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Hello brothers and sisters,you friend Kalagenesis is back with another exciting episode of the Sunday Night Sermon..Reverend Kalagenesis will be preaching the gospel of Land Infrastructure and Nationhood as commanded by God almighty.Tonight I will discuss the falsification of Christianity and the sins of the Black church.I will also talk about the …
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When are the Captain American Negroes going to make a move towards making America work for them?They are against the idea of an Afrikstan a Nation for Black people but they not had much success in their American Dream.Mr Holipsism myself and the BAIO Crew are under fire from the Captain American Negroes fronting like militants.Tonight we will do ba…
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RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES!!!!!!!!!!! Tonight is the Open Rant,This is where you pick the topic and express your opinion.The ratings of the VOK Show is off the hook.People are tuning back in.I will rant about this tonight.We almost saw a coverup.The same MO as in Fergurson was taking place,as the White establishment created a narrative again of a po…
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What I have always noticed is when looking at other cultures there is always a clear definition or line of demarcation between what or who is good,and what or who is evil.Good eventually triumps over evil.Justice prevails.It has been 400 years since the first Africans were brought to America,but no justice has been done for them.No reparations,no l…
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Tonight we will lose control to gain control.Tonight it is no hold barred commentary.If you have something or someone you want to rant about go for it.I have a few things I want to rant about.1800 RENT A COON Needs to be put out of business.Cooning agency supply companies should be illegal,NAACP,URBAN LEAGUE,C.O.R.E.NAN,BOND,as we as the Fox New Co…
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Tonight the Voice of the Kala Nation will talk about the current political state of our community.In researching this show,I found some interesting things out.For one the idea of being American to our ancestors was as foreign as being Chinese.In the 19th century hundreds of black townships were build by our people through hard work and that African…
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Tonight will be a warm of for what is going to be a dynamic month.The BAIO Crew and friends will carry out a mission to spread the gospel of LIN LAND INFRASTRUCTURE and NATIONHOOD to the misled masses.With mouths agaped eyes staring in bewilderment full of ignorance simplicity and complacency.But these are our people.So we love them.I will talk abo…
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Tonight we will have a Tuesday night sermon.I will discuss the NAACP Image awards and some of the controversies.And how through clever manipulation we are corralled back on to the American Plantation.While I will give praise where it was due.I will also talk about the bitter legacy of slavery and how it is totally unforgivable. Steve Harvey says"I …
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Tonight Thomas and I will discuss the coming global meltdown due to toxic derivatives,debt,and government spending.What does this mean for us?Are we to wait and sink with the USA Titanic when it goes down?I have long said China's economy is a paper tiger that is about to bust,now it is apparent.What will happen when the US dollar is no longer the w…
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Tonight is the Sunday Night sermon in Kalaland.I will be talking about the new group BAIO and the long history of African secret societies.What are they?How are they different from modern organizations?Can a secret society of like minded individuals be more effective than traditional organizations?I thought about this topic after being angered by t…
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Tonight we will talk about one of our most damning"Sacred Cows" our icons.It seems we do not want to criticize or build on what past leaders have said,only to copy and worship past leaders.A sacred cow is a belief,tradition,custom,or idea people hold on to just for the sake of it.One of the biggest sacred cow is the legacy of Dr Martin Luther King …
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Tonight will be a continuation of the Story of the African American.I will talk about the goal and vision for nationhood.Also we will talk about current events happening now.Sunday night I talked about land,infrastructure and nationhood.How there is never all three in any Black majority nation.We are looking for anyone who viewed the documentary 7A…
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Tonight is the return of the Voice of the Kala Nation Sunday Night Sermon.Story of the African American will examine the Birth of a people and the evolution of a Black Nation.I will be discussing the events of recent importance as it relates to our struggle.Ferguson,Marches,Police brutality,and the economy.We will also be discussing the world wide …
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African Americans are on everybodies minds these days.From the deepest bush in Africa to the Eskimo and to the average White Americans.But it seems no one really knows who we are after countless movies,documentaries,news reports,history books,museums ect.No one knows us at all.Tonight we will prove this.We will talk about the attacks on the Honorab…
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Tonight we will talk about the news and topics of today.Ripped from the headlines.Robert Mugabe says Whites must go!It is time for Afrocentric scholars and the so called past elders to go?Some people seem to think so.What have the elders done to deserve respect?We are going through an awakening among African Americans.Our enemies Black,White and ye…
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Tonight ripped from social media not the the mainstream sewer line piped into your homes every comes alternative media.Tonight I will be answering the many question I get on Facebook,Twitter,email,inbox ect.Questions like"Kala What do you think about Gay Rights and Civil Rights being compared?""Kala why do Africans dislike African Americans?""Kala …
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TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will be on for two hours with the BAIO Blogger/Warriors discussing the news and events of today.I will lead with topics like Land Infrastructure and Nationhood.We will talk about Africa and the Pan African future or is there one?We will talk about Black Feminist attacking Dr Umar Johnson's plan for a boys schools as well as …
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Tonight we will be talking about headlines ripped from the Facebook Wall.I will talk about popular Facebook driven movements,and why I keep a distance while still supporting them.I have noticed that the so called conscious coonmunity is more ignorant and regressive than the people they claim to represent.It metapysics dead?What was it in the first …
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Tonight just a catch up on events and happenings in the Kala Nation.Also I will discuss my new novel and why it is important to read this book to get an understanding of the past.Tonight I will talk about a new platform. We will have 1)Facebook Follies 2)Ask Kala 3)Hate Kala Show 4)Black Wall Street International Night 5) Black African Infrastructu…
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Tonight we will revisit the legacy of Nelson Mandela,a hero of mine who I have disagreed with politically.Today I will discuss the pathology of judgement of people who are not militant enough.There are people calling Mandela a sellout for not driving White people out into the ocean.This illogical nonsense is the reason no one takes so called Pan Af…
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Tonight in the Sunday night sermon we will take inventory of Black America's estranged relationship with the Democrats and Obama. While we know the real problems come from race.We will also talk about the high expectations people naively set for Obama's term in office. Also we will ask will all these Obama haters stick around after he is gone?So le…
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Tonight the Kalagenesis wants to deliver a serious message and have fun also.Throughout History the Dragon Slayers were men who ran around the village,city or countryside offering their support in protecting the people from the imfamous Dragon.Now no one ever actually saw a Dragon but by using fear,ignorance and superstition the Dragon Slayers were…
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Tonight is the return of the Kala Genesis to BTR.With God's will I will have more to report on to keep this show alive.Tonight's topic is Blood and Soil the basis of all groups calling themselves a people.A people who have not secured their place in this world through Bloodshed will remain an oppressed people.No reparations,no apologies,to compromi…
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Tonight in the last show of the year we will do a special show in the Sunday Night Sermon.Tonight we take on Ideology and the self imprisionment it creates for mankind.Ideology is a weapon of the modern literate world.It creates impedements to real human growth and development.I will tie this into just why the 20th century was the lost century for …
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Tonight in the Sunday Night Sermon the Kalagenesis will talk about true liberation and Black Power vs phony Revolution talk.The evidence is clear as the writing on a huge wall on a gigantic scale.The so called Black Revolutionaries were frauds and ego drive dictators.There has been no revolution.We are on the eve of a real revolution and only the K…
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Tonight I am honored to have a special guest on the Voice of the Kala Nation.He isour brother and returning guest Mr Robert Rosenthall of TRG International.A global investment consortium of bankers,engineers,agri biz,developers ect.Tonight he will explain his upcoming mission in the great Republic of Liberia.His group has major investment plans for…
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Tonight we send our deepest sympathies to the innocent victims in the Newtown Ct Massacre.As all human life is to behold.But what about the carnage that is going on in much of the poor communities in America and around the world?Are people of color's children as important?Why is it when White people are killed,all of a sudden there is the political…
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Tonight in the Sunday Night Sermon we will talk about the foes of our people among us.There is an old African Proverb that says"Get rid of the enemy within and the enemy without cannot hurt us.Roman orator Ciecero in the 80 BC era remarked that the enemy within is more dangerous than the enemy without because the enemy without is known,and the enem…
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Tonight I make my comeback full time to BTR.I have a super internet speed provider and more info and knowledge to share.Lets talk about Obama's victory and what does that mean to our community.Also 2012 Biggest losers and winners.Topping the list is BLACK LEADERSHIP!COONSERVATIVES,TEA Baggers ect.I will also talk about developments in Ghana,Mali,So…
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Tonight in the Sunday night sermon we will put to rest once and for all who we are as a people.Why are some insisting on denying their African roots?Dr Kwame Nkumrah once said I am not African because I was born in Africa,but Africa was born in me.We will break down the triumph of the African American while other Black people are running from racis…
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Tonight we will talk about the Art of War and Eastern philosophy in explaining the challenges of our community.Mr Holipsism and brother Warlord X put out two dynamic shows this week.I will attempt to build upon what they taught.We in the African American community have been stifled by mediocrity and misimformation by people who have no clue about o…
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Tonight in in Kala Nation's Sunday Night Sermon we will talk about intelligence and why are we against those who are smart.Why do we reject academics for street knowledge?When a White boy is born it is inbred in him the responsiblity of running the world.When a Black boy is born the world has no use for him.Why are the top money makers in Black Ame…
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Tonight as we begin the Fall season of the voice of the Kala Nation,we will expose race traitors and self exaulted dictators bloodsucking our beautiful community.It appears I was correct all along.We have no one looking out for us,never have never will under this system.Will there be a upheaval and violence in Black America to overturn the overseae…
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Tonight we will lose control.I am doing an all out offensive against the racist fronting and hiding behind conservatism.I have evidence that Black conservatives are insane.I will hit them hard fast and often tonight.The Uncle Tom and his ghost that keep rising from the pits of Hell will be cast into the lake of Fire by the Kalagenesis.Tonight I its…
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Tonight we should have my brother and friend DeVon Bell in the house to discuss Black business.Are we really serious about Black enterprise?What is a Duns report?What is a payroll?What is a line of credit?When was the last time you worked for a Black so called business and got a weekly or Bi Weekly check that was not hand written or post dated?Brot…
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What do we think about President Obama?The Obama Shuffle is a phrase meaning the extreme excitement,emotion,rage,apathy,joy,anger ect at the meer mention or image of Barack Obama.Obama's Presidency has our community divided.Should Obama become Farrakhan to satisfy some of us?Should he be a President for all?Why do some people think he was going to …
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Yes folks it is back the show where I will take all calls.Tonight you can get your hate on.If the Kalagenesis pissed you off in the past this is the night to tell him.Have the Kalagenesis ever belittled you?Called you a coon,fool,uncle tom,Tea Bagger,Hippo,racist,Boomshakalaka Negro?Tonight express how you feel.Let it rip,but remember I will rip ba…
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Tonight we will talk about the ICC verdict in the Hague convicting Former President of Liberia Charles Taylor and the selective justice.Are we really an inferior people culturally?Why cant we solve our problems?What does this say about our ability to govern ourselves?We will deal with the profiteers of destruction in the entertainment industry and …
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Tonight we will rant about anything you want.Call in.Do you want to hear me rip into Sarge?It is my job to clown Black Conservatives and shoe shine Negroes.Trayvon case are we second class citizens getting second class justice?Tonight let us rant about the crime in America.Why are our communities war zones?Who are the gun rights morons?Lets lose co…
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What is being "othered"This is a term meaning not like the rest.Since the dawning of civilization rulers used this methodology to disenfranchise groups and separate them from the mainstream.In America the Black community is a victim of othering.Things that would be normal to the majority such as the presumption of innocence,character,individuality,…
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Tonight we will discuss just where are the most beautiful women of African heritage?Are they South Africans?Nigerians?Liberians?Angolans?African Americans?This debate has been raging for a few years now it has come to Kala Land!!!!!Can you tell a woman's nationality by face?Some think they can.Are Black women in America losing there edge?Tonight we…
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Tonight we have the honor of having the distinguished guest in Kala Land.His name is Robert Rosenthall CEO of the Rosenthall Business group.He will be on to discuss investing in Africa.He will also share his knowledge of hedge funds and gold backed funds.He is bringing these new investment and banking tools to developing countries.We will talk abou…
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Tonight we will talk about the cowardly attempt at all angles to silence Black men into submission.It seems the enemies of our people will hide behind law and order and the fact they control the means to a living of most Black men.In our 9 to 5 world we turn a blind eye to the assault on our dignity.Now it seems we are begging White America for Oba…
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Tonight we will discuss the growth of the White Trash mentality in America.It seems that many White people are falling to their lowest level.Ignorance and and paranoia is the rule of the day.It is now to the point where the White entitlement is being threatened.Tonight we will also deal with the destruction of White America and White male hegemony …
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Tonight we are back off hiatus.It is time for us to talk about the news and views of the day.The defining tragedy is the Trevon Martin case.This brutal killing soon to be a murder shocked the world.The right wing is coming out supporting George Zimmerman.Not defending his presumption of innocence which we all do,but they are actually defending his …
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Tonight we will talk about American Icons,heroes and other figures of popular culture.John Wayne was once the greatest American icon but did you know he was a racist?Was Elvis really the hero some say he was?Was Ronald Reagan?Was there any Black man ever an American hero?If not why is that?Why are there no Black American heroes?Was Barack Obama the…
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In continuing with last nights episode we will continue this talk about Farrakhans prediction of Obama's assassination.We will also talk about White people posing as missionaries in Liberia stirring up differences between Black people.Why are Liberians and Africans falling for the oakey doke?We will continue the assault on the so called Moors and t…
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Tonight I will rant on several points.Continuing my common sense approach to Pan Africanism and Black culture.Minister Farrakhan predicts Obama's assassination.He hates Obama but wants to put in on White racist.Is this a veiled threat to intimidate Obama by the Islamic extremist?Why are many still using the Moorish so called religion?We crushed thi…
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There is a Chinese Proverb that said"The Philosophy of one century is common sense in the next century"The question is why are we are a people still reinventing the same philospohies that Edward Wilmont Blyden,WEB Duboise and Marcus Garvey already spoke a hundred years ago?Why is not African liberation and redemption common sense now?Why do we have…
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