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Erika and Sakura, a 純ジャパ and 帰国子女, met while working at Google in 2019. In this Japanese-English podcast we candidly discuss our tech careers among other experiences related to our Japanese identities, to inspire you to live & work the way that empowers you. New episode bi-weekly on Wednesday. GoogleとAppleでキャリアをスタートしたミレニアル世代のバックグラウンドが異なる2人- ErikaとSakuraがお送りするバイリンガルポッドキャスト。 水曜日に新エピソードリリース中。是非ご視聴ください! Follow us on instagram for updates: @lightswitchthepodcast
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The GLocal

Kwansei Gakuin University (TMC)

English follows Japanese: 関西学院東京丸の内キャンパスと関学生による英語インタビュー番組。 ホストの関学Taro(エキスパート)とTamago(ビギナー)が、世界的なニュースからローカルなトピックスまで、 気になる話題について世界中からゲストを迎えインタビュー。 様々な環境や背景、多種多様な人々のストーリーを聞きながら、世界をより身近に感じませんか? The GLocal is a bi-monthly podcast about people and events from around the world. Visit us at https://theglocal.carrd.co
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Thank you so much for listening in with us over this past year. As we reached our goal of creating for 1 year, we're taking an indefinite break to see if this is something we'd like to continue in the future. We will miss you, but as we like to say - it's not goodbye, it's see you later. Stay tuned :)…
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今回のエピソードでは少しプライベートなお話をしていこうと思います!SakuraもErikaも最近結婚をし、ライフステージの変化があったので、新しい結婚生活についてなど話していきます。 In this episode we go deep on a pretty personal topic - love! Specifically, reflecting about our new-ish married life. Since both of us has gotten married in the last few years, we talk about how we've merged lives together, how we knew we met "the one," and…
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今回のエピソードでは、自分の振り返りをする方法について話していきます。自己振り返りはどんなタイミングで、どのようにするのが良いのか、SakuraとErikaの過去の経験からディスカッションをして見つけていきます!In this episode, we reflect about.....self reflection! What does that look like for each of us, and what do we think is the best way to do it? Let's find out.
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今回のエピソードでは最近新しい仕事を始めたSakuraとErikaの経験に基づいて、早く新しい仕事に慣れる方法についてディスカッションをしていきます! In the last year, both of us has transitioned into a new job. Although starting a new role is exciting, it can also be a bit daunting - so in this episode we share our top pieces of advice for how to set yourself up for success to onboard quickly and effectively.…
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今回のエピソードではシンガポールで働いたことのあるErikaの実体験をもとに、海外で働くということの理想と現実に関してディスカッションをしていきます! Hope everyone is having a good summer! In this episode, Erika discusses her expectation vs reality of working outside Japan. As Erika's experience working in Singapore for several years has helped define who she is today, Sakura asks for details on what were some of the int…
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今回のエピソードでは、人生の中で大きな変化を経験したSakuraとErikaの実体験について話していきます。仕事の変化、結婚等大きな人生の変化に対してどのように対応をしてきたのかについてディスカッションしていきます。 In the last few years, both of us had gone through several life changes - including but not limited to job transitions, working from home, getting married, etc. In this episode we discuss how we navigate through such changes and how we've ma…
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今回のエピソードではスタートアップ vs 大企業で働くことの違いについてディスカッションをしていきます。大企業からスタートアップに転職をしたErikaの経験を元に、仕事の量、責任、また成長スピードなどの違いについて深く話していくので是非お楽しみに! In this episode, we discuss the pros and cons as well as the differences between working at a startup vs a big name corporation or company. What has Erika learned moving from a big company to small? What is the workload, resp…
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今回のエピソードでは、アメリカと日本の大学生活の違いについてアメリカの大学に行ったSakuraと日本の大学に行ったErikaの経験をもとにディスカッションをしていきます。大学の一人暮らしや寮生活、大学費、そしてソーシャルライフの違いなど様々なトピックについて共有をしていきます! What is Greek life? What is a "サークル?" In today's episode, we have a fun and in depth conversation about our experiences in University between USA and Japan. We compare everything from living situation, tuition,…
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今回のエピソードでは自分の理想とするポジションに挑戦するための方法についてお話ししていきます。自分が経験したことのない理想とするポジションにどのように行き着くことができるのか、Sakuraの実際の経験を元にディスカッションをしていきます。 In this episode, we explore how to pivot into a role outside of your current scope and how specifically, Sakura has felt during the time. While we have an episode focus on making a career change, this episode focuses more on getti…
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今回のエピソードでは仕事による燃え尽き症候群についてお話しをしていきます。燃え尽き症候群とはそもそも何なのか、またSakuraとErikaが燃え尽き症候群にならないようにするために日々行なっていることなどを共有していきます。 ※エピソード内でのアドバイスはあくまで私達の過去の経験からお伝えしているものです。 Thanks for tuning into a very important episode, and a close one to our hearts: burnout at work. In this candid discussion, we cover what burnout can look and feel like, as well what Sakura & Eri…
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今回のエピソードでは大学時にアメリカへの留学を経験したErikaのストーリーを深掘りしていきます。なぜ海外留学に行くべきなのか、実際に留学に行こうと決めた時に知っておくべきことや心得などを共有していきます! Welcome back! In this episode, we deep dive into Erika's experience and learnings about her time studying abroad. Why should one consider doing so, and what are some things you need to think about or prepare for? Erika will tell you all her secre…
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今回のエピソードでは、日本で働くときに知っておくべき3つのポイントをご紹介します。アメリカから帰国し、日本で働きだしたSakuraの経験から、日本独特の文化の中で働くとはどういうことなのか、どのようなことに気をつけていかなければならないのかなどについてディスカッションをしていきます! Today, we discuss three key things to know when starting your job in Japan. Sakura shares what kind of communication & other ways of interacting we should be mindful of if you're new to the Japanese working …
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今回のエピソードでは新しい国でのコミュニティー作りや友達作りについてSakuraが日本に引っ越してきた時の経験を元にディスカッションをしていきます。なぜ大人になってから新しいコミュニティーに入るのが難しいのか、日本とアメリカの文化の違いなどもふまえて話していきますので是非お楽しみください! How does one grow their social network in a new country? In this episode, we ask Sakura about her struggles building a community in Japan when she first moved here to start her career, as well as share so…
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今回のエピソードはビジネスシーンで使える英語と日本語の表現を皆さんに共有していきます!明日から仕事で使える英語と日本語の言い回しをSakuraとErikaの経験をもとにご紹介していきますので、是非お楽しみください。 This episode is all about business lingo! Career is a big part of our day-to-day, and today we'll be helping you out by sharing some common phrases you can use in English and Japanese in a business setting.…
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今回のエピソードでは「新しいことを始める」ということについてディカッションしていきます。そもそも新しいことを始める時は、どのように行動を起こして、継続していくことができるのかなどについて、実際にYouTubeチャンネルを始めたSakuraにErikaがたくさんの質問をしていきながらヒントをもらっていきます! Welcome back! In this episode, we deep dive into starting something new -- how do you take action and maintain it? Where do you find the courage? Erika asks several questions to Sakura on startin…
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今回は初のボーナスエピソードとして、英語と日本の言い回しの違いを一緒に確認していきます!アメリカ育ち英語ネイティブのSakuraが日本育ちのErikaに2000年〜2020年頃にアメリカで流行ったミレニアルスラングをテストしていきます!皆さんも是非一緒にテストしてみてください!Welcome to our first bonus episode! In the short episodes, we will do an activity for fun to discuss and showcase different parts of the English or Japanese language. In this episode, Sakura tests Erika on mille…
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今回のエピソードでは、私たちの身近に溢れているインスピレーションをどのように見つけて、それをどう自分の生活の中に取り入れていけるのかについてディスカッションをしていきます。自分の人生や生活にポジティブな影響を与えてくれるインスピレーションをSakuraとErikaは具体的にどのように探しているのか、このエピソードで深掘りしていきます! Inspiration is all around us - so let's talk about it! How do we find it? How do we use it to mobilize ourselves and take action in life? What has inspired us lately? In this episod…
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今回のエピソードでは、日本を出てシンガポールで3年間働いたErikaの経験について深く話していきます。そもそもなぜErikaが海外で働こうと思ったのか、海外で働きたいという思いを実現するためにどんなことを行なって、その過程で何を学んだのかなどについてディスカッションをしていきます! In this episode, we do a deep dive into Erika's experience on leaving Japan and working abroad. We'll cover topics like what made her want to go abroad in the first place, how she managed to actualize her dre…
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今までSakuraとErikaの過去と現在のバックグラウンドやキャリア選択についてお話しをしてきたので、今回のエピソードでは「将来」に焦点を当てて、私たちが理想とするキャリアや人生観についてディスカッションをしていきます。ここ数年の間に私たちのキャリアに対する考え方がどう変わって、何がきっかけでその変化が生まれたのかなどについて深掘りをしていきます。 After spending a few previous episodes talking about our career so far and how we got to where we are today, today's episode we candidly discuss our ideal future jobs and ca…
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今回のエピソードでは「日本で生活する」ということが実際どんなものなのかについて話していきます。「日本に住むためにはやっぱり日本語が流暢に話せないといけないの。。。?」「生活費は結構高いの。。。?」などといった日本に住むことに興味がある方がよく抱くであろう疑問についてSakuraとErikaの経験を元にディスカッションをしていきます! Do you need to speak Japanese to live in Japan? Is it too expensive? What is the biggest challenge? As more and more folks in the world become curious about moving to & living in Jap…
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今回のエピソードでは、「英語の学習方法」と「英語が話せることで得られるメリット」について話していきます。日本生まれ育ちの純ジャパであるErikaがどのように英語を学んで話せるようになったのか、また日本でバイリンガルであることでどんな良いことがあるのかについてもディスカッションしていきます。大学時にアメリカ留学を経験したErikaから言語の学習方法のヒントも共有しますので是非聴いてみてください! Is learning English worth it for Japanese people? In this episode, we focus on Erika's journey of going from zero to fluent in English. We discuss the …
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今回のエピソードでは「帰国子女とは」について話していきます。日本でよく聞く「帰国子女」という言葉ですが、これは海外で数年以上教育を受けて日本に帰国した、日本人の両親を持つ子供のことを意味します。Sakuraも日本人の親を持ち、アメリカで育って日本に帰国した帰国子女の一人ですが、複数の文化に触れて育ってきたことで自分のアイデンティーについて様々な思いを抱き、考えることが多くありました。今回はSakuraの今までの経験から感じた帰国子女であることのメリット、そして帰国子女だからこそ感じる難しさや課題についてディスカッションしていきます。 In Japan, there is a term Sakura often likes to use called "kikokushijo," meanin…
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今回のエピソードでは「転職」について話していきます。転職経験のあるSakuraとErikaがなぜ、そしてどのタイミングで転職をしたのか、また転職を経て学んだこと、転職を今もしくは今後考えている方へのアドバイスと準備方法をシェアします! In this episode, we talk about changing jobs. Since it can be daunting to make such a big decision, today we'll share our own stories of why & when we changed our jobs, what we learned, and some self-reflection tips to help point yo…
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このエピソードではErikaとSakuraが出会った場所でもあり、互いにキャリアをスタートした原点である米国IT企業について、またそこで働くことについて話していきます。そもそもなぜ私達がIT企業で仕事を始めたのか、実際に働いてみて感じたIT企業の文化や理想と現実の差、また私達の経験から感じるこの業界に適するであろうと思う人の性格や素質についてディスカッションをしていきます。是非お楽しみ下さい。 In this episode, we are talking about a topic that bonded us initially: Working in (American) Big Tech. We discuss the thought process of getting our f…
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皆さんこんにちは!ErikaとSakuraです。エピソード0では、私たちの自己紹介とこのポッドキャストを始めた理由や皆さんに届けたいメッセージについてお話ししています。 Hello everyone, nice to meet you - we are Erika and Sakura, two Japanese friends co-hosting this podcast. In this episode, we will do a quick introduction of ourselves as well as how we met, why we started this podcast, and why you should listen :) Follow us on Ins…
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We spoke with Dora Tamari-Tutnjević, a Japanese-Croatian intercultural navigator working on building a sustainably multicultural society. With a special emphasis on refugee and migration issues, Dora has educated and engaged both minorities and host communities in dialogue and co-creation through lectures, corporate trainings and events at companie…
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Ken Persen is the founder and CTO of LIVMOR, an American Digital Health company. Ken has worked nearly his entire career in the medical device industry, working for companies such as Guidant and Boston Scientific before founding LIVMOR. Ken has a passion for improving health outcomes and reducing healthcare costs through the large scale adoption of…
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Erica Baffelli is a Professor of Japanese Studies at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom. Her research covers "new religions" in Japan. You can read some of her publications in the links below. Note: at some point, Taro compared Japanese new religions to the American Christian Science. He meant Scientology, not Christian Science. Mus…
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In this episode, we speak with Carolina Zeledon from Costa Rica, about how and why you should make good, simple and tasty food at home whenever you can. Music credit: Ai IMAZATO from the Senri International High School of Kwansei Gakuin. Thank you Ai!!! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theglocal/message…
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We spoke with Joseph Kim, an American writer based in Seoul, about refugees in South Korea and why South Korea has the lowest refugee acceptance rate among developed countries. Joseph Kim has covered the Korean Peninsula for the past 10 years, and was previously a Reuters correspondent. He is now a researcher focusing on climate change. --- Send in…
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We spoke with Luke Lozier about the value of wearable health devices and how to use them to optimize personal health practices. Luke has wide knowledge of implantable medical devices, which he gained over 25 years of professional experience. Luke has specific knowledge of the neurological systems related to heart health, breathing and sleep. He is …
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We spoke with Sayako Hatano, founder of KidSprout Therapy Tokyo, about occupational therapy for children. Sayako has over 15 years of clinical experience in a variety of fields, including occupational therapy for children diagnosed with developmental delays, physical and congenital diseases, acquired diseases, cerebral palsy, gray zones and develop…
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We spoke with Malcolm Foster about Christmas celebrations, Christianity and religion in Japan. Malcolm was born and raised in Hokkaido as the son of American missionary parents, he worked as a reporter and editor for 17 years for the Associated Press in Japan (including during the 2011 tsunami and nuclear disaster), Thailand and the United States. …
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Iraq is often in the news, but few understand this ancient society. We spoke with Erik Gustafson, the founder and executive director of Enabling Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC), an independent non-profit organization in Washington DC, to help us understand some of the dynamics that are rarely reported in the news. Learn more and follow updates at https…
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The United Nations climate negotiations in Glasgow, Scotland, or COP26, concluded earlier this week. We speak with Molly McGregor, a climate and economics policy specialist formerly with the New Climate Economy (NCE) Project, to help understand the key outcomes from the summit. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/th…
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Ethiopia has been in the news lately with reports of armed conflicts around the country in addition to tense relations with some of its neighbors. We speak with Braden Fuller, Senior Researcher at the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED), to help us shed some light on the country and help us understand the origins of these conflicts…
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We spoke with Megumi Moss, CEO and co-founder of CareFinder, which connects babysitters and parents. Prior to becoming a mother, Megumi worked in Business Planning at Sony and Sony Mobile Communications. She saw co-workers and friends struggle with the challenges of working while raising children. Megumi realized there was a serious lack of childca…
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We spoke with Malcolm Foster about his recently published article in the New York Times on Japan's digital gender gap. Malcolm is a Tokyo-based freelance journalist who has written about business, culture, religion, society, education and travel for a range of publications. Born and raised in Hokkaido as the son of American missionary parents, he w…
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In celebration of the Paralympics, we invited Mr. Shinji Maeda, a Japanese man who was told he could never accomplish his dream of becoming a pilot due to his blindness in one eye. Listen to find out how he proved everyone wrong, and the journey he went through to succeed. Click to Learn more about the Paralympic Games (or copy/paste this link: htt…
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We speak with Ernest Ming-tak Leung, a PhD Candidate at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. We discuss his article, The School That Built Asia, which explores the role of Kenkoku University in Japan's wider Pan-Asian ambitions. Notes: Ernest would like to note that the Edo-era scholar, Sato's given name, should be read instead as 'Nobuhiro', an un…
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We discuss the challenging situation facing refugees in Denmark, where government policy aims to deport them back to their home countries. We spoke with: Alysia Alexandra, a Danish-American human rights activist and anthropologist. You can follow her updates on Syrian refugees in Denmark on Twitter at @AlysiaAlexndra Lisbeth Zornig Andersen, a Dani…
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We interviewed Suzu, a university student fighting anorexia. Her experience dealing with anorexia alone made her realize that young people suffering from eating disorders need more help from others. Since then, she has used Instagram to share her thoughts and experience about how patients and people around them should face eating disorders. Now, sh…
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We speak with Haruka Adachi, a student at Kwansei Gakuin University who is passionate about solving environmental problems. While living in Berlin, she was very impressed with the high German environmental awareness, so she decided to study environmental issues at university. She is very interested in humanitarian activities such as disaster volunt…
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Join us for an informative conversation with Ben Silverman, founder of Flx-Fit in Tokyo. Learn valuable tips around the mindset, diet and exercise required to be healthy. Find out more at flxfithealth.com and here. Ben Silverman is an American who came to Ishikawa, Japan in 2010 to practice Kyokushin Karate. After some success, he moved to Taekwond…
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Ms. Teddy Umurorwa was born and raised in Rwanda. She's a survivor of the Rwandan genocide of Tutsis. She worked for the United Nations in Rwanda before moving permanently to London UK. She's a mother of two. Listen to her speak about the status of women in Rwanda, why they consistently rank in the top 10 in the Global Gender Gap Reports, her thoug…
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We speak with Shota-san about his two years in Ethiopia as a volunteer for JICA, the Japan International Cooperation Agency. Shota was based in Ethiopia's second largest city, Bahir Dar. Click the links to learn more about delicious injera, and the Blue Nile. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theglocal/message…
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In this episode, we interview two Japanese women working for organizations involved in issues related to SDGs. First we speak to Noriko Shindo, co-founder of Ekolocal, who are on "a mission to empower everyone to make the right decisions for their health, their local community and the environment". Find out more by clicking here. And check out thei…
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We speak with a researcher inside Myanmar, Mr Sai Tun Aung Lwin, and with Victor Maung, a journalist from Myanmar based in Washington DC. Learn about current events in Myanmar, how the generals are reacting to the popular uprising, and whether Myanmar will see a resolution to the conflict or become another Syria. This is our second episode covering…
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Join us for a conversation with university students from Lebanon who persevered through great obstacles and won the Best Delegation Prize at Harvard World Model United Nations competition - which was supposed to be held in Tokyo this year. Find out how they prepared, what exceptional challenges they faced due to conditions in Lebanon, and how they …
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