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Disability Owned Podcast

National Disability Institute

Welcome to the Disability Owned podcast series. This series will highlight information and resources, including entrepreneurial support programs, from the small business support ecosystem. Each podcast will feature information on strategies, programs, and resources to inform entrepreneurs and small business owners with disabilities.
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Produzido pela equipe de curadoria do app infantil número 1 do Brasil, O podcast PlayKids traz conteúdos mensais voltados aos pais, responsáveis e educadores sobre cotidiano, educação, tecnologia e desenvolvimento infantil. Pontos de vista diversos para um melhor entendimento sobre o universo das crianças.
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Arquitectura Sen Fronteiras Galicia

Habitando é o podcast de Arquitectura Sen Fronteiras Galicia. Con Habitando pretendemos facerte chegar o día a dí­a da nosa organización, os proxectos que estamos a desenvolver, e sobre todo educar e sensibilizar no Dereito ao Hábitat.
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Cal Ag Roots unearths stories about farming history that challenge us to think deeply about the struggles, breakthroughs, battles and innovations that have shaped California agriculture. Tune in to learn the surprising histories behind the ways we produce food today. You might never look at your grocery aisle in the same way again!
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Iglesia Fuente De Vida Podcast

Iglesia Fuente De Vida/Fountain Of Life Church

Welcome to the Iglesia Fuente De Vida Podcast. A weekly bilingual program led by Apostles Victor M. and Priscilla Sanabria. Iglesia Fuente De Vida/Fountain of Life Church is here to preach the word of God for the salvation of the listener, reaching them through all possible means of media. Teaching biblical principles that will allow you to live according to the desire of God. Strengthen believers and help them develop and grow with a word of restoration and prosperity. Train and prepare bel ...
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Artigo9tech é un grupo de investigación que ten creado unha rede de profesorado das tres universidades e a sociedade civil de Galicia, co obxectivo de fomentar a colaboración e iniciativas que teñan que ver con tecnoloxía aplicada a proxectos de cooperación. Dende 2021 desenvolve xunto a Enxeñería Sen Fronteiras un proxecto para o fomento das tecno…
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Hoxe 3 de decembro celébrase o Día Mundial das Persoas con Discapacidade. Nós queremos celebralo falando de atención á diversidade con Sonia Seijas. Sonia traballa dende o seu inicio, hai xa 19 anos, na Unidade de Atención á Diversidade da Universidade da Coruña, na que ten establecido unha rede de traballo con persoas das distintas facultades e es…
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This episode was recorded in Spanish: Es un poderoso podcast donde exploramos las inspiradoras historias de dos madres emprendedoras, cada una enfrentando desafíos únicos relacionados con discapacidades y brindando apoyo a sus hijos con descapacidades. (Tune in as we dive into the inspiring stories of two mothers in entrepreneurship, each facing th…
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Desde 2020 Farmamundi desenvolve xunto á Universidade de Santiago de Compostela un proxecto de Educación para a Cidadanía Global en Santiago, un proxecto que xa está na súa fase catro. Traballa diferentes aspectos do Dereito á Saúde entendéndoo desde unha perspectiva holística, e coa colaboración de varios graos e mestrado da USC que aplicaa a apre…
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Listeners will learn about the importance of digital accessibility. Kim Alfonso of Results One will share her expertise on how to be fully inclusive with digital services and content. Results One strives to create a world that is diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible. Their training programs are tailored to each work environment and workfor…
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NDI Deputy Director Elizabeth Jennings will share tools and strategies from the field of Positive Psychology. Elizabeth will discuss the science behind worker well-being, how to make small changes that can have a big impact and free tools you can use to improve well-being within your company.
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This podcast, featuring Jonathan Martinis, Esq. of Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University, will share legal vehicles for parents and guardians of adults with disabilities to optimize their ability to be small business owners. The podcast will address guardianship, self-determination, and power of attorney.…
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Will Holmes, an experienced business management consultant, and founder of Will Holmes Consulting will share his expertise on small business development. He provides practical information for business owners on accessing capital, growing revenue, hiring staff and community impact.
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"LA TIERRA ES PARA QUIEN LA TRABAJA"Escrita por Jennifer Martinez-Medina, PhD Candidata en la Universidad Estatal de Portland, este último episodio de la serie "Voces Del Campo" narra como tratados de libre comercio han desplazado millones de familias campesinas a trabajar en un industria de comida en masa en donde pasan #CarenciaAlimentaria. Campe…
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AN EAR TO THE GROUND EPISODE 3Every five years, the National Young Farmers Coalition surveys young and Black, Indigenous, and people of color farmers, ranchers, and growers across the country to understand their brightest hopes and biggest challenges, and the policy solutions that will help them to be successful in their farming careers. In 2022, t…
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"DIVERSIDAD EN LAS VOCES DEL CAMPO" En este segundo episodio de la serie Voces Del Campo, sigue como #ORCOFS descubrió que #campesinxindigenas hablan más de 30 idiomas distintos de tan solo México y Guatemala. Porque esto facto, los trabajadores agrícolas tuvieron problemas para acceder a información y recursos sobre COVID-19 en sus idiomas. Esto g…
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Un oído al suelo Episodio 2 (SPANISH EPISODE)UN OÍDO AL SUELO EPISODIO 2. Cada cinco años, la Coalición Nacional de Jóvenes Agricultores encuesta a jóvenes, negros, indígenas y personas de color, agricultores, ganaderos y productores de todo el país para comprender sus esperanzas más brillantes y sus mayores desafíos, y las soluciones políticas que…
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AN EAR TO THE GROUND EPISODE 1Every five years, the National Young Farmers Coalition surveys young and Black, Indigenous, and people of color farmers, ranchers, and growers across the country to understand their brightest hopes and biggest challenges, and the policy solutions that will help them to be successful in their farming careers. In 2022, t…
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"MUJER CAMPESINA"Este primer episodio de la serie Voces Del Campo sigue a dos mujeres que comparten cómo lidiaron y superaron el costo económico y emocional de cuidar a niños y familias a través de las fronteras a través de COVID-19, cierres de escuelas e incendios forestales.Las conversaciones de Voces Del Campo incluyen entrevistas con nueve trab…
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"VOCES DEL CAMPO: CONVERSACIÓN DE LANZAMIENTO"Esta conversación previa con el equipo colectivo de Voces Del Campo marca el lanzamiento de la serie de tres historias. El equipo reflexiona sobre por qué lanzamos esta iniciativa de historia, la descripción de la serie, el proceso de producción comunitaria y los episodios programados para lanzarse entr…
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Join us for this end-of-the-year conversation between the current Cal Ag Roots Podcast Producer, Dr. Caroline Collins, and former Cal Ag Roots Producer, Ildi Carlisle-Cummins, who is currently the Executive Director of the California Institute of Rural Studies (the parent organization for Cal Ag Roots). Caroline and Ildi reflect on the impact of st…
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"THE WELL Honoring Our Elders."For this episode of The Well, we asked our listeners to join us as co-producers by sharing personal stories of how they honor their elders or ancestors. We recorded five personal stories spanning different regions in the state, including our youngest ever Cal Ag Roots storyteller–Cal Ag Roots Podcast Producer Caroline…
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Para este Habitando 41, o último de 2022, tivemos a honra de contar con Julián Salas. Julián ten a Cátedra UNESCO de Habitabilidad Básica da ETSAM. É todo un referente neste eido a nivel mundial. Achegouse á Coruña para impartir na Escola de Arquitectura a lección Construindo con recursos escasos. Contra a fame de vivenda en África, así que aprovei…
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"THE WELL Landback Conversation with Keolu Fox."This in-depth conversation with Dr. Keolu Fox (Kānaka Maoli, or Native Hawaiian), Assistant Professor at the University of California, San Diego and Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Indigenous Futures Institute, digs into Indigenous futurism, which looks to indigenous technologies and ways of knowing…
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"THE WELL Landback Conversation with Nicole Celaya."This in-depth conversation with Nicole Celaya, Co-Executive Director at FoodLink for Tulare County Inc. examines how ally organizations across the state can work to support Land Back efforts (Photo Credit: Original Artwork by Diana Morales, arteesmedicinina.com. Courtesy Nicole Celaya).The Well La…
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Contamos neste episodio con Cristina Botana, que ven de publicar, o ano pasado, a súa tese doutoral Os asentamentos precarios en Galicia: dende os conxuntos autoconstruidos ata a infravivenda de produción institucional como expresións do urbanismo segregativo. Cristina é arquitecta e durante moitos anos compañeira nosa como voluntaria en varios gru…
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"THE WELL Landback Conversation with Brittani Orona."This in-depth conversation with Dr. Brittani Orona (Hupa, Hoopa Valley Tribe), Assistant Professor of American Indian Studies at San Diego State University digs into the concept and practice of the Landback movement in California, including the deep history of native resistance in the state (Phot…
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Listeners will learn how LifeAsset helps Latino entrepreneurs who currently can’t qualify for a loan at a bank or other financial institutions using their unique “social collateral” lending model. This podcast will share the story of Rosalia Fajardo, consultant of Life Asset and entrepreneur with disabilities, of how she overcame her illness and in…
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Falamos novamente de Cartografías Sociais explorando o seu valor como soporte de Narrativas Dixitais. E o facemos a través das experiencias de Ruth Sousa, xestora cultural integrante da Cooperativa Almeiro e Ben Curiosa, e Nuria García, terapeuta ocupacional do Hospital de día de Psiquiatría de Ferrol. Compartiron connosco o seu achegamento e posta…
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Charles D. Hammerman, President and CEO of the Disability Opportunity Fund, joins the program to explain the types of loans and investments that his organization makes. Discover how the Disability Opportunity Fund's services can be valuable to individuals with disabilities who are looking to start or grow a business.…
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Molly Sullivan, Operations Director with Griffin Hamis Associates, joins the program to discuss the work that her organization does to help people with disabilities find work that is meaningful and life-affirming. Molly reveals details about providing customized employment opportunities and self-employment.…
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SEEDS OF CHANGE EPISODE 3 “A Contemporary Harvest: Oakland’s Acta Non Verba Youth Urban Farm Project."Structural systems from zoning laws to the systemic loss of green space have disconnected many Black urban residents of California from agricultural practices. This episode examines how a community garden project in Oakland isn't just re-connecting…
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SEEDS OF CHANGE EPISODE 2 “To Free Ourselves We Must Feed Ourselves: The Hidden Legacy of the Black Panther Free Breakfast Program in California."In January 1969 a group of young visionaries at the forefront of the Black Power movement launched an innovative Free Breakfast Program for children in Oakland. In doing so, they didn’t just help shape pu…
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SEEDS OF CHANGE EPISODE 1 "United We Stand: Race, Religion, and the Politics of Food Justice in Black Los Angeles’s Victory Markets."In WWII era Los Angeles a young Black preacher, Rev. Clayton D. Russell, and Black businesswoman, Charlotta Bass, launched the Los Angeles Negro Victory Commitee. In doing so, they not only helped plant seeds of today…
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The passage of the Farmer Equity Act, California Assembly Bill 1348, in October 2017 was ground-breaking. For the first time, California acknowledged the racist patterns of systematic discrimination that have been common practice in governmental agricultural institutions which have impacted farmers of color in accessing the most basic thing that fa…
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Join us for this mini-episode conversation between the current Cal Ag Roots Podcast Producer, Dr. Caroline Collins, and former Cal Ag Roots Producer, Ildi Carlisle-Cummins, who is currently the Executive Director of the California Institute of Rural Studies (the parent organization for Cal Ag Roots). Caroline and Ildi reflect on the challenges of p…
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2021 está chegando ao fim e não podemos negar que foi um ano repleto de desafios. Pandemia, distanciamento social, retorno gradual das aulas, trabalho remoto… uma realidade que fez parte de diversos lares brasileiro. Pensando nisso, decidimos fazer do último episódio do ano uma retrospectiva desses acontecimentos, além de abrir um espaço de troca e…
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Varias persoas do grupo de Educación de ASF levamos tempo seguindo e aprendendo da traxectoria profesional de Jorge Raedó. Do seu Zaragoza natal ata Colombia onde actualmente reside, pasando por Barcelona e Finlandia entre outros sitios. Nunha choiva de ideas para describilo xurdiron as palabras curiosidade, xenerosidade, interconexión, actividade,…
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A infância é o grande momento de percepção de mundo e das coisas que nos cercam, é quando começamos a formar nossas grandes compreensões de mundo, é quando reparamos e questionamos tudo. Muitas famílias não se sentem confortáveis para falar sobre determinados assuntos, por desconhecimento, por desconforto, ou por não entender a importância de expor…
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Medo e ansiedade são emoções muito presentes ao longo do nosso desenvolvimento, mas nem sempre é fácil lidar com elas, especialmente na infância. A criança precisa aprender a identificar, nomear, expressar e lidar com estas emoções e o adulto é o grande mediador deste conhecimento. Mas afinal, como a família pode auxiliar com este processo? Como ac…
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Hoxe temos connosco a Iago Carro, integrante de Ergosfera dende a súa fundación. Ergosfera naceu en 2006 como asociación de estudantes de arquitectura. Tras varias fases neste momento é unha cooperativa que traballa en propostas urbanísticas e no estudo das formas de uso e urbanización do territorio contemporáneo. A súa perspectiva alónxase da prac…
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No início de 2020, devido a pandemia do COVID-19, as escolas fecharam e os alunos começaram a acompanhar as aulas remotamente. Com o retorno, muito tem se discutido sobre os impactos que esse período gerou nas crianças tanto no processo de aprendizagem quanto no emocional. Para discorrer sobre esse assunto, o nosso convidado deste episódio é o Rena…
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O pasado 30 de abril inaugurouse no Museo Centro Gaiás da Cidade da Cultura en Santiago de Compostela unha exposición conmemorativa do vixésimo aniversario do Proxecto Terra. Unha mostra que comprende máis de 35 proxectos elaborados en diversos centros educativos galegos ao longo destes 20 anos. Trátase dunha homenaxe a todo o traballo do profesora…
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A perda faz parte da vida. Porém, muitas vezes essa perda nos alcança ainda na infância. Então, como falar sobre morte e luto com as crianças? Confira agora o nosso podcast com a participação da querida Luciana Mazorra, psicóloga e doutora em Psicologia Clínica, além de sócia-fundadora do Instituto de Psicologia 4 Estações.…
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As férias escolares são importantes para o desenvolvimento socioemocional das crianças. Nesse período as crianças podem generalizar os conhecimentos adquiridos durante o semestre, interagir com outras pessoas e mudar um pouquinho sua rotina. Com esse episódio, queremos auxiliar as famílias durante esse período. A Maria Tereza que é especialista em …
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Brincar é ter liberdade de criar e experimentar, é se conectar com os outros e conhecer o mundo. Brincar é a principal atividade da criança e é essencial para o seu desenvolvimento. Brincar é direito das crianças, mas também essencial para os adultos, assumindo formas diferentes em todas as etapas da vida. A brincadeira passa de geração para geraçã…
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O dia 2 de abril é considerado o Dia Mundial de Conscientização do Autismo. O objetivo da data, criada pela ONU em 2007, é dar visibilidade e reduzir os preconceitos e estigmas em torno do Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA). Neste episódio, conversamos com a Jullie Gottschall, fonoaudióloga especialista em autismo e sócia-fundadora do Núcleo P…
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We Are Not Strangers Here Ep. 6: “Still Here Black Farmers & Agricultural Stewardship in the Modern Age” Relationships to the land can be seen throughout African American history and culture. However, Black Californians haven't just long been connected to the natural world in the past. In our sixth and final episode of this series, discover how Bla…
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Sneak Preview: Episode 6, our final episode of the Cal Ag Roots six-part We Are Not Strangers Here series, “Still Here: Black Farmers & Agricultural Stewardship in the Modern Age” premieres March 9, 2021. Relationships to the land can be seen throughout African American history and culture. However, Black Californians haven't just long been connect…
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In 1908, African American pioneers established the town of Allensworth forty miles north of Bakersfield as part of the broader Black Town Movement. Discover how these settlers not only built buildings, established businesses, and planted crops--they also inspired the imagination as they tested what was possible in rural California. (Photo Credit: T…
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Sneak Preview: Episode 5 of the Cal Ag Roots six-part We Are Not Strangers Here series, “ Back to the Land: Allensworth and the Black Utopian Dream" premieres March 9, 2021. In 1908 African American pioneers established the town of Allensworth forty miles north of Bakersfield. Part of the broader Black Town Movement, discover how these settlers not…
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WE ARE NOT STRANGERS HERE EPISODE 4 “Independent Settlements: Building Black Communities in Rural California." Starting as early as the 19th century, Black communities--large and small, loosely organized and formal took shape across rural California. Discover the undertold history of California’s Black rural settlements including how these communit…
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