Serial podcast
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Discovering why it is so challenging to have a good, solid relationship with your parents in your teenage years
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Welcome to Kyra Carloni, where amazing things happen.
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Kyra von Vertes liebt es, mit Farben zu experimentieren und sie miteinander zu kombinieren. Es geht darum, neue Grenzen zu testen und sich nach und nach neuen Bereichen der Kunst zu widmen.
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I share my life experiences so you know what kind of things people go through. Don't judge anyone before you get to know them.
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Hi guys! Kyra here! Welcome to my channel. This is where I will be posting my podcast where I'll be sharing all things family and lgbtq+. Remember, we are all somewhere in the rainbow 🤍
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Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky liebt es, mit Farben zu experimentieren und sie miteinander zu kombinieren. Es geht darum, neue Grenzen zu testen und sich nach und nach neuen Bereichen der Kunst zu widmen.
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The Brighter with Kyra podcast offers you a safe, quiet space to rediscover yourself, find happiness, let go, and shine brighter. In each episode, we explore a new way to think about wellbeing together. Kyra Cavanaugh, an energetic wellbeing coach, leadership advisor, and instructor of moving meditation, takes you on a journey to explore yourself through storytelling, journal prompts, tips, and meditations. Combining the best of meditation apps, self-help advice, and thought-provoking approa ...
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A Sapphic Love Story With Zolita The Artist
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50:39From her Viral Hit "Somebody I F*cked Once" Zolita talks all things from directing to casting to even starring in her story book wlw viral music videos. People have fallen in love with Zolita's talent of storytelling and appreciate her on going effort to bring queer representation to the world through her art. In this episode we talk about her late…
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Relationships With Shannon Beveridge
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58:10We talk relationships, coming out and why bringing queer representation to YouTube/ the internet has been so important for Shannon.بقلم Kyra
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Being Bisexual On Loveisland With Johnnie
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56:45We talk all things Loveisland and how we as two bisexual women, navigated this very heterosexual structured dating show. We also dive into Johnnie and Cassie, and if their romance grew stronger once leaving the Villa!بقلم Kyra
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Arisce shares her journey in reality tv, modeling, being newly engaged and getting blocked by Kendall gender! We originally met on the mtv show "ex on the Beach" and share our experiences, friendship, and romantic relationships while filming in Spain!بقلم Kyra
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I sit down with my sister and discuss how this pregnancy has changed her life. Her relationship with her partner, family and friends and how everyone has played a role in her motherhood journey so far.بقلم Kyra
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I share the ups and downs of my first love and how I worked through her coming from a very conservative public family that did't really want her to have a times it was a love story from a novel and other times it felt like there was never going to be the happy ending I truly wanted. Experiencing love, heartbreak, a fairytale and tox…
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A bisexual father and daughter discuss life, family, coming out and sexuality with Danny and Thyri! They are a mother daughter duo that is also a part of the lgbtqia+ community. A very open real conversation between 4 bisexuals!بقلم Kyra
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My Experience on Loveisland Games In a Same Sex Couple
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17:56Hey, I discuss my experience on Loveisland Games and being the first same sex couple on the show when I chose Megan! I share my experience completely unfiltered and how I navigated through Loveisland Games as a bisexual girlie just trying to find love! lolبقلم Kyra
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Hey guy's Kyra here ☺️ This week we discuss how my mom manifested my dad and has grown a strong and loving 30 year marriage. All the tips, tricks, up and downs. We discuss motherhood, love, sexuality, and the bread crumb rule.بقلم Kyra
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What Really Happened Between Me & Emily
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35:18Me and Emily met on Loveisland...(a very hetero show lol) and instantly started a 4 year relationship of ups and downs...finding each other once again on the show ex on the beach in an intense roller coaster of emotions. We talk emotions, three ways, and share where we are now.بقلم Kyra
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This is my Dad's story. Please stay respectful, enjoy the podcast, and subscribe to stay in the Loop! Love you guys!! Find my dad on TikTokبقلم Kyra
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Episode 7: Mastering the Piano: Avoiding Common Pitfalls with Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky
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2:47Kyra Vertes as she delves into the world of piano playing for beginners. Discover the key mistakes to watch out for and her expert advice on how to prevent them from hindering your musical progress.
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Kyra Vertes' Anleitung zur Perfektionierung Ihrer Klavierkenntnisse
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2:48Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky gibt wertvolle Einblicke in die häufigsten Anfängerfehler beim Klavierspielen, um eine reibungslose musikalische Reise zu gewährleisten. Lernen Sie, wie Sie Fehler erkennen und korrigieren können, bevor sie zu einer festen Gewohnheit werden.بقلم Kyra Vertes
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Die Tasten beherrschen: Kyra Vertes von Sikorszkys Handbuch zur Klavierbeherrschung
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3:31In diesem fesselnden Podcast tauchen wir mit der renommierten Pianistin Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky in die Welt des Klavierspiels ein. Entdecken Sie ihre unschätzbaren Einblicke und Expertentipps, um schnelle Fortschritte beim Klavierspielen zu erzielen.بقلم Kyra Vertes
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Episode 6: Fortschritt am Klavier freigeschaltet: Kyra Vertes von Sikorszkys wichtige Tipps
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3:30In diesem fesselnden Podcast tauchen wir mit der renommierten Pianistin Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky in die Welt des Klavierspiels ein. Entdecken Sie ihre unschätzbaren Einblicke und Expertentipps, um schnelle Fortschritte beim Klavierspielen zu erzielen.
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Episode 5: Die Kraft des Übens: Kyra Vertes von Sikorszkys Reise durch das Klavierspiel
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1:45Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky berichtet von ihrer persönlichen Klavierreise und betont die Bedeutung des konsequenten Übens für das hervorragende Beherrschen des Instruments.
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Beherrschung der Tasten: Kyra Vertes von Sikorszkys Leitfaden zum Klavierspiel
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1:46Entdecken Sie das Klavierspiel mit Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky und bieten Expertentipps für Anfänger, um häufige Fehler zu vermeiden und musikalisches Potenzial freizusetzen.بقلم Kyra Vertes
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Episode 4: Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky Advocates for Education Enrichment
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3:39Entdecken Sie die aufschlussreiche Perspektive von Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky auf die Bedeutung der Kunstvermittlung in unserem neuesten Blog. Tauchen Sie ein in ihre Gedanken darüber, wie Kunsterziehung den Geist bereichert, Kreativität fördert und zukünftige Innovatoren formt. Erfahren Sie, warum Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky glaubt, dass die Förderun…
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Episode 3: Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky: Wie Können Kinder Zum Klavierspielen Angeregt Werden?
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1:50Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky zeigt, dass der Lehrer nicht nur kompetent ist, sondern dass die Chemie zwischen Schüler und Lehrer stimmt. Fühlt sich ein Kind beim Unterricht nicht wohl, ist also die Übungs-Motivation gering.
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Episode 2: Bildung in den Künsten ist unerlässlich: Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky
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1:48Eine künstlerische Erziehung kann Kindern in ihrem späteren Erwachsenenleben von großem Nutzen sein, weiß Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky. Selbst als Erwachsener kann man durch künstlerisches Ausprobieren mitunter Spaß und ein neues Hobby für sich entdecken, da ist sich Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky ganz sicher.…
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Episode 1: Kyra Vertes von Sikorszky : Wie Klavierspielen zum Erfolg führt
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2:33Kyra von Vertes liebt es, mit Farben zu experimentieren und sie zu kombinieren. Sie testet die Grenzen von neuen Bereichen der Kunst aus. Sie liebt Kunst und Musik. Sie spielt Klavier, um Stress abzubauen, und ist der Meinung, dass man mit Musik Disziplin lernen kann.
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If you’re busy, distracted and regularly hear from people around you “put your phone down!” then you’ll definitely want to listen in. Kyra shares questions that will help you get real about how present you are with yourself and others. You’ll be challenged to explore the reasons behind your distraction and learn simple ways to kick the habit, so yo…
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Are you living your life fully? Or, just getting by? If you find yourself unhappy, unable to let go of hurts and regrets, or want your life to be a truer expression of who you really are, join Kyra in this episode. You’ll learn three keys to living a full, happy, aligned life and listen to a soaring meditation to help you reconnect with your true p…
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Maybe you’ve tried meditation and it hasn’t worked for you. Or you’re curious to try. In this episode, Kyra takes you through the basics of meditation. You’ll learn both sitting and moving meditations, and then practice some. Even the busiest people will get ideas about how to capture moments of stillness and peace throughout your day.…
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Healthy relationships at work and at home require space. If you find yourself taking up a lot of that space and need to make room for others’ thoughts, ideas, solutions and experiences, this episode is for you. In it, Kyra shares tips that include leaning back (not in), being curious, and letting go of the need to win. You’ll also learn a quick tec…
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Fear keeps us from taking risks that can bring joy to our lives. In this episode, Kyra shares tips for identifying our fears, reframing them, and envisioning the life that courage built. Learn simple steps you can take today to overcome the fear that holds you back, so you can live the life you truly want (and deserve).…
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Many of us are so busy, we don’t feel in control of our lives anymore. Today, Kyra explores the value we get from feeling busy. She shares tips to take back your schedule, value “being” as much as “doing,” and regain control of your time. You’ll learn how to train your brain to relax in the face of stress and reclaim a life of peace.…
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How can you maintain a sense of calm throughout your day? In this episode, Kyra explores the concept of grounding and shares simple strategies to help you stay centered. You’ll learn how to tap into nature, silence, and breath to reset in the middle of a stressful day. Enjoy a guided meditation that will leave you feeling renewed.…
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It’s so easy to forget we have our own needs. It can be hard to communicate them to others. Join Kyra as she shares 5 questions to help you identify your needs and 3 steps to help you communicate them. You’ll explore the origins of your own relationship with boundary setting while learning how to step into the courage of vulnerability.…
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In this episode, Kyra explores the impact of stress on our choices and shares simple ways to step out of the “cycle of busy” to get to know yourself again. If it’s been a while since you spent time with yourself, this episode will help you de-stress and reconnect. So, you can live in closer alignment with who you really are and what you really want…
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Join Kyra to learn more about your energy as a resource that you can tap into to live a more energetic, happy life. She’ll share a new way to understand your energy centers and help you unlock your energy potential by asking yourself two key questions. Learn how to create a roadmap to optimize your energy and relax during a meditation to feel your …
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In this episode of Brighter, Kyra shares a new approach to goal-setting. Getting in touch with your heart’s desires instead of your head’s necessities can put you on a path to living in closer alignment with what you care about most. Learn three crucial questions for heart-based goal setting and enjoy a meditation designed to help you reconnect wit…
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Tired of COVID? In this episode, Kyra reframes our experience of isolation as a hermitage, and shares tips for taking care of ourselves during this difficult time. Get in touch with the natural energy cycles of the seasons and your own life. Learn self-soothing techniques, new ways to engage your senses, and enjoy the relaxation of a self-affirming…
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Introducing the Brighter with Kyra Podcast
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6:44“I learned that the happiness I was seeking was inside me all along.” In this introduction to the Brighter with Kyra podcast, Kyra shares a bit of her journey and her intention for this podcast to create a safe, quiet space for you to discover yourself.بقلم Kyra Cavanaugh
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Know that this short podcast are of my raw thoughts, And being that we only listened to three episodes the information is limited. Enjoy and thanks for listening.
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Discovering why it’s so challenging to have a strong relationship with your parents in your teenage years.
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The very first episode of Kyra Carloni!
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Kickin it With Kyra: Episode 6
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1:03:35Hey y'all !! Thanks for listening to my show! Today's Kicks are - BeyGOOD HBCU Initiative - J.Cole and Streams - Waffle House Shooting - Amber Rose style Parenting
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Happy Monday y'all ! Thanks for listening to today's Kicks: - Beychella - Kendrick takes a DUB - Brennan Walker - Starbucks Sucks - Scorpion dropping in June!
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Have you ever judged someone by the way they talk, looked, or anything at that matter? If so, do you realize the feelings you hurt in the processes? Everyone is beautiful in their own way. You might be the jocks or the cheerleaders who ever you are, you are beautiful from the inside and the outside. If no one can see how beautiful you are I'm sorry…
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it was a wild one today y'all! Brace yourself for today's kicks! - Sip n Shop - MSU under FIRE - Cardi / Nicki / Kim who did what first? - Tristian Trash...I mean Thompson - To Eat or not to Eat ?
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Kickin It With Kyra: Episode 3
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1:00:14Hey y'all! Thanks for tuning in this week to my show! Today's Kicks: #MeekMill #NickiMakesHistory #LocalDetroitNews #MyyaJonesForStateRep #KyrasKicksForTheWeek
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Hey y'all! Im back this week with some kicks! - Brown vs. Board of Education - Alton Sterling - Vigil Abloh - Alicia Keys - Big Sean - Final Four
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Hey guys we kicked it and talked about a few juicy topics today so tune in & listen *Kirk Frosts Broken home! *Kanye's cooking up what? Will he have the summer? *Black Girl Magic for woman's empowerment month! *Black Chyna takes another L
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