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show episodes
A wargaming Podcast covering that modern day rarity, The Big Game. No 10 figures a side on a 3ft square table here old chap. All scales, all periods, so long as its BIG. You know what they say ”Go Big or Go Home” We, my friends have gone Big ! Each episode will look at a different aspect of the Big Wargame and do a little bit to bring them back into fashion. Is it a coincidence that Warlord games bring an Epic scale box set out just after this podcast went to air ! I don’t think so, so get o ...
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show series
On the 500th Anniversary of one of the most pivotable battles of the Great Italian Wars, what better to do that a deep dive into the battle of Pavia, with a specific slant on recreating the battle on the tabletop. I'm joined by Martyn Kelly who has last on the show 2 years ago. He is well known for his exquisite Big Games at Historicon in the US an…
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Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever Wargamers phone in ! I'm joined on the show by 8 different guests for 8 very different conversations about different aspects of our wonderful hobby, in order of appearance we have. 1. Gary Wills - we talk about the War of the First Coalition or the Revolutionary Wars and his book Throwing Thunderbolts abo…
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Hi there, Welcome to the first episode of 2025 and today I combine two of my favourite things in life Wargaming and Italy. My guest is Lorenzo Sartori who runs the Italian based wargames publishers Dadi & Piombo. Lorenzo has been publishing a magazine of the same name for over 25 years, along with various sets of rules and books relating to wargami…
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Welcome back to the Yarkshire Gamer Podcast with our usual Xmas Special with the Brews in the Binyard Boys, Alex Sotheran from Storm of Steel and Iain McDonald from Flags of War. In what is now tradition I butcher a Xmas song at the start of the show so get ready for a version of Fairy Tale of New York which you have never heard before ! The show e…
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Hi everyone, Welcome back to the first, long form "normal" Podcast for a while and todays guest is Andy Johnson. Andy was born in York which gets a big tick in a box on this show ! and in the first part of the show we chat about Andys Wargaming life and the old Little Soldier Shop on Gillygate in his home town. Section 2 covers Andys extensive mili…
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Hi everyone, This was planned initially as a bit of a catch up episode with a number of guests but I wasn't able to get all the interviews done and I've been away myself so rather than have this lying around for weeks I've put my catch up with Paul out as an individual episode. Paul was my guest on Episode 43 and we chatted in depth on that occasio…
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Welcome back everyone to Episode 63 of the Yarkshire Gamers Reet Big Wargames Podcast and today I've got off my backside and driven down t'road to Honley just outside Holmfirth where I sat down with Trevor Dixon of Dixon Miniatures to chat about his time in the hobby. He got his first break with Hinchliffe Miniatures before striking out on his own …
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Hey Up, Its time to go across the pond to the USA and speak to a couple of guys who are part of the team who run Little Wars TV on that there Utubes. These guys are so big they even have more subscribers than Alex Sotheran ! The channel has been off air for a while and has recently returned to the airwaves so I thought it would be a great time to h…
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Its that time of year again where the gang meet up in our terrace bin yard to chew the fat on the hobby in general. Today I'm joined by regular guests Alex Sotheran from Storm of Steel and Iain McDonald from Flags of War, we have a quick catch up whilst Alex saves up the money for his internet connection before he tells us how he became the "face" …
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Welcome to Episode 59 and today I am chatting with Pete Brown who is the main man at The Assault Group who are probably better known as TAG. Pete has had a interesting journey in the hobby prior to setting up TAG, he's worked at Table Top Games, Games Workshop and Wargames Foundry so it was great to chat about his career in mould making and casting…
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After our double header history fest on Jutland with Nick Jellicoe its time to get back to basics with a special episode on Wargames Terrain. My guest is Joe Bilton aka @Joe_Wargamer on Twitter (sorry Elon, its Twitter mate) who during the 5 years or so he has been in the hobby has produced some superb quality tables with an emphasis on more realis…
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Hi everyone. No surprises with the content of this episode as I present the second part of my interview with Nick Jellicoe. In the first part we covered a lot of the background to the battle and the characters involved. In this part of the interview we look in detail at the battle itself, going through each of the major phases of the action at Jutl…
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Hello again, welcome to Episode 56, the first of a double header on the Battle of Jutland, by far the largest sea borne action of the First World War and what a great guest we have to discuss it with you, Nick Jellicoe, grandson of John Jellicoe Commander of the British Fleet at the battle. We recorded for about 4 and a half hours and it was a grea…
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Welcome to the latest episode of the Podcast with my two guests Richard Marsh and Colin Rumford who are responsible for one of the most popular sets of WW2 rules available - Rapid Fire. First released in 1994 and supported by many subsequent Supplements, Campaign and Scenario Books the rules have gone through a recent update with Rapid Fire Reloade…
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Hello everyone and welcome once again to the Yarkshire Gamers Reet Big Wargames Podcast as I reach the 54th episode. In a bit of an extended introduction I go through and explain a recent change in my guest booking process. Before moving onto the main course. Today my guest is Nigel Atter who is a WW1 historian with a couple of books to his name wh…
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Welcome to Episode 53, for the first time on the Podcast we are going to have a detailed look at a Wargames Show in the UK and we have started with the biggest. Salute is a London based show which has been around since the 1970s, it has grown and grown through a series of venues to its current location in the Excel centre and it sees around 6,000 d…
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Welcome to the first Podcast of 2024, it always seems to take me a while to get started again in the New Year, but at least I managed to get an episode out i January this time around. Today my guest is the author of the blog Shed Wars, Giles Shapley who is also known by his nom de plume "Eric the Shed". Shed Wars was and remains one of the staple W…
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Its back, the Podcast within a Podcast, our traditional (well 3rd episode) of the Brews in the Binyard Xmas Special. After being serious this year with special episodes on Paintbrushes and Papal Zouaves its time to let our hair down with a festive blow out. Sadly our usual hombre Sean Clark wasn't available this year so the wonderful Iain McDonald …
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For my Golden Jubilee Episode I thought I'd celebrate with a couple of the hobbies luminaries, who just happen to have recently won the World Cup of Historical Wargames Rules with their Chain of Command WW2 set, not only that the runners up were another one of their rule sets, Sharp Practice. Nick and Rich have done many Podcasts in the past so I t…
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After last episodes Paintbrush Geek Out its time to return to the regular format of the show with one of the hobbies premier rule writers. Dave Brown broke into the world of wargames rules with his Napoleonic set General de Brigade and since then has developed successful sets of rules in both WW2 and the ACW, with other taking forward the basic sys…
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Its Podcast time again, this episode I've stepped aside from the usual format to get a deep dive into the world of paint brushes. My guest is Peter Thompson, the head honcho at Pro Arte a company based in my favourite place in the world, Skipton. We had a lovely chat covering the history of the company before moving on and discussing the finer poin…
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Welcome to Episode 47 of the Podcast and this time we take a look at one of my favourite Wargaming niches, that is Naval Wargaming. And to help me on that journey I have press ganged David Manley to guide us through a minefield of turning circles, broadside markers and wind gauges. David has been involved in Naval Wargaming most of his life, inspir…
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Welcome to the Podcast within a Podcast, yes it's time for another Brews in the Binyard Episodes with the regular gang, Sean Clark of Gods Own Scale and Alex Sotheran of Storm of Steel Utubes. As regular listeners will know this is very different from the usual Episodes and is a lot more free form. Imagine three mates talking down the pub about a h…
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Welcome to episode 45 of the Yarkshire Gamer Podcast and today we have our feet firmly planted once again in the soil of Gods Own County as we travel a short bus ride through the streets of Sheffield to meet todays guest Mark Hides. Mark has been involved in the hobby all of his life and has carved out a career embracing various aspects of wargamin…
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Todays guest is well known within the Wargames World for being Mr 6mm, but there is a lot more to Pete Berry than that. Its a great chance to discuss his wargaming background and a love of Big Games going back to huge games using 15mm Medievals and classic old school Napoleonic Plastics. Forlorn Hope are still a big favourite set of rules for ECW h…
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Welcome to Episode 43 of the Reet Big Wargames Podcast and today my guest is Paul Thompson of EWM or Early War Miniatures. Pauls company specialises in 20mm WW1, Interwar and WW2 figures and vehicles as well as a growing range of scenery, including a certain Binyard ! Its a long episode but Paul had some great stories outside of our usual chat so g…
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Welcome to Episode 42 of the Yarkshire Gamer Podcast and today I have an absolute hobby legend for you. George Nafziger is a prolific author who has had many many titles published over the years. His first book in 1988 Napoleons Invasion of Russia was a fantastic debut and the subsequent series of books on the later 1813 and 1814 Campaigns are abso…
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This episode as previously stated will be something a bit different as I move away, just for a short while, from the usual tried and tested format. Todays guest is Nick Schofield and although Nick had a brief dabble with wargaming when he was younger he hasn't rolled a dice for many years. My guest works in the church and has studied in Rome so the…
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Today my guest is Author, Painter and old friend Steve Shann. Steve has been a full time painter for many years now and many of the figures in the collections of my previous guests have originated from his brushes, so it's a great excuse to get a bit of a geek on about Paints, techniques and of course wet palettes 😆 Alongside the painting Steve has…
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Welcome back everyone, it's been nearly 2 months since the last episode, doing 5 in December was like setting a flamethrower to both ends of the candle and I had burnt myself out. But after a good rest and concentrating on my hobby projects for a while I'm back and ready to go again. I've got the next 8 episodes planned with some great guests, I ha…
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Well by now you are probably sick and tired of seeing who the Best Wargames Manufacturer is and who has the best Customer Service in the hobby, its time to delve into the stuff we are really interested in like "What is the best Wargames Rumour (with or without substantiation), so sit back and enjoy finding out who is the best Wargames Troll on a Ya…
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Christmas comes round once a year and with it comes our traditional (well we've done it twice) Brews in the Binyard Special Episode. As always I am joined by my two scale "experts" Alex "Storm of Steel" Sotheran and Sean "Gods Own Scale (retd.)" Clark for a 3 and a half hour Monster Episode. If you are taking this in one sitting make sure you are w…
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Less than a week on from the first instalment of my interview with Hobby Legend Henry Hyde comes the "conclusion". Regular listeners will notice that this show starts with the usual 3rd part of the Podcast, the features section so you will get to hear Henry answer the Avocado Question and are round dice still universally banned ! Its then onto Warg…
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Episode 35 of the Podcast sees the first of a two part interview with one of the stalwarts of the Wargames Hobby, Mr Henry Hyde. There isn't much that Henry hasn't done in this hobby over the years, as an author, Podcaster, Magazine Editor, Wargamer, Artist etc etc etc etc ! He has been a guest and an interviewer on many occasions in the past so I'…
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Welcome to Episode 34 of The Yarkshire Gamers Reet Big Wargames Podcast and hopefully the first of 3 December 2022 Episodes. Today I am talking about the ultimate Napoleonic Wargame, Leipzig. Somewhat overshadowed in the UK by Waterloo but the numbers of troops and casualties are eye-watering and subsequently the number of figures needed to play th…
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Welcome to Episode 33 and the 3rd of our Catch Up Episodes. A different format to usual for the new listener, today I've dipped into my previous guests and picked out 3 for a bit of a chat to see what they have been upto since we last talked. First up from Episode 22 is Simon Miller. We had to cut the last interview short (well after 2 hours 😀) and…
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Here is my 32nd attempt at getting a Podcast right ! Today my guest is another old friend and fellow Big Gamer, Chris Flowers. Last week I got on my bike and went to speak with him face to face in his wonderful wargames room. Chris grew up in a military family and stand by for a couple of awesome name drops at the start of the show. Chris has been …
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Welcome to the 31st Episode of The Yarkshire Gamers Reet Big Wargames Podcast and today my guest is Giles Allison. Giles had a big influence on my American War of Independence collection as I was building it up through his excellent blog Tarleton's Quarter, that influence was felt by many others and I would rank Giles blog as one of the best out th…
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It's been a month or so since the last episode so it's great to be back with another Big Game Chat. This time we are off to Perth, Australia to talk with Carlo Pagano about wargaming in general and his reconstitution of Peter Gilders Sands of Sudan Rules. As usual we had disappeared down a rabbit hole within 15 minutes of the start but I'm sure you…
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Its only been a week I know and you are either eagerly awaiting the second part of Brews in the Bin Yard Summer Special or still recovering from the first one. Either way its here and in this part of the show we answer questions from different members of Yarkshire Gamer, Gods Own Scale and Storm of Steel audiences and try and keep you entertained. …
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Welcome to the Podcast within a Podcast, the irrelevant chat of three middle aged men who are old enough to know better. In between mentions of 80s TV detective Eddie Shoestring, Avocado Bathroom Suites, the sad demise of Bob Point and of course Sean tells us more tales from his deep in depth knowledge of the Mexican Revolution, there is on occasio…
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If you have recovered from the first part (Episode 26 Crack on Lad) then its time to conclude my marathon chat with Martin and Ste from The Plastic Crack Podcast. This is the normal final section on the show and we chat with the guys about their own Utubes channels, their accidental arrival on the show and how they are still technically squatting !…
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Its time to meet the other half of the Plastic Crack Podcast Crew, you heard the story of Dom and Ken in Episode 20 so now its time to hear the truth from Martin and Ste ! It was a monster of a recording tipping in at nearly 4 hours, so rather than cut it down I've split it into two episodes so this one covers the usual Intro, Quiz and Room 101 sec…
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25 episodes done ! and for this, Yarkshire Gamers Silver Jubilee I have gone back into the mists of time. My guest Stephen Barker is not only a Historian, Author and Battlefield Guide he is one of my oldest Wargaming friends. So if you want to hear a couple of old chums, being all misty eyed, talking about their Big Game origins, this is the episod…
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This episode we are back to the usual interview format and my guest is Iain McDonald who runs the company Flags of War. Just like it says on the tin Iain supplies a huge range of 28mm flags from right across the span of history to wargamers throughout the world. If that wasn't enough on top of a full time job and a family Iain has branched out into…
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As the Episode number ends in a 3 its time to dip back into my list of previous guests and give them a ring and see what they have been up to. This is also the first ever "Award Winning Episode" following Yarkshire Gamers win in the Best Podcast Category so if you are new, welcome onboard. First on my list is Rules Author and Big Gamer, Simon Hall …
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Hello everyone, A bit of an unexpected release today for a bit of an unexpected event. You will remember that award that I was asking people to nominate me for ? Well the Podcast only went and won the thing ! After just over a year on air and with lots of quality competition its not a bad effort to walk away with the winners spot. I just wanted to …
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We are back on our Big Game quest today with my guest Simon Miller. Simon is probably best known for his two rule sets To the Strongest, which covers the Ancient and Medieval Periods along with For King and Parliament for the English Civil War, however he is also a proponent of the Big Game player and has put on some spectacular huge games at vario…
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Welcome to the first show of what I can now say is a "Caesar Award Nominated" Podcast show ! Yes thanks to all you lovely people I was lucky enough to be one of those chosen to go forward in the Podcast category to the Awards Show in late March. Thanks to everyone who nominated me, I am so pleased to have made the last 3, its a real achievement. Es…
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Welcome back and a Happy New Year to you all. The first episode of 2022 features the two original members of the Plastic Crack Podcast, a live Monday Night stream of general gaming chat which is growing and growing in popularity. Starting in March 2020 with my guests the show has featured a number of Hobby Glitterati as guests but is probably best …
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