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Relaxing White Noise

Relaxing White Noise, LLC

Welcome to Relaxing White Noise, the podcast featuring white noise and nature sounds to help you sleep, study or soothe a baby. We make relaxing sounds to improve your life and are excited to share them with you. Join the hundred million people who have already enjoyed our white noise soundscapes which include rain sounds, ocean waves, white noise for babies, fan sounds, spaceships, Tibetan bowls, waterfalls and rain with thunder. Whether you're trying to study for a test, focus at work, fal ...
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Relaxing White Noise es el sitio web #1 para encontrar ruido blanco y sonidos de la naturaleza que te ayuden a dormir, estudiar o dormir a un bebé. Tenemos más de cien mil millones de reproducciones en YouTube y otras plataformas y hoy estamos muy emocionados de compartir nuestro material a través del podcast Sonidos para relajarse. El ruido blanco es un sonido de fondo constante que puede ayudar a bloquear las distracciones y dormir más profundamente. Por ejemplo, si te cuesta dormirte por ...
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White Noise Relax Zone

White Noise Relax Zone

Welcome to White Noise Relax Zone, this podcast is featuring calm white noise, water sounds, nature sounds, thunderstorms, or something calming and soothing like ocean waves for sleeping and relaxation. If you are looking to meditate and want to relax and calm your mind then you’ve come to the right place. Our episodes are intended to assist you to obtain a good night's sleep, soothe baby, meditation, or the ideal background noise while studying.
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show series
It's the middle of the night out in the desert. With no light pollution in the area, you look up and see the full moon, twinkling stars, and a meteor shower! Just like the Perseid Meteor Showers happening right now, this view is also absolutely stunning! Pair that with the soothing sounds of white noise and you have yourself a great ambience to hel…
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एक्वेरियम के पानी की सुकूनभरी ध्वनि का आनंद लें। गहरी व्हाइट नॉइज़ पढ़ने, काम करने, सोने या दिन भर की थकान मिटाने के लिए सुकून भरा वातावरण प्रदान करती है। पानी की यह ध्वनि हेडफोन में सबसे अच्छी लगती है। अपने घर में एक्वेरियम की खुशियां लाएं। Relaxing White Noise में, हमारा लक्ष्य आपको अच्छी नींद लेने में मदद करना है। यह एपिसोड आठ घंटे लंबा है और बी…
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Twoje dziecko płacze, ma kolkę i nie może spać? Włącz dźwięk pralki, aby je uspokoić. Równomierny biały szum naśladuje dźwięki słyszane przez dziecko w brzuchu mamy, co działa uspokajająco na wiele małych dzieci. Miliony rodziców korzystają z naszych białych szumów każdego miesiąca! Biały szum dla malutkich dzieci to skuteczny sposób na uspokojenie…
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Schweben Sie zum weißen Rauschen eines Flugzeugs in den Schlaf. Das tiefe Summen der Triebwerke sorgt für sanfte Schlafgeräusche und hilft dabei, Ablenkungen in der Nacht auszublenden. Süße Träume und eine gute Reise! Relaxing White Noise möchte Ihnen zu einem guten Schlaf verhelfen. Diese Folge dauert acht Stunden und enthält zwischendurch keine W…
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Questo audio di una nave nello spazio profondo crea un ambiente di quiete. Riproducilo per far scomparire il mondo esterno e aiutarti a studiare meglio, mantenere la concentrazione al lavoro, fare un riposino o dormire tutta la notte. Relaxing White Noise è il miglior posto online dove trovare rumore bianco e suoni della natura per aiutarti a dormi…
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Acest zgomot de ploaie liniștitor este un excelent antistres. Lăsați anxietatea să dispară și simțiți un sentiment de pace în timp ce ascultați picăturile de ploaie care cad. Utilizați acest sunet de furtună ca un aparate de sunete albe, blocând distragerile pentru a crea un sentiment de calm. Ideal pentru a ajuta la ameliorarea stresului, la somn …
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Nombreux sont les bébés qui apprécient le bruit blanc, car il les aide à se calmer rapidement. Lorsque votre bébé pleure ou ne fait pas ses nuits, bercez-le au rythme de ce son apaisant. Bruit blanc pour bébés est une manière efficace de calmer les pleurs d’un nouveau-né et de le bercer pour qu’il s’endorme. Le bruit blanc diffusé ressemble aux son…
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Het is examentijd op school en je moet je concentreren. Er zijn stapels huiswerk, wiskundeproblemen om op te lossen en er komen veel toetsen aan. Al dat schoolwerk kan soms stress veroorzaken. Met deze witte ruis kun je afleiding tegengaan om je te concentreren. Bij Relaxing White Noise is het ons doel om je een goede nachtrust te geven. Deze aflev…
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Hairdryers produce such a distinct white noise that many people find soothing. However, it’s not exactly energy efficient or practical to have your hair dryer blowing all night. Instead, try playing this hair dryer white noise for sleeping. Let the hum of the hair dryer cover up background distractions that can keep you up at night. This hair dryer…
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An epic storm has arrived, bringing with it heavy rain and thunderstorm sounds for sleeping. Thunder and rain white noise are some of nature's best sounds to help you relax. Mixed with crashing waves on a rocky shore, this rain sound with thunder is ideal for helping you drift off to sleep or concentrate for an upcoming exam. Kick back, relax, or h…
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Your long anticipated vacation, starting in an overnight train car, has finally arrived! Rain begins pouring as the train takes off, bringing with it a peaceful white noise for sleeping. You curl up under the warm covers and peer out the window as the train crosses the country throughout the night. The soft sounds of the train clacking along the tr…
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बहुत से लोगों को सोने के लिए गरज वाली ध्वनि सुनने में मज़ा आता है। पोखरों में बारिश की बौछारों की ध्वनि दूर की गड़गड़ाहट के साथ मिलकर शांति से भरपूर व्हाइट नॉइज़ पैदा करती है। सोने, पढ़ने या आराम करने के लिए गरज के साथ बारिश की ध्वनि आज़माएं। Relaxing White Noise में, हमारा लक्ष्य आपको अच्छी नींद लेने में मदद करना है। यह एपिसोड आठ घंटे लंबा है और ब…
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Zrelaksuj się w komfortowym wnętrzu swojej willi przy plaży, słuchając kojących dźwięków deszczu i burzy z piorunami. Fale oceanu rozbijają się o brzeg, a w oddali słychać pomruk grzmotów. Ten relaksujący biały szum pomoże Ci zasnąć i spokojnie przespać całą noc. Naszym celem w Relaxing White Noise jest pomóc Ci uzyskać dobrą jakość snu. Nagranie t…
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Kombinieren Sie die Geräusche des Regens mit einem beruhigenden Waldbach und Sie erhalten die perfekte Kombination für einen tiefen und erholsamen Schlaf. Wenn Sie wegen Ablenkungen durch Musik, Mitbewohner oder TV Schwierigkeiten beim Einschlafen haben, sorgen Sie für Regenwetter-Ambiente, um sich auf einen friedlichen Schlummer einzustimmen. Rela…
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Ploaia cade în pădure, creând un sunet alb liniștitor care vă ajută să dormiți, să studiați sau să vă concentrați. Acest sunet din natură relaxează mintea în timp ce blochează zgomotele străine, astfel încât să vă puteți bucura de un moment de liniște pentru dvs. La Relaxing White Noise, scopul nostru este să vă ajutăm să dormiți bine. Acest episod…
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Neem een moment voor jezelf en ontdek opnieuw je aangeboren gevoel voor vrede. Deze ontspannende Tibetaanse schalen zorgen met de donder- en regengeluiden voor innerlijke rust. De witte ruis van de natuur, begeleid door ontspannende muziek, zorgt voor een perfecte achtergrond om te slapen, studeren of je te concentreren of voor ontspanning, meditat…
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Prenez un moment pour vous et redécouvrez votre paix intérieure. Les sons apaisants des bols tibétains, associés aux bruits de la pluie et des orages, vous apporteront quiétude et sérénité. Le bruit blanc de la nature, accompagné d’une musique reposante, crée un cadre idéal pour vous endormir, étudier, vous concentrer, vous détendre, méditer ou fai…
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Addormentati al suono riposante della pioggia mentre cade su un portico. Questo audio di temporale crea un ambiente rilassante ed è perfetto per dormire, perché blocca i suoni che distraggono che possono impedirti di prendere sonno. Relaxing White Noise è il miglior posto online dove trovare rumore bianco e suoni della natura per aiutarti a dormire…
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This white noise fan may be just what you need to get some sleep tonight. This fan white noise podcast can be a great alternative to a real fan. The soothing hum of the spinning fan blades can help you feel cool and calm just like when you are sleeping with your fan at home. This rotating fan creates a slow rhythmic sound that can help create a rel…
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Soothing and steady with no distracting sounds - there's nothing quite like the sound of rain for relaxation. Rain creates a natural white noise which can lead to fewer interruptions while you sleep. This recording of rain hitting a deck brings back good memories of staying cozy while watching stormy weather out the window. Enjoy! Here are some gre…
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Experience the bliss of nature's most powerful white noise with this 8-hour waterfall sound. The sound of water falling creates a consistent noise that is ideal for helping you fall asleep. The white noise created can soothe a busy mind because it helps block out background distractions that could keep you awake. We love the sound of a waterfall! H…
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सितारों के सफ़र में अंतरिक्ष यान रैप ड्राइव इंजन की दमदार व्हाइट नॉइज़ से गूंजता है। यह शक्तिशाली ध्वनि अन्य शोर को रोकती है और शांत वातावरण बनाती है। इसका उपयोग सोने, सोते रहने, पढ़ाई करने या आराम करने के लिए करें। Relaxing White Noise में, हमारा लक्ष्य आपको अच्छी नींद लेने में मदद करना है। यह एपिसोड आठ घंटे लंबा है और बीच में कोई विज्ञापन नहीं है…
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Mulți medici și cărți de sfaturi pentru bebeluși recomandă redarea zgomotului alb pentru a ajuta la liniștirea unui sugar care plânge. Atunci când un bebeluș are colici, sunetul alb îl poate ajuta să se calmeze, deoarece ambianța seamănă cu sunetele auzite în uter. Adormiți-vă bebelușul cu acest sunet liniștitor! La Relaxing White Noise, scopul nos…
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Ulewny deszcz i głęboki pomruk piorunów blokują zakłócenia akustyczne, stwarzając kojącą atmosferę. Do snu, nauki, koncentracji lub relaksu - ten biały szum deszczu i burzy z piorunami zawsze się sprawdzi. Naszym celem w Relaxing White Noise jest pomóc Ci uzyskać dobrą jakość snu. Nagranie trwa osiem godzin bez żadnych reklam w trakcie, dzięki czem…
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Mit diesen Lüftergeräuschen schlafen Sie besser. Dieser beruhigende Klang blendet Störgeräusche aus, so dass Sie leicht ein- und die ganze Nacht schlafen können, ohne zwischendurch wach zu werden. Süße Träume! Relaxing White Noise möchte Ihnen zu einem guten Schlaf verhelfen. Diese Folge dauert acht Stunden und enthält zwischendurch keine Werbung, …
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Rilassati ascoltando il suono del temporale e della pioggia insieme alle onde del mare. Il rumore bianco proveniente dalla natura calma la mente e blocca i rumori che disturbano. Perfetto per un riposo di qualità. Dormi meglio stanotte ascoltando questo temporale sull’oceano! Relaxing White Noise è il miglior posto online dove trovare rumore bianco…
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À bord du vol de ce jour, nous aurons le plaisir de vous servir une portion de bruit blanc gratuite pour vous aider à vous détendre, vous concentrer ou dormir. Il nous reste plusieurs sièges spacieux en première classe ; veuillez consulter votre hôtesse pour plus d’informations. À présent, préparez-vous au décollage. Nous vous souhaitons un excelle…
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Just as the sun sets, you peer up at the night sky with your telescope at our stunning galaxy. Every star has its time to shine, twinkling brightly in the night sky. Our galaxy is truly a sight to behold! Pair those amazing sights with the soothing sound of white noise, and you have the perfect combination for a relaxing slumber. White noise to sle…
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Rain is falling from the sky tonight, bringing relaxation and soothing sounds along with it. The rain is as dense as the forest, creating an ambience perfect for falling asleep. The sound of rainfall for sleep can be just what you need if you are struggling to get some shut-eye at night, as the consistent white noise helps you relax. Who doesn't lo…
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The comforting sound of a waterfall along the creek comes together with the soothing sound of rain to create a medley of relaxation. Water falling sounds and rain noise are two of nature's best white noise sounds. Many people fall asleep to rain or water noise every night, so combine the two and listen to this soothing mix tonight. If you are strug…
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सूर्यास्त के सुनसान सागर तट पर, सागर की लहरों की अठखेलियाँ देखें और कैम्प फायर में मौज-मस्ती करें। इस शांत प्राकृतिक ध्वनि के साथ अपने मन को शांत करें और इसका उपयोग बच्चे को सोने, पढ़ाई करने, आराम करने या शांत करने में मदद करने के लिए करें। Relaxing White Noise में, हमारा लक्ष्य आपको अच्छी नींद लेने में मदद करना है। यह एपिसोड आठ घंटे लंबा है और बीच…
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Głęboki biały szum z silnika z napędem warp rozbrzmiewa w całym statku kosmicznym podczas podróży do gwiazd. Ten potężny dźwięk tłumi inne dźwięki i tworzy kojącą atmosferę. Skorzystaj z niego, aby pomóc sobie w zasypianiu, przespaniu całej nocy, nauce lub relaksie. Naszym celem w Relaxing White Noise jest pomóc Ci uzyskać dobrą jakość snu. Nagrani…
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Das beruhigende Rauschen der Wellen am Strand ist die perfekte Kulisse zum Einschlafen. Das natürliche weiße Rauschen wirkt entspannend und blendet Fremdgeräusche aus, was für eine friedliche Atmosphäre sorgt. Schlafen Sie heute Nacht besser mit diesem beruhigenden Geräusch! Relaxing White Noise möchte Ihnen zu einem guten Schlaf verhelfen. Diese F…
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Din confortul vilei dvs. de pe plajă, relaxați-vă ascultând acest sunet liniștitor de ploaie și furtună. Valurile oceanului se lovesc de țărm, iar tunetul răsună în depărtare. Acest sunet alb relaxant vă poate ajuta să adormiți și să rămâneți adormit toată noaptea. La Relaxing White Noise, scopul nostru este să vă ajutăm să dormiți bine. Acest epis…
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Het rustgevende geluid van golven op een strand zorgt voor de perfecte sfeer om in slaap te vallen. De natuurlijke witte ruis ontspant de geest en verdoezelt onnodige geluiden, waardoor een vredige sfeer ontstaat. Slaap vannacht beter met dit rustgevende geluid! Bij Relaxing White Noise is het ons doel om je een goede nachtrust te geven. Deze aflev…
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Installez-vous confortablement et détendez-vous au son d’un feu crépitant. Cette atmosphère chaude et enivrante est idéale pour vous aider à relâcher la pression. Laissez-vous bercer par le bruit d’un feu de cheminée pour vous endormir, ou jouez ce fond sonore lorsque vous lisez. Détendez-vous après une longue journée : vous l’avez bien mérité ! Ch…
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Il suono della pioggia nei boschi regala un delicato rumore bianco che ti aiuta a dormire, studiare, concentrarti e rilassarti. Il temporale ti aiuta a addormentarti e a dormire tutta la notte coprendo i rumori che disturbano. Goditi i suoni sereni della natura! Relaxing White Noise è il miglior posto online dove trovare rumore bianco e suoni della…
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Your flight has taken off, transporting you to dreamland! Fall asleep on this 8-hour flight to the soothing sounds of airplane white noise. As one of the most used sleep sounds, millions of people listen to white noise for sleeping every night. Sleep white noise is great for creating a soothing environment, as well as helping block out unwanted bac…
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It's a lovely day to grab an umbrella and take a stroll in your local park. You stop by the creek and hang out for a bit, listening to the relaxing raindrops fall on the water below. As you peer downstream, you feel your stress flow away with the running water. The rain sounds and water noise help relieve any tension from your everyday life. Your w…
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Imagine, it's a Friday evening after a long week and this is your dinner view — a gorgeous oceanside table in Greece! Sit back and enjoy a delicious meal with someone special. Relax to the soothing water sounds of soft lapping waves below and breathe in the fresh air. It feels like you're escaping from the stresses of the world when immersing yours…
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टिन की छत पर फुहारें गिरती हैं, तो वे सुखदायी ध्वनि पैदा करती है जो आपको सोने, पढ़ाई करने, ध्यान केंद्रित करने या आराम करने के लिए एकदम सही है। Relaxing White Noise में, हमारा लक्ष्य आपको अच्छी नींद लेने में मदद करना है। यह एपिसोड आठ घंटे लंबा है और बीच में कोई विज्ञापन नहीं है, इसलिए आप इस ध्वनि की मदद से पूरी रात भरपूर नींद ले सकते हैं। पॉडकास्ट …
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Serenitate, pace, relaxare și somn profund. Toate acestea sunt ale dvs. când zburați deasupra norilor în avionul dvs. privat. Zgomotul puternic, dar liniștitor, al motoarelor avionului oferă fundalul ideal pentru relaxare. La Relaxing White Noise, scopul nostru este să vă ajutăm să dormiți bine. Acest episod are o durată de opt ore, fără reclame, p…
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Diese bassige Raumschiff-Aufnahme vermittelt eine gelassene Atmosphäre. Spielen Sie es ab, um die Außenwelt auszublenden. Lernen Sie effizienter, konzentrieren Sie sich besser, halten Sie einen Powernap oder schlafen Sie die ganze Nacht durch. Relaxing White Noise möchte Ihnen zu einem guten Schlaf verhelfen. Diese Folge dauert acht Stunden und ent…
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Odległy pomruk fal oceanu w połączeniu z równomiernym deszczem stwarza kojące środowisko, idealne do relaksu, snu lub koncentracji. Wycisz świat zewnętrzny, zrelaksuj się wśród natury i rozkoszuj się tym dźwiękiem białego szumu. Naszym celem w Relaxing White Noise jest pomóc Ci uzyskać dobrą jakość snu. Nagranie trwa osiem godzin bez żadnych reklam…
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La pioggia cade su un castello medievale, mentre i lampi danzano tra le nuvole. C’è un senso di pace qui. Questi suoni di pioggia e tuoni possono aiutarti a rilassarti, dormire, studiare e concentrarti. Riprodurre il rumore bianco in sottofondo aiuta a bloccare i suoni che distraggono. Relaxing White Noise è il miglior posto online dove trovare rum…
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Maak het gezellig en ontspan met het geluid van knetterende vlammen. Deze openhaardgeluiden zijn een geweldig middel om stress te verminderen. Laat het geluid van de open haard je in slaap wiegen of speel het op de achtergrond af terwijl je een boek leest. Kom tot rust na een lange dag. Je verdient het! Bij Relaxing White Noise is het ons doel om j…
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Profond, ce fond sonore a été conçu pour apporter une atmosphère de quiétude. Jouez ces sons pour faire complètement disparaître le monde extérieur lorsque vous étudiez, vous concentrez, faites une courte sieste ou dormez. Chez Relaxing White Noise, notre but est de vous aider à passer une bonne nuit de sommeil. Cet épisode dure huit heures et n’es…
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Who doesn't love the sound of a fan for sleep? The consistent hum creates a great white noise that can help cover up background distractions while getting some shut-eye. There is something about fan noise that just puts us to sleep! This sound of a fan for sleeping sound may not be the best at cooling, but it sure is pretty cool! In fact, I'm falli…
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Thunder rumbles as crashing ocean waves and heavy rain create a medley of relaxing sounds for a night of restful sleep. The rain and thunder sounds along with the stormy waves help cover up background distractions that keep you up at night. Next time you are restless, try playing this combination of thunder, rain, and ocean sounds for deep sleep. G…
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Feel relaxed and drift off to sleep as you listen to the falling water of a bamboo water fountain with gentle rain. Water sounds mixed with rain can be the perfect tool for relaxation, as the white noise can create a calm environment. This sound can also be used to help you fall asleep, covering up background distractions that can keep you up at ni…
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