Zijn leven te geven. “Maar een nederigen schenkt Hij Zijn genade” (Jak. 4:6). Door wat Je…
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God created us to live in honor, innocence, peace, and prosperity. The fall changed that. In this message we examine how Christ offers us a solution for fear and anxiety. We will be looking at Matthew 6. Questions? Email: For more information visit: Facebook:…
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