Polycarp Ihejirika عمومي
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BE HUMBLE The hallmark of a Christ-centred life is humility, a quality embodied by Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who laid aside His glory to take on the form of humans and die on the cross for our sins. Today's broadcast reminds believers that all we are, salvation, talents and gifts are God-given. Believers should self-examine themselves: the…
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FEAR NOT, CHILD OF GOD Just as God was with Joshua enroute to the Promised land, so is He with 21st-century believers in Christ. And just as Joshua faced the challenging task of walking in the giant shoes left by Moses and leading Israel through very hostile territories and driving out the original inhabitants of the land, so 21st-century believers…
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MY PEOPLE PERISH FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE Church leaders have made their followers more ignorant. Their worldly lifestyles don't glorify Christ, Savior and Lord, and their carnal teachings oppose the gospel of Christ and the Lord's commands. With so much falsehood on the internet and social media, believers who don't have true knowledge of God are bei…
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STAND UP FOR JESUS SERIES: #10: THE REMNANT CHURCH MUST STAND UP FOR JESUS The Body of Christ is one: The early church reflected Christ and was one. It didn't have denominations and/or megachurches. And the Holy Spirit was its Teacher and Guide.21st-century denominations and megachurches don't reflect Christ and have so many divisions. Human beings…
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STAND UP FOR JESUS SERIES: #9: GOD HAS GIVEN NIGERIA ANOTHER CHANCE God gave Nigeria two chances between 1993 and 1999 to move the country forward because of the prayers of the remnant Church of God. A satanic cabal succeeded in hindering the country's growth both times because of the sin of a major rump of the Church: its leaders had embraced sata…
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STAND UP FOR JESUS SERIES: #8: STOP SLEEPING, WATCHMAN/WATCHWOMAN Please watch the broadcast to understand why Satan has no power over faithful followers of Christ. Many communities in the first millenium after Christ ceased being Christian when watchmen and watchwomen slumbered. The result: apostasy of succeeding churches and Islamization of natio…
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STAND UP FOR JESUS SERIES: #7 — THE WORLD IS UNDER A HUGE HYPNOTIC SPELL Satan, the commander of the powers of the unseen world, has given wealth, power, and fame to human beings in exchange for their souls. There are many influential people in the social, commercial, religious and political spheres whose rise was made possible by Satan. Only faith…
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STAND UP FOR JESUS SERIES: #6 — NIGERIAN BELIEVERS, THE TIME HAS COME TO STAND UP FOR JESUS In this broadcast, you will learn why so much blood has been shed in Nigeria since its founding in 1914. You will also find out how believers can stop the shedding of innocent blood by the religious, political and commercial leaders of Nigeria. They have bee…
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STAND UP FOR JESUS SERIES: #5 — GOD IS BIGGER THAN ALL OUR PROBLEMS The broadcast uses the parable of the seeds/soils to exhort believers not to fall into the trap of allowing challenges and problems to choke their growth in Christ. Knowing there are many wolves in sheep clothing masquerading as pastors and GOs, the broadcast asks believers to take…
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STAND UP FOR JESUS SERIES: #4 — STOP LABORING IN VAIN Some of the Lord's apostles went fishing without Jesus after His resurrection: they labored all night in vain. Those believers who are discontented and whose toils don't yield commensurate results should ask themselves why they are discontented and why they have been laboring in vain. The Lord c…
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STAND UP FOR JESUS SERIES: #3 — PUT THE FLESH TO DEATH Obedient followers of Christ should know that they have a priceless gift, one which is more than the whole world: God's presence. As a result of the Fall, God's presence left humans leaving a void. And no amount of wealth or fame can fill that void. Hence, the discontentment in the lives of all…
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STAND UP FOR JESUS SERIES: #2 — FREE YOURSELF FROM BONDAGE Many believers are in bondage in their denominations and church organizations. They have allowed their pastors, general overseers, elders, etc., to enslave them. Many would readily go hungry rather than not give money to their already very rich pastors after listening to their worldly prosp…
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STAND UP FOR JESUS SERIES: #1 — LET MY PEOPLE GO Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, gave His followers the charge to GO into the world and preach the Good News of His sacrifice for humanity's sins and the restoration of fellowship with God for those who believe the Good News. Sadly, after the death of the eyewitnesses of Christ's death and resurrec…
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FAITH KILLERS' SERIES: #9 — FEAR CAN WEAKEN, DERAIL AND KILL OUR FAITH IN GOD Believers, rather than trusting God completely when they encounter difficult situations, oftentimes, give in to fear. Fear weakens, derails and kills faith in God. Believers must always remember God's past mercies whenever they are facing situations beyond their control. …
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FAITH KILLERS' SERIES: #8 — RACISM, TRIBALISM, NATVISM, ETHNOCENTRISM, NEPOTISM, ETC., AS KILLERS OF FAITH IN GOD The world system was built on discrimination and oppression of the weak by the strong. Christ inaugurated the Kingdom of God on earth to preach the heavenly gospel of God's love for human beings: this gospel warns against discrimination…
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FAITH KILLERS' SERIES: #7 — TRUSTING CHURCH LEADERS COULD POISON AND KILL FAITH IN GOD These are perilous times: many believers are following and trusting their church leaders even though some of them are teaching doctrines of demons and promoting Mammon. The broadcast warns that such believers are poisoning their faith in God and could ultimately …
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FAITH KILLERS' SERIES: #6 — FRIENDSHIP WITH THE WORLD POISONS AND KILLS FAITH Many believers don't understand the following: they belong to Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord; they are heavenly citizens; and they can no longer be friends with the world. Sadly, many believers don't see the world as being opposed to Christ and His gospel. The broadcas…
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FAITH KILLERS' SERIES: #5 — PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE AS FAITH KILLERS Those who use Science and Philosophy to challenge the veracity of the Scriptures and to question God and His creation are ignorant. Believers who unwittingly give heed to empty philosophies and high sounding nonsense are poisoning their faith in God and in His word. The broadcast e…
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FAITH KILLERS' SERIES: #4 — SIN UNDERMINES, POISONS AND KILLS FAITH God imputed His righteousness to those who accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. They will inherit eternal life provided they don't go back to their previous sinful lives. The broadcast warns believers to avoid sin at all costs because sin is a faith killer and th…
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FAITH KILLERS' SERIES: #3 — THE GREEDY LOVES DOCTRINES ON WEALTH ACQUISITION Many believers love to hear those messages that are geared to the acquisition of riches. They have more faith in material things and in greed-promoting pastors than in Christ, the Son of God, who paid the price for their redemption with His Blood. After watching the broadc…
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FAITH KILLERS' SERIES: #2 — MISINTERPRETATION OF GOD'S WORD Many who claim to have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord believe that they can have both the world and the Kingdom of God. The misunderstanding stems largely from the misinterpretation of the Scriptures and God's mission. Merging of God's covenant with ancient Israel and His covenan…
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FAITH KILLERS' SERIES: #1 — WRONG FOUNDATION God so loved the world that He gave His Son to die to redeem it. As many as believe by faith in His son and His sacrifice become God's children. Our salvation is all about God and His love for fallen humanity: whoever thinks that he/she can add to God's righteousness through his/her works has not really …
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HAVING OUR PRAYERS ANSWERED God hears and answers His children's prayers when their 'Ask' is according to His will. We invite you to watch the broadcast to find out how to have and maintain 'Standing' in God's heavenly court where the 'Advocate', Jesus Christ, sits at God's Right Hand. ——— Are you aware that on our YouTube channel, you can watch mo…
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SPIRITUAL WARFARE SERIES: #8 — THE END OF THE PRESENT WORLD SYSTEM IS VERY NEAR The world's end is almost at hand. Satan's time of ruling the world with his host of evil spirits is very near: So, they are working overtime to take many into the lake of fire created for them by God. To save yourself from the sinking ship, reach for that Lifeline that…
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SPIRITUAL WARFARE SERIES: #7 — BLINDING THE MINDS OF HUMANS WITH A DAZZLING WORLD Unbelievers and many believers have been blinded and deceived by Satan, the god of this world, to love this world. Seduced by its glitz, glamour and beauty that hides the rot underneath, many have sold their souls to the Devil to get their own portions of it. Those be…
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SPIRITUAL WARFARE SERIES: #6 — MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE NATIONS Jesus Christ commanded His followers to love one another so that the world would know that they are His. Sadly, many successor churches through the centuries haven't heeded His command. Struggling for positions in church hierarchies has led to divisions, jealousy, and every form of e…
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SPIRITUAL WARFARE SERIES: #5 — RESCUING BILLIONS OF HUMANS UNDER BONDAGE: THE TASK FOR BELIEVERS Followers of Christ must be about the mission of God, which is proclaiming the gospel so that as many human beings as possible can be rescued from the clutches of Satan and the kingdom of darkness. The gospel of Christ once for all delivered to the sain…
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SPIRITUAL WARFARE SERIES: #4 — ONLY YOU CAN BEAT YOURSELF IN THIS FIGHT God equipped believers in Christ with everything they will need to triumph in their walk on earth: The Holy Spirit. Believers who make studying the word of God priority easily overcome evil spiritual forces. They will never embrace doctrines of humans and demons which have led …
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SPIRITUAL WARFARE SERIES: #3 — EVIL SPIRITS ARE HUMANS REAL ENEMIES Satan and his cohorts are responsible for the disorder in the world. They have saturated the world with evil. All the world's systems (political religious, commercial, social, education, etc.) are under the influence of evil spirits. In their bid to take many humans with them to th…
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SPIRITUAL WARFARE SERIES: #2 — THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS IS ORGANIZED Believers must realize that their fight is not with human agents but against Satan and evil spirits. Furious that he lost out and is condemned to end up in the lake of fire, Satan is determined to take as many human beings as possible with him. Whoever is not a child of God is unde…
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SPIRITUAL WARFARE SERIES: #1 — MOST BELIEVERS DON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE State of affairs in the world today: wars, rumours of wars, even threats of nuclear war, hunger and every form of evil. What most don't know is that there are spiritual forces behind many wicked decisions by leaders of nations. People are afraid and yet they refuse to repent of t…
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WHY ARE FALSE PROPHETS THRIVING? Why are false prophets thriving in the face of clear evidence that they are undermining God's Word and Mission? The reason is clear: False prophets are masters and purveyors of covetousness: they know only too well that human beings are covetous by nature and that covetous believers hate to be confronted with the co…
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WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS? (Matthew 6:33) Humans before the fall were righteous because God created them in His image and likeness. God's Son, the only One with a Priceless Body, had to be sacrificed for human beings to regain that which was lost, which is Priceless, i.e God's righteousness. Knowing …
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It is in the nature of human beings to imitate and strive to be like someone they admire...often, they imbibe both the good and the bad. Sadly, believers are not immune to this human weakness. Many imitate their pastors, GOs, and those they call daddies and mummies not minding whether they are in the faith or not. The broadcast reminds believers th…
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The kingdom of Judah fell in 586 BC: the Babylonian army took most of the Jews captive and deported them to Babylon. The remnant in Jerusalem was still afraid. So, its leaders asked Jeremiah, the prophet of God, to seek God's guidance on what they should do. Though Jeremiah told the leaders that God wanted the remnant to stay in Jerusalem and not g…
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The only name that saves is Jesus Christ, Son of God, the Light of God to reveal God to the nations and who went to the cross and paid the price for humanity's sins. Jesus Christ warned His followers that one cannot serve BOTH God and mammon/money. Yet, money is being promoted by the leaders of most groups which claim to be Bible-believing churches…
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ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES SERIES: #9 — INHABITANTS OF THE NEW HEAVEN AND THE NEW EARTH God's Name is being blasphemed daily because of the actions of apostate church organizations and unfaithful believers. Followers of Christ must know that our actions, words and lifestyle choices have dire and eternal consequences. Only those believers who have se…
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ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES SERIES: #8 — THE SAINTS OF GOD IN THE MILLENNIAL REIGN OF CHRIST This is a message encouraging believers in Christ to persevere as they live a Christ-like life. It also urges those who are yet to believe to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour so that they can inherit eternal life. Many saints who have gone before us we…
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ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES SERIES: #7 — SO MUCH MERCHANDIZING OF GOD'S GRACE Many false preachers have merchandized the gospel of Christ in their pursuit of money and fame. They are leading their followers to Christ-less eternity. Genuine followers of Christ must not be discouraged that their preaching and teaching of the Truth is being ignored by t…
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ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES SERIES: #6 — THE CHURCH AND GOD'S GRACE Those who have repented and accepted Christ as Savior and Lord are not under the Law given to Israel. It is unbelief to mix God's grace and the Law. Christ gave His followers a new commandment, love for one another. Such love would draw others to Him. ——— Are you aware that you can w…
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ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES SERIES: #5 — ISRAEL AND THE LAW Abraham obeyed God without question. And God rewarded him with His presence and friendship. And through Abraham would come the SEED, Jesus Christ, who would save the world. Sadly, Abraham's descendants, the Israelites, did not follow in his steps. Their disobedience had severe consequences. …
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ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES SERIES: #4 — TWO NATIONS DEFY GOD'S PROCREATION COMMAND God commanded humans (created male and female) to increase in number and fill the earth. Two nations, Sodom and Gomorrah, decided to go against God's command. Had God not intervened and destroyed those two nations, same-sex relationships could have become the norm wor…
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Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, showed that those who truly love are compassionate. The broadcast exhorts followers of Christ to emulate Him. Being conscious of what would befall the unsaved at the end of the age, they must always intercede and preach the unvarnished gospel of Christ to the unsaved not minding the consequences. ——— Are you aware…
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ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES SERIES: #3 — THE WORLD OF THE EARLY SECOND HUMANS Descendants of Noah decided to make a name for themselves by building a tower that would reach the heavens. God was not pleased. He confused their language, divided the earth into several landmasses and scattered them. The lesson for a true child of God: Never seek your own…
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ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES SERIES: #2 — THE WORLD OF THE FIRST HUMANS The first humans rejected God's love and His truth. By believing the lies of the Serpent/Satan, they brought evil and death into the world. Those 21st century Christians who believe the lies of Satan that they can love both the world and God are like the first humans in Eden. They…
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ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES SERIES: #1 — THE WORLD OF ANGELS There was harmony in the world of angels until one of them led a third of the angels to rebel against God. The consequences of that action continue to reverberate even till today. Please listen to the broadcast to learn more. ——— Are you aware that you can watch more than 100 videos (videos…
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INTRODUCING THE ACTIONS AND CONSEQUENCES SERIES In light of recent events happening all over the world, we are starting a new series beginning on Sunday, June 12, 2022. This January 17, 2021 broadcast sets the table for the series. Synopsis of This Broadcast: The apostasy in the 21st-century church is worse than what was obtained in Israel at the M…
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The world was doomed from the moment Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Many followers of Christ, having imbibed false teachings by apostate church organizations, are actively involved in the world's social and political issues. But Christ did not die on the cross to make a cursed world better: He died to redeem human beings from a hopeless world and give…
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The world is in turmoil, hurtling towards destruction. On every continent, there is chaos and darkness prevails. The broadcast has two messages: Jesus Christ is the Master of all the storms believers will ever encounter on earth. Therefore they must never waver when they encounter turbulence on the road to eternal life. The second message: only Jes…
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More than ever, evil in its various forms multiplies exponentially in the world. Any believer in Christ who derives happiness in this wicked world should re-examine her Christianity. Only our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ can bring peace and joy to the earth and every true believer must begin to pray for His return. Worldly prosperity and pre-tribu…
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