Sports podcast
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Just my take on life , culture, sports sneakers etc
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Just real life talk no bull
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Podcast by Marquis Irving
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Marquis Egerton is professionally known as Mardy Eger, has been a man of passion and love and has shown this for decades via ministry.
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Our podcast is about future plans
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Welcome to the Salute Marquis Williams podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Actor, Author, Father, Creative, Filmmaker, Poet, Writer, Organizer-Human Rights Activist, Entrepreneur
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This podcast is simple. Daily living, with a twist! Realizing your inner potential and beating yourself within ! Unlocking the skills and directory to abolish the demons we face, creating new perspective for who we are! And simply, let’s have fun, and create and amazing community! MP#MaximumPotential
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I want to use my voice and platform to educate, empower and inspire those that they can accomplish what they set out to do after life’s problems. We all have struggled at some point in life, but I believe that it is apart of my purpose to help you find yours. Let’s take this journey together. #LetsTalk...
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I grew up with the view that some things ought not to be as they are. Sadly, we seem to have accepted these things as the norm. In the podcasts, I shall share things that would cover issues such as Faith, Love, Life. It's a great journey that I hope would bless you as you take the trip with me. I am excited as much as you are.
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Les Équipements Marquis sont spécialisé dans la vente et la réparation de machinerie lourde. Dans le but d'apporter le plus de valeur possible à vous notre audience, nous allons vous présenter des entrevues réalisé avec des gens de l'industrie forestière et de la constructions. Nouvelles technoligies, trucs et astuces pour le bon fonctionnement de vos machines et le savoir faire de nos invités(es) sauront vous divertir et vous informer sur le monde de la machinerie lourde des industries de l ...
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Episode 11: Marquis Egerton on It's A New Day
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6:47Marquis Egerton had the esteemed pleasure to meet the writer of this song Dr. Robert Frison many many years ago when I was a young man. As a young child and teen this song blessed administered to me many years before my meeting him. God is my all and all. I need him more and more each and every day, this very hour, God you are my all in all. - Marq…
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Episode 10: Marquis Egerton on Give Thanks
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4:23Marquis Egerton here, as I am reminded during this season there are so many people in the world that need love. There are so many people in the world that would love to have just a small portion of your life. This is what I mean, many times in life its so easy to complain, about this and about that. Some people complain about their living condition…
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Episode 9: Marquis Egerton on God Favored Me
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7:53Hi Marquis Egerton here, if you've ever been in a place of hurt, brokenness and God has kept you and brought you through some hard and tough times. If you know what it means and what it's like when it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders , and we'll... listen to this song. It tells a story I believe most of us can relate to. I th…
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Episode 8: Marquis Egerton on God Is Faithful
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5:32Hi this is Marquis Egerton. I'm my song writing I've always come from my heart. 99% of my songs have come from my experiences in life. Some experiences have been sad, happy, disappointments, loneliness, joy, peace, hopeful, mostly my faith in God as he's brought me from storm to storm, from chapter to chapter. The interesting thing is, for me , it'…
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Episode 7: Marquis Egerton on Call Jesus
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6:06Hi this is Marquis Egerton, professionally known as Mardy Eger. I'm my song writing I've always come from my heart. 99% of my songs have come from my experiences in life. Some experiences have been sad, happy, disappointments, loneliness, joy, peace, hopeful, mostly my faith in God as he's brought me from storm to storm, from chapter to chapter. Th…
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Marquis Egerton again with a follow up, Believe for it. Healing, miracles they still exist till this day. Bouts with depression? I believe this will Bless.
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Marquis Egerton life has been full of ups and downs. There's been battles that began even at youth. Days felt that there was nothing left. Marquis Egerton encourages you today to believe And push through depression or anything that is challenging you right now. Know that God is with you. This song by CeCe Winans really touched me and blessed me whe…
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Marquis Egerton favorites, Israel Houghton & New Breed ministry was such as gift through the years. Nothing beats true worship and praise. Check this worship experience, everyone in the house sitting around singing getting lost in pure worship. Reminds me of when I get to heaven and how it'll be sitting at the feet of God singing and worshiping him…
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Episode 3: Mardy Eger ON CHRIST LIVE From the Decision CD
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6:56Mardy Eger ON CHRIST LIVE Hartsville SC From the Decision CD
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Episode 2: Marquis Egerton testimony "Nobody But Jesus"
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7:50Marquis Egerton testimony "Nobody But Jesus"
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Marquis Egerton is professionally known as Mardy Eger, has been a man of passion and love and has shown this for decades via ministry. Having a rough beginning in life as a youth losing his family at the tender age of 9 years of age, Marquis, or Mardy as he is affectionately known as well. He understands what it's like to lose everyone that you lov…
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It's very common for people to assume and this is sometimes as a result of our impatience, bias and often times as a result of our inability to listen carefully. There's more in the podcast.--- Send in a voice message:
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One of the most common problems I have come to discover as one of the main problems in relationships can be traced to effective communication. What does it mean to communicate and how do you communicate? Do you just say your mind and allow the person say your mind ? Do you believe you aren't wired to communicate? How did you do group projects in sc…
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Podcast Équipements Marquis 18
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1:04:37Nous discutons de quelques nouvautés chez les équipements Marquis, de la démo en forêt avec Rottne que nous avons fait la semaine dernière, du manque grandissant de main d'oeuvre et Christian et Tom ont quelques aspects technique à nous présenter.
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Un tour d'horizon des nouveautées dans les lignes de produits offerts chez les Équipements Marquis. Aussi une annonce concernant des locations de machinerie Yanmar maintenant offert chez les Équipements Marquis.
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Podcast Équipements Marquis 16 ( Annonce Majeure)
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23:47Annonce Majeure pour les Équipements Marquis et le Future de l'entreprise.
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Podcast Équipements Marquis 15 (2021)
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29:30Après plus d'un ans sans podcast c'est le retour de Tom, Christian, Steven et Mats sur le podcast des Équipements Marquis. Court épisode qui résume les 12 derniers mois pour l'équipe des Équipements Marquis.
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I would be vulnerable here as I speak about things I'm personally struggling with in my relationship
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14:56Some of us saw some traits in our parents that we were never comfortable with and would always be critical of. Isn't it surprising that many of us have started doing these things? I have come to see that this is often replicated because most often than not, we put so much effort in trying not to end up becoming like our parents that we do not inves…
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We usually wonder why some people act the way they do in relationships and the thoughts of if they might be possessed comes to mind. Well, yes. They are possessed with fear. Please listen and tell me what you think. Please pardon the background noise --- Send in a voice message:…
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"Over availability is the mother of See-Finish". What are your thoughts about this?--- Send in a voice message:
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We often throw these words here and there but do people actually think before they say these things ?--- Send in a voice message:
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We all have insecurities and they haunt us and cause us to fall and become locked away in our thoughts! Today I want to encourage you to break out, and grow!
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Going to really start uploading again and this time content that I think everyone will want to here!
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Don’t wait to change or grow, do it now! Kill it now, succeed now! Upgrade now!!!!
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Sometimes we have to see life differently! Join me for a motivational clip that may change your life!
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Season 2: Episode 1 Replay: Injustice, Jesus and The Gospel
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1:09:21This is an episode from season 1 entitled "Injustice, Jesus and The Gospel" with Pastor Dylan Sellers. Pastor Sellers is the Senior Pastor of Purpose Community Church, in Cleveland, Ohio. He shares his journey through life and finding God again throughout all of his trials and valleys. Pastor Sellers is definitely one that speaks truth to power, an…
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Quinzième épisode du podcast, on prend quelques minutes pour parler de la première Barko 240B vendu au Canada. Puisque c'est la semaine du grand prix Skidoo de Valcourt on parle un peut de l'évènement et notre collègue Steven Marquis qui participe au grand prix fait une apparition surprise dans les derniers moments de l'épisode. Dans la chronique t…
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Tom nous parle des procédures a prendre pour rendre une excavatrice Bio et dans notre chronique technique Christian Corriveau nous expliques quelques facons de réparer une excavatrice qui demare normalement mais qui s'eteint apres quelques segondes (probablement un obstruction de la ligne a gas.)
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Believing is a powerful thing and when you grab hold of it, it will change your life!
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Huge fight on for this Saturday 8pm MarquisKnows tell you who will be victorious.
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Do Arthur Blank need to clean house? John Collins is back!
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10:02Should big changes be made in the offseason for the Atlanta Falcons MarquisKnows tell you. And also what does it mean for Hawks that John Collins is back 12-20
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Cam Reddish a bust? Dan Quinn should be fired?
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17:16I go In depth on the Atlanta Falcons and Atlanta Hawks.
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Christian Corriveau Co-Propriétaire et Gérant de service chez Les Équipements Marquis nous parle de son travail dans le treizième épisode de notre Podcast. Plusieurs moments cocasses, une chronique technique et une question d'un de nos auditeurs au menu pour cet épisode. Voici la vesion complète aussi disponible en version audio sur tout vos platfo…
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I hope you guys enjoy!
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Guys just a quick encouraging word for you!
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Guys, it’s one thing to know pain but how to we harness it? I mean like, how can it be our fuel, and it energy? Is it possible, can we actually do that? What’s the hack to growth? I hope you enjoy!
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Maximum Potential with Marquise Taylor (Trailer)
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Guys, pain sucks, I know and I go through to everyday, but what if you could harness that power and allow it to form and make you into something great?
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Tom nous parle des 5 choses les plus fatigante lorsqu'un technicien essaie d'aider un client au téléphone et une petite chronique technique sur le fonctionnement d'un multi-métre qui est l'outil le plus utile pour un méchanicien/technicien moderne.
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Onzième épisode du podcast des Équipements Marquis. Aucun invité pour cet épisode. Tom est en feu et nous partage son opinion sur plusieurs sujets chaud de l'actualité comme Greta Thunberg, le Président Donald Trump, les calendriers sexy et biensur on jase de machinerie.
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Nous avons comme inviter Timo Savornin notre représentant de la compagnie de tête d'abattage multifonctionnelle AFM Forest. Timo nous visitait pour la démo Barko en forêt puisque la machine était équipée d'une Afm 65. Nous discutons de plusieurs sujets donc quelques unes des differences entre la foresterie d'ci et en Europe et aussi des bien faits …
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Sometimes we wonder why we go through this, this world, in pain and why us right? But God uses pain to become purpose in our life! We just have to learn how to see it!
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In this episode I want to really speak on the power of pushing! Guys, there’s so many of us who quit in the middle when that’s where the strength comes from! Just because we can’t see, doesn’t mean it’s over!
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Entrevue avec notre représentant forestier Sylvain Thompson qui vient répondre à une question du public en rapport avec la rentabilitée d'une abatteuse forestière et d'un porteur vesus un homme avec un scie et un skidder. Ensuite le travail et la rentabilité des têtes d'abattage à stroke vesus les têtes a roulleaux as été discuter pour finir avec l…
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Nous n'avions pas produit de podcast depuis quelques mois puisque nous sommes dans notre grosse saison pour la machinerie. Tom nous parle de ses voyages des dernieres semaines au Étas Unis, en Finland, en Autriche et en Colombie Britannique pour les Équipements Marquis dans le but de trouver de nouvelles Technologies et faire la livraison d'une nou…
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We struggle, but have you ever thought of turning that into a power source, perhaps into a thing of change?
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When life knocks you down, just get up, do it again and again until you get it! Never quit! Look to the future and grind!
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Guys, BE YOU!
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Guys, I think you’re going to enjoy this and rally allow it to apply to your life! Stay blessed!
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Guys, we tend to go through rough times and hear rough times can alter our life. But what if, what if we leveraged those times in our life, what if they could change us for growth? Enjoy!
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