Sammenklip fra forrige nats samtaler. Vært: Caroline Sascha Cogez / Rikke Grosell / Sanne Gottlieb / Keith Thomas Lohse / Torben Steno
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With questions submitted by you Therapy Natters is a podcast where 2 psychotherapists can help you gain insight into your issues and try and make sense of this funny old world.
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Every week you are our guest in a different old English pub in and around Rutland, UK, where we meet the landlord, chat with interesting folk, and grapple with different topics. Sometimes it’s serious, sometimes it’s funny, sometimes we get sidetracked. So, who would want to listen to us? People who like old English pubs, bar conversations, and anyone who loves the quirkiness of what it is to be ’British’.
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Der er nærvær, mod og sårbarhed i luften, når natten folder sig ud på Radio4. Rundt i hele landet er der vågne folk, som mødes til personlige samtaler hos radioens nattevagter. Hver nat sin nattevagt, som taler med dem, der ringer ind. Vært: Caroline Sascha Cogez / Rikke Grosell / Sanne Gottlieb / Keith Thomas Lohse / Torben Steno
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Your home for Down the Pipe & Natty Lite and the Litecast, the podcasts from the popular SB Nation site Wide Right & Natty Lite.
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Award-winning and best-selling author, Tina Hogan Grant, sits down with fellow authors and discusses life as an author, writing techniques and what they are currently working on. They will also answer questions from live viewers and give tips for aspiring authors.
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Join native Geordie Fergus Craig and friends podcasting about the World's greatest football club in the North East! Get all the links to this show at
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Podcast by Nattvardspodden
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Face au changement climatique, la perte de biodiversité et aux inégalités sociales, comment s’engager dans notre quotidien et notre métier ? Toutes les deux semaines, j’échange avec des entrepreneurs engagés, des artistes activistes, des investisseurs à impact et des fondateurs d’ONG. Ils se livrent sur leur parcours, leur engagement et les solutions qu’ils mettent en place. Nous explorons ensemble les différentes voies par lesquelles nous pouvons chacun contribuer à un avenir plus durable e ...
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Hlaðvarp náttúrufræðinnar í Úllónolló
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Journey of truth & trust
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A Star Wars X-Wing Miniature Game podcast out of Southeastern Ontario, Canada.
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Nattfari Podcast görs av Elsa "Ella" Andersson och Johan Häggberg. Johan Häggberg är internationell domare, tränare och tävlingsryttare med 4 VM-guld i bagaget. Elsa Andersson är fritidsryttare, bloggare och islandshästentusiast.
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Nattluft - by Gabriella Lahti, is an experimental podcast focusing on storytelling. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Come join the Natty19 crew in a Dungeons and Dragons play podcast featuring the Tomb of Annihilation with a fantastic blend of humor and drama.
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Historier fra Maram er en hjertevarm podkastserie for barn og familier, skrevet av Pål Johannes Nes og lest av Erika Nes. Disse helt fiktive historiene tar deg med til den lille øya Maram på Nordvestlandet, hvor vi følger søstrene Rita og Sunniva gjennom deres hverdagslige eventyr og utfordringer. På Maram, en øy med omkring 4-500 innbyggere, opplever vi alt fra stormfulle netter til solfylte dager fylt med lek og læring. Rita (6 år) og Sunniva (4 år) er to nysgjerrige og kjærlige jenter som ...
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Samtaler om sorg og veien videre. Ved å dele våre historier, kan vi gi håp til andre.
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Nattigheid. Als je nattigheid voelt, dan is er iets niet pluis. Er ís ook van alles aan de hand met dat water: te veel, te weinig, te vies, te zout, ga maar door. ‘Nattigheid’ gaat nu eens niet over de problemen, maar over de vele innovatieve, creatieve oplossingen die dit land rijk is. Natuurlijk van de experts, maar ook van kunstenaars, creatievelingen én gewone burgers zoals jij en ik. Ideeën genoeg! ‘Nattigheid’ is een podcast met opbeurende verhalen over ons water. In samenwerking met: ...
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A little motivation ✨
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noisy and quick
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A podcast which descends into the mysteries of sleep and the effect it has on our waking lives.
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We discuss the many aspects surrounding communities that strive to create long lasting, meaningful social change, with the people who have been there and done it.
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I'm singing mostly pop, please leave a comment what you think! email: instagram: alexborghesi snapchat: alexborghesi
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Formally MD diaries. Mom has went solo. Join her and her cast of many to entertain you.
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Opinionated Irish guy with a twisted sense of humour and a shocking lack of empathy.
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Får du ikke sove, eller trenger du noe å koble av med? Vera Kvaal gir deg historier som senker pulsen og gir deg en fin opplevelse. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio
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Fitness talk
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Der schrille Showmaster Sigi Natterer führt durch ein buntes Füllhorn an Diskussionsthemen: Von bayrischem Brauchtum bis Papageienfrisur, von wissenschaftlichen Erörterungen bis den heißesten Sex-Sprüchen der Gassenbuben. Alles geht, und was hier geht, geht sehr, sehr gut. Und wer weiss, vielleicht schaut ja auch der kleine Spinni mal wieder vorbei...
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Welcome to Neurodiversity Natter: The Umbrella Project, where we will be podcasting everything ‘neurodiversity’, including guest interviews with leaders in the field of ND, Psychology, Education and beyond. We celebrate thinking differently.
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Dark Natter is the podcast where your favourite works of horror and other dark fiction are sliced, diced and dissected for forensic analysis! Enter the Hall Of Pain, where creepy custodians Jon Richter (dark fiction writer and video game developer) and Liam Martin (dark fiction connoisseur and professional video game writer) will guide you through a fun and usually downright daft examination of your favourite sinister creations.
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Stop by for A Wee Natter with Jenny and Marc Steele, taking a light-hearted look at the not-so-important issues of the day. From solving parking problems in the modern world and keeping spiders out of the house, to investigating weird song lyrics and the rules of sharing your holiday snaps, there's always an opportunity for you to get involved.
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Før vi sier natta er en podcast der venninnene Ina og Tomine slipper deg inn i deres univers av rare, merkelige og meningsløse tanker som dukker opp når hjernen ikke vil sove. Kontakt:
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Natta Datta No Ambarica Parvas | નાથા દેથા નો અંબરીકા પર્વસ | Gujrati Comedy Podcast
Audio Pitara by Channel176 Productions
આ ગુજરાતી પોડકાસ્ટમાં, અમે મંદિરના ભજન અને આરતીમાં દૈનિક ધાર્મિક પ્રવૃત્તિઓમાં અનુક્રમે તબલા અને મંજીરા વગાડનારા બે સ્થાનિક સંગીતકારો નાથો અને દેથોની વાર્તાને અનુસરીએ છીએ. કોઈ ઔપચારિક શિક્ષણ ન હોવા છતાં, અમદાવાદ શહેરના આ નિર્દોષ અને ધાર્મિક સંગીતકારોને અમેરિકા જવાની તક આપવામાં આવી હતી. તેમની સફર દરમિયાન, નાથો અને ડેથોએ શ્રેણીબદ્ધ આનંદી ઘટનાઓનો અનુભવ કર્યો જેણે તેમને તેમના સ્થાનિક સમુદાયની ચર્ચા બનાવી. નાથો તેના લાક્ષણિક રમુજી અનુનાસિક સ્વરમાં બોલે છે, જ્યારે ડેથો રમૂજી બાસ ટોન ધરાવે છે, અને ...
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Join us for a cuppa and a chat as we look at some of the people and places that make the North East of England the unique and special region that it is.
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The Natty Dub Jungle Drum & Bass Podcast Series Was Established 2017. Bringing You The Best In Upfront Jungle Drum & Bass. Each Mix Is Selected & Compiled By One Of The 4 Star Generals In The Natty Dub Ranks.
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Podcast by The Other Side
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Cardiff Metropolitan University brings you The Natter. Each week, we speak to different guests from the world of sport. We delve into their challenges and triumphs.The Natter is produced and presented by Cardiff Met's Sport Broadcast MSc and Sport Media BSc staff and students. Find us on twitter- @CMetSportTV Instagram- @cardiffmetsporttv TikTok- cardiffmetsporttv and Facebook- Cardiff Met Sport TV.
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Natty Bumpercar writes some stuff about some things. Other times - he ends up drawing a little but of this or that.
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Your cosy go to for a countryside catch up with Lucy and Verity, we hope to keep you company, bring you some joy and maybe some education too.Find us on Instagram @countrynatters Verity: @notquiteatownie and Lucy @doodlinglucy5
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Når Frid blir overbevist om at en tidligere bestevenninne har blitt utsatt for et overgrep, bestemmer hun seg for å ta saken i egne hender. Frid oppretter en podkast, og gjennom daglige episoder oppdaterer og involverer hun lytterne i jakten på en gjerningsmann. Hva var det egentlig som skjedde natt til lørdag? Natt til lørdag er en fiktiv krimpodcast produsert av Rubicon for NRK Radioteatret. Medvirkende: Skuespillere: Selma Moren, Ilyas Zannachi, Sofie Asplin. Executive: Cathinka Rondan Pr ...
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Get inspired by lifestyle changes that can make you feel happier! | Traveling vegan | In love with exercise and staying healthy |
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I'm a former World Record holding Powerlifter who has struggled with mental health A LOT over the last 10 years or so. This is to document my progress as I try to get happier in general and return to competition. This time I plan on getting to the highest level in Powerlifting, Natural Bodybuilding and Natural Strongman
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"Naylor's natter...just talking to teachers" Naylor's Natter is the brainchild of Phil Naylor , created initially to share musings on evidence, research and CPD. The podcast has grown significantly since its first episode in early 2019 and is now proudly independent. We have no sponsorship or affiliation. As the podcast has evolved so has its reach, we feel passionately about diversity of opinion and representation of our profession. To ensure we better reflect teaching , we are now proud to ...
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We are solely dedicated to improving the awareness, care, education and support around Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and Chronic Prostatitis. This podcast is for patients, their loved ones and clinicians with an interest in male pelvic pain. In each episode Karl Monahan and Tim Beames (founders of Pelvic Pain Matters) will unpack key topics around this life altering, debilitating, poorly understood condition. We want to create hope and understanding for all of those who face the challenges of ...
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Tired of all those "inspirational" bloggers, podcasters and professional talking heads who sell the dream but don't walk the walk? LDN is a regular podcast about digital, and also where the digital meets the human. We're based out of London, with a European outlook. On LDN you'll find great conversations with practitioners in London and across Europe, who are people who really “do the do”.
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Hosted by Annie Chave, Sam Dalling and Dan Whiting, County Cricket Natters will provide informal yet informative coverage of each round of the Vitality County Championship. Your experienced hosts couple their intimate knowledge of county cricket with a burning love of the domestic game, to guide you through the tournament from start to finish. Annie, Dan, and Sam will be joined by guests from all circles of county cricket including past and present players, broadcasters and journalists.
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Caring for others is usually top priority for people working in the health and community services sector. So much so, that it’s often all too easy for us to neglect our own wellbeing. Workplace Wellbeing natters is the podcast that encourages us all to take care of the wellbeing of ourselves and the people we’re working with, whether that’s in primary care, mental health, disability, aged or community services, government, or any other part of the health and community services ecosystem. Hos ...
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Confession time... I am always late. Let it be .2 seconds or 1 minute. It seems to happen. Call me over-prepared, call me extra. Let it be. That's Natty Bee! I am always lending a creative hand where I can. I bring more than necessary to the table, but let me tell you -- it always works out. As it may, all of us have a story that is only ours. Well, 1 Minute Late is the safe space the universe has given me. I want to share this silly energy with others and learn more about people in the proc ...
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Historier fra Maram | Smertens mysterier – 1: Sammen med Jesus i Getsemane-hagen
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8:32Historier fra Maram | Smertens mysterier – 1: Sammen med Jesus i Getsemane-hagen Av Erika Eva Nes og Pål Johannes Nes, 22.03.2025. Meld deg på vårt nyhetsbrev her "Opplev magien på den idylliske øya Maram, hvor hverdagslige øyeblikk forvandles til uforglemmelige minner. I denne episoden lærer jentene mer om rosenkransbønnen, og vi går dypere inn i …
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Selvom vi allesammen skal dø en dag, taler vi sjældent om, hvad vi ønsker, der skal ske med os, når det sker. Det taler vi til gengæld om i nat, når lytterne fortæller om sine kommende begravelser. See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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Det Danske Sprog og Dialekter - Med Mads
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2:00:08Hvor kommer du fra? Og vigtigere, kan man høre, hvor du kommer fra? I nat snakker vi om sprog og dialekter - Lyt med! See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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Offensively Offensive: March Sadness + How Do You Define This Season
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41:13Send us a text Sean and Tom hop on to discuss the brutal loss to Ole Miss in the Round of 32. Both Sean and Tom talk about how the game went, including the good start and the immediate fall-off that followed. How the impact of no Keshon and an injured Tamin put Iowa State in an almost impossible position to come back. Next, they each try their best…
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Send us a text Not all habits are bad, sometimes a habit can be a good thing. So this week Richard and Fiona have a little natter about how we can make that happen. Join our Evolve to Thrive programme Whatsapp us Submit a question Follow us on Facebook or Instagram The Richard Nicholls Podcast The Brookhouse Hypnotherapy Group YouTube Channel Richa…
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I nat snakker vi om vores yndlingsmusik - de fleste har enten en kunstner eller en gruppe, som kan få os til at grine, græde, danse eller noget helt fjerde. Hvem kan du godt lide at lytte til, hvad er din yndlings musikgenre, og er du fan af nogen? Lyt med! See for privacy information.…
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Hvide og små og store og beskidte - løgnen kommer i mange former. Nattevagten er i nat en skriftestol, vi indrømmer vores løgne overfor hinanden og overfor os selv. Og vi taler om, hvornår, og om, det er okay at lyve. Er der et spektrum for løgne? Er nogle løgne bedre end andre? - Lyt med! See for privacy information.…
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Vi kender alle det, at møde en person, som man finder lidt ekstra interessant. Men hvordan kommer man ud med det? Hvordan scorer man? Det er det David taler med nattens lyttere om. Lyt med. See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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Førstegangsoplevelser - Med David
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1:59:56Når vi prøver noget nyt, kan det være skelsættende oplevelse. I nattens afsnit deler lytterne sine førstegangsoplevelser. Lyt med, når David er ved mirkofonen. See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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At blive passet som barn til at passe andres børn til at få passet sine børn. Igennem livet vil man afprøve de forskellige roller i børnepasningen. Vi deler de sjove, de skræmmende og de søde historier. Vi taler om barnepiger. - Lyt med! See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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We continue our chat with Lammie from The Vaults and Tim Sexton, Entomologist and Senior Species Recording Officer for the Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust.بقلم infoqjb
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Sammendrag af tidligere nætters samtaler. See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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92- En finir avec la souffrance animale avec Brigitte Gothière fondatrice de L214
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1:04:49🌍 Vous vous demandez ce que vous pouvez faire à votre niveau pour la planète ? 🥩J'ai une idée pour vous : vous pouvez réduire votre consommation de viande ! 🐷 De mon côté, je n'ai pas arrêté la viande mais j'ai changé mes habitudes. Depuis quelques années, c'est "moins mais mieux !" 🐮 Je me souviens encore du moment où des amis (aka Charles et Sido…
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Sudden Victory (Ep. 45) - 2025 NCAA Tournament Preview
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48:41Send us a text Eight Cyclones hit the mats in Philly on Thursday, Friday and Saturday to wrestle for National Titles! Jacob and Sam break down the draws and talk about their expectations following a tough Big 12 tournament.
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Undskyldninger og skyldfølelse - Med Bubber
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1:38:48Alle bærer rundt på en eller anden slags skyld og skam, og indimellem føler vi os også nødsaget til at undskylde for det. I aften vil vi gerne høre Nattevagtens lyttere, hvad de bærer rundt på af skam, og vi stiller dem spørgsmålet; hvornår bør man sige undskyld, og hvad betyder et undskyld for dig? Lyt med! See for privacy …
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This is not a drill. Newcastle United have won a cup that isn't the Intertoto. Fergus Craig, Paul Doolan and Dave Watson look back at how it happened, how it felt, what next and, of course, take a deep dive in to cup final farts. @newcastlenatter Produced by Paul Myers and Mike Leigh A Playback Media Production…
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Send us a text In this weeks episode of 'Therapy Natters', Richard & Fiona are discussing various strategies for managing overwhelm, and the importance of finding what works for you without a universal guidebook. Join our Evolve to Thrive programme Whatsapp us Submit a question Follow us on Facebook or Instagram The Richard Nicholls Podcast The Bro…
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I aftenens udsendelse taler vi om nye begyndelser i forbindelse med større vendepunkter. Har du oplevet noget, som har gjort, at dit liv blev nulstillet, og hvordan tacklede du det? Det spørger vi Nattevagtens lyttere om i nat. Lyt med! See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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Offensively Offensive: Lipscomb Preview + Thoughts On ISU's Draw + How Rotations Will Work Down The Road
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1:12:31Send us a text Sean, Tom, and Nate are back to recap a crazy week. First, the guys start with the Keshon news and how the Big 12 Tournament looked in person and on the rewatch. Is it possible to see that same offense in the tournament? Next, the guys hit on the Keshon news with how it came out near Iowa State's great draw. It is quickley followed w…
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Interview with Award-winning Author Sean Bridges
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59:46Join me, award-winning author, Tina Hogan Grant every other Monday for A Cuppa & A Natter (Live Chat) When I sit down and talk with fellow authors. On Monday, March, 17th at 5:00 PM PST / 8:00 PM EST, Author, Sean Bridges will join me. There will be giveaways. Watch us live to be entered. You can watch the live chat on my Author Page - https://www.…
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Hvad er en rigtig mand? Er han i kontakt med sine følelser? Skal han være stærk og magtfuld? Tiderne ændrer sig, og kønsnormerne ligeså. Hvad vil det sige at være mænd i dag? - Lyt med! See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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I nat taler vi om søvnløshed - noget alle nok har prøvet fra tid til anden, men som nogen døjer mere med end andre. Og hvad gør man så? Drikker man gurkemeje med mælk, lytter til podcast eller et tredje ritual? Vi taler med nattevagter, B-mennesker, gode sovehjerter og alt der i mellem. Lyt med! See for privacy information.…
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PostNord har meldt ud, at de udfaser brevforretningen ved udgangen af 2025, så fra næste år vil man hverken kunne sende breve med PostNord eller spotte de flotte, røde postkasser rundt omkring i gadebilledet. I nat diskuterer vi værdien af det fysiske brev; kan mails, sms'er og andre digitale "breve" det samme som det fysiske brev? Det spørger vi N…
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Historier fra Maram | Bønn med et regn av roser
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8:58Historier fra Maram | Bønn med et regn av roser Av Erika Eva Nes og Pål Johannes Nes, 15.03.2025. Meld deg på vårt nyhetsbrev her "Opplev magien på den idylliske øya Maram, hvor hverdagslige øyeblikk forvandles til uforglemmelige minner. Denne gangen skal jentene lære om bønn – hva det innebærer å be, og hvorfor bønn er viktig. Vi fokuserer spesiel…
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Vi bliver tildelt navne af andre, og navnet bliver vores evige introduktion til omverdenen. I kærligheden kan vi dele vores navne med andre. For at smelte sammen. For at blive en familie. Vi kan ændre vores navne og starte forfra. Og så en dag kan det være, at vi en dag står med et nyt lille menneske i favnen. Og skal vælge et navn til dem. - Lyt m…
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We are hosted by Lammie in The Vaults, Uppingham, Rutland, and our special guest is an entomologist, Tim Sexton who is the senior species recording officer for the Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust.بقلم infoqjb
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Brudte familie relationer - Med Caroline
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2:00:08Man vælger ikke sin familie, man fravælger den. I nat handler det om at miste familie til andre ting end døden. Om at forlade og om at blive forladt. - Lyt med! See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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I nat taler vi om tøj. Hvor køber du tøj? Går du i genbrug, eller køber du nyt? Hvad betyder tøj for dig? See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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Send us a text In this episode Richard & Fiona discuss the challenges of procrastination and the importance of tackling daunting tasks head-on, using insights from Brian Tracy's book 'Eat That Frog'. Along the way, they share some personal anecdotes and delve into how therapists manage their myriad responsibilities. Join our Evolve to Thrive progra…
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I anledning af det grønlandske parlamentsvalg taler vi om Grønland, og vi ønsker at høre alle Nattevagtens historier, oplevelser og holdninger til verdens største ø, mens vi venter på det fulde valgresultat. Vi har desuden Peter Marstal fra nærværende kanal med i begge ender af programmet, som fortæller om folkestemningen direkte fra Nuuk. Lyt med!…
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Litecast: This Is March, Conference Tournament Previews, and Postseason Expectations
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1:02:34Send us a text Matt and Austin return to break down the end of Iowa State's regular season and preview the Big 12 tournament. Plus, they draft winners of the rest of the tournaments, celebrate a legendary betting run, and give the people some ways to have fun in Kansas City.
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Nattevagten Highlights 10. marts 2025
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1:01:30Sammendrag af tidligere nætters samtaler. See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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Hajer, højder, edderkopper. Nattens emne er irrationel frygt. - Lyt med! See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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Offensively Offensive: Recap of K-State And How We Feelin Going Into The Postseason
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52:22Send us a text Sean, Nate, and Tom are all back to talk about the regular season finale of the 2024-25 season. First the guys go a little off-topic, talking about the coach's carousal for this offseason, and how coaches' buyouts look like. Next, the guys talk a little about the win against Kansas State before getting into the Big 12 Tournament and …
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I nat taler vi arvestrid. Har du selv være involveret i sådan en, men hvor I endte med at finde ud af det? Eller stikker striden så dybt, at du dagen i dag stadig ikke snakker med vedkommende? Eller måske kender du andre, hvor penge mellem familiemedlemmer har voldt store problemer? Lyt med! See for privacy information.…
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Kvindernes kampdag - Med Marie
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2:00:09Kvindernes internationale kampdag er i dag, den ottende marts, og det er også temaet i nattens udgave af vores program. For hvor langt er vi egentlig kommet med ligestillingen - her i vores lille hjørne af verden? Er der stadig noget at kæmpe for? Eller mener du, at kvinder og mænd har samme vilkår? Betragter du dig selv som feminist? Er du gammel …
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Historier fra Maram | Hva er bønn og hvorfor ber vi?
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6:01Historier fra Maram | Hva er bønn og hvorfor ber vi? Av Erika Eva Nes og Pål Johannes Nes, 08.03.2025. Meld deg på vårt nyhetsbrev her "Opplev magien på den idylliske øya Maram, hvor hverdagslige øyeblikk forvandles til uforglemmelige minner. Denne gangen vil jentene lære om bønn – hva det innebærer å be, og hvorfor bønn er viktig. Gjennom disse fo…
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Er du blevet fyret? - Med David
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التشغيل لاحقا
2:00:09I nat skal det handle om fyringer. Det kan føre mange svære følelser med sig: skam, mindreværd, vrede eller direkte hævnlyst. Har du selv prøvet at blive fyret? Og hvad gjorde du så? Det runder vi i nat - Lyt med! See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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91- Matthieu Dardaillon, y voir clair et agir dans ce monde chaotique
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التشغيل لاحقا
41:44Comment rester lucide, garder un cap, savoir comment et où agir, préserver notre joie ou simplement notre santé mentale … quand chaque jour semble emporter un peu plus le monde que nous connaissons ? Quand les digues semblent tomber les unes après les autres ? Quand nous nous sentons au bord du précipice de l’Histoire ? Si ces questions vous parlen…
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Parforholdsdynamikker - Med Sanne
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التشغيل لاحقا
2:00:08I nattens udsendelse taler vi om dynamikkerne i et parforhold. Vi har alle sammen en ven, som ignorerer de røde flag ved deres partner, og som finder sig i aaalt for meget - hvis ikke vi selv er dén ven. Bliver man dum og blind af at være forelsket? Det spørger vi Nattevagtens lyttere om. Lyt med! See for privacy information…
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I nat skal vi tale om at lege. Både de lege, du var optaget af som barn, men også selve fænomenet leg. Både de lege, du var optaget af som barn, men også selve fænomenet leg. For det frirum fantasien kan give os - alene eller i samspil med andre - er bestemt ikke forbeholdt børnene. Leger du? Hvad leger du? Og hvad er det ved legen, du holder af? L…
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Offensively Offensive: An instant reaction to Iowa State's loss to BYU! Plus, what's next for this team?!
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التشغيل لاحقا
30:29Send us a text Blood, sweat. and tears. A senior night story. On today's podcast, it's just Nate and Tom as Sean had to deal with some family matters. We wish him nothing but the best! Nate and Tom break down the double-overtime thriller against BYU and what went wrong for the Cyclones. They deep dive into the late-game play calls and the lineup th…
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Therapist Attraction and Grief, in a Chaotic World
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التشغيل لاحقا
31:23Send us a text This week Richard & Fiona explore the complexities of navigating happiness in a turbulent world, managing feelings for a therapist, and grappling with love and guilt after loss in a Q&A episode. Join our Evolve to Thrive programme Whatsapp us Submit a question Follow us on Facebook or Instagram The Richard Nicholls Podcast The Brookh…
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Sudden Victory (Ep. 44) - 2025 Big 12 Preview
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52:59Send us a text Jacob and Sam are back to preview the Big 12 tournament! After a season of ups and downs and a rotating lineup, it's time to see what the Cyclones can do in the postseason. They also discuss David Carr's big win over an Olympic Finalist and the Cyclones dual win over Mizzou.
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Har du prøvet at blive snydt? - Med Mads
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التشغيل لاحقا
2:00:12Har vi ikke alle sammen prøve at opleve at føle os snydt i større eller mindre grad? Det er spørgsmålet i nat, hvor vi rigtig gerne vil høre alle Nattevagten lyttere fortælle om deres egen oplevelser med snyd - både dem, der handler om at blive snydt og dem, der handler om at snyde andre. Lyt med! See for privacy information…
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A Pub Natter special, where we are hosted by Leigh Burrows in Oakham Castle and chat with Alicia Kearns MP about saving Rutland!بقلم infoqjb
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Interview with author Patti Gaustad Procopi
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التشغيل لاحقا
1:03:24Join me, award-winning author, Tina Hogan Grant, every other Monday for A Cuppa & A Natter (Live Chat) when I sit down and talk with fellow authors. On Monday, March 3rd at 5:00 PM PST / 8:00 PM EST, Author, Patti Gaustad Procopi will join me. There will be giveaways. Watch us live to be entered. You can watch the live chat on my Author Page - http…
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Der bliver talt meget om Ukraine i medierne. Men hvor meget ved vi egentlig om landet? Om deres historie og kultur? I nat sætter vi to timer af til at lære Ukraine lidt bedre at kende. - Lyt med! See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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Dit forhold til det amerikanske lige nu? - Med Bubber
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التشغيل لاحقا
2:00:09I nat snakker vi Oscarshowet, der næsten samtidigt udfolder sig i USA. Store priser til store skuespillere, der ikke altid udnytter muligheden til at adressere de store politiske spørgsmål eller konflikter, når de står og modtager statuetten. Men burde de gøre det? Og hvad tænker vi selv om at støtte den amerikanske filmkultur? Burde vi boykotte de…
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I nat handler det om ældres sexliv. Et emne der er rimelig underbelyst. Derfor stiller vi spørgsmålet: Bliver lysten ved, stopper lysten med alderen og hvordan kan kærligheden og sexlivet udfolde sig i livets efterår? Lyt med! See for privacy information.بقلم RADIO IIII
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