Podcast by The Slovak Spectator
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I am Chief Imran a Powerful Online Native Healer and love spells caster ..Am a Native Healer that work with Strong Spells Casting /African Native Healing And Herbs Call Or Whats app +27 763069612 Email - cheifimran20000@yahoo.com 100% Guaranteed & Affordable. Private & Confidential with Immediate Results. Welcome to Chief Imran in South Africa the only one who heals and solves all failed /unfinished problems from other Native healers & Spells caster online. Call Or Whats app +27 763069612 Em ...
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Week in Slovakia.
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Week in Slovakia.بقلم STVR
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1. Субботний калейдоскоп: 30-летие кодификации русинского языка, Первый городской водопровод в Братиславе, Ян Светлик- автор военно-мемориального комплекса «Славин». 2. Викторина "Таинственная Словакия" -1-й тур. Песни словацких исполнителей.
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Milan "Docent" Sedliak is a Slovak scientist, nutrition expert, and stand-up comedian who excels at blending science and humor.بقلم The Slovak Spectator
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Ben and Martin taka a look at the past week in Slovakia and look forward to upcoming events.
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Past week in Slovakia discussed by Ben and Martin. (31.1.2025 16:00)
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التشغيل لاحقا
Ben and Martin taka a look at the past week in Slovakia and look forward to upcoming events.بقلم STVR
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1.Новости 2.Тема дня 3.Рубрика "Экология". Репортаж о проокте Братиславского экологического отделения по охране черепахи болотной в Придунайском регионе Словакии. Говорит эколог М. Фронцова 4. Спорт. Комментируем переход словацкого футболиста М. Шкринияра в турецкий клуб "Фенербахче". Профиль футболиста, его комментарий к переходу.…
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Slovak born American actress Katarina Morhacova shares her story of getting from Banska Bystrica to NY and LA. European museums' halt to co-operation with the Slovak National Gallery accellerated the decision of about a hundred of experts to leave this cultural institution. Speaking about their reasons to quit are Maria Bohumelova, Director of Coll…
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Story of Slovak born American actress Katarina Morhacova. Reasons to quit SNG. (30.1.2025 16:00)
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التشغيل لاحقا
Slovak born American actress Katarina Morhacova shares her story of getting from Banska Bystrica to NY and LA. European museums' halt to co-operation with the Slovak National Gallery accellerated the decision of about a hundred of experts to leave this cultural institution. Speaking about their reasons to quit are Maria Bohumelova, Director of Coll…
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1. Новости. 2. Тема дня. 3. Подготовка Словакии к всемирной выставке "EXPO 2025". 4. 60 лет назад вышел на экраны оскароносный чехословацкий фильм "Магазин на площади".
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In this edition of the Slovakia Today programme, we bring you three interviews dealing with Romani visual artists coming from Slovakia. First up is Rudolf Dzurko, a Romani artist from eastern Slovakia. Although he spent most of his life in the Czech Republic, his works of art found themselves back in Slovakia at the "Only with Me Can You Hear the G…
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Romani visual artists coming from Slovakia. (29.1.2025 16:00)
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التشغيل لاحقا
In this edition of the Slovakia Today programme, we bring you three interviews dealing with Romani visual artists coming from Slovakia. First up is Rudolf Dzurko, a Romani artist from eastern Slovakia. Although he spent most of his life in the Czech Republic, his works of art found themselves back in Slovakia at the "Only with Me Can You Hear the G…
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1.Новости 2.Тема дня 3.Удивительная история старинного города Банска-Штиавница. Продолжение
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Ben Pascoe talks with Mier Ukrajine co-founder and co-organizer of the Slovensko je Europa demonstrations, Marian Kulich. We also bring you sights and sounds from the demonstration that took place recently in Bratislava.
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Interview with Mier Ukrajine co-founder and co-organizer Marian Kulich. (28.1.2025 16:00)
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التشغيل لاحقا
Ben Pascoe talks with Mier Ukrajine co-founder and co-organizer of the Slovensko je Europa demonstrations, Marian Kulich. We also bring you sights and sounds from the demonstration that took place recently in Bratislava.بقلم STVR
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1. Новости, Тема дня 2.Трагические страниции в истории Словакии. Холокост. Памяти жертв Освенцима. 3. 4 урок любителей словацкого языка. Мы посетим Банску Штявницу
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Eva Mosnáková was not only a holocaust survivor, but also a long-standing figther against extremism. Even in her old age she invested a lot of time in discussions with younger generations about war, holocaust and extremism. She died in December 2024 aged 95 years old. And what is her message for the next generations and how to people remeber her? W…
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Remembering holocaust survivor Eva Mosnáková (27.1.2025 16:00)
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
Eva Mosnáková was not only a holocaust survivor, but also a long-standing figther against extremism. Even in her old age she invested a lot of time in discussions with younger generations about war, holocaust and extremism. She died in December 2024 aged 95 years old. And what is her message for the next generations and how to people remeber her? W…
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1.Новости 2.Тема дня 3. Рубрика "Дайджест недели".4. Рубрика "Почтовый ящик- обратная связь" по письмам радиослушателей.
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Sunday Music Selection: Slovak Rap and Hip Hop
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1. Рубрика "Почточвый ящик- обратная связь" по письмам радиослушателей. 2. Рубрика "Музыкальные перекрестки". Сюжет о творчестве выдающегося словацкого скрипача и дирижера Богдана Вархола в честь его 95- летия.
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January 27 marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp. The day was chosen to be the Holocaust Memorial Day.Martin Bednárik talks to Madeline Vadkerty, an American based in Bratislava, Slovakia. She is professor, author and researcher dedicated to the topic of documenting the Holocaust. Madeline's firs…
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Interview: Madeline Vadkerty (25.1.2025 16:00)
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
January 27 marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp. The day was chosen to be the Holocaust Memorial Day.Martin Bednárik talks to Madeline Vadkerty, an American based in Bratislava, Slovakia. She is professor, author and researcher dedicated to the topic of documenting the Holocaust. Madeline's firs…
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1. Субботний калейдоскоп: Праздник Обращения Апостола Павла, Фестиваль «Саксофобия», Решение относительно отеля «Киев» ещё не принято, Международный день памяти жертв холокоста, Новая экологическая программа Братиславы, Работы Энди Уорхола будут выставлены во Франции,
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Patka and Ben discuss the past week and look ahead to all the great stuff Slovakia has to offer in the upcoming week.
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Patka and Ben discuss the past week and look ahead to all the great stuff Slovakia has to offer in the upcoming week.بقلم STVR
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1.Новости 2.Тема дня 3.Рубрика "Экология".О деятельности членов охотхозяйства «Тополь Будмерице», рассказывает его руководитель Иван Бакса. 4. Спорт. Комментируем очередной матч братиславского "Слована" против клуба" Штуттгарт" в рамках розыгрыша Лиги Чемпионов. Голоса игроков, тренера В.Вайсса. авт. комментарий.…
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Iconic anti-war poetry by the iconic Slovak poet Pavol Orszagh Hviezdoslav can be seen in a unique performance not only in English translation at the Pavol Orszagh Hviezdoslav Theatre in Bratislava. The language spoken on stage combines English with German, French, Italian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Polish and Russian. Vienna-based Slovak director …
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Bloody sonnets by Hviezdoslav staged in English in DPOH (23.1.2025 16:00)
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التشغيل لاحقا
Iconic anti-war poetry by the iconic Slovak poet Pavol Orszagh Hviezdoslav can be seen in a unique performance not only in English translation at the Pavol Orszagh Hviezdoslav Theatre in Bratislava. The language spoken on stage combines English with German, French, Italian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Polish and Russian. Vienna-based Slovak director …
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1. Новости. 2. Тема дня. 3. Словацкие национальные костюмы. Как формировалось их многообразие. 4. Уникальное ремесло высокогорных носильщиков в словацких Татрах.
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On environmental policy with Slovak MEP Martin Hojsík (22.1.2025 16:00)
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التشغيل لاحقا
Natural disasters, such as last summer’s catastrophic floods in central Europe and the fires currently ravaging California, are becoming increasingly common. While not solely caused by climate change, these events have grown more frequent and severe, largely due to rising ocean and atmospheric temperatures. Additionally, industrial and residential …
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Natural disasters, such as last summer’s catastrophic floods in central Europe and the fires currently ravaging California, are becoming increasingly common. While not solely caused by climate change, these events have grown more frequent and severe, largely due to rising ocean and atmospheric temperatures. Additionally, industrial and residential …
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1.Новости 2.Тема дня 3. Банска-Штиавница: старинный словацкий город, в несенный в престижный список ЮНИСЕВ
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Ben Pascoe talks with senior economic analyst, Tibor Lörincz about Slovakia's economy, consolidation, hacking attacks and real estate market.
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Senior economic analyst, Tibor Lörincz about Slovakia's economy, consolidation, hacking attacks and real estate market. (21.1.2025 16:00)
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التشغيل لاحقا
Ben Pascoe talks with senior economic analyst, Tibor Lörincz about Slovakia's economy, consolidation, hacking attacks and real estate market.بقلم STVR
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1. Новости, Тема дня 2. "Социальный блокнот". Какие льготы и бонусы предлагают работодатели своим сотрудникам? 3.О чем мечтают молодые люди, приехавшие в Словакию из-за рубежа?
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Benefits and risks of cold-water immersion. (20.1.2025 16:00)
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
January is generally the coldest month of the year, which makes for the best conditions for "otužilci", or in English, people who like to practice cold-water immersion. We asked wellbeing coach Michal Páleník and professional in cold-water immersion Vladimír Pauco from Zdravé otužovanie organization about how to practice this activity safely and wh…
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January is generally the coldest month of the year, which makes for the best conditions for "otužilci", or in English, people who like to practice cold-water immersion. We asked wellbeing coach Michal Páleník and professional in cold-water immersion Vladimír Pauco from Zdravé otužovanie organization about how to practice this activity safely and wh…
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1. Новости, Тема дня 2. Дайджест важнейших политических событий в Словакии 3. Программа по письмам слушателей "Обратная связь". - повтор
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Sunday Music Selection: Contemporary Classical Music
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1. Программа по письмам слушателей "Обратная связь". 2. Музыкальные перекрёстки. Аккордеонист Раймунд Какони
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News overview: A group of Slovak MPs visited Moscow, praising the Russian President Vladimir Putin while a trip of another group of MPs to Kyiv was postponed because of security reasons. Slovak Prime Minister tries to arrange a meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky.بقلم STVR
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News overview: A group of Slovak MPs visited Moscow, praising the Russian President Vladimir Putin while a trip of another group of MPs to Kyiv was postponed because of security reasons. Slovak Prime Minister tries to arrange a meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky.
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1.Субботний калейдоскоп: Сорванный референдум, Новый исторический фильм к годовщине Л. Штура, Интерес иностранцев к Высоким Татрам растёт, Годовщина авиакатастрофы в Левочских горах. 2. Памяти альпиниста Й.Псотки- 40 летие восхождения на Эверест. 3. Словацкая популярная музыка
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Ben and Patka discuss the past week and look ahead to what is happening in the next week.
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Past week discussed. (17.1.2025 16:00)
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التشغيل لاحقا
Ben and Patka discuss the past week and look ahead to what is happening in the next week.بقلم STVR
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1.Новости 2.Тема дня 3.Рубрика "Традиции". Репортаж о том, как отмечаются предпасхальные "фашианговые" традиции в западнословацком регионе Миява 4. Спорт. Трехкратная олимпийская чемпионка по биатлону, сорокатлетняя Анастасия Кузмина после пятлетнего перерыва вышла на старт первого этапа Кубка мира в немецком Оберхофе. Репортаж, авт. комментарий, п…
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The President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, visited Slovakia and spoke about the idea of holding the Olympic Games in three neighbouring countries - Austria, Hungary and Slovakia. The newly appointed executive director of the International Visegrad Fund, Linda Kapustova Helbichova, presents her plans for the next three years.…
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Holding Olympic Games in Austria, Hungary and Slovakia? International Visegrad Fund and future. Culture news. (16.1.2025 16:00)
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
The President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, visited Slovakia and spoke about the idea of holding the Olympic Games in three neighbouring countries - Austria, Hungary and Slovakia. The newly appointed executive director of the International Visegrad Fund, Linda Kapustova Helbichova, presents her plans for the next three years.…
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1. Новости. 2. Тема дня. 3. Экономический курьер. В 2025 г. прогнозируется замедление роста экономики СР. Будет ли у Словакии достаточно газа на зиму? Новые ставки НДС. 4. Этнограф Зора Минталова-Зуберцова о словацких праздниках и обычаях.
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