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CSI Talk Podcast

Just 2 girls talking about their favorite show CSI and it's spinoffs! / New episodes every Friday!/ First CSI podcast, since August of 2021!
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Csisztu Sport Cast


A Csisztu Sport Cast podcast csatornám fél év alatt mértékadó sportszakmai iránytűvé válhatott elsősorban azon autentikus sportikonok vendégeskedése miatt, mint Kiss Gergely, Szoboszlai Dominik, Michelisz Norbert, Baji Balázs, Babos Tímea és még sokan mások. A Magyar Sportújságíró Szövetség első női alelnökeként, a Nemzetközi Sportújságíró Szövetség (AIPS) Végrehajtó Bizottsági tagjaként a hazai és nemzetközi sportújságírás ügye és képviselete kiemelt feladatom. Nálam hiánypótló tartalmakat ...
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C.S. Cyber

Shawn Waldman and Chad Robinson

Your go-to podcast for demystifying the complex world of cybersecurity. Join Shawn Waldman and Chad Robinson as we delve into the latest trends, threats, and innovations in the cyber realm.
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CS Joseph Podcast

CS Joseph

Discover your personality type free: https://www.udja.app/ Get the How to Type yourself course free here! http://www.udja.app/products/precision-psychology Test, Blog, YouTube, Coaching, Member, and Discord links: https://linktr.ee/csjoseph
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A Csillagpont Rádió ország első és egyetlen tematikus egészség rádiója, elkötelezett a gyógyászat, az egészségmegőrzés, a rehabilitáció és a prevenció széles körű népszerűsítésében, az aktív pihenést, az egészséges életmódot szolgáló turisztikai attrakciók népszerűsítésében, valamint a helyi, közéleti hírek, közérdekű információk közlésében.
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A weekly podcast from Premier Unbelievable? with Professor Alister McGrath exploring C.S. Lewis’ thought, theology and teaching. C.S. Lewis is one of the most influential voices in modern Christianity. The 20th Century British writer and lay theologian has profoundly impacted Christians around the world and brought many atheists and agnostics to faith in Jesus. One person whose faith was greatly encouraged by the writings of C.S. Lewis is Professor Alister McGrath. Both men were raised in No ...
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CSI Chat

CSI Chat Podcasts

The CSI Chat podcast is for folks who want to learn about trending topics and will have a few laughs along the way as we don’t take ourselves too seriously. Several of episodes have a finance slant (the podcast is hosted by an accountant!), but we also try and branch out into topics outside of our comfort zone. Why should you listen, well…I will give you two reasons: 1. You will learn about a new topic. 2. You will have a few laughs along the way. It is a simple objective, to ”Laugh and Lear ...
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Hello C.S. Dorsey

C.S. Dorsey

Discover today's entrepreneurs' trials and errors as they face obstacles and challenges on their journey to success. Bringing strategies and tips that you can implement in your business today.
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CSM Practice - The Customer Success Podcast

Irit Eizips & CSM Practice

Want to learn more about Customer Success? On this Customer Success podcast we invite guests from all over the world to open up about their Customer Success strategies and provide you with tactical advice that you can use in your own organization to improve customer retention, increase solution adoption, expand upsell revenues, perfect your renewal processes and gain more advocates. Be sure to subscribe to our podcast to get notified when we upload a new podcast episode!
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We go beyond sensational headlines and Hollywood representations to bring AI back to reality. Hosted by AI expert Jon Whittle, Everyday AI shows this technology is not science fiction but very much a reality shaping our everyday lives. Join Jon as he explores how AI is used in creative industries, health, conservation, sports and space. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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R-F/C's Podcast

janet e. dandridge & Dannie Snyder

Join our dynamic discussion with professional Artivists (an artist + an activist) in the midst of the creative process. Learn how they determine targets, tactics, and principles; how they deal with surprise roadblocks, criticism and burnout; how their visions are ever evolving. Each episode culminates in a mission for you, to seek and share knowledge on how to creatively transform society.
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Forček – Oficiální podcast NHL.com/cs a Livesportu

Forček – Oficiální podcast NHL.com/cs a Livesportu

Forček - Podcast http://NHL.com/cs a Livesportu pro všechny fanoušky National Hockey League. Moderátoři Roman Jedlička, Martin Tomaides a/nebo Lukáš Hron společně s hostem z řad bývalých hráčů či dalších zajímavých osobností rozebírají každé druhé pondělí aktuální dění v NHL.
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Welcome to CS RevSpeak, the podcast dedicated to Customer Success Leaders who are at the forefront of driving revenue growth. Hosted by Angeline, an experienced CS leader and founder of CS RevSpeak, this podcast is your go-to resource for actionable strategies, practical tips, and expert insights for confidently leading revenue-driven CS teams. Join us as we explore the evolving role of Customer Success in today’s business landscape, with a focus on commercial conversations, data-driven deci ...
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Control System Cyber Security Association International, or (CS)²AI, is the premier global non-profit workforce development organization supporting professionals of all levels charged with securing control systems. With over 34,000 members worldwide, we provide the platform for members to help members, foster meaningful peer-to-peer exchange, continue professional education, and directly support OT and ICS cyber security professional development in every way. Our founder, Derek Harp, intervi ...
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Victory World Outreach is a fellowship of churches stretched throughout the world. Our vision is to Reach, Teach, and Send. The home church is located in Colorado Springs, CO. Please enjoy the sermons uploaded to this podcast.
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GayTherapyLA is a private practice for psychotherapy (California) and coaching services (worldwide), with Ken Howard, LCSW, CST, as its founder and director, with over 32 years experience providing services for gay men, as individuals, couples, and polycules, from his office in Los Angeles and serving gay men all over the world via phone or webcam sessions. Ken provides help for gay men to maximize their quality of life in both their personal lives and careers. While a podcast cannot substit ...
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CSI: Reality Check

Jordan and Paige

Criminalists Jordan and Night Shift Paige talk about the show CSI. We discuss the science used to solve cases and all the character drama you can handle. Email us your questions - csirealitycheck@gmail.com And follow us on Instagram - @csirealitycheck
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CS-Aye Football

CS-Aye Football

CS-AYE performs the research and forensically analyses a season or campaign in a footballer's career, in an informing and witty manner. Hosted by Ian Steven, a journalist with 20 years experience in Scottish football, CS-AYE are joined every episode by a prominent guest from the world of football, usually with a tartan tint, for a podcast that is unrivalled in its level of detail.
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We’ve all heard of the 4 Cs – collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication –, but what if there were other key skills and qualities? What about the power of curiosity, the value of empathy and the need for grit? Join me – and my guests – as we delve into these core skills in this podcast series and work out just what their importance is for students of English.
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Getting an inside look on the prices of getting into community college Cover art photo provided by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@pawel_czerwinski
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CSIAC Podcast


CSIAC's Mission Mission Statement CSIAC is chartered to leverage the best practices and expertise from government, industry, and academia in order to promote technology domain awareness and solve the most critically challenging scientific and technical problems in the following areas: Cybersecurity and Information Assurance, Software Engineering, Modeling and Simulation, and Knowledge Management/Information Sharing.
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show series
2025-02-02 Otazky a odpovedi V V Pjakina ze dne 20-01-2025Stáhnout Fond konceptuálních technologií uvádí pravidelný analytický pořad Otázka –odpověď – Dobrý den Valeriji Viktoroviči. – Dobrý den. – Zdravím naše vážené diváky, posluchače a kolegy ve studiu. Dnes je 20.01.2025. Máme jednu takovou rozsáhlou otázku, přečtu ji v podání Sergeje: „Minulý …
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Welcome to episode Four of our NIST 800-171 series ✅ Want to join our newsletter and receive real-time alerts and cybersecurity news in your inbox? https://securecyberdefense.com/alerts/ to subscribe. ✅ Like and Subscribe to our YouTube channel to spread critical cybersecurity news and insights. / @securecyberdefense ✅ Follow us on Twitter @secdefl…
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Derek Harp welcomes Kyle McMillian, Product Security Officer at Siemens, to discuss the evolving landscape of software bill of materials (SBOMs) and their role in modern cybersecurity. Recorded live at Hack the Capitol 7.0, this conversation unpacks the challenges and opportunities posed by SBOMs in an industry grappling with legacy systems and mod…
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What was Lewis' favourite Shakespeare play? Dr Sarah Waters, assistant professor of language and literature at Sterling College, Kansas, delves into Lewis' literary accessibility and theological insights, uncovering the timeless relevance of his work. What moved Lewis from disliking Shakespeare as a child to incorporating numerous references in his…
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In Part Three, we reflect on what we've been learning in this Design Advocacy Collection, with guests Michel F. Brava, Marketing Director for Riverviews Artspace and Puppeteer, and Amy Funderburk, Visionary Visual Artist and Arts Writer. Find us on social media and share with us what "design" means to you and how do you see design utilized in activ…
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Officiální podcast NHL.com/cs a Livesportu s Martinem Tomaidesem, Lukášem Hronem a vzácným hostem, členem Síně slávy Václavem Nedomanským, o vývoji v NHL, o Vegas, Tomáši Hertlovi a dalších českých hráčích.بقلم Forček – Oficiální podcast NHL.com/cs a Livesportu
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In this episode of the CS RevSpeak Podcast, Angeline Gavino sits down with Thomas Voigt, Customer Success Coach and Founder of The CS Academy, for a deep dive into what it means to be a leader in the Customer Success space—particularly when leading for revenue impact. Thomas shares invaluable insights on: The competencies and skills successful CS l…
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There's something about MathAcademy that just works for learning math (for both kids and adults - ask Reddit!), and we're chatting with Justin Skycak - Chief Quant & Director of Analytics at MathAcademy - to try to figure it out. Shownotes: justinmath.com -- Justin's personal website mathacademy.com 3blue1brown Cell biology by the numbers ExecutePr…
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Dr. Luther Tychonievich from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign shares with us his multi-step Q&A process where he solicits questions from his students to get more diverse questions and strongly signals to them that he wants questions. Dr. Tychonievich goes into detail about how to shorten the exercise if you have less time, as well as con…
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2025-02-02 Komentovane zpravodajstviStáhnout https://odysee.com/@radiosv.studiokadan:6/Komentovan%C3%A9-zpravodajstv%C3%AD—02.02.2025:1 A/ Komentované zprávy 1. Informace z USA 2. Události na Ukrajině 3. Zprávy z Ruské federace 4.Aktuality z EU 5. Novinky odjinud 6. Covid, očkování, následky 7. Zajímavosti z domova B/ Tematické okénko Ruský pohled …
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2025-02-01 O spolecnosti lidstvi XXXVIIStáhnout https://odysee.com/@radiosv.studiokadan:6/O-spole%C4%8Dnosti-lidstv%C3%AD-XXXVII—01.02.2025:d Yanni Slánská – psycholog, terapeut, trenér, masér, poradce ve společnosti soukromý podnikatel předcházející díl: 2025-01-06 O životě živě s Yanni Slánskou XXXVI „Ten, kdo obviňuje druhé, má před sebou dlouho…
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2025-01-28 – Janka a Peter Poláček_Trinásta komnata_časť 19Stáhnout Dynamická energia prúdiaca okolo vedomia avatara vytvára BIOPOLE, ktoré PRENÁŠA NAŠE MYŠLIENKY (INFORMÁCIE) A POCITY. Na úrovni simulovaného tela sa biopole prejavuje ako aura. BIOPOOLE ZOHRÁVA ROZHODUJÚCU ÚLOHU PRI PARTNERSKOM POZNÁVANÍ A ZBLIŽOVANÍ MUŽA A ŽENY… Karma je dôsledkom…
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2025-01-31 – Aktuality 160. díl – 47 minStáhnout Adoraci nacistů podporuje a hlasoval pro ni premiér Fiala, už víme a máme potvrzeno, jaké mocnosti a jakým strukturám je oddán a slouží! Zápis o spolupráci Boleslava Polívky s StB je asi vysvětlením, jeho současných postojů! Vladimír Vladimírovič Putin vysvětluje okolnosti dohody o míru na Ukrajině. …
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2025-01-31 – Hovory při víně 353. díl – 120 minStáhnout Prostřednictvím sedminásobného aspiranta na Nobelovu cenu spisovatele a novináře Karla Čapka se seznámíme s politiky a politikou první republiky! Jak shodné s dneškem! V čem je největší potíž? Je současný politický systém schopen zajistit onu proklamovanou zastupitelskou roli? V čem ta jejich …
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Is your saas onboarding strategy leaving customer value on the table? Saood Shah reveals how value audits can transform your customer success strategy. Learn how to boost retention, accelerate ARR growth, and create a seamless handoff from professional services to customer success. Click here to watch the interview on YouTube! 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 - Value Au…
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2025-01-28 – Pokřivená zrcadla s Míšou 349. díl – 122 minStáhnout Velice zvláštní až urážlivá vyjádření Donalda Trumpa – co by to mohlo znamenat? Situace v Evropě se krystalizuje, ti co destabilizovali státy podle not z americké ambasády jsou zděšeni, Orbán a Fico tvoří! Vznikne osa Maďarsko, Slovensko, Rakousko Čechy a Německo? Skomírající nacisti…
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In Part One, we investigate the intersectionalities of AI, art, and activism, including the social and cultural impacts. In the comments, share with us how AI impacts your life. We’d like to remind our listeners that this podcast is funded by the two of us and your donations! Please help us keep our podcast going by making a donation through our Pa…
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On this weeks episode of CSITalk, we talk about episode 24 season 1 of CSI: Miami "Body Count" , when a prison break takes Horatio's team on a chase all over Miami. Feel free to email us at: csitalkpodcast@gmail.com if you have any ideas or requests for an episode in the CSI Universe, and follow us on our social medias- ig:csi.talk and twitter/X- c…
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How do top portfolio CSMs manage hundreds of accounts without losing the personal touch? Let's dive in to the role! Vitor Meira and Irit Eizips discuss the strategies behind managing hundreds of accounts using scalable techniques like dynamic segmentation, pooled models, and data-driven prioritization. Vitor shares how he maintains meaningful conne…
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Az emlőrák, a nőknél a második leggyakrabban előforduló daganatos megbetegedés. Korai felismerésében nélkülözhetetlen szerepe van az otthoni, rendszeres önvizsgálatnak. Rubi Mónika, a központi kórház klinikai onkológiai és sugárterápiás centrumának koordinátora, ezúttal erre hívja fel rádióhallgatók figyelmét.…
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Welcome to episode three of our NIST 800-171 series ✅ Want to join our newsletter and receive real-time alerts and cybersecurity news in your inbox? https://securecyberdefense.com/alerts/ to subscribe. ✅ Like and Subscribe to our YouTube channel to spread critical cybersecurity news and insights. / @securecyberdefense ✅ Follow us on Twitter @secdef…
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Mosza Diána kutató doktorandusz szerint a fizikai kezelés mellett a lelki támogatásnak óriási szerepe van a gyógyulásban. Gyógyító üzeneteket tartalmazó szuggeszciós kártyacsomagjával ezt a folyamatot segíti. Vállalt missziójáról kérdezi a Csillagpont Rádió műsorában a szerkesztő, Monos Márta.بقلم Németh Csaba
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Babákra várnak a vándorbölcsők... aktív sorstársakra pedig a hatvanasok. Köszönhetően a Miskolci Otthon Segítünk Alapítványnak. Létrehozója, vezetője és működtetője, a Miskolci Egyetem egykori oktatója, Lajtosné Oláh Julianna, akit Monos Márta kérdezett az indulási nehézségekről, az önkéntes mozgalom fejlődéséről.…
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Jakubinyi László, a Szimbiózis Alapítvány létrehozója, kuratóriumának elnöke a Baráthegyi Majorság vezetője, negyven éve dolgozik a fogyatékos emberek életminőségének javításán. Elhivatottsága, szaktudása, következetes küzdelme a társadalmi változásokért példaértékű, amelyet számos nemzetközi és hazai elismerés igazol. Köztük a legutóbbi a Göncz Ár…
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GayTherapyLA Podcast producer, Austen Weinhart, interviews host Ken Howard, LCSW, CST, on the history of Gay Men's Therapy and his own career path over 30 years as a gay men's specialist therapist, coach, sex therapist, author, and activisit.بقلم Ken Howard, LCSW, CST
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Világszerte újdonságnak számító klinikai programot állítottak össze hazai szakemberek, a fiatalok körében (is) egyre gyakrabban előforduló vastagbélrák kialakulása ellen. Dr. Schwab Richárd gasztroenterológus főorvos szerint a daganat megelőzésében egyre inkább felerősödik az endoszkópos vizsgálatok szerepe. A klinikai program lényegéről kérdezte a…
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Tom Hardin, also known as "Tipper X", was working his way up the corporate ladder on Wall Street when he was stopped on the street by a couple of FBI agents and his life was never the same. Tom was faced with accusations of insider trading and decided to cooperate with the FBI. It was at this point Tom transitioned from being "Tom Hardin", up and c…
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Derek Harp sits down with Kenneth Warren, Staff OT and Offensive Security Engineer at GRIMM Cyber, to discuss how gamification and Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions are revolutionizing cybersecurity training. Recorded live at Hack the Capitol 7.0, this conversation explores how CTFs and cyber ranges create safe, hands-on environments for learning…
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Dr. Perjésiné F. Krisztina gyógypedagógus, utazó logopédus, speciális mesekönyveivel is segíti a beszédindítást, a szép magyar beszéd elsajátítását a sajátos nevelési igényű gyermekek körében. Egyszerű könnyen érthető módszerének lényegét ismerteti a Csillagpont Rádió műsorában.بقلم Németh Csaba
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What did Warnie and Lewis get up to while holidaying in County Louth? How did he encounter leprechauns, fairies and the Holy Ghost? Plus, we hear about some of the key women in Lewis' life: Mrs Moore, Joy and their housekeeper Vera Henry. Rev Paul Clayton-Lea, author of CS Lewis and the Wee County shares the second half of his talk given at the CS …
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Csapatmunka, holisztikus szemlélet, precíz diagnosztika és modern technika! Ez a titka és záloga a Mind Klinika orvos-igazgatója, dr. Entz László szerint a derékfájdalmak eredményes gyógyításának. A Svájcban is praktizáló, ismert idegsebésszel és fájdalomterapeutával Monos Márta beszélget a népbetegség kezeléséről.…
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