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show episodes
Portál Startitup ti prináša rozhovory so zaujímavými, inšpiratívnymi a úspešnými ľuďmi zo sveta politiky, podnikania, biznisu, ale aj cestovania a gastronómie. Vypočuj si otázky na telo a vychutnaj si naše podcasty plné zaujímavých informácií okorenené dynamikou a humorom. Príjemné počúvanie
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Startist Society

Laura Lee Griffin and Nikki May

Are fear and procrastination keeping you from making progress in your art business? Artists Laura Lee Griffin and Nikki May believe strongly in the power of community, accountability, following your intuition, taking small actionable steps, and breaking down the barriers that keep you "stuck". The Startist Society will inspire you to stop getting in your own way and start building an art biz and life that you love. Follow along with us on our creative business journey as we encourage you on ...
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Starting Strength Radio

Mark Rippetoe

Starting Strength is the bestselling book on the most fundamental and effective approach to strength training ever written. Mark Rippetoe hosts Starting Strength Radio where he discusses topics of interest, primarily to him, but perhaps also to you.
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Starting Grid

© 2025

wöchentlich Starting Grid ist der beliebteste Formel 1-Podcast in Deutschland. Kevin Scheuren und Dennis Lewandowski sprechen jede Woche über alles aus der Welt der Formel 1 und geben spannende Einblicke in die Welt der Königsklasse des Motorsports. Zusätzlich zu den regulären Podcast-Folgen bekommst Du hier auch in unregelmäßigen Abständen Spezialausgaben zu aktuellen Themen mit hochkarätigen Interviewgästen. Äußerungen unserer Gesprächspartner*innen und Moderator*innen geben deren eigene A ...
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What would you do if you were starting today? To help, here are half-baked startup ideas, growth marketing tactics, and stories from founders and creators - including my own journey as a bootstrapped business owner. All of the content is centered around helping founders, creators, and investors starting today.
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Sharing the unspoken sides of running a business and showing up online, Starting The Conversation is for entrepreneurs craving honest conversations and practical advice. Tune in each Tuesday for a dose of actionable expertise and inspiring stories from those who ‘get it’.
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Hurry!!! The movie is starting

Unnecessary Roughness

Join us on our journey as we trudge through the good, the bad, and the stupid. We give our honest opinions of films and let you know if they’re worth it, or if you should save your money. But as you decide, Hurry!!! The movie is starting
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Ory Arbel

פודקאסט היזמות והסטארטאפים של עו"ד אורי ארבל, משודר לייב בכל יום רביעי בשעה 13:00 ברדיו קס"ם 106 אפ אם ובפייסבוק לייב
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Starting Right is a 5 minute Day Starter to help keep you motivated, encouraged, and focused throughout your day. DannyMac is a pastor, teacher, motivational speaker, husband, and father. His years of leading and training people have given him vast experience in helping individuals to accomplish change in their lives and meet their goals. He can help you set the course for your day by offering practical advice from God's Word in a positive and fun way. There is no better way to begin your da ...
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Dad Starting Over

Dad Starting Over

Welcome to the Dad Starting Over podcast! "Starting Over" means different things to different people. It could be that you're newly divorced and starting over fresh with a new life. It could be that you're still married and wanting to hit the reset button and finally do things right within your marriage. Whatever your story may be, you're in the right place. I'm Ralph, a.k.a DSO, the author of books called "The Dead Bedroom Fix", "Divorce Panic", "Real Talk" and "Red Flags". You can learn mo ...
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Starti Soluções em TI

O StartiCast é uma nova maneira de acompanhar nossos conteúdos e se manter informado no mundo da tecnologia. Nele, você acompanhará quinzenalmente assuntos diferentes com especialistas da área de segurança da informação, gestão de TI, telefonia ip, entre outros.
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The Rich Dad Radio Show will now air THREE times a week! In addition to the regular Wednesday and Thursday episodes hosted by best-selling author Robert Kiyosaki, and Jaren Sustar, we’ve added a third episode to include Real Estate expert Brent Daniels which will publish on Tuesdays. Join Robert Kiyosaki every week on Wednesdays, where he dives deep into the world of financial education, wealth-building strategies, and entrepreneurship. In every episode, Robert and his expert guests discuss ...
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Starting Conversations


Welcome to Starting Conversations, a podcast dedicated to opening up dialogues about mental health and suicide prevention. Each episode explores personal stories, allies in action, expert insights, and practical advice to break the silence and stigma. Join us as we sit down with mental health professionals, survivors, advocates, and everyday people to share their experiences and strategies for coping, healing, and supporting one another. Together, let’s start the conversation and work toward ...
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The Starting Block Podcast

John Nelson & Chris Scarborough

At The Starting Block Podcast, we want to give you, THE ATHLETE, THE COACH & THE PARENT the tools to WIN both on and off the field. Our team brings over 65+ years of combined experience in Athletics, Fitness and Sports Medicine. Our mission is to help you win and build our communities by passing on our knowledge & experiences, as well as that of our colleagues across the world. Our areas of expertise include: strength training, rehabilitation from injuries, power & speed development, nutriti ...
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The Starting Gate

Dr. Kitty Dotson and Dr. Sarah Schuetz

Ready to take control of your health without feeling overwhelmed? Join Dr. Kitty Dotson and Dr. Sarah Schuetz, two internal medicine physicians, as they break down easy, science based lifestyle changes that really work. Whether it’s tweaking your nutrition, getting more active, sleeping better, or reducing stress, this podcast makes it simple. With bite-sized, practical tips and relatable advice, you'll learn how small, everyday habits can lead to big results. Tune in each week for a healthi ...
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On this show, we're flipping the script on perfectionism and embracing the messy, imperfect journey of entrepreneurship as a hairstylist. Your host, Misty Jayne an accountability coach for beauty professionals ready to turn their desires to reality, invites guests to share the truth behind what it means to START MESSY and why it’s ALWAYS worth the leap. You can follow her on instagram for more:
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Starting Over With Gretchen and Kimile

Gretchen Jensen and Kimile Pendleton

Starting Over with Gretchen and Kimile is inspiring, entertaining and authentic. They are your Guides to discover that living in alignment with your life purpose is easier than you think. These best friends have years of combined wisdom in the world of seeking spiritual connection and manifesting. Gretchen's quest through 8 denominations to find her connection to Spirit was realized when she was met with cancer. Kimile endured two years of wondering if she had ended a life due to a tractor a ...
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Just DAO It! is a podcast for people starting DAOs. Are you thinking about starting a DAO? Just DAO It! Every episode will cover recent DAO news, tweets, and posts from around the web. We’ll break down what the news means for you and combine it with great advice from people who have started or contributed to successful DAOs. Disclaimer: Just DAO It! is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Just DAO It does **not** contain any legal or financial advice. MIDAO also does not provide ...
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Helping Christians break free from financial stress by creating steady side income! Whether you’re starting from scratch or want to grow a side business that’s not earning enough, this is the show for you. What You’ll Learn: How to budget with confidence and clarity. Proven strategies for starting a profitable side business. Practical ways to turn your skills into steady income streams. Faith-filled mindset shifts for financial freedom. I Answer Questions Like: ”How do I find the right side ...
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On the SFZ podcast, Max Breckbill interviews successful ($100k p.a. minimum) Self-Funded Founders who are building their own Ecommerce, SaaS, Digital Product, InfoProducts, Physical Products or Productized Service businesses. Fans of “The Lean Startup”, Tim Ferriss’ “Four Hour Work Week”, Pat Flynn, and Joe Polish will love these interviews with founders who are building solid & sustainable digital businesses. This podcast is ideal for entrepreneurs in search of a digital business idea &/or ...
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The Starting point

Rodna Ntabeni

Welcome to The Starting Point! I'm Rodna Ntabeni, your personal development and mindset coach, speaker, and new personal cheerleader. This is your safe space to dream big, plan smart, and take real actions towards the life you've been imagining. Around here, it's all about working smarter, not harder, because success doesn't have to mean burnout. We'll focus on building good habits, staying motivated, and creating a life that feels fulfilling and authentic to you. It's not about being perfec ...
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Bienvenue sur la page du podcast Starting Five. Chaque semaine, on décrypte l'actualité NBA dans la bonne humeur avec un minimum de mauvaise foi. Retrouvez-nous sur Twitter pour ne rien manquer.
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Starting 11

Starting 11

Talking world football!! Come check out a point of view from the states Cover art photo provided by Andrii Podilnyk on Unsplash:
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The Go-To Podcast for Women Starting A Business Online & Starting a Podcast Doing What You Love **Top 1% globally ranked starting a business podcast!** Ready to start and grow a successful business online so you can make money doing what you love? But confused about the steps, overwhelmed with the thought of marketing, and scared you don't have what it takes? Good news: There is a simple way to get started and build a business that fits into this season of your life. Yes, you can start small ...
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Starting Rock

Romane BAURY

Vous ne connaissez peut-être pas ces artistes, et c’est bien, car voilà l’occasion d’étoffer votre culture musicale ; vous les connaissez déjà, et c’est bien aussi, ça devrait vous donner envie de m’écouter. Dans cette émission je vous parle de groupes de rock d’un peu partout dans le monde et dont les textes dénoncent, glorifient, font rire et parfois même flipper…
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Starting It Up

USF Entrepreneurs Club

University of San Francisco's Entrepreneurship club brings the latest news interviews and news from the tech capital of the world. Visit us at to get involved!
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Quiero darles la bienvenida a ustedes a nuestra nuevo podcast de Dad Starting Over en Español. Asegúrense de suscribirse y sígannos para poder escuchar todo el ultimo contenido que tenemos! También ingresa a nuestra pagina web y elige el idioma español desde el menu y lee gran contenido de muchos años de experiencia de hombres como tú.
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show series
Tento denný podcast, vytváraný s pomocou umelej inteligencie, ponúka unikátny a efektívny spôsob, ako sa dozvedieť o najzaujímavejších udalostiach a článkoch dňa. Umelej inteligencii sa darí analyzovať obrovské množstvo informácií z rôznych zdrojov, aby vybrala tie najrelevantnejšie a najpútavejšie obsahy pre širokú škálu poslucháčov. Každá epizóda…
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V tejto časti sme sa rozprávali so šéfom Slovenskej poľnohospodárskej a potravinárskej komory, ktorý hovorí o tom, ako môže dohoda EÚ s Latinskou Amerikou poškodiť domáci trh a ako môže byť lokálna výroba potravín nahradená lacnejšími alternatívami. Ako to ovplyvní domáci trh a ako zistiť, ktoré mäso kupovať? To všetko v novej časti LTB. 📱 Pre najd…
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This is a follow-up to a post I recently made about relationships floundering due to "silly" things like looks and money. Yes, those things matter! They don't go away just because you said, "I do". To think otherwise is foolish. Join the HFM Brotherhood!بقلم Dad Starting Over
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In this episode, Misty Jayne unpacks the true meaning of enough—in money, success, and life. Through a powerful dream number exercise, you’ll gain clarity on your goals and what it takes to find peace. Mentioned in this episode: Financial Flow For the busy hairstylist Get instant access to this free class here! Financial Flow for the Busy Hairstyli…
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Prayer transforms lives, but not always on our timeline. This episode dives deep into the tension between our expectations and God's perfect timing when we pray. Faith, as Hebrews reminds us, is "the essence of things hoped for and not yet seen." The waiting period between our prayers and God's answers isn't empty space – it's where faith grows str…
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Tento denný podcast, vytváraný s pomocou umelej inteligencie, ponúka unikátny a efektívny spôsob, ako sa dozvedieť o najzaujímavejších udalostiach a článkoch dňa. Umelej inteligencii sa darí analyzovať obrovské množstvo informácií z rôznych zdrojov, aby vybrala tie najrelevantnejšie a najpútavejšie obsahy pre širokú škálu poslucháčov. Každá epizóda…
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Endlich geht sie los, die Formel-1-Saison 2025 und wir stimmen euch nochmal so richtig auf Hochtouren zu bringen, haben wir die einzig wahre Saisonvorschau für euch, denn bei Starting Grid gehts wie immer richtig ab! Kevin Scheuren und Dennis Lewandowski sprechen über alle Teams, alle Fahrer, alle Teamchefs und wagen den Ausblick auf die anstehende…
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Celé PREMIUM VIDEO nájdeš tu 👉 Dnes do redakcie Staritup prijal pozvanie moderátor, ktorého ešte nedávno vídali diváci na obrazovkách spravodajskej televízie TA3. Ako jedna z tvárí relácie V politike však médium opustil. Momentálne má svoju vlastnú talkshow s názvom Za oponou. Jeho obežník…
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Celé PREMIUM VIDEO nájdeš tu 👉 už viac ako 3 roky odoláva ruskej invázii. Vo februári 2022 ruské vojská prekročili jej hranice a mnohí Ukrajinci prišli o svoje domovy, pričom pred vojnou utekali aj do zahraničia. Na slovenských hraniciach vtedy pomáhalo veľa dobrovoľníkov, medzi ktorými bol…
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Today's episode is a bit unplugged. Unscripted. Unedited. I’m really passionate about helping people learn to steward money in a way that aligns with God’s purpose for their lives and then to create more money on the side so they can have relief from financial pressures. So today is a bit of a happy rant about it with the goal being to stir up the …
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Naši moderátori Diana a Albert ti dnes, 8. marca, prinášajú epizódu nášho unikátneho UP NEWS - špeciálu. Každú sobotu ťa zoberieme na cestu 📱 Pre najdôležitejšie správy zo Slovenska a zo zahraničia sleduj náš Instagram 👉
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Celé PREMIUM VIDEO nájdeš tu 👉 V najnovšej epizóde O TOM POTOM sme privítali Alex Wortex, ktorá je známa svojím nekonvenčným životným štýlom a kontroverznými názormi. V rozhovore sme sa rozprávali o tom, ako vníma zdravie a stravovanie, prečo odmieta klasickú medicínu a čo si myslí o chorobách…
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A follower reaches out to tell the story of his very chaotic and dysfunctional relationship. Like most, he had many opportunities to make a course correction, but he kept choosing the wrong turn each time. Cheating, divorce, dead bedroom, getting back together, more dead bedroom... It's not good! Join the HFM Brotherhood…
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Danny Mac takes us on a thoughtful journey from humorous cultural references to profound biblical wisdom in this episode about managing life's stress burdens. After receiving an email filled with inspirational quotes, Danny reflects on our endless search for solutions to life's challenges, humorously referencing the classic I Love Lucy episode feat…
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Tento denný podcast, vytváraný s pomocou umelej inteligencie, ponúka unikátny a efektívny spôsob, ako sa dozvedieť o najzaujímavejších udalostiach a článkoch dňa. Umelej inteligencii sa darí analyzovať obrovské množstvo informácií z rôznych zdrojov, aby vybrala tie najrelevantnejšie a najpútavejšie obsahy pre širokú škálu poslucháčov. Každá epizóda…
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Celé PREMIUM VIDEO nájdeš tu 👉 Za dnešným hosťom relácie Zo zákulisia politiky sme prišli skutočne do zákulisia. Rozhovor sme natáčali totiž priamo v kancelárii známeho politológa, analytika a vysokoškolského pedagóga. V roku 1995 nastúpil do Výskumného centra Slovenskej spoločnosti pre z…
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In this week's Q & A, John & Chris discuss focusing on how to measure progress beyond just weight. They emphasize the significance of proper positioning in training, the role of velocity and intent in movement, and the foundational aspect of position in achieving athletic performance. The conversation highlights the need for a holistic approach to …
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In today's episode, we're talking INFORMATION OVERLOAD. It's a real struggle for many new business owners and I'm sharing 3 steps to end the overwhelm so you can get focused & become a productive, efficient business owner! 👉GET ALL MY FREE BUSINESS RESOURCES & PRINTABLES! 👈 👉JOIN THE FREE FB GROUP HERE! _____________________________________________…
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Experience the extraordinary in the ordinary as we journey through a delightful story about a geography class tasked with identifying the seven wonders of the world. Here, a clever yet quiet girl surprises her classmates with a list that includes the sensory wonders of human existence: to touch, taste, see, hear, run, laugh, and love. This fresh pe…
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Tento denný podcast, vytváraný s pomocou umelej inteligencie, ponúka unikátny a efektívny spôsob, ako sa dozvedieť o najzaujímavejších udalostiach a článkoch dňa. Umelej inteligencii sa darí analyzovať obrovské množstvo informácií z rôznych zdrojov, aby vybrala tie najrelevantnejšie a najpútavejšie obsahy pre širokú škálu poslucháčov. Každá epizóda…
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Dr. Wittmer returns to discuss factors in testosterone replacement therapy, synergy with lifting and diet, and the importance of taking charge of your own health rather than relying on the standard medical industry.بقلم Mark Rippetoe
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Jim is joined by Craig Swanson as they delve into the world of custom GPTs and their applications. They discuss how to utilize AI for tasks like copywriting and strategy development, and learn about the advancements in AI tools such as ChatGPT and Claude. They also showcase practical implementations, from setting up knowledge bases to effective pro…
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A simple hotel room turned into a sacred space where two traveling salesmen discovered not just hospitality but the profound power of faith. Join me as we dive into the inspiring story of Sam Hill and John Nicholson, whose unexpected encounter in 1899 sparked the birth of the Gideon Society. Their journey from casual conversation about God to estab…
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Money as we know it is under attack. The government is printing trillions, inflation is skyrocketing, and now FedCoin is on the horizon. But what does this mean for YOU? In this episode, Robert Kiyosaki, Jeff Wang, and the Real Estate Guys break down the macro picture of money, real estate, and crypto. Should you be investing in Bitcoin, gold, or r…
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Technology can feel intimidating, but it doesn’t have to hold you back from growing your creative business. In this episode, Nikki and Laura share practical strategies and mindset shifts to help artists and creatives overcome their tech fears. From starting small and embracing imperfection to utilizing online resources and celebrating small wins, w…
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Tento denný podcast, vytváraný s pomocou umelej inteligencie, ponúka unikátny a efektívny spôsob, ako sa dozvedieť o najzaujímavejších udalostiach a článkoch dňa. Umelej inteligencii sa darí analyzovať obrovské množstvo informácií z rôznych zdrojov, aby vybrala tie najrelevantnejšie a najpútavejšie obsahy pre širokú škálu poslucháčov. Každá epizóda…
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Celé PREMIUM VIDEO nájdeš tu 👉 Hosťom dnešnej časti relácie Zo zákulisia politiky je známa tvár komentujúca politické dianie nielen na Slovensku. Je autorom viacerých odborných publikácií a zároveň odborným asistentom na katedre politológie na Trenčianskej univerzite. Špecializuje sa na té…
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In this episode of the Starting Conversations podcast, host Cara Jones explores the critical impact of donations and government grants on nonprofits like the Resource Centre for Suicide Prevention (RCSP). With a significant new Community Initiatives Program Operating Grant awarded by the Government of Alberta, RCSP's North Peace location in Grimsha…
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How are you reacting when it comes to others? Are you making everything about you when maybe it doesn’t need to be? This episode is here to help guide you through times where things might feel uncomfortable or too personal and how to have control with your feelings and ultimately live with your own peace.…
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Dive into this touching episode where we explore the transformative power of kindness through the heartfelt story of Kevin and Kyle. Kevin reflects on a pivotal moment from high school when a simple gesture of helping a classmate led to an unexpected friendship that altered both of their lives. From the initial encounter filled with the sadness of …
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Had a flat start to the year? Not making the progress you expected or hoped to? Tune into this episode as I break down the 3 main reasons standing between you and your 2025 success. Atomic Habits by James Clear Podcast about 3 exercises to cast vision _____ Interested in joining ON IT? Join the waitlist here to be first in line when doors reopen in…
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Tento denný podcast, vytváraný s pomocou umelej inteligencie, ponúka unikátny a efektívny spôsob, ako sa dozvedieť o najzaujímavejších udalostiach a článkoch dňa. Umelej inteligencii sa darí analyzovať obrovské množstvo informácií z rôznych zdrojov, aby vybrala tie najrelevantnejšie a najpútavejšie obsahy pre širokú škálu poslucháčov. Každá epizóda…
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Send us a text What does your cholesterol panel really tell you about your health? In this episode, we take a detailed look at cholesterol’s function, how to make sense of your numbers, and which extra tests may be helpful—or just a waste of money. Plus, we explore the bigger picture of metabolic health and its impact on your heart. If you want to …
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V tejto epizóde Let’s talk business sme sa rozprávali s Pavlom Plevjákom, riaditeľom spoločnosti DQS Slovakia, o tom, ako získať certifikát a prečo je pre biznis dôležitý. Zistíš, ako ti certifikácia môže pomôcť v podnikaní, prečo ho niektoré firmy vyžadujú, koľko stojí a ako prebieha audit. To všetko sa dozvieš v novej epizóde relácie Let’s talk b…
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A follower reaches out with a very difficult situation: He and the wife have been living in a very dysfunctional relationship for over a decade. She's been displaying possible depression symptoms for a long time, preying upon his codependent tendencies, and now she is really sick and requires him to care for her around the clock. Everyone is tellin…
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Join me as I share my personal faith journey during the challenging season following my stroke. In this heartfelt episode, I reflect on the profound impact that prayer and thankfulness have had on my life, demonstrating how these practices can help navigate our worries and fears. In addition to these reflections, I explore the uplifting new song "Y…
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Price increases can feel scary even after you commit—especially when schedule gaps appear. But what if they were a sign of growth? In this episode, Casey Taylor and Misty Jayne dive into the emotions behind pricing, the power of rest, and how to reframe discomfort for success. Check out The Small Town Stylist Podcast HERE price increases, emotional…
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Tento denný podcast, vytváraný s pomocou umelej inteligencie, ponúka unikátny a efektívny spôsob, ako sa dozvedieť o najzaujímavejších udalostiach a článkoch dňa. Umelej inteligencii sa darí analyzovať obrovské množstvo informácií z rôznych zdrojov, aby vybrala tie najrelevantnejšie a najpútavejšie obsahy pre širokú škálu poslucháčov. Každá epizóda…
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Die Formel 1 hat ihre Testfahrten zur Saison 2025 in Bahrain abgehalten und es gibt einiges zu besprechen. Mit wem könnten Kevin Scheuren und Dennis Lewandowski das besser tun als mit Kevin Hermann, der für PACETEQ die Daten wälzt und sie u.a. für Sky Sport Formel 1 und aufbereitet. Kann sich McLaren nur selbst schlagen? Was ist bei Ferr…
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Celé PREMIUM VIDEO nájdeš tu 👉 Dnes sme sa rozprávali so slovenským politikom a bývalým predsedom vlády Slovenskej republiky. V tom čase bol členom hnutia OĽANO a predtým pôsobil ako minister financií. Počas jeho vlády čelila krajina pandémii COVID-19, ekonomickým výzvam a politickým konfl…
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Naši moderátori Diana a Albert ti dnes, 28. februára, prinášajú epizódu nášho unikátneho UP NEWS - špeciálu. Každú sobotu ťa zoberieme na cestu 📱 Pre najdôležitejšie správy zo Slovenska a zo zahraničia sleduj náš Instagram 👉
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Celé PREMIUM VIDEO nájdeš tu 👉 V najnovšej epizóde O TOM POTOM sme privítali energických hudobníkov z Cico Band, ktorí svojím jedinečným štýlom a humorom dobývajú slovenskú hudobnú scénu. Rozprávali sme sa o ich hudobnej ceste, o tom, ako vznikli ich najväčšie hity, a nechýbali ani …
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Want to grow your business without breaking the bank? In this episode, I share how to get customers talking about your business using the power of word-of-mouth marketing using the story of the Samaritan woman in John 4. Learn how to turn your customers into raving fans who spread the word for you. What You’ll Learn in This Episode: ✔️ The power of…
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