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The Al Dro Network is a production studio out of the Bay Area that produces original content in entertainment, podcasting, music, and film. Support this podcast:
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{Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalistes du réseau Radio Breizh, qui comprend toutes les radios en langue bretonne : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne et Radio Naoned. Krouet eo bet « Splann ! » e 2021 hag emañ staliet e Gwengamp, e Aodoù-an-Arvor. Ar media kentañ gouestlet d ...
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Abaoe bloavezhioù e c’haller lenn testenioù merc’hed tapet fall o yec’hed goude bout bet lakaet an ensteudoù (implants e galleg) Essure. Hiziv an deiz e kendalc’h da lâret an embregerezh ‘neus gwerzhet anezho ‘n eus ket kudenn ebet gant an ensteudoù. Un diell eus ajañs ar yec’hed a lâr ar c’hontrol e 2017. « Splann ! » ‘neus kavet anezhañ. Dizoloit…
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Evel bep miz e vo aet pelloc’h war ur sujed eus lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » hag ar miz-mañ ‘zo kaoz eus al labour-douar, ha dreist-holl diwar-benn ar mediaoù gouestlet d’ar beizanted. Daoust hag-eñ int mediaoù evel ar re all ? N’eo ket abalamour ma vez kalz eus un dra e vez kavet liesseurted. 140 kazetenn gouestlet d’ar beizanted a zo e Frañs ha d…
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Sed aze an enklask nevez a vo dispaket gant « Splann ! » bremaik. Ar wech-mañ eo aet skipailh « Splann ! » da Sant Nazer ha Donez, kalon industriezh ar vro evit studiañ saotradur an aer di. Blam da galite fall kenañ an aer eo an niver a dud tapet gant ar c’hrign-bev e kêr Sant-Nazer hag e-tro war droioù uhel tre. Koulskoude servijoù ar stad n’o deu…
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Kristen Falc’hon ouzh mikro France Bleu Breizh Izel e 2023. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalistes du réseau Radio Breizh, qui comprend toutes les radios en…
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Emañ bro an Argoad o cheñch dremm penn da benn… Diskar ar c’hleuzioù hag ar girzhier, sell aze danvez enklask nevez Splann ! Sellet o deus kazetennerien.ezed ar media dizalc’h a-dostoc’h ouzh an traoù d’esa kinnig ur sell klok war ur sujed a-vremañ. Talvoudus-bras eo ar c’harzhaoueg evit ar vevliested hag a-enep direizhamant an hin. Met koustus eo …
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Juliette Cabaço Roger ouzh mikro Radio Breizh e 2023 evit kinnig an enklask nevez diwar-benn an tachennoù labour-douar. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalist…
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Juliette Cabaço Roger ouzh mikro Radio Breizh e 2023. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalistes du réseau Radio Breizh, qui comprend toutes les radios en langu…
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Juliette Cabaço Roger ouzh mikro Radio Bro Gwened e 2023. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalistes du réseau Radio Breizh, qui comprend toutes les radios en l…
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Juliette Cabaço Roger ouzh mikro Radio Breizh d’an 15 a viz a C’hwevrer 2021. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalistes du réseau Radio Breizh, qui comprend to…
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Gwenvaël Delanoë ouzh mikro Joan Bizin war France Bleu Breizh Izel d’an 15 a viz C’hwevrer 2021. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalistes du réseau Radio Brei…
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Gwenvaël Delanoë ouzh mikro Radio Breizh d’an 17 a viz C’hwevrer 2021. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalistes du réseau Radio Breizh, qui comprend toutes le…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Gwenvaël Delanoë (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Kondaonet e oa bet ar Stad e miz Gouere 2023 da geñver afer ar bezhin glas. Sañset en doa da lakaat reolennoù nevez evit ma vefe skuilhet n…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 War digarez hon emgav miziek gant tud Radio Breizh e vo lakaet ar gaoz hiziv war an tu-dehoù pellañ a c’hallfe erruout er galloud e Frañs. Penao…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 War digarez hor emgav miziek e vo lakaet ar gaoz hiziv war ur gevredigezh nevez lakaet war droad, Arsellva gall an tagadennoù ouzh ar frankiz ka…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Lakaet eo bet war vor e fin ar bloaz 2022 ar bagoù bale kentañ az a en-dro gant gaz naturel liñvennet (GNL). Savet eo bet gant Chanterioù an Atl…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Didrouz eo chomet marv ur paotr yaouank war e lec’h labour e Penn-ar-Bed. Aet eo d’an anaon Clément en ur park eus ti-feurm Le Pépin et la plu…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tunvezh Gloaguen-Grandjean (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Ar miz-mañ e vez lakaet ar gaoz war al lezenn da rediañ ar broduerien boued da ziskouez splann peseurt efed ‘n eus o froduioù war…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Koumanantit da lizher-kelaouiñ miziek ar media enklask dizalc’h war lec’hienn internet « Splann ! » ( {Bzhg} Kenlabourat…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Koumanantit da lizher-kelaouiñ miziek ar media enklask dizalc’h war lec’hienn internet « Splann ! » ( {Bzhg} Kenlabourat…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Koumanantit da lizher-kelaouiñ miziek ar media enklask dizalc’h war lec’hienn internet « Splann ! » ( {Bzhg} Kenlabourat…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Koumanantit da lizher-kelaouiñ miziek ar media enklask dizalc’h war lec’hienn internet « Splann ! » ( {Bzhg} Kenlabourat…
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Daoust d’an dañjerioù evit yec’hed al labourerien, an dud diwar-dro hag an en-dro e tremen Breizh hebiou d’an dalc’h stag ouzh an amoniak. Disteraet gant ar strollegezhioù ha bed ar gounezvouederezh ec’h a ar skarzhañ NH3 war washaat a-blasoù. Ha gwashañ tra e vez sikourioù publik bras d’ar saotrerien vras, darn anezhe e-maez lezenn. {Bzhg} Kenlabo…
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Pet a dud a varv abalamour d’an amoniak e Breizh ? Diwar al labour-douar e sav ar gaz-mañ evit 95 % anezhañ. Ha hemañ orin eus ur saotradur bras en aer, gant elfennoù moan, orin eus krign-bev ha kleñvedoù ar galon hag ar gwazhioù. Poent bras eo plediñ gant se evit yec’hed an holl hag an endro, met daoust da se eo dister ken ha ken an ostilhoù evesh…
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Some basic dating do's and don'ts. Yes the topic is a bit general, but we wanted to try something different so we reached out to Nell for a nice dating atmosphere which he provided, 5-course meal, open bar, games, and all. Check out the video on Facebook fan page @pheromonesshow Nell's House in Oakland, Ca. Reservations: (IG@nells_house_2020) (510.…
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The Pheromones Show cast dive in to celebrate our favorite movies over the last 50 years or so. A list of must-seen movies for the culture. Staff: Freckles, Big Tree, Al Dro --- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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How Does Family Affect Decisions Made In Your Relationship? Do they affect it at all? @Qtkitty brings in her brother this time to discuss more on this topic. --- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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Cardi b and Meghan Thee Stallion just dropped the song "WAP" for all the world to enjoy. What are your thoughts on this? Also, we ask the question is it worse to be cheated on multiple times with randoms or have your s/o have a long-term affair? --- Send in a voice message: this podca…
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Recorded on the day of her death back in 2012, The Al Dro Show mourns the loss of the icon known as Whitney Houston. Born: August 9, 1963, Newark, NJ Died: February 11, 2012, Beverly Hills, CA Whitney Elizabeth Houston was an American singer and actress. She was cited as the most awarded female artist of all time by Guinness World Records and remai…
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This is essentially a snapshot in time of one aspect of the early FB group environment. Groups were new and it was off "regular" Facebook so the content was a little more raw and uncut and arguments happened. Some went too far? The Let's go to the people and talk about it. Recorded 3/2011 --- Send in a voice message:…
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Part 2 of a discussion on suggestions and ideas on fixing our beloved Oakland. Missing the Foothill strip and the Festival at the Lake. Now a days with all the new traffic out here Oakland has lost some ground on originality. There are some things that just remain Oakland. Please enjoy the convo for what it is as there are some great ideas. ALSO: E…
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How do we fix this dear city of ours? Big gentrification money out here yet crime still lingers....or so we think. We study the new narrative. This episode we take to the phones for some suggestions from some longtime residents. Staff: Al Dro, Reggie Matthews, 2x Mario H Recorded 2009 --- Send in a voice message:…
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This episode we hash out a few internet beefs and answer a few emails. Evidently the Lorena Bobbitt case gets reenacted x's3 by some crazy chick in Southern California. You win't believe what she does next with that thing, and more insane, is the reason why she did it! Classic. Let's hear what some of the callers had to say. Also: apparently anal b…
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As social media and Lifetime continue to tear R. Kelly a new one, we slow it all down and examine some of the other players involved in this circus. Drea Kelly over there on video bumpin' his music and one of the "captives" as seen in a video front and center enjoying his concert. Let's just put it all out there. Staff: Reggie Matthews, Al Dro, Met…
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A BAD MAN! Some huge contributions to music. The list is too long to name. Shout out to Teddy Riley the LEGEND. The acknowledged "King of New Jack Swing," Recorded in 2011 Staff: Reggie Matthews, J. Browse, Al Dro, M-Rob --- Send in a voice message: this podcast: https://podcasters.sp…
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We open up the phones for for some fan perspectives on if love really exists after the age of 35. Not to say it is impossible but for some its more difficult than for others. Some other things too.Staff: Reggie Matthews, Al DroRecorded 9/24/11--- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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Arnold the Terminator getting his maid pregnant is nothing new....NOW! We were on this story years ago. Tiger Woods losing huge chunks of bread from his misbehaving. Two instances off top. Listen to the breakdown. Recorded 5/20/11 Staff: Reggie Matthews, M Rob, Al Dro, D. Spikes aka Twin--- Send in a voice message:…
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Hold tight as we delve into J Browse's home movie collection. Animals?? This is a wild one! Recorded: 1/9/12 Staff: Reggie Matthews, J Browse, J Hughes aka Honey Brown, Al Dro--- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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Check out our tribute to one of all of our favorite R&B groups growing up in the 80's. New Edition is an American R&B group from the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, formed in 1978. The group reached its height of popularity in the 1980s. During the group's first experience with fame in 1983, its members were Ricky Bell, Michael Bivin…
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We had to get in the booth and speak on the devestation of the Haiti earthquakes in 2010. Move over Sean Penn we have boots on the ground helping with the rebuild. Staff: Reggie Matthews, Al Dro, J Browse, Shakir Zaid, Johnny Harris, C Shaw.--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: h…
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Where are you getting your nees from? Violent crimes down but the reporting of said crimes are way up. This is the critical thinking episode. Shout out to 2tyme the countseller for rollin through dropping some gems--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.c…
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We have some callers chime on on some of their less than happy stories in which they were dealing with their s/o at one time. These are some of the worst, lol.Recorded 8/08/2011Staff: J Browse, Reggie Matthews, M-Rob, Al Dro--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: https://podcasters…
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A tribute to the undisputed master of hooks in the rap industry. Rest in peace to Nate Dogg OG LBC. This episode was recorded the night of his death 3/2011. All Nate Dogg playlist.Nathaniel Dwayne Hale (August 19, 1969 – March 15, 2011), known professionally as Nate Dogg, was an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and actor. Hale initially began h…
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An interesting round table discussion on the current state of hip hop music and culture [at the time] with figures Chuck Johnson and Shake Da Mayor weighing some nuggets of observation and wisdom. Recorded 2/9/2010Staff: Reggie Matthews, J Browse, Chuck Johnson, Shake Da Mayor, Al Dro--- Send in a voice message:…
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