Tobi عمومي
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show episodes
Der Checker zum Hören! Tobi checkt zusammen mit einem Kind drei Fragen zu einem Wissensthema. Lustige Experimente, kluge Expertinnen und Experten sowie die schlaue Datenbank helfen ihnen dabei. Und am Schluss jeder Folge verrät Checker Tobi ein persönliches Geheimnis. Ob es um Bäume, Märchen oder Schleim geht, im CheckPod macht Wissen Spaß und gute Laune. Alle neuen Folgen gibt es immer eine Woche vorab exklusiv in der ARD-Audiothek!
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Catch all the South Florida Sports News, Silly Sauce & Hot Takes you can handle. Radio visionary and borderline journalist Brendan Tobin teams up with former All-Pro Running back Leroy Hoard to deliver the latest sports updates with a sprinkle of Silly. JFig and Marcos round out the the team and help bring a fresh outlook to your every day sports consumption.
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Tobias Beck Podcast

Tobias Beck - Wöchentliche Interviews mit inspirierenden Persönlichkeiten

Tobias Beck’s Podcast ist der Podcast für Menschen mit großen Visionen und jeden, der den Traum verfolgt sein eigenes Ding zu machen! Tobias Beck und seine Interview-Gäste motivieren, inspirieren und geben dir Denkanstöße, während du beim Sport bist, auf dem Weg zur Arbeit oder gerade entspannst. Du bist auf der Suche nach neuen Perspektiven und spannenden Geschichten aus der Welt von erfolgreichen Unternehmern, Speakern und Menschen, die den Status Quo infrage stellen? Dann ist der Tobias B ...
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Leichtigkeit in Leadership – das ist das Ziel dieses Podcasts. Mit praktischen Tipps, relevantem Know-how und ehrlichen Einblicken in den Alltag eines Leaders, trainieren wir deine Leadership-Muskeln. Mit Tobias Teichen als deinem Personal Leadership Trainer lernst du, das Gewicht der Verantwortung zu stemmen – egal ob für dich selbst, deine Familie oder dein Business.
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I säng med Tobias & Gabriel

Tobias Karlsson & Gabriel Forss

Tobias och Gabriel är bevis på att motgång kan vändas till framgång. En Melodifestivalvinnare och en vinnare av Let's dance. Två "vanliga" gaykillar som lever sina drömmar genom sång och dans. En inspirationspodd om vänskap, familj, vardagsliv, arbete och fest. Välkommen att krypa ner mellan lakanen och bli vår vän! Nytt avsnitt varje måndag.Följ oss gärna på Facebook:ölj oss gärna på Instagram: Hosted on Acast. See ...
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TobiHochZwei - Doppelt Tobi, Doppelt Tech

Tobias Wittenburg,Tobias Allweier

Die beiden Tobis nehmen dich mit auf eine spannende Reise durch Software, Cloud und Technologie. In jeder Folge tauchen wir tief in aktuelle Themen wie Softwareentwicklung, Cloud-Architekturen, Künstliche Intelligenz und technologische Innovationen ein. Unser Fokus? Praxisnahe Tipps, spannende Gäste und Erkenntnisse, die dich inspirieren – egal, ob du in der IT-Welt neu bist oder schon Erfahrung mitbringst.
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The Internet and mainstream media are inundated with misinformation and superficial hot takes. That’s why you’re not getting the full story. Take another look with JNS Editor-in-chief Jonathan Tobin as he takes deep dives into the most critical stories and controversies impacting the Jewish world with insightful commentary and fascinating interviews. If you want to understand the bigger picture and the context of the issues that really matter, this show is for you. Thanks for listening to Jo ...
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Zuhause in Essen - Ein Podcast der Sparkasse Essen - mit Tobias Häusler

Tobias Häusler - Team (Sparkasse Essen): Frank Weßing, Nadine Steinkamp, Sylvia Twiehoff, Sebastian Kirchner

Früher war alles besser? Nein. Das Beste passiert jetzt. Tobias Häusler spricht mit Gästen, die unsere Zukunft in Essen selbst prägen und gestalten - zwischen Karnap und Kettwig, zwischen Frintrop und Freisenbruch. Freuen Sie sich auf spannende Gespräche des WDR Talk-Moderators (und Rüttenscheiders) in einer Serie, die selbst bereits für mehrere Preise (z.B. "Tacken") nominiert wurde. Vor allem aber freuen Sie sich auf die Gäste aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Stadtentwicklung, Wirtschaft, Kultur ...
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De Stijn, Tobi en Jeppe Show

Dag en Nacht Media | Podimo

Het tweede, derde en komende seizoenen zijn nu exclusief te beluisteren op Podimo MET BEELD! 📺 Probeer de eerste maand gratis via Iedere vrijdag bespreken we de belangrijkste vragen des levens. Trendwatcher Stijn van Vliet neemt de laatste trends mee, Jasper Demollin voorziet de podcast van een inspirerende quote en Tobias Camman topt het af met een bijpassend culinair versnaperingetje. En natuurlijk betrekken we jou er ook bij: we helpen je met al je levens- of seksvragen! D ...
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Building, growing, and selling your business does not have to be as complicated as people think it is. I've built eight businesses, sold a few, and learned a ton along the way. As a strategist and entrepreneur for almost twenty years, my commitment to you is to provide you with simple, practical ideas that help you across the life cycle of entrepreneurship.
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Mobility Allstars – Der Podcast zur Mobilitätswende – Mit Tobias und Stephan

Tobias Pusch (Mobilitäts-Journalist), Stephan Tschierschwitz (Vorstand Mobility Allstars)

Die Mobility Allstars sind eine Plattform für Mobilitätsgestalter*innen. Wir unterstützen wichtige Projekte zur Gestaltung der Mobilitätswende in der D-A-CH-Region und machen auf diese in der Öffentlichkeit aufmerksam. Dabei hat jeder Verkehrsträger seine situative Berechtigung. Alle Verkehrsträger sind Stars. In unserem Podcast diskutieren unsere Hosts Stephan Tschierschwitz und Tobias Pusch mit hochkarätigen, meinungsstarken Personen über die Mobilität der Zukunft. Außerdem beleuchten die ...
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Tobias Höckert

Tobias Höckert

För dig som vill leva livet på dina villkor: 🌱Kognitiv beteendecoaching 🌱Holistiskt självförsvar 🌱Vägledande samtal Välkommen! /Tobias kontakt:
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We are passionate about helping leaders, HR, and ethics professionals build healthy cultures that enable mission success, a thriving workplace and responsible impact. Every other Thursday we post insightful and actionable conversations with leading thinkers, researchers, and practitioners on culture, values, ethics, and transformational change.
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Tobiloba Marquis

Tobiloba Marquis

I grew up with the view that some things ought not to be as they are. Sadly, we seem to have accepted these things as the norm. In the podcasts, I shall share things that would cover issues such as Faith, Love, Life. It's a great journey that I hope would bless you as you take the trip with me. I am excited as much as you are.
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Welcome to Tobi Delly Podcast where we discuss and share paradigm shattering information and ideas on Business Leadership Entrepreneurship Success lifestyle Interviews Books This podcast is powered by Tobi Delly International.
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The TobinLeff M&A Podcast

The TobinLeff M&A Podcast

Building your business was hard, and you only sell it once. With a focus on marketing, communications, digital, and service businesses, the TobinLeff M&A advisory team is dedicated to helping owners maximize and monetize their life’s work. For over a decade, the TobinLeff team has completed nearly 200 successful merger, acquisition, and exit planning engagements across the U.S. Visit to contact a partner today or for additional resources and case studies. Subscribe or sign up f ...
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Tobi Alex Oni

Hey guys this is my podcast 😁 I'm just a normal kid that has a wild imagination anyone can be anything it just takes hardwork and determination Instagram:. _.tobiofficial Twitter: _.tobiofficial Snapchat: tobster450 Email:
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Auf meiner Reise, die Welt durch Marketing zu einem besseren Ort für uns zu machen, habe ich mit meinem Buddy Roger diesen Marketing Podcast gestartet. Wir stellen dir effektive und umsetzungsorientierte Marketing-Konzepte vor. Damit kannst du mit deiner Marke mehr Geld verdienen.
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Tobias Motivations is a place to tune into your favorite morning motivational messages. Tune in, you will be deeply inspired toward better in Christ! Thanks for stoping by, come through daily! 😁 Support this podcast:
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- Du verstehst bei Versicherungen nur "Bahnhof"? - Du hast keine Lust und keine Zeit Dich stundenlang in Versicherungsunterlagen reinzulesen? Dann bist Du hier genau richtig! - Ich bringe Licht in den Versicherungsdschungel - Ich teile mein Wissen mit Dir - Ich teile meine Erfahrungen mit Dir Dein Podcast rund um das Thema Versicherungen! Damit Du optimal versichert bist und dabei Geld sparst!
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In meinem Podcast beschäftige ich mich mit den Gedanken und Impulsen aus den Büchern, die ich gerade lese. Als Gründer geht es vor allem um Themen wie Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Motivation, Dankbarkeit, Leadership und Organisation. Alle Beiträge findet ihr auch in schriftlicher Form auf meinem Blog:
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Ein selbstbestimmtes Leben als Selbstständiger bzw. Unternehmer ist der Traum vieler Menschen. Ich selber habe bereits mit 14 Jahren davon geträumt nicht mehr zur Schule gehen zu müssen, und mir mein eigenes Business aufzubauen. Heute gibt es für angehende Unternehmer mehr Chancen als je zuvor. Trotzdem bleibt die finanzielle Freiheit und Unabhängigkeit für die meisten ein unerreichbarer Traum. Doch woran liegt das? Dank angesagter "Geschäftsmodelle" wie Amazon FBA, Dropshipping und Affiliat ...
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show series
Wat zou je doen met een miljoen? Op die vraag geven we deze week antwoord. Tobi leeft als een miljonair, maar is het niet. Dat bewijst hij door te laten zien hoeveel geld er op zijn rekening staat (medelijden hebben is toegestaan). Jeppe is niet vrijgevig, maar ‘vrijuitgevig’ en Stijn heeft de tips om voor je 40e miljonair te worden. Oja, en ga eve…
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Die beiden Tobis sprechen über die Azure Developer CLI (AZD), warum sie so mächtig ist und wie sie Entwickler*Innen im Arbeitsalltag hilft. Unsere Lieblings-Phrase dieser Episode ist übrigens "Infrastructure-as-Code-Code". Darüber wurde gesprochen: (00:57) Was ist die Azure Developer CLI? (02:14) Welche Probleme löst mir die AZD? (03:14) Was brauch…
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Auf einer wilden Schnitzeljagd um die Welt muss Checker Tobi seine Jugendfreundin Marina finden und das Geheimnis der fliegenden Flüsse lüften.Tobi erhält eines Tages ein verschlossene Schatzkiste. Sie stammt von seiner früheren Ersatzoma, Frau Vogelsang, die verspricht: Wer die Kiste öffnet, erhält den größten Schatz der Welt. Doch nur ein Mensch …
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The Miami HEAT & Jimmy Butler are back at it in the Hamster wheel that is their relationshipTobin accuses the HEAT Superstar of "Coasting" Frogboy catches us up on his whereabouts during the Lava Championship RunJosh Allen gets Patrick Mahome'd yet againThe Eagles steamroll the Commanders to the point of new rule introductionSpeaking of Cheaters! T…
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Tobin reveals the one thing or person that wouldve driven him to drink during yesterday's Bills gameWe hear from Tyreek Hill as he finally opens up about his comments following the final game of seasonHis explanation goes as expected with the addition of Fortnite playing in the backgroundLeroy gives him a Pass for his comments but still doesn't for…
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We hear from all the parties involved during this NFL Championship weekendJosh Allen discusses losing to the Chiefs yet againPatrick Mahomes talks about the possibility of a 3 peatSmug Siriani brags about Jalen Hurts and his winning waysCat Talk! - Paul Maurice upset at the NHL schedule makersBack to Backs seem to Haunt the Panthers scheduleWe hear…
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Leroy proposes Jimmy Butler get sent to Souix Falls with the G league teamWe continue to search for a solution that works for both sidesTobin refuses to accept blame for his role in the Downfall of the HEATHe then shifts blame to Leroy and Spirit Leroy for Bullying FrogboyMarcos finds a way to shamelessly plug his latest single releaseWe close out …
  continue reading Programa dedicado a David Lynch (20 de enero de 1946 – 15 de enero de 2025) Esta semana en nuestra “Sección principal” toca programa de literatura y en esta ocasión vamos a recorrer la literatura zombie desde sus orígenes haitianos con “The Magic Island” de 1929 hasta los autores contemporáneos incluidos los grandes autores es…
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Jimmy Butler is once again the center of attention in Miami. He did just enough in his two games prior to another suspension, so what are the possible outcomes for Butler and the Heat? Listen to the best audio of the week from the Joe Rose Show, Tobin & Leroy, and Hochman & Crowder.
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It's a Conference Championship Friday as Tobin & Leroy get you ready for a great sports-filled weekend. They recap the Miami Heat getting their ass handed to them in Milwaukee last night by a Bucks team who arrived to the game 2 hours before tip-off due to the snow in New Orleans that cause the game to be delayed an hour. Tobin & Leroy talk about t…
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In this final hour, Heat lost to the Milwaukee Bucks on national TV Thursday night their first game since the team handed star forward Jimmy Butler a 2 game suspension for missing a team flight, his 2nd team suspension. TNT's Inside The NBA crew talked about the Miami Heat vs Jimmy Butler situation and they had differing opinions on this matter. AF…
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In hour 2 (Tua), More on the Heat getting beat down by the Milwaukee Bucks last night. The Heat was getting beat down s bad that they moved their game to Tru TV so that TNT can start the beginning of the Lakers vs Celtics game. The Heat fall 1 game under.500 for the season as they head to Brooklyn on Saturday with rumors that Jimmy Butler is in NYC…
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On this conference championship Football Friday Tobin & Leroy preview the NFC & AFC championship game. They recap the ass whipping the Heat received last night in Milwaukee by a Bucks team that arrives to their home arena 2 hours before tip off cause they were stuck in New Orleans due to the snow that fell in New Orleans. This Jimmy situation clear…
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JNS senior contributing editor and “Israel Undiplomatic” co-host Ruthie Blum—a former adviser at the Prime Minister’s Office—joins JNS editor-in-chief Jonathan Tobin to discuss the first days of Donald Trump’s presidency and the complicated and not-so-perfect hostage deal between Hamas and Israel.Will the Palestinian terror group remain in power an…
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On today's show the Jimmy Butler-Miami heat relationship took another turn for the worse as the Miami Heat suspended Jimmy 2 games for missing the team flight to Milwaukee. This is the 2nd suspension this within 3 weeks for Butler by the team. There is no returning back from this at this point for both parties. The Florida Panthers lost to the LA K…
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In this last hour, we wrap up the discussion of Jimmy Butler's second suspension. The Heat have a game against the Milwaukee Bucks tonight can they put all this Jimmy Butler BS out the way and earn a victory. If you listen to the show you have to deal with technical difficulties but it seem on Monday no one had it like Billy Ray Cyrus.…
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In hour three, How did this Jimmy Butler and Miami Heat situation get to this point? How does Bradley Beal hold the power to Jimmy's desire to paly in Phoenix? We hear from Tua Tagovailoa's dad who shares his thoughts about seeing his son suffering concussions. How long does he think Tua will play football?…
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In hour tua, More on the Miami Heat suspension of Jimmy Butler for missing a team flight. Tobin & Leroy share the same sentiments of the Heat fanbase and want this relationship with Jimmy to be over and done with. Jimmy is wrong for alienating his teammates and not being a professional. The Heat are wrong for thinking that Jimmy would change his wa…
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Tobin & Leroy begin their show talking about the Jimmy Butler vs Miami Heat situation getting worse as the Heat suspend their star forward for t2 games for missing the team flight to Milwaukee. The Heat and Butler are in a point of no return situation. Is this drama affecting the team young core? Is Pat Riley just at fault as Jimmy?…
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Unsere Killer Keynote Bootcamp-Absolventin Steffi Christian nimmt dich mit auf eine kraftvolle Reise vom Kreisen im System bis zum mutigen Ausbruch in die wahre Freiheit. In der DDR aufgewachsen, fand sich Steffi von Kindheit an bis hin zu ihrer Tätigkeit als Physiotherapeutin immer im Kreis laufend wieder – ohne je wirklich auszubrechen. Doch dann…
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On today's show, Tobin & Leroy talk about the Miami Heat who lost to the Portland Trail Blazers last night after the Phoenix Suns made a trade with the Charlotte Hornets that seemed to be made in order for the Suns to make a move for Jimmy Butler. The defending Stanley Cup champions Florida Panthers started their West coast trip with a 5-2 win over…
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In this last hour, Tobin & Leroy wants an end to this Miami Heart, Jimmy Butler divorce to be over. Tobin isn't in a good place and think that Jimmy is traded by the end of this weekend. Who Will the Heat get in return? Where does Jimmy Go? And if it is to Phoenix will it vibe with KD and Devin Booker? Our queen J Fig joned the show with a New hair…
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In hour 3, Tobin is frustrated with the Jimmy Butler & Miami Heart drama but he is bore frustrated with Heat Center Bam Adebayo who has struggled all season. What Hass happened to the Captain? Is he turning into Hassan Whiteside? The Panthers look to continue their winning ways with a second game in southern California as the face the Los Angeles K…
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Hour Tua, begins with news in New York that the Jets will sign Lions defensive coordinator Aaron Glenn as their new head coach. How does this affect the Miami Dolphins? Two new head coaches have been hired which makes Fins head coach Mike McDaniel the 2nd longest tenured head coach in the division. The Miami Heat lost to the Portland Trail Blazers …
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Its a Hump day and Tobin & Leroy get you through the middle of the week talking about the big sports news happening locally in South Florida and nationally. The Miami Heat lost to the Portland Trail Blazers at home adn it was a weird night at the Kaseya Center as there was reports of a trade made by the Phoenix Suns and the Charlotte Hornets which …
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Tobin & Leroy ae back from the Martin Luther King day weekend to share their thoughts on what happened this past weekend in sports. They talk about the Miami Heat up and down weekend that started with star player Jimmy Butler returning back from his 7 game suspension and them losing to the Denver Nuggets then two days later putting the beat down to…
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In this last hour, Tobin & Leroy talk about Kel'el Ware great game on Sunday and how the duo of Bam And Ware are an unstoppable duo called Tall Time. Tobin excitement over Ware's performance has him going on the deep end. He claims that Ware dominated Wemby in their matchup and had him shook. Leroy as always has to be voice of reason but he does lo…
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In this third hour, Tobin & Leroy talk about the Heat finally showing their Tall Time as Tobin thinks they have changed their fortunes not that Bam and Kel'el Ware have played on the court together. Tobin and Leroy look at video of Jimmy post game conference after his 1st game back from suspension. Has Jimmy and his teammates move past the drama? I…
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Hour Tua, The Miami Dolphins sent OL Liam Eichenberg and welp that turned out so well. The Heat are back on the court to take on the Portland Trail Blazers at Kaseya Center tonight. After their big win over the Spurs on Sunday Tobin is so excited for center Kel'el Ware after his great game vs Victor Wembanyama Tobin thinks he can win NBA Rookie Of …
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It's Tobin & Leroy show after a long sports packed weekend. The guys go over the college football national title game won by Ohio St over Notre Dame. The Buckeyes won the first college football playoff title after fans wanted to fire their head coach Ryan Day. The Miami Heat are back in action after the craziness of this past weekend with Jimmy ret…
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I veckans podd har Tobias deal:at på Stureplan. Gabriel har nobbat inbjudan till fashionshow i Milano. Vi fasar för Trumps presidentskap. Hur gick det egentligen för Gabriel och den spanska besiktningen? Vi upplever den största bekännelsen i poddens historia! Till sist listar vi tre saker vi skulle ha ändrat som Amerikas president. Nu kör vi! I sän…
  continue reading Esta semana en nuestra “Sección principal” tengo una petición de una donante vía PayPal que desea mantener el anonimato y que me ha pedido que comente “La historia interminable” de Wolfgang Petersen que adaptó en 1984 la mitad de la novela homónima de Michael Ende. Además en nuestra sección “El callejón oscuro” os traigo al de…
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In the best of the Dolphins on WQAM this week, Brian Baldinger breaks down what a successful offseason would look like; Mike McDaniel makes some surprise firings; Crowder calls McDaniel a weak link; Kyle Crabbs believes Tyreek Hill will quit on the Dolphins; Alan Poupart dives into salary cap constraints; debating Mike McCarthy vs. Mike McDaniel…
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It's Football Friday but locally the big story is Jimmy Butler vs the Miami Heat and Tobin & Leroy has all the details opinions and silly sauce for this great sports filled weekend. Jimmy Butler can return tonight from his 7 game team infused suspension but will he as the Heat host the Denver Nuggets? The Florida Panthers lost at home to the Detroi…
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