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Tea Zavacki

Misija #radimposvom podcasta je podržati poduzetnike, freelancere i kreativce u izgradnji održivog i dugovječnog biznisa – po njihovom. U sklopu podcasta Tea dijeli inspirativne priče i odmah primjenjive strategije koje mijenjaju perspektivu i donose rezultate.
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Creativity for Sale is your backstage pass to the minds that shape our creative world. Based on the recently released book by Radim Malinic, helping people start and grow life-changing careers and businesses. Check out weekly interviews with the world's most brilliant creatives, designers, writers, musicians, makers, and marketers, along with bonus episodes offering quick action tips for the food for thought for the weekend ahead. More info https://radimmalinic.co.uk/
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La carrera de comunicación implica una gran capacidad de transmitir mensajes de manera efectiva. Requiere de personas activas, creativas y con ganas de experimentar. 📻
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show series
Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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Autentičnost je riječ koju smo svi puno puta čuli, no znamo li zapravo što znači živjeti autentičan život i biti istinski svoj? U ovoj epizodi o tome pričam s Lorom Davidović. Lora je psihoterapeut i mentor za autentičnost, a njena misija je osnažiti žene da odbace stereotipe i pronađu svoju istinsku priču. Kroz mentorski rad i zajednicu unutar svo…
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"When you give somebody freedom to roam, you never know what creativity you'll unlock. That freedom brings happiness and retains relationships." - Alex Suchet In this episode, Radim Malinic interviews Alex Suchet, founder and CEO of Mystery Box, a digital production company. Alex shares his journey from TV production runner to agency owner, discuss…
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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10x MASTERMIND: https://www.radimposvom.com.hr/mastermind/ Ispuni prijavu: https://forms.gle/UQoPc4UiC6G4RjMz7 Prije nekoliko godina zapisala sam u dnevnik: “Osjećam da stagniram. Zasitila sam se ponuda koje prodajem. Ne znam o čemu bih pričala online. Nemam energije za kreiranje sadržaja. Odrađujem zadatke, no nedostaje mi osjećaj uzbuđenja u bizn…
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"In the beginning I was more fearless because I had nothing to lose. Now I've developed a reputation, but I'm better at saying no." - Stephanie Boutari Stephanie Boutari shares her journey from studying architecture to becoming a mural artist in Southern Ontario, Canada. Originally from Bahrain with Egyptian heritage, Stephanie initially chose arch…
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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"The ability to give everything away and be generous in passing on knowledge in life has never backfired on me. Knowledge sharing makes the world go around." - Chris Doyle Sydney-based designer Chris Doyle shares his journey from aspiring artist to graphic designer and studio owner. He discusses his approach to commercial creativity, the importance…
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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Osobni brend započinje pričom. No, koliko nas zapravo zna ispričati svoju priču na način koji privlači prave ljude, donosi poslovne prilike i gradi prepoznatljiv brend? U ovoj epizodi pridružila mi se Petra Sedlanić Kereša, mentorica za osobno brendiranje i specijalistica za marketing na društvenim mrežama. Petra pomaže poduzetnicama - i onima koje…
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"I try to focus less on the new and more about what's unique for you as a brand - dig into their story, where they came from." - Eleni Beveratou Dalton Maag creative director shares her journey from discovering graphic design through a Girl Scout poster to becoming a leading voice in typography. The conversation explores the evolution of brand typo…
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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Pogledaj snimku webinara ‘U prednosti’:https://www.radimposvom.com.hr/free-webinar-u-prednosti/ 10x MASTERMIND:https://www.radimposvom.com.hr/mastermind/ Trebala sam znati da nam 60 minuta webinara neće biti dovoljno! Broj sudionika uživo nadmašio je sva moja očekivanja, a chat je bio prepun pitanja na koja nisam stigla odgovoriti. Ako ste sudjelov…
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"Philosophy taught me not to avoid depths and darknesses, but to embrace melancholy. It was important to see how different people in history dealt with life's big questions." - Robert Summerfield A deeply introspective conversation with Robert Summerfield, exploring his journey from a philosopher's son to a jazz student, songwriter, and documentary…
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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"If we don't define success for ourselves, others - society, capitalism, all the things - will define it for us." Diana Varma, a design educator at Toronto Metropolitan University, shares her journey from print production to teaching, discussing her innovative approach to education through "ungrading" and fostering creative confidence. She emphasiz…
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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"Stress is the opposite end of the spectrum of creativity. It's a very narrow, restricted state and creativity is an open and expansive state." Luke Lucas, a Sydney-based designer and meditation teacher since the mid-90s, discusses his journey from workaholic substance use to discovering meditation through his father. He explores how mindfulness tr…
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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Besplatni webinar ‘U prednosti’: https://www.radimposvom.com.hr/free-webinar-u-prednosti/ U nepredvidivim vremenima okrećemo se liderima koji nam ulijevaju osjećaj sigurnosti. No, što čini pravog lidera? U ovoj epizodi pričamo o tome kako se pojavljivati, donositi odluke i voditi kao lider na tržištu. Ostani u toku: Prijavi se na newsletter: https:…
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"I had this kind of crazy idea that if you have a passion, a creative passion, that's a hobby, you feel dirty if you turned it into something that made money." - Katy Cowan A candid conversation with Katy Cowan, founder of Creative Boom, about her 15-year journey building one of the creative industry's most respected platforms. From her early days …
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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Besplatni webinar ‘U prednosti’: https://www.radimposvom.com.hr/free-webinar-u-prednosti/ Preuzmi FREE vodič Godina po mom: https://godinapomom-2025.grweb.site/ 10x MASTERMIND: https://www.radimposvom.com.hr/mastermind/ Je li 2025. godina u kojoj ćeš ostvariti sve svoje želje i ciljeve? U ovoj inspirativnoj epizodi razgovaramo o tome kako ti samo j…
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"You choose that the pain is accepted because what you're putting in, you're getting out. You choose that it's worth your time and effort." - David Sheldon Hicks In this introspective conversation, David Sheldon-Hicks, co-founder of Territory Studio, reflects on his 15-year journey from motion designer to creative business leader. He discusses the …
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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Preuzmi FREE vodič Godina po mom: https://godinapomom-2025.grweb.site/ 10x MASTERMIND: https://www.radimposvom.com.hr/mastermind/ Prijavi se i među prvima saznaj sve o RETREATU: https://radimposvom-retreat-lista-cekanja.grweb.site/ U ovoj epizodi vodim vas kroz najveće uspjehe i izazove #radimposvom brenda u 2024. godini. Ovo je šesta godina zaredo…
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"I do soul searching every single day. It's not taking weeks of vacation somewhere - it's just a constant process in life." - Itir Eraslan A deep dive into Itir Eraslan's remarkable journey from textile engineering in Turkey to founding her own marketing agency in New York. The conversation explores her 20-year tenure at Nike, the courage to leave …
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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S kime bih radije razgovarala o donošenju (novogodišnjih) odluka nego s Renatom? Renata Debartoli, psihologinja i psihoterapeutkinja s više od 10 godina iskustva u radu s klijentima, pridružila mi se po prvi put na #radimposvom podcastu! Kroz godine smo surađivale u različitim ulogama, a u ovoj epizodi razgovaramo o izazovima i odlukama u poduzetni…
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A candid conversation with multi-disciplinary creative Rahul Bhatt, who shares his journey from doing wedding videos in Leicester to working with global music artists like Coldplay and Camila Cabello. Born in Tanzania and raised in the UK, Bhatt discusses his evolution through various roles at major music labels, his approach to creative work, and …
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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"A creative business cannot be structured like any other business. Why? Because wasting time is where the magic comes in. You cannot productise that." - Marko Pfann Former broadcast design studio owner turned creative business mentor Marko Pfann shares insights from scaling a studio to €4 million in 18 months and its eventual dissolution. He discus…
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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U posljednjoj epizodi ove godine pričamo o ključnom koraku koji mnogi poduzetnici preskaču - proslavi vlastitog napretka. Zašto je to važno? Istraživanja pokazuju da proslava uspjeha - svojih i tuđih - daje tvom mozgu dozu dopamina, hormona koji je izvor motivacije i uzbuđenja. Kada redovito slaviš svoje uspjehe, gradiš mentalnu i emocionalnu otpor…
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"There's a huge gap between people who understand fashion and people who understand 3D. I want to close that gap and inspire the next generation." - Stephy Fung A candid conversation with digital fashion artist Stephy Fung about her journey from graphic design to pioneering digital fashion. She discusses navigating her British-Chinese identity, the…
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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U ovoj epizodi podcasta zajedno analiziramo nedavno lansiranje ‘Ne sutra, SADA’ u kojem smo istovremeno promovirali četiri različite ponude i ostvarili najbolji mjesec do sada! Pričamo o tome kako lansiranje treba izgledati da bi tebi bilo zabavno, zašto je planiranje unaprijed presudno te kako psihologija prodaje utječe na krajnje rezultate. Ekskl…
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Kerry Laster, a creative director from Georgia, shares his journey from discovering creativity through Gordon Parks' documentary to leading creative teams. He discusses the importance of authenticity in creative work, finding inspiration through personal curation, and applying sports team mentality to creative leadership. Kerry emphasizes the value…
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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"If you're not curious and embracing change, the world will start to change around you. People often are afraid of change. It's a scary thing." - Simon Dixon In this revealing conversation, Simon Dixon, co-founder of Dixon Baxi, discusses his 24-year journey building one of the world's leading branding agencies. He shares insights about creative co…
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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SAMO OVAJ TJEDAN (!) Uštedi više od 50% na #radimposvom programe | Ne sutra, SADA: http://radimposvom.com.hr/ne-sutra-sada Ako želiš više jasnoće, prihoda i slobode u sljedećoj godini, moja misija je podržati te u tome. Na #radimposvom podcastu iz epizode u epizodu dijelim najbolje strategije - izravno iz razgovora s privatnim i MASTERMIND klijenti…
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A deeply personal conversation exploring Amanda Mocci's journey from childhood artist to successful brand identity designer and illustrator. She discusses how her late brother's influence shaped her cosmic inspiration, managing ADHD as a strength, and finding balance between commercial work and personal art. The episode delves into the importance o…
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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"I believe we can be channels and vessels for those ideas that are supposed to be coming through us." - Matt Hart Matt Hart shares his journey from New Zealand forest ranger to global innovation consultant, discussing his approach to unlocking creativity in organizations and individuals through his Better Ideas Faster (Biff) methodology. He explore…
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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"I'm always very grateful for opportunities. When you're grateful and have gratitude for your lot in life, it's the best reminder to stop feeling sorry." - Chuck Anderson In this deep-dive conversation, veteran designer Chuck Anderson provides a candid look at navigating a two-decade career in the ever-evolving creative industry. From his journey a…
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Welcome to five-minute magic from Mindful Creative Podcast. A short bonus episode, sharing tips and insights from the book's pages of the same title. Every week I'll share one or two ideas that can give you an actionable takeaway for your creative process or work/business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These bonus episodes sha…
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Promocija premium ponuda nije ista kao i svakodnevna prodaja. Jedno od glavnih pitanja koje mi klijenti postavljaju kada je u pitanju promocija premium ponuda je: Kako uspijevaš tako brzo izgraditi povjerenje koje je potrebno da bi netko uložio u premium ponudu? U ovoj epizodi planiram odgovoriti na to pitanje i podijeliti s vama ono što sam podije…
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A candid conversation with lettering artist Jessica Hische about maintaining creative independence, managing work-life balance, and navigating the evolving creative industry. Jessica shares insights about staying small versus scaling up, dealing with perception versus reality in the creative field, and adapting to technological changes including AI…
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