A weekly show discussing the future of transportation Alex Roy, Edward Niedermeyer, and Kirsten Korosec
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Twee keer per week het belangrijkste autonieuws. Met: Noud Broekhof.
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A podcast from an anarchist perspective
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There are authoritarian tactics already at work in the United States. To root them out, you have to know where to look.
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Hier gibt es Fahrberichte, Autotests und Autopräsentationen in Form von kurzen Radiobeiträgen von weniger als drei Minuten. Kontakt: https://www.was-audio.de/de/content/kontakt/
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Your weekly dose of auto industry news and conversation with top executives, specifically tailored for the used-car side of the business.
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The Auto Buyers Guide team is dedicated to bringing you the latest in automotive industry news, car buying advice, car reviews, and all things car, truck, SUV, and EV. Every week Alex and Travis try to tackle important questions like: are software defined cars a thing? Should shiny black plastic be banned?
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Transforming Complexity into Clarity for Small Businesses. Our passion is helping entrepreneurs and small businesses achieve rapid growth by implementing innovative business systems without tech overwhelm. The podcast focuses on business growth through automated marketing and sales, tech solutions, CRM, and mobile applications.
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Egal ob Kleinwagen oder Supersportwagen, hier werden wir Dir eine Menge spannender Autos vorstellen. Da es zu jedem Auto eine Geschichte gibt, werden uns Experten diese Stories erzählen. Was die hier vorgestellten Autos können und was sie nicht können, finden wir für Dich heraus. Und wir versprechen Dir, dass wir uns die Autos genau anschauen! Also, wenn etwas Mist ist, dann reden wir drüber. Offen und ehrlich, aber auch mit einer Menge Spaß.
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Um podcast da Razão Automóvel
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Go from monotonous to autonomous IT operations with this series. Hosts from Automox, the IT automation platform for modern organizations, will cover the latest IT trends; Patch Tuesday remediations; ways to save time with Worklets (pre-built scripts); reduce risk; slash complexity; and automate OS, third-party, and configuration updates on all your Windows, macOS, and Linux endpoints. Automate confidence everywhere with Automox.
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The Car Shipping Business Channel
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Autocross is an affordable and accessible form of amateur motorsports competition. Our objective is to provide information on autocross in general with an emphasis on autocross activity in Upstate New York.
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Este é um podcast que entende você, para você entender melhor sua mente e emoções. Para ter uma relação mais leve consigo mesmo, baixando o tom da autocobrança e da autocrítica que ecoam na cabeça. Para que possa encontrar, dentro de você, a paz que está tão difícil de encontrar no mundo. Autoconsciente é um bom lugar para se estar nestes nossos tempos conturbados. Seus episódios retratam situações que todos nós vivemos, com uma abordagem esclarecedora, acolhedora, que reenergiza. Mais do qu ...
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The Auto Detailing Podcast
Jimbo Balaam interviews guest like Barry Meguiar, Jason Rose, Yvan Lacroix,
The Auto Detailing Podcast is a show dedicated to all things auto detailing. Whether you are a weekend warrior, drive way detailer, just starting your detail business, or you have been detailing for many years there is something we can all learn. This show gives you valuable tips, tricks and interviews with todays top detailers across the world. We focus heavily on efficiency and award winning results - We keep it real and make sure every episode gives you multiple take aways to make you a b ...
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News, views, features and commentary about the automotive repair and service industry in Canada.
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"Drive to Success: Mastering Auto Finance" is a podcast that delves into the complexities of the auto finance industry, offering listeners expert insights and practical advice on loan options and vehicle refinancing. Each episode equips car buyers with the knowledge to navigate their financing decisions wisely, ensuring they achieve the best possible outcomes in their auto purchasing experiences.
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We really can’t predict the future … because nobody can. What we can do, though, is help auto manufacturers recognize, prepare for, and profit from whatever comes next. Auto Supply Chain Prophets gives you timely and relevant insights and best practices from industry leaders.
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Carmine Mallozzi and Vince Ieluzzi from wefindyourcar.ca help you find out how you can customize your pre-owned vehicle purchase. Never step foot in a dealership again - shop for a vehicle from the comfort of your own home or office. Find the car of your dreams, while saving thousands of dollars. Find out one of the best kept secrets in the industry!
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Týždenný podcast magazínu Auto Bild vám prináša náš pohľad na dôležité témy, ktoré hýbu svetom automobilov. Nina Pánska, Filip Kadlečík a Milan Adámek diskutujú o štvorkolesových novinkách, zaujímavostiach z histórie, ale aj servisných témach či nových legislatívnych návrhoch a výzvach, ktoré hýbu svetom automotive.
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Sécurité routière, radars, prix de l'essence, Christophe Bourroux décode l'actualité automobile pour vous chaque semaine.
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Hosted by Tom Pals and Ruth Lorensson, The Autonomic Homeostasis Activation Podcast explores how activating the brain to engage in homeostasis to restore optimal function holistically supports managing stress and trauma. Each episode delves into practical strategies and inspiring conversations that nurture wellness in mind, body, and spirit. Join Tom and Ruth as they break down the neuroscience of Autonomic Homeostasis Activation™ (AHA), share real-world insights, and empower you to experien ...
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At AZ Auto Aesthetics, we take great pride in being a comprehensive, full-service facility. We invite everyone to stop by our facility and take a tour. We are open 7 days a week. We can’t wait to pamper your vehicle. AZ Auto Aesthetics 7613 E Ray Rd #114 Mesa, AZ 85212 Phone: 480-241-9324 Website: https://wedetailaz.com/
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You are listening to The Auto Tech Show, a podcast dedicated to the evolution of technology in the automotive industry! Join your host, Marc Babin, as he talks shop with industry experts on this ever-changing landscape. From the latest in tech to groundbreaking new processes, you won’t want to miss a single episode.
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The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast with Kim and Brian Walker. Experts in their field who work with shop owners take it to the next level and create a unique approach to marketing. See the growth in your business you’ve been working so hard for by using time-proven marketing that works, fueled to go further by your shop's uniqueness.
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Welcome to the most influential and listened to podcast for the Car Care Industry. We are the #community that brings you fresh perspectives, real talks, motivational encouragement and we probably will be drinking some fine fermentations while we do it...but if you want to watch live then join in for the live feed on Facebook.com/hypercleanstore . Grab A Pint And Enjoy 🍻
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Welkom bij Andy in de auto! Profvoetballers, BN’ers, artiesten en Influencers stappen bij Andy in de auto voor een ritje en een goed gesprek! Elke dinsdag om 19:30 een nieuwe gast in de auto!
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Systeme der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) sind im Alltag angelangt und besitzen ein großes Potenzial, menschliches Leben und Arbeiten zu beeinflussen. Wie können wir sicherstellen, dass die menschliche Autonomie bei der Nutzung von KI gewahrt bleibt? Dr. Christiane Attig und Jun.-Prof. Dr. Benjamin Paaßen laden interdisziplinäre Expert*innen aus der KI-Forschung ein, um Licht in Black Box-Systeme zu bringen und Hörer*innen mit dem Wissen auszustatten, selbstbestimmt mitzudiskutieren und mitzu ...
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This is a podcast created for and by the fans of the greatest video game franchise ever created...Grand Theft Auto.
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Chaque samedi de 10h à 12h, Jean-Luc Moreau et Laurence Péraud décryptent l’actualité automobile, partagent conseils pratiques et répondent aux passionnés. On parle auto, le rendez-vous incontournable des amoureux de la voiture, à écouter sur Sud Radio et en podcast. Explorez aussi notre page dédiée pour approfondir vos connaissances. Retrouvez toute l'actualité de l'automobile sur notre page dédiée.
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The walls are closing in on Franchised Retail Auto Dealers as the industry is moving at break-neck velocity toward a new way of doing business. The convergence of economic and social volatility, new entrants like Tesla and Carvana, and the new rules of retail are putting Auto Dealers in a crucible that will either destroy them or refine them.Auto Collabs brings you deep into real-talk conversations with the brightest operators and innovators in the Retail Auto Industry who believe the Dealer ...
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auto motor und sport Podcasts
auto motor und sport, Jens Dralle, Sebastian Renz, Patric Otto, Patrick Lang, Tobias Grüner, Michael Schmidt, Andreas Haupt, Gerd Stegmaier, Luca Leicht
auto motor und sport steht seit über 70 Jahren für Technik und Leidenschaft rund ums Automobil. Hier bekommen sie alle Podcasts der Redaktion. Vom lockeren Auto Talk Übersteuern und jeder Menge unnützem Fachwissen über Autos von früher und heute, über Formel 1-Expertentalk Formel Schmitt mit F1-Guru Michael Schmitt und den Wissenpodcast ams erklärt bis hin zum New Mobility Format Moove, in dem Experten über die Zukunft und von den Herausforderungen sprechen, die neue Antriebsformen, Assisten ...
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Auto Off Topic is a weekly podcast where we talk cars, adventures with cars or anything that might be related to cars. We’ll even have the occasional guest.We’ll share the highs and lows of old car/project car ownership. We’ll tell cautionary tales about rusty bolts, blown head gaskets, snapped timing belts, spun bearings, janky wiring and how we fixed them. When not wrenching, we enjoy back road driving and our local Cars and Coffee. The hosts Brad DeSantis and Andrew Pascarella are two car ...
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Casa de Autocuradores é um podcast da terapeuta Renata Teixeira e de André Galdino. O intuito desse cast é abordar práticas terapêuticas, energias e dicas para ter uma vida mais equilibrada.
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Auto Finance News is pleased to present The Roadmap, the podcast on best practices and trending topics in automotive lending and leasing. If you are in auto finance, this is your podcast. Auto Finance News, published by Royal Media, is the flagship publication for the auto finance industry. Published since 1996, Auto Finance News is the nation’s leading source for news, insights and analysis on automotive lending and leasing. Auto Finance News offers a Premium subscription service, which inc ...
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Serving the Auto Detailing and Auto Film Industry - Gabe Fletcher, Founder of Detailing Growth Marketing Agency https://detailinggrowth.com brings first-hand industry knowledge in business development, marketing strategies and growth concepts to the Auto Detailing, Ceramic Coating, Window Tinting and Paint Protection Film Industry. Join their free marketing group on Facebook for more information - https://facebook.com/groups/detailinggrowth/ Interested in being on Talkin Paint? Reach out at ...
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Plenty of books, podcasts and blogs focus on building wealth – and that’s great, as far as it goes. But focusing just on wealth misses the point. I believe what most of us actually want is to have choice. Choice in how much time we give to income-producing activities. Choice about what those income-producing activities are. Choice about where we live. Choice about when we retire. Choice about the ways we use our money to produce happiness. In the Financial Autonomy podcast, I explore the dif ...
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Future Classics, der Podcast über die automobilen Klassiker, reist gleichzeitig in die Vergangenheit und in die Zukunft der Mobilität. Autos, die eine Ära prägten, die heute nicht die Welt kosten und nur darauf warten, von Sammlern, Händlern und Liebhabern wiederentdeckt zu werden. Vom Twingo bis zum Lexus LS 400, vom Nissan Patrol Gr bis zum frühen Porsche Boxster, von Benzin bis Elektromobilität, wird in jeder Folge ein Fahrzeug als zukünftiger Klassiker vorgestellt, seine Entstehungsgesch ...
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Stewart Howden, Steve Saffier and J.R. Russ talk classic cars and more, often with special guests, centered around the nearly 1,000 classic cars and "barn finds" all under one roof at the climate controlled Classic Auto Mall. You get to hear awesome stories from great guests like legendary race car driver Scott Pruett, Coker Tire founder Corky Coker, NASCAR Crew Chief Ray Evernham, NASCAR Driver Harry Dinwiddie, Al Liebmann of Racing Junk, Dave Makers of Mecum, Bring a Trailer co-founder Ran ...
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Criado em 2004, o Personare é o resultado do trabalho de profissionais especializados nos mais diferentes temas, mas com a mesma motivação: incentivar pessoas a aproveitarem melhor suas vidas. O portal traz conteúdo, serviços e ferramentas sobre os mais diversos temas como astrologia, meditação, numerologia, yoga, tarot, alimentação, florais, entre outros. Nosso objetivo é levar autoconhecimento, harmonia e bem-viver para sua vida. Conheça: www.personare.com.br
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How would you feel if the transport truck beside you on the highway had no driver? Or the car passing beside you had no driver? Would it make a difference if the widespread deployment of autonomous trucks could ease supply chain problems almost overnight and that autonomous vehicles do not get distracted or speed? And would you feel better if you knew autonomous trucks and vehicles could reduce carbon emissions by 30 percent or more. Learn more from world's leading mobility experts on The Ro ...
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Der laut-starke Mobilitäts-Podcast zu Auto, Motorrad und mehr von und mit Sebastian Bauer und Clemens Gleich. Ob mit zwei oder vier Rädern, autonom oder elektrisch. Clemens Gleich und Sebastian Bauer diskutieren Themen rund um Autos und Motorräder, die sie gerade bewegen. Mal ernst, mal zynisch.
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Bienvenidos a Conocimiento Autónomo...
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A bunch of hooligans talking about life, philosophy, games, movies, music, and everything else in between.
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F1 Post Race review| Italian Grand Prix at Monza
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"Auto Care ON AIR" is a candid podcast dedicated to exploring the most relevant topics within the auto care industry. Each episode features insightful discussions with leading experts and prominent industry figures. Our content is thoughtfully divided into four distinct shows to cover four different categories of topics, ensuring collective professional growth and a comprehensive understanding of the auto care industry. The Driver's Seat: Navigating Business and the Journey of Leadership To ...
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Podcast by Cristiane Guerra
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Floorplanning for Auto Dealers: The Pros, Cons, and Key Players
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16:09In this episode of Drive To Success: Mastering Auto Finance, we take a deep dive into floorplanning for auto dealers—what it is, how it works, and why it’s a game-changer for managing inventory and cash flow. We’ll cover the advantages and disadvantages of floorplan financing, key requirements to qualify, and the top floorplan lenders in the indust…
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Steve Levine previews second book, combined events of BHPH United & Compliance Unleashed
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17:13Steve Levine of Ignite Consulting Partners made another appearance on the Auto Remarketing Podcast for two reasons.Levine shared how his second book came together to help dealerships with their compliance responsibilities. He also previewed the combined training conferences next month in Las Vegas — BHPH United and Compliance Unleashed.…
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In dieser Folge dreht sich alles um den Porsche Macan – das Auto, das Porsche-Fans erst skeptisch beäugten und dann in Scharen kauften. Sportlich, hochwertig und überraschend wertstabil hat er sich zum Verkaufsschlager gemausert. Wer einmal drin saß, weiß: Er passt wie ein Handschuh. Aber hat er auch das Zeug zum Future Classic? Future Classics ist…
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Carpool Conversations: Finding Calm in Crisis
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47:43Fighter pilot Colonel Kim "KC" Campbell takes us into the cockpit of leadership under extreme pressure, sharing the heart-stopping moment her A-10 Warthog was struck by a surface-to-air missile over Baghdad. What happened next reveals powerful lessons about preparation, decision-making, and maintaining clarity when everything is on fire—literally. …
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Weekly Wrap discussion on tariffs, gen AI use
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7:35Tariff uncertainty continues to disrupt the auto industry; companies increasingly rely on AI for innovation and efficiency. The auto industry has prepared for an "adjustment period" as 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico were set to take effect on March 4. President Donald Trump announced a one-month delay the next day. The Federal Reserve’s latest Be…
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Formel-1-Vorschau: McLarens Wunderauto gegen Verstappen, Ferrari und Mercedes | Formel Schmidt 2025
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34:32Formel Schmidt Nach den Formel-1-Testfahrten 2025 geht McLaren als Top-Favorit in die Saison 2025. Lando Norris und Oscar Piastri überzeugten in Bahrain bei den Longruns und beeindruckten die Formel-1-Konkurrenz. Red Bull, Mercedes und Ferrari hinken hinterher. Bei Red Bull ist man zuversichtlich, hinter McLaren auf Platz zwei zu liegen. Mit Formel…
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Tone-Deaf Automotive Marketing: Owner Ops Are Done ATI IL show 199
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Stillstand bedeutet bekanntermaßen Rückschritt. Das ist in der Medizin so, in der IT und natürlich auch im Automobilbau. Das ist auf bei Audi in Ingolstadt bekannt und so arbeitet man ständig an Verbesserungen und Neuentwicklungen. Aktuelles Beispiel: Das MHEV plus-System, das auch im neuen Audi A6 Avant zum Einsatz kommt. Darum geht es diesmal! Er…
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Er zijn minder premium auto's verkocht het afgelopen jaar. Ongeveer 1 op de 10 nieuw verkochte auto's was 'premium' in 2024. Het gaat om bijna 9,3 miljoen auto's wereldwijd. Dat is 3% minder dan een jaar eerder, meldt Car Industry Analysis. BMW voert de ranglijst aan, gevolgd door Mercedes en Audi. De 'Duitse drie' leverden weliswaar in, maar zijn …
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75 Jahre Bulli | Lars Krause In dieser Folge feiern wir den 75. Geburtstag des VW Bulli. Zusammen mit Lars Krause, Vorstand von Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge, blicken wir in der Autostadt in Wolfsburg auf die Anfänge des Kultfahrzeugs zurück und sprechen über seine spannende Zukunft. Passend dazu findet das Gespräch im ID.Buzz statt – dem modernen, voll…
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All About Leasing, Ioniq 9, ID. Buzz, and PSAs Need To Come Back.
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55:59It's 10 o'clock, do you know where your children are?بقلم Auto Buyers Guide
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L'ÉMISSION - Les conseils d'un expert pour laver sa voiture du 09 mars 2025
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4:44Pas besoin d'attendre le printemps pour laver sa voiture : plus tôt vous le ferez et plus vous allez bien l'entretenir, à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur. Écoutez les les conseils d'un spécialiste, Jean-Christophe Rogez, directeur général adjoint d'un des plus gros réseau de lavage en France, Éléphant Bleu.…
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Classic Auto Mall - #090 - Stewart Howden & Steve Saffier
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36:37From the archive, Show #090 Airdate 05-26-23 Stewart and Steve get ready for Memorial weekend car shows and talk all things related to the collector vehicle world and discuss consignment car sales. CONTENT NOTE: Contests, Prizes, Offers, Vehicles & other items may no longer be available or offered after each show's original broadcast or posting dat…
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De nombreux sujets aujourd'hui dans On parle auto dont : "Omerta sur la consultation publique des ZFE"بقلم Laurence Péraud et Jean-Luc Moreau
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Around late 2008 to early 2009, rumors and speculation started to brew about Rockstar releasing a standalone spin-off called GTA IV Stories. It was rumored that it would be a full standalone game, but ended up being scrapped for expansions like "The Lost and the Damned", "Chinatown Wars", and "Ballad of Gay Tony". What happened? Why did they not fo…
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Wipers, why are they so expensive and why are modern ones so annoying? We rages on some wipers and cover some scale car stuff. Please Rate, review and subscribe to the podcast on your favorite listening platform. Comments, Questions, complaints; email us at [email protected] Join the Discord, message us on the socials for a link. Keep your car…
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Europa aposta TUDO nos elétricos. Vai dar certo ou errado?
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55:09O inevitável aconteceu. Depois de meses de pressão por parte da indústria automóvel europeia, a Comissão Europeia reviu as regras de emissões de CO₂ e propôs dar mais flexibilidade aos construtores automóveis para que as possam cumprir. Caso se confirme, esta flexibilização vai permitir que os fabricantes possam cumprir as metas de emissões com uma…
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Autá sú upípané. Ako sa zmenili za 10 rokov?
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1:02:50Automobilový svet sa za posledné roky zásadne zmenil – od technológií a bezpečnostných systémov až po elektrifikáciu a nové trendy vo výbave. V tejto epizóde Auto Bild Podcastu sa pozrieme na to, ako sa zmenili autá za poslednú dekádu a čo dnes považujeme za štandard, ktorý bol kedysi luxusom. 🚗 Ako sa zmenili motory – od atmosfér až po elektromobi…
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Staying Humble While Promoting Your Community Involvement [E142]
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31:57Getting involved in your community is powerful, but how do you share your efforts without sounding boastful? There’s a fine line between successful and selfish self-promotion, and in this episode, Brian and Kim Walker discuss how to highlight your work with authenticity and gratitude—not ego. We’ll discuss framing your message to focus on the cause…
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Customer Says I Ruined Their Car After Applying A Ceramic Coating…
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26:06In this episode, I break down a real-world detailing nightmare—a customer claiming their car was "ruined" after a ceramic coating application. 😳 What went wrong? Was it the product, the process, or just unrealistic expectations? If you’ve ever dealt with a customer dispute, this episode is for you! I’ll share lessons learned, how to avoid these sit…
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Where is The Most Profit In The Detailing Space? Do You Believe In Ceramic Coatings? Episode #896
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56:45This conversation delves into the intricacies of auto detailing, focusing on common challenges faced by detailers, pricing strategies, and the importance of real-world experience over online content. The hosts discuss effective tire shine techniques, the profitability of detailing services, and explore alternative income streams within the industry…
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#248 Miliano Jonathans - Bij Andy in de auto!
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32:57Miliano Jonathans bij Andy in de auto! 20-jarige rechtsbuiten van FC Utrecht uit Arnhem. Kwam dit seizoen over van Vitesse, waar hij met 11 goals en 4 assists de sensatie van de Keuken Kampioen Divisie was. Leuke jongen, goeie voetballer en mooi om deze Topper in de auto te hebben!بقلم Andy vd Meijde
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Tech, Sustainability, & Talent: How Martinrea Is Building the Supply Chain of Tomorrow
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27:23At the heart of The Prophets’ vision are “The 24 Essential Supply Chain Processes.” What are they? Find out, and see the future yourself. Click here The automotive supply chain isn't what it used to be. Between shifting global policies, evolving AI capabilities, and the relentless push for sustainability, the pressure is on. And if you're not think…
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ASW Conversations: Climbing Mt. Aftermarket Everest, with Pacer Dynamics
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17:33The leadership team of Pacer Dynamics — Eddie Tso, Joshua Lin, and Albert Liu — discuss their journey into the automotive aftermarket, one that may not be typical. The trio shares how their diverse backgrounds and friendships led them to form this Canadian-owned brake disc manufacturer, highlighting the importance of industry connections, adaptabil…
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Driving Digital from the South: How Latin America is Shaping Automotive Tech
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38:30In this episode of the Auto Tech Show, Marc Babin interviews Matias Borges, co-founder and CEO of Bravo Digital Solutions, about Latin America's pivotal role in shaping the future of automotive technology. They discuss the unique factors driving innovation in the region, local success stories, the balance between local needs and global market deman…
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بقلم AM640
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Kill Perfectionism In Your Detailing Business - Build A Business You Actually Love
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24:29On this episode of the Talkin' Paint Podcast, I talk about preventing burnout and building a sustainable detailing business. I explore how detailers often chase others' versions of success rather than defining their own path, emphasizing the importance of genuine enjoyment in the work. I also jam on some of my own personal insights about business s…
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A Journalist’s Perspective On Automotive with Brian Armstead | Public Policy Day 2025
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13:02Send us a text During the DC Auto Show, Paul and Kyle hosted a podcast stage at Public Policy Day, and interviewed policy makers and industry experts. In this episode, Paul J Daly and Kyle Mountsier sit down with longtime automotive journalist Brian Armstead to discuss his journey in the industry. With decades of experience writing for major public…
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5 Most Common Causes of Damage to Car Paint
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4:03In this episode we want to explain the 5 Most Common Causes of Damage to Car Paint and what you can do to protect your vehicle. Taking care of your vehicle’s paint job is essential to maintain its vibrant color for years and if you need a paint correction look for AZ Auto Aesthetics. Additionally, we offer other important services like wheel cleani…
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