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show episodes

Liberalism in Question | CIS

Robert Forsyth | Centre for Independent Studies

Are you looking for sound, thought-provoking conversations on current affairs, politics, and culture from a Classical Liberal perspective? If yes, you are in the right place. Liberalism in Question engages some of our society’s most prominent researchers, political figures, and free speech advocates --finding out their views on the state of Classical Liberalism.
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The New Liberal Podcast

Center for New Liberalism

The New Liberal Podcast dives into the deep end of policy, politics and identity and hosts the economists, academics, industry leaders, thinkers and politicians whose ideas are shaping society.
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”Thinking like everyone else assures you a mediocre fate; And it’s later than you think” From aliens and whiskey, to liberty and evolutionary psychology, Matt & Ben discuss everything it means to be a red-blooded American man in a modern world . Episodes released weekly. Thanks for watching & keep up the good fight! You got this!
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Edumeasure is a new podcast for teachers, students, parents, and others concerned with transforming teaching and learning -- a podcast for exploring creative, unconventional responses to current issues in education. Hosted by Dr. Bernd Estabrook, a professor at a small liberal arts institution.
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Passion and Practicality: A Liberal Arts Podcast

Southern New Hampshire University Liberal Arts

Passion and Practicality is a podcast series produced by Southern New Hampshire University‘s online Liberal Arts department, which includes academic programs and courses in Communication, Composition, Creative Writing, English, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, History, Literature, and Philosophy. In this podcast series, faculty, staff, and guests discuss the career paths open to graduates of those programs, the research and creative work of practitioners in the field, and other interesting stuff.
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Terapia Liberal

Terapia Liberal

Podcast y Vlog liberal. Analisis de la actualidad economica y politica de argentina y el mundo. Libres pensadores - Adogmaticos Email: @terapialiberal
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Liberaleren Podcast

Klaus Jakobsen

En podcast av og med Klaus Jakobsen. En nyhetspodcast helt fri for medienes sensurerende filter. Befriende liberale tanker slipper til, enten man tilhører høyre, venstre eller midten av norsk politikk. Her skal alle kunne slippe til. I Oslo bidrar også Liberalerens redaksjon med sporadiske episoder, hovedsakelig av Vegard Nøtnæs og Bent Johan Mosfjell. Les dine daglige nyheter på Følg oss her: www.inst ...
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Podcast en el que se aglutinan distintos audios liberales procedentes del Instituto Juan de Mariana, de Students for Liberty en España, Club de los Viernes y otras organizaciones o figuras relevantes del liberalismo hispano. Puedes seguir también el canal en Telegram:
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Liberala rummet

Albin Dahlén

Liberala rummet är en politisk podcast med ett liberalt synsätt och starka åsikter. I Liberala rummet diskuteras mängder med viktiga och intressanta frågor av alla dess slag. I podden får du möta intressanta gäster, ta del av intressanta samtal, debatter, intervjuer och diskussioner.
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Klassiskt Liberala Partiet

Klassiskt Liberala Partiet

Klassiskt liberala partiet skapades för att Sverige saknade ett liberalt parti. Vi jobbar för att begränsa staten, sänka skatterna och skydda människors grundläggande rättigheter. Vi säger nej till EU, morallagstiftning och slöseri. Vi tror att du vet vad som är bäst för dig, och vill därför att du ska ha makt över ditt eget liv. Myndigförklara människan - rösta på Klassiskt liberala partiet!
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Latinx Liberal

Jo'el Serrano

Latinx Liberal is a podcast about progressive ideals, from a brown perspective. Discussing all of the latest in political, social, and cultural news which affects the Latinx community and all liberals.
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Applying It Liberally

Applying It Liberally

Interracial married couple Keisha Zollar and Andrew Kimler share a fiery liberal bias. But that doesn't stop them from going toe-to-toe as they debate the news of the week. Complete with original sketches, top-notch guests, and a candid autopsy of a modern American marriage.
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Liberalismo Para Principiantes

Liberalismo Para Principiantes

En este podcast serás testigo del alcance y atención que se merece una de las doctrinas económicas, sociales y políticas más exitosas de todo los tiempos: El Liberalismo. Aprenderás sobre historia, política, economía, actualidad y también las evidencias de porqué este sistema merece ser implantado en el planeta actualmente. Desde reducir el Estado al mínimo hasta pagar impuestos tan solo por lo que compras, que esto te sirva de advertencia de las creencias que vas a cuestionar...
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show series
This episode features a livestream the Center for New Liberalism hosted with Congressman Scott Peters of San Diego. CNL director Colin Mortimer and Rep. Peters discuss how to build green energy more quickly, the ins and outs of permitting reform, why focusing on transmission and the electrical grid is so important, housing and YIMBYism, and much mo…
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Der er god grund til at føle sig tryg i Danmark. Mange målinger viser også, at danskernes tryghed er stigende, og det kan man jo kun glæde sig over. Steffen Frølund har derfor inviteret Anders Hede, der er forskningchef hos TrygFonden i studiet for at tale om, hvad årsagerne til den stigende tryghed kan være, og hvordan Danmark kan blive endnu bedr…
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In the final part of this series, Miyanvoch and Kenyatta discuss: the limits of the physical guns' importance in matters concerning guns, the gun community being almost entirely reactive to important current issues, and the need for people right and left-of-center to approach problem solving.
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We’ve got to talk about the latest episode of the saga that is Donald Trump’s life. This time it isn’t about his hair (a subject that could merit a doctoral study on its own) or his latest tweet. No, it’s about his hush money trial with Stormy Daniels and how his defense decided to play their cards—not just poorly, but in a way that would make a po…
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Hei igjen liberale venner! Klaus har snakket med Lars Petter Solås , tidligere ordførerkandidat for Oslo FrP. Nachspiel-skandalen, eller en feil i livet om du vil, skal ikke definere en person for alltid. Derfor ville Klaus snakke ut med Lars Petter. Hvordan har livet vært siden kaoset satt inn, og hvordan er livet nå? Hva tenker han videre? NB! På…
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Niedawno odbyła się konferencja, na której przedstawiono koncepcje umacniania wschodniej granicy Polski. Prezentacja była odpowiedzią na coraz częstsze głosy ekspertów o tym, że Polsce grozi realna wojna ze strony Rosji. Optymizmem nie napawa też fakt, że rosyjska ofensywa charkowska posuwa się do przodu, a Rosja coraz bardziej dominuje front na Uk…
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Hva har skjedd i Afghanistan etter at Taliban på nytt kom til makten i august 2021? Hvordan er forholdene for kvinner og barn? Har Vesten gitt opp og overlatt Afghanistan til seg selv?Gjest: Ayesha Wolasmal, forfatter av boken Tusen dager med Taliban. See for privacy information.…
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Putin i Xi Jinping zacieśniają relacje pomiędzy Rosją a Chinami, podczas gdy napięcie na linii Chiny - Europa cały czas rośnie. W EU trwa gorąca debata o chińskich wpływach na starym kontynencie. Pojawiają się wręcz głosy, ze Chiny kolonizują mniejsze od siebie państwa poprzez wzmacnianie zależności gospodarczych. Mimo współpracy między dwoma mocar…
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USA og Asien buldrer derudaf, men Europa er stagneret. Hvordan genopliver vi den europæiske vækst, så vores kontinent igen kan blive en stor spiller på den globale scene? Er det bureaukrati og regulering, der skal skæres ned? Skal vi satse mere på industri og produktion? Skal Europa have store tech-virksomheder? Alex og Henrik taler om LA’s visione…
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Hei igjen liberale venner! Jeg har tro på tostatsløsning i Midtøsten, men anerkjennelsen av Palestina som stat, som Norge, Irland og Spania har gjort, kommer vel på et merkelig tidspunkt? Burde man ikke vente til krigen er litt mindre het før man går til et skritt som dette? Polariserer Støre og Eide verden gjennom denne beslutningen? Dette og en g…
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On the May 22nd, 2024 episode of Liberal Dan Radio, Red Lobster is declaring bankruptcy and they are blaming consumers for taking advantage of their all you can eat shrimp specials. Don't believe them. We will also talk about EmptyGee, Biden, Alito, and more. And, as always, if time allows, we will do some response videos in our Unravelling Toxic M…
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Obecna sytuacja na froncie w Ukrainie, nie napawa optymizmem. Trwa charkowska ofensywa. Pojawia się pytanie czy może ona doprowadzić do sytuacji, w której Rosja wygra te wojnę? I co by to oznaczało gdyby przegrała ją Ukraina? Choć obecnie wygląda na to, że Ukraina przegrywa to wciąż czeka na dostawy amerykańskiego uzbrojenia. Sytuacja Ukrainy nie j…
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Join Matt and Ben on their insightful journey as they dive deep into the complexities of modern manhood in 2024. From redefining traditional masculinity to navigating societal expectations, their candid conversations explore the evolving roles and responsibilities of men today. Tune in to their thought-provoking discussion as they challenge stereot…
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Czy obligacje to bezpieczna inwestycja? Na jaki zysk możemy liczyć w przyszłości? Co nam mówi ich cena i skąd się bierze? Wybrać obligacje na rok, dwa czy pięć lat?Ile wynosi premia za ryzyko? Czy rynek ma zawsze rację? Jak czytać oczekiwania rynkowe? I czy krzywa może się wyprostować? O swoich badaniach (i nie tylko)opowiada ekonomista dr Marcin D…
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Watch the podcast here: #auspol #freemarket #economics Robert Carling is a Senior Fellow at the Centre for Independent Studies. Robert is researching and writing about fiscal policy, taxation and federalism. Prior to joining the CIS, Robert was Executive Director, Economic and Fiscal at the New South Wales Treasury from…
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Hei igjen liberale venner! Lørdagsmorgen og kaffen nytes på pinseaften, med en liten podcast-episode ut til dere liberale venner! Flere ting å snakke om, som vanlig, blant annet at Argentinas president Javier Milei har fått god kontroll på inflasjonen, har han noe stort på gang? NB! På vår Podpage-side kan dere nå sende oss lydsnutter (maks to minu…
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Bare det seneste år har kunstig intelligens udviklet sig ekstremt meget. Fra stort set kun at kunne lave text-to-text til nu, hvor de mest udviklede AI's kan lave text-to-video. Sideløbende med udviklingen af teknologien er debatten om mulighederne og farerne ved kunstig intelligens taget til. Derfor dykker Steffen Frølund og David Guldager ned i t…
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Eric Onkenhout, SNHU Creative Writing Alumnus and Freelance Writer joins us to give us an idea of what a typical workday looks like as a freelance writing professional. Eric speaks how he was able to leverage his current position into a writing role, as well as how it important to be accurate when writing.…
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What can New York do to fix its severe housing crisis? City councilmember Erik Bottcher joins the podcast to talk about how his views on housing have evolved, the City of Yes initiative and where it needs to go, and how to stop the endless delays that prevent us from building enough homes. To get bonus episodes, support us at…
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Can Norway and Europe still rely on American security guarantees, or will Europe need to develop its own strategy without US as a key provider of security? Guests: Elizabeth “Betsy” Markey, former member of the U.S. Congress from Colorado (D). Jim Gerlach, former member of the U.S. Congress from Pennsylvania (R). See for pri…
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Hei igjen liberale venner! Som vanlig er Klaus innom mange nye ting fra nyhetene, mer meningsmålinger, og ikke minst mye økonomiske nyheter. Aller verste nyheten denne uken er nok den nye valgloven som er vedtatt, som raner de små partier for muligheter til å bli representert, men som også er et stort antidemokratisk vedtak. Denne liker jeg absolut…
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On the May 13th, 2024 episode of Liberal Dan Radio, we will be discussing the continued assault on abortion rights and body autonomy by the GOP. This time it is a bill by Katie Britt and a lawsuit in Texas that was allowed to move forward. We will also laugh at a former CNN host.Tune in live at 8PM Central on Liberal Dan Radio, Talk From The Left, …
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Hvorfor er Storbritannia, Sveits og Canadas avtaler med EU irrelevante for Norge? Hvorfor er EØS-avtalen viktig for Norge? Hvorfor anbefaler EØS-utvalget at Norge må knytte seg enda sterkere til EU på en rekke saksområder? Gjest: Line Eldring, leder av Utvalg for utredning av erfaringer med EØS-avtalen See for privacy inform…
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Wojna w Strefie Gazy - co się dzieje? Czy wojna rozleje się na inne kraje na Bliskim Wschodzie? Po tym jak Hamas zaatakował Izrael, izraelska armia rozpoczęła bombardowania i działania lądowe w Gazie. O co jednak tak naprawdę chodzi w konflikcie na linii Izrael - Palestyna? Jak wygląda obecnie Strefa Gazy? W ostatnich dniach pojawiły się doniesieni…
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Hvad er ESG egentlig? Og hvad betyder det for danske virksomheder? Til at gøre os klogere på emnet har Lars-Christian Brask inviteret Mikael Bek i podcaststudiet, der er ”Head of ESG” hos Pensam og har en mangeårig baggrund inden for den finansielle sektor samt pensionssektoren. Sammen dykker de ned i de problemstillinger, der kan opstå som virksom…
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Minister Marcin Kierwiński przemawia do strażaków. Jego wystąpienie na dniu strażaka spowodowało spór o alkohol w całym kraju. Kilka dni póżniej sędzia Tomasz Szmydt uciekł na Białoruś. W internecie popularny stał się #kierwiński, po tym jak strażacy wysłuchali wystąpienia, podczas którego minister rządu Tuska brzmiał na nietrzeźwego. Czy Kierwińsk…
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Dr. Luke Peterson teaches Arabic and Middle Eastern history at Southern New Hampshire University and Duquesne University. In this episode, Dr. Peterson discusses his new book, The U.S. Military in the Print News Media: Service and Sacrifice in Contemporary Discourse, which “analyzes the history of the popular discourse in the United States concerne…
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Who would have thought, in this whirlwind of political chaos that we call the United States of America, the latest pickle involves a VP pick that could lead to having a Senate seat being thrown into the hands of someone even the MAGA crowd isn’t too thrilled about? It’s like finding out your blind date is not only the person who you argued with onl…
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Vi fortsætter samtalen med Henrik Gade Jensen om velfærd før den socialdemokratiske velfærdsstat. Husk at lyt til del 1 først, som giver den historiske baggrund. For nu handler det om selve menneskesynet bag velfærdstænkningen dengang og i dag. Om centralisering og det lokales sårbarhed. Og om der overhovedet var behov for velfærdsstaten. Vært: Ant…
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