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Die Biohacking-Praxis

The Red Bulletin

Jeden Dienstag neu: Der Podcast, der dich gesünder besser länger leben lässt. Verbessere deine Fitness, deine Performance, deine Lebensqualität. Mit den einfachsten Tricks und den spannendsten Hacks. Zu Ernährung, Supplements, Training, Lifestyle. Deine Hosts: Profi-Biohacker Andreas Breitfeld und Hobby-Biohacker Stefan Wagner.
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Twee biohacking experts nemen je wekelijks mee in een kort gesprek over het allernieuwste en beste in de wereld van biohacking. Eduard de Wilde, anti-aging specialist, is 101 jaar en wordt nog om z'n ID gevraagd bij de supermarkt. Samen met Govert Viergever, Olympiër en geboren met een paplepel creatine in z'n gespierde knuistje. Een bite-size BiohackingTalk over welke hacks wij nu relevant vinden, hoe we ze doen en waarom. Een kleine greep uit de onderwerpen: verbetering van slaap, training ...
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Biohacking News by Zestology

Tony Wrighton

Biohacking news, reviews, and tech with journalist and author Tony Wrighton. Drawing on years of experience and a bulging contacts book, Tony brings you the biggest stories—and some downright crazy trends—from the world of biohacking. With Dave Asprey, Esther Perel, Paul Saladino, JJ Virgin, Ben Greenfield, Dr. David Sinclair, Joe Wicks, and many more.
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A biohacking change-maker where intuition, science, self-experimentation, research, biology, technology, nutrition, fitness, environment, mindset, and wellness intersect. The show strives to give listeners insights and approachable methods to build the most effective and efficient path to building a stronger, healthier and ultimately…happier life. WELLPOWER is the ultimate biohacking roadmap and here to share continued learning around health optimization. And, it would be an honor to have yo ...
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The Biohacking Secrets Show

Anthony DiClementi

Biohacker and bestselling author Anthony DiClementi deconstructs the most effective, uncommon strategies to rapidly upgrade physical and mental performance. He sits down with world class experts from a wide variety of disciplines to tease out the latest research, products, routines, habits, and resources for hacking the human body and optimizing quality of life. Each episode reveals incredible new methods for improving body composition, energy production, cognitive function, athletic perform ...
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Biohacking with Brittany

Brittany Ford

Embark on a transformative journey to elevate your well-being with Biohacking with Brittany. Join host Brittany Ford, Registered Holistic Nutritionist and optimal health enthusiast, as she delves into the world of biohacking, tailored specifically for women, unlocking the secrets to optimizing health and balance. From nurturing mind, body, and soul to exploring natural remedies and cutting-edge technologies, this empowering podcast is your ultimate guide to a holistic and thriving life. Tune ...
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Join best-selling author and actress Melanie Avalon as she interviews today's leading health and wellness experts, going beyond the fads to bring you all the biohacking tips, tricks, and techniques to effortlessly upgrade your body, brain, and life. Because why not live awesome? You got this! Theme Music by Narek Mirzaei, Artwork by Barbara McGregor
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Welcome to Biohacking Beauty – your anti-aging skincare podcast. This podcast focuses on how to reduce the age of your skin (and body) by giving you tips and tricks for aging gracefully (say goodbye to fine lines and wrinkles!). We dive into topics like mature skin care, anti-aging skincare, anti-aging serums, retinol benefits, boosting skin elasticity, vitamin C for skin, wrinkle prevention and so much more. We also share lifestyle shifts and other biohacks you can use to not only reduce th ...
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Biohacking Eve - differentiated health optimisation for women. Let's make it all about Eve! Have you ever listened to the titans of Health Optimisation, Biohacking and Longevity and wondered “That’s all really great, but what if I’m a woman?” If so, welcome to “Biohacking Eve – Health Optimisation for Women!” My name is Judith Mueller and I’m here to help you navigate the maze of information by shining a light on true differentiation for women when it comes to health optimisation. Together, ...
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W podcascie poruszam tematy biohackingu, takie jak sen, rytm dobowy, redukcja stresu, medytacja, odżywianie, saunowanie, morsowanie, ale także jak wprowadzać biohacking na konkretnych przykładach dla lepszego samopoczucia i produktywności.
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Your Infinite Health Podcast empowers you to be the CEO of your healthcare. Pills are not always the answer to pain and aging. This show discusses exciting advancements in regenerative medicine and optimizing your health. We'll examine anti-aging bio-hacks such as stem cells, exosomes, and other regenerative medicinal options that have been peer-reviewed. Hosts Dr. Trip Goolsby and LeNae Goolsby own and operate an Integrative Medical Center and collectively have over 60 years of experience. ...
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The host of this podcast is Iryna Kremin, the founder of the B2B beauty business network, INNOCOS, professional connector turned biohacker. She believes that all people can have access to a latest beauty, health & wellness know-how, regardless of our circumstances, backgrounds, orientations or demographics. In this educational podcast she invites top beauty, health, longevity and wellbeing experts and entrepreneurs to talk about optimising your health, beauty and wellbeing with the help of t ...
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Der Bizepskuchen-Podcast ist dein mobiles Lexikon für vegane Fitness & Biohacking. Matze und Kathrin teilen ihre Erfahrung aus 5 Jahren Fitness und vegane Ernährung. Wir geben dir unsere besten Tipps, um durch kleine aber effektive Veränderungen deine Lebensqualität & dein Wohlbefinden maximal zu steigern.
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Bienvenue à la Biohacking School, le tout premier podcast francophone dédié au Biohacking. Ici, nous parlons nutrition, bien-être et... biohacking bien entendu, l'art d'utiliser la science et la biologie pour (re)prendre le contrôle de votre santé, améliorer vos performances mentales et physiques et faire passer votre vie au niveau supérieur. Ma mission est simple mais pas des moindres : vous aider à devenir des superhéros de votre vie car vous êtes nés pour performer comme tel tout simpleme ...
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Your ultimate resource for mastering physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Want to transition from merely surviving to truly thriving through healing naturally? Each episode goes deep into everything related to healing using holistic wellness, Functional Medicine, and energy medicine for chronic illnesses like Lyme Disease, Autoimmune, detoxification and mindfulness practices. Discover actionable steps to unlock your best self and take command of your health journey. Remember, it's not ...
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Discover the transformative power of biohacking and holistic wellness on the "M.D.IVA: Biohacking Your Human Potential" podcast. Join Producer Logan Brown and M.D.IVA, a physician, chemist, and psychologist, as they unravel the latest insights and strategies for optimizing health, performance, and well-being. With a multidisciplinary approach to biohacking, M.D.IVA offers a feminine twist while Logan asks the questions that you want answered in order to unlock your full potential and achievi ...
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Bienvenue sur le podcast Nayl Dewitte. Inscrit toi à ma newsletter et recoit du contenu exclusif Ma Chaine youtube : Mon Site Web : Mon Podcast : Le podcast des scanneurs et des grinders. Podcast traitant de : - biohacking, de nootropique (nootropic) et smartdrugs (tel que le modafinil (provigil), l'adrafinil, le noopept, la choline, picamilon, 5 htp, etc..) - de life hacking - de transhumani ...
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Transcend Your Limits is where I share life advice, personal growth tips, biohacking techniques and various other things. My mission is to help the world raise in vibration/frequency and promote peace, love, interconnectedness and unity. To get free stuff go to OR, watch my free video on how to raise your vibrations on my other site, here: ❤️ If you enjoyed listening to this, please leave a good review wherever you're ...
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This is Biohacking

This is Biohacking Productions

This is a podcast to ignite curiosity and change the way you think about your body and health. Alexa and Anna Beth hack the limits of human potential to match the quality and length of your life. Discovering habits to achieve your optimal wellness and transforming mind, body, and spirit - This is Biohacking.
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The Elite HRV Podcast: Heart Rate Variability, Biohacking Health & Performance, Quantified Self

Jason Moore: Systems Designer, Tinkerer, Health and Performance Consultant

Uncommon methods for maximizing health and performance with an emphasis on real-world implementation of Heart Rate Variability and other biomarkers. From biohacking to quantified self, world class doctors, coaches and athletes cover the latest research (from the lab and field), and the methods and "tricks" that get the best results. Right out of the gate you can expect the President of the American Functional Medicine Association, leading HRV researchers, elite and Olympic-level sport scient ...
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Hey friends, welcome to the Sustain Your Success Podcast. I know you’ve built an amazing business from the ground up on your terms. You’ve got the clients, the money and the platform you’ve always dreamed up. You don’t settle for less and your rebel heart wants it all: Love, money and career. The only bit of insider information you’re missing is how do you sustain this level of success and still get to truly surrender and enjoy life to the fullest, because deep down, you know, you can’t do t ...
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show series
Mit welchen Nootropica holt man sich Extra-Antrieb, wenn’s zählt? Eine Folge über Dopamin-Abbauhemmer, stotterstartende Oldtimer und Stefans neuen liebsten Morgenstack: Uridin plus Kaffee plus Rhodiola Rosea, außerdem besorgt er sich Citicolin. Zum angesprochenen Event am Krallerhof (inklusive Käsebuffet) geht es hier. Methylenblau in Pharmaqualitä…
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Mind-Blowing Revelations! – The Ultimate Guide to Psychedelic Healing & Emotional Wellness with Tah Whitty and Heather Gray FDN-P Episode 148.Mind-Blowing Revelations! – The Ultimate Guide to Psychedelic Healing & Emotional Wellness with Tah Whitty", we dive into the transformative world of psychedelic healing. Our guest, Tah Whitty, brings cutting…
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Today: 🍔 Your diet might be destroying your sleep. A massive new study links ultra-processed food to insomnia. 🧊 Cold therapy—are we all wasting our time? Peter Attia says there’s still no real evidence for longevity benefits. But is he missing something? 🚨 What if a 15-minute scan could detect early signs of cancer, heart disease, and metabolic is…
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I dive into another exciting Q&A session where I break down my current supplement routine, the best natural alternatives to oregano oil for kids, and how to safely treat baby acne. I share my personal experiences, science-backed research, and practical tips for postpartum recovery, gut health, and longevity. Send me a DM on Instagram to get your qu…
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Hey everyone, welcome back to Biohacking Beauty! Today, we’re exploring one of the most fundamental mechanisms of aging—telomeres. These nucleotide sequences at the ends of our chromosomes act as protective caps, preserving DNA integrity during cell division. However, each time a cell replicates, telomeres shorten, eventually leading to cellular se…
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TRANSCRIPT AND FULL SHOW NOTES: JONA Get $50 off with code Melanie50 at LMNT: Get a free sample pack with any purchase at INSTAGRAM: Follow Melanie on Instagram to see the latest moments, products, and #allthethings! @melanieavalon AVALONX: AvalonX Spirulina is out n…
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Mount Kilimanjaro—a dormant volcano in Tanzania and the highest mountain in Africa. Around 35,000 to 40,000 people attempt to climb this mountain each year. But, the question is, how many people are able to reach the summit (Uhuru Peak)? Join Kristin in this episode, as she brings together a panel of extraordinary individuals—David Yeaman, his part…
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Risk vs. Reward: The dangers of traditional enlargement procedures. - How the P-Long Protocol Works: PRP, nitric oxide, and medical devices explained. - The 21st Century Man with Dr. Brandeis. Judson discusses his journey into men's health, emphasizing the importance of lifestyle changes and the correlation between erectile dysfunction and cardiova…
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Send us a text Understanding Folic Acid and Personalised Health Optimisation with Judith Mueller and Dr Enej Kuscer In this episode of Biohacking Eve: Health Optimisation for Women, Judith Mueller and Dr Enej Kuscer delve into the importance of folic acid (vitamin B9) during pregnancy, emphasising its role in DNA and RNA synthesis. They explore the…
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Wat hebben een Olympische mindset, Stoïcisme en Biohacking met elkaar te maken? Meer dan je denkt. In deze aflevering ontdek je hoe de tijdloze principes van de Stoïcijnen Eduard en Govert helpen om stress te managen, discipline op te bouwen en veerkrachtig te blijven—zowel mentaal als fysiek. Combineer dit met de wetenschappelijke kant van biohack…
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Waarom zweren sommige atleten bij bietensap? Wat maakt nitraten zo krachtig voor zowel sportprestaties als bloeddrukverlaging? In deze aflevering van BiohackingTalks duiken Govert en Eduard vol gas in de wereld van Nitric Oxide (NO), de voedingsmiddelen die het bevatten en de supplementen die het kunnen boosten. Govert en Eduard leggen de wetenscha…
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ShapeScale scans you in photorealistic 3D to give you a visual overview of your progress. ShapeScale allows you to see the changes that your eyes can't see. But does it work and is it worth it? Know what to focus on with scores Health and body scores let you know which area you should target and if your efforts are paying off Quantified Bob was my …
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Today, we’re diving into a discovery that could reshape how we think about aging—C15, a newly identified essential fatty acid that plays a crucial role in cellular resilience, inflammation control, and longevity. For decades, we’ve been told to avoid saturated fats, but what if that advice led to widespread nutritional deficiencies? Dr. Stephanie V…
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What if your clothing could actively improve your health? Lymphatic health is the next frontier in biohacking. And Elastique Athletics is leading the charge with MicroPerle® technology, a breakthrough designed to support your body's natural recovery process—trusted by elite athletes, biohackers, and even celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow. Today, a B…
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Welcome to this episode of the Renegade Health Boss Podcast: "Unlock Your Thyroid Miracle! – The Fastest Path to Hormonal Balance and Vitality with Dr. Amie Hornaman." In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Amie Hornaman, a leading expert in thyroid health, to explore how optimizing your thyroid can transform your energy levels, metabolism, and over…
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Anna Lozano is an entrepreneur, energy coach, and co-founder of Love Powered Co., helping women step away from hustle culture and design a life of freedom, balance, and self-love. We talk about Anna’s journey of moving to Mexico with her family, how this decision transformed her perspective on work-life balance, and how she has integrated a slower,…
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Die Folge über Testosteron, Östrogen, SHGB, HGH, bioidente Hormone, Testosteron-Ersatztherapie, wie man das alles vernünftig misst und lenkt und warum das alles wirklich ziemlich wichtig ist, wenn wir ein bisschen länger leben wollen. Zum Event am Krallerhof geht es hier. Mehr zu Adon Health gibt es hier. Mit dem Rabattcode Yourbest20 gibt es 20 Pr…
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💀 Rhonda Patrick’s Senate testimony blew up online—her shocking stat on a leading cause of death broke the internet. 💊 Wasting money on supplements? A new AI-powered app is changing the game—track, optimize, and finally know what’s working. 🔬 And Quantified Bob reveals his latest supplement stack—what’s in it, and should you be doing the same? Foll…
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In this Q&A episode, I explore the science of sleep optimization, the hidden challenges of C-section recovery, and the controversial world of psychedelics for mental health and performance. As a biohacker and new mom, I share my personal experiences, research-backed strategies, and practical tips for improving sleep quality, healing postpartum, and…
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For years, skincare has been about quick fixes, hydration, plumping, and surface-level treatments that make your skin look better but don’t actually reverse aging. But what if the future of skincare wasn’t about temporary effects, but about reprogramming your skin at the cellular level? In this episode of Biohacking Beauty, I take a deep dive into …
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TRANSCRIPT AND FULL SHOW NOTES: Get 20% off with code melanieavalon for 20% off at INSTAGRAM: Follow Melanie on Instagram to see the latest moments, products, and #allthethings! @melanieavalon AVALONX: AvalonX Spirulina is out now! AvalonX supplements are free of toxic fillers and common …
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Steve Revelli, Chief Science Officer of Silver Biotics dives into the fascinating world of silver. From ancient royalty using silverware to ward off disease to cutting-edge technology like SilverSol, this episode unpacks the power of silver in health, healing, and even sports recovery. Steve shares insider details on how Silver Biotics products wor…
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The Essential Pendant by Essential Energy Solutions is designed to increase the coherence and balance of your biofield with our structured light technology. But what does that mean!! And is it worth it? This is a Biohacking Reviews episode, where we review; products, supplements, health tech, practices... whatever is new and whatever we've been try…
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Today, we’re diving into something that goes way beyond skincare, how your skin is actually a powerful window into your overall health and longevity. Most people think of aging as just wrinkles and fine lines, but the reality is that what’s happening on the surface is a direct reflection of what’s going on at the cellular level. To explore this, I’…
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I break down the biggest wellness trends of 2025—what's already making waves and what’s coming next. From cold water therapy and “sensehacking” to the longevity boom and the apple cider vinegar comeback, I explore the science behind these trends and how to incorporate them into your daily life. I also dive into the importance of making health a lif…
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Episode 146. In this eye-opening episode of the Renegade Health Boss Podcast, we sit down with naturopath and researcher Darlene Teahen to explore the often misunderstood practice of urine therapy. Darlene shares her extensive knowledge and personal experiences, shedding light on the potential health benefits and addressing common misconceptions su…
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Kreativer, produktiver, fokussierter arbeiten? Verwende Licht, Bewegung, Screen, Sound und Pausen. Außerdem: Wieso du in Hotellobbys bessere Ideen hast und wann und wie du auf gar keinen Fall binaurale Beats einsetzen sollst. Ein kostengünstiges Influencer-Ringlicht gibt es hier. Andrew Huberman schwört ja morgens und vormittags auf LED-beleuchtete…
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RFK Jr. launches investigation into EMFs and environmental toxins pledging unbiased science to uncover links to chronic disease. A huge shake-up is happening, and we are covering it all here. Joining me is Adam Parker, Detox Coach and well-known health face as well as friend of the show, plus Nick Pineault, ‘The EMF Guy’—one of the most respected j…
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I dive into the reality of balancing work and motherhood, the science of heart rate variability (HRV) tracking, and the signs of postpartum depression, anxiety, and OCD. As a new mom, I share my personal experiences, research-backed insights, and practical strategies for optimizing health and mental well-being during this phase of life. Want your q…
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For years, skincare has focused on surface-level solutions, moisturizers, retinol, collagen creams… but what if we told you that true skin rejuvenation starts at the cellular level? Traditional skincare is designed to mask aging, but new research in longevity science reveals that the root causes of aging go much deeper. In this episode of Biohackin…
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TRANSCRIPT AND FULL SHOW NOTES: VICTUS 88 Get $55 off Victus88 testing with code melanieavalon at LMNT: For a limited time, LMNT Chocolate Medley returns, featuring Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Chai, and Chocolate Raspberry. Get a free sample pack with any purchase at IN…
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Lauren Colenso Semple is a researcher focused on women's health and exercise science. She discusses the significant gaps in research regarding sex-based differences, particularly in resistance training and fitness, and the implications of extrapolating findings from studies conducted primarily on men. Lauren emphasizes the need for more targeted re…
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Bioidentical hormones—game-changing health hack or overhyped risk? We dive into the science, the benefits, and the hidden dangers to find out if they’re really worth it! Valerie Orsoni isn’t just a wellness expert—she’s a pioneer in biohacking, longevity, and peak performance. Founder of LeBootCamp and a bestselling author, she’s spent years testin…
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Welcome back to Biohacking Beauty! Today, we’re diving into the cutting-edge science of biological vs. chronological aging and how epigenetic testing is revolutionizing the way we understand skin longevity. Aging isn’t just about the number of birthdays you’ve had—it’s about how your cells are aging at the molecular level. And now, thanks to advanc…
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Dr. Chris Rhodes is a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry from UC Davis, and a Nutrition, Biohacking, and Longevity expert who has spent his research career unraveling the mysteries behind intermittent fasting and its incredible ability to optimize health and extend lifespan. During his 8 years of clinical research into prolonged fasting, Dr. Rhodes un…
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Govert heeft net de langzame magie van Yin-yoga ontdekt en voelt zich plots zo soepel als een slangenmens. Zijn podcastpartner (en zelfverklaarde stijve hark) Eduard is echter niet zo makkelijk te overtuigen. In deze aflevering hoor je hoe Govert alle mogelijke, en soms hilarische, strategieën uit de kast trekt om Eduard over te halen om ‘gewoon ee…
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In this eye-opening episode, we delved into quantum energy healing and cutting-edge products for optimizing health. Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling, founder and CEO of Leela Quantum Tech (code: BIOHACKINGBRITTANY), shared insights on EMF protection, quantum energy technology, and the remarkable benefits experienced by users. From advancement…
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Diesmal geht es um Rotlicht für den Darm, Peptide, NMN, spätes Training, die endgültige Omega-3-Berechnung, um Quantenphysik, Magnesium, Lipoprotein A, Geschirrspülmittel, Zahnseide und die große Frage: Was tun, wenn’s den Eltern nicht gut geht? HigherQi ist die Rotlicht-Marke, bei der Andreas ganz genau auf die Qualität aufpasst – da hat man also …
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