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بالدارجة المغربية، شي حاجة على فن التصوير الفوتوغرافي و الصحة العاطفية..
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matthew, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Gospel of John are presented in the series with insightful explanation from Dr. Randy Weiss in the land of I ...
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يعرض بودكاست "تصوير النزاعات" فكرة توظيف الصور سعيًا للعدالة الاجتماعية. نستعرض تجارب صحفيّين عملوا في مصر وسوريا وأفغانستان. متوفّر باللغة الإنجليزيّة فقط. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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برنامج مسموع عن فن وحرفية صناعة السينما. هنتكلم عن الكتابة السينمائية والتصوير والمونتاج والإخراج
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شي حاجة على التصوير كنوع من التأمل و التفكر، اللي تتخليني نشوف داكشي اللي قدامي بشكل أوضح أو تتعاوني نلقى معنى أشمل ربمابقلم Hanane Touzani
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هاد الليلة هدرتلك شوية في موضوع كان من اقتراحك: التصوير و تأثيره على علاقتي بالجسد دياليبقلم Hanane Touzani
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الذكاء العاطفي مع الفنان المصور عمر شنافي
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39:31الذكاء العاطفي، منين بغيتيني نهدرلك فهاد الموضوع، حبيت نكون مطمأنة أنني ان شاء الله غادي نفيدك بشي حاجة، لذلك استعنت بالصديق المبدع، عمرشنافي، فنان مصور من قلب المدينة العريقة فاس...بقلم Hanane Touzani - Omar Chennafi
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Episode 2 - Soundings: 1609, John Colman
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29:40As Henry Hudson explores the New York area with the Half Moon, he meets the local indigenous Algonquins. His mixed crew of English and Dutch sailors includes his son, twelve-year old John Hudson, and the junior officer and translator, John Colman. In the course of their encounters with the locals, Colman's life comes to a bloody end.…
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Episode 3 - China: 1609, John Hudson
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51:14"Why did we ever come to North America?," Hudson's crew ask themselves as the search for the northern route to Asia continues. Henry Hudson remains convinced he has got it right and decides to sail up the river. His reluctant crew begins to wonder whether he knows what he is doing. What is the point of fighting with the locals?…
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Episode 1 - De Halve Maen: 1609, Henry Hudson
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37:55Henry Hudson... If you live in the New York area, you hear his name a lot. We drive his parkway. We pay to cross his bridge. We marvel at his majestic river. But what do we know about HIM? This episode introduces Henry Hudson and his ship, the Half Moon, as he explores Manhattan and the river leading north.…
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Episode 5 - Lutherans: 1610, Lambert Van Tweenhuysen
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38:09Having failed to discover a Northern passage, Henry Hudson does not return to Amsterdam, but lands in England instead. His news of a good fur trade stirs up Amsterdam merchants. Inspired, they prepare to send another ship to North America to try out the trade. Meanwhile, Hudson is hired by the English for another attempt at the Northern passage.…
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What is driving Henry Hudson? What does he think he is doing? The further north he goes, the more he becomes obsessed to find the elusive Northern passage. But at some point the arctic cold and scarce provisions will take their toll. Is Hudson pushing his exhausted crew just a bit too far?
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Review Episode Number One: Henry Hudson 1609 to 1611
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51:02After two voyages of discovery in the service of the English, Henry Hudson is hired in 1609 by the Dutch East India Company to discover the northeastern passage. In this review episode, Chance and Jaap go over the highlights of the previous episodes and answer questions. Do you have a question for our next review episode?…
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Episode 7 - WAMPUM: 1612, Orson & Valentine
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52:21Adriaen Block reconnoiters the northern seaboard and sets up trading relations with the local Algonquins. This requires him to master the complex concept of trading with wampum. The Europeans think these shell beads are money, but for the Native Americans they have a spiritual meaning. To strengthen the mutual understanding, two native young men tr…
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Episode 6 - Supercargo: 1611, Adriaen Block
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45:14Amsterdam merchants send out the experienced Adriaen Block to explore the new continent and trade with its inhabitants, thus kickstarting the colonization of New Amsterdam and, ultimately, New York. Henry Hudson remains obsessed with discovering the Northern passage. On his second voyage to North America, his embattled crew resorts to mutiny. Hudso…
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Episode 8 - Free Trade: 1613, Juan Rodrigues
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52:21Sailing back to Amsterdam, Adriaen Block brought along two sons of a Manhattan sachem as proof of the good relations and the trade that emanated from it. Block understood the art of diplomacy better than others. But that would not be enough to guarantee good relations. Soon trouble sailed through the Narrows, as new competitors followed in Block’s …
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Episode 9 – Onrust: 1614, Hans Jorisz Hontom
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40:19Juan Rodrigues stays on Manhattan, while in Amsterdam competing merchant companies gather evidence and prepare for litigation. As reconciliation fails, they hasten to send ships out again, this time equipped to set up a small trading post. Back on the Hudson River, competition for the lucrative fur trade becomes fierce, leading to violent clashes. …
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Bonus Episode: Juan Rodrigues - New York's very first immigrant
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52:28Bonus Episode: Juan Rodrigues - New York's very first immigrant
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Review Episode Number Two: Adriaen Block 1611 to 1614
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36:40Review Episode Number Two: Adriaen Block 1611 to 1614
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An investigative journey through one of the biggest cases of art fraud in US history: The Knoedler Gallery. Written by VANITY FAIR reporter Michael Shnayerson and hosted by Alec Baldwin, ART FRAUD exposes the scandal of dozens of disputed paintings, and over 80 million dollars in profit that led to the stunning collapse of one of the oldest and mos…
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Ohio native David Raterman, a longtime journalist and former author for National Geographic, spent 18 months researching this, interviewing Rhoden survivors and friends as well as hundreds of others in the small community. He even spoke with prosecutors and police officers who were officially gagged by the judge, visited the crime scenes countless …
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The Awakened Underground podcast is an investigative talk show that explores the ancient art of healing yourself with plant medicines and psychedelics. The Awakened Underground is a production of Cavalry Audio, in association with iHeart Radio, created and hosted by filmmaker and Psychedelic thought leader Cody Blue.…
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التصوير الفوتوغرافي علمني بزاف ديال الأمور على الحب بصفة عامة، و لكن أكثر و أكثر على أول حب في حياتي أو الحب ديال حياتي خاصة..بقلم Hanane Touzani
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التصوير الفوتوغرافي تيأثر على علاقتي بالوقت و تيفكرني بقيمة التفاصيل الصغيرة، و علاش السماحة خلقها الله..بقلم Hanane Touzani
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بفضل التصوير الفوتوغرافي لاحظت أنه منين تنكون على خاطري، كلشي تيبانلي مزيان، و منين تنكون ماشي هي هاديك، تنفضل نغمض عيني..بقلم Hanane Touzani
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فهاد الحلقة تنعاودلك على شي تصاور لشي علاقات إنسانية، و تنفكرك علاش حاولت نبدى شي حاجة..بقلم Hanane Touzani
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قالك أسيدي، المشاعر و الحس المرهف تيعجبونا غير فالتصوير والأغاني و السينما و داكشي ديال الفن، أما فالواقع العملي اليومي، بزاف تينصحو بناقص منهم..بقلم Hanane Touzani
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اقترحت عليا نعاودلك على الحاجات اللي تيشجعوني فحياتي، و ها أنا، بكل فرح..بقلم Hanane Touzani
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التصوير الفوتوغرافي علمني نتعايش مع نوبات القلق ديالي، غير بالفن..بقلم Hanane Touzani
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سميتها أمل، بلا ألف، يعني ماشي آمال. أمل عندها قصة مع التصوير الفوتوغرافي، و قصة أخرى اللي حتى هي تتعيشها و تتعلم منها و تكبر من خلالها كل نهار. أمل انسانة حبوبة وعفوية، تيعجبني صدقها فالتعبير على الداخل ديالها، و منين تنسمعها تتحسسني بزاف ديال الأمل.بقلم Hanane Touzani - Amal Tazi
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التصوير الفوتوغرافي لعب دور مهم فى معرفتي بنفسي و بالناس و في التجارب اللي تنعيش. هاد الفن-العلم هو اللي لقيت فوحيدة من أصعب الفترات من حياتي اللي تندوز منها..بقلم Hanane Touzani
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الحلقة ٥ - منهج صناعة الفيلم الروائي الطويل(جزء ١)
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4:42الجزء الأول من سلسلة حلقات صناعة فيلم روائي طويل للمبتدئين.بقلم Abraam Mikhael
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On the Intersection of Politics and Visual Culture
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7:44In this episode, we hear from Sara Creta, visual journalist and research fellow at the Institute of Future Media and Journalism at Dublin City University and Nicholas Mirzoeff who is a writer, visual activist and Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at NYU, working at the intersection of politics, race and global/visual culture, about why …
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Visualizing Conflict: The relationship between images and war
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8:39In this episode, we look at the importance of images in conflict zones and how news organizations work with images from social media, international and local journalists. We speak to the program editor for Channel 4 news who produced the award winning series of reports 'Inside Aleppo', Federico Escher, on how news organisations respond practically …
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Narrating Conflict: In search of “truth”
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10:02Examining the experience in Egypt of using images to fight for social justice, we talk to Aida El Kashef, co-founder of the Cairo-based, independent media collective Mosireen. Through her experience as an activist and a journalist, we learn about the important role of journalism in creating and affecting change in authoritarian environments. We als…
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Episode 4 - Visual Effects with Amy D'Alessandro - الحلقة ٤ - المؤثرات البصرية مع ايمي داليساندرو
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10:10Episode 4 - Visual Effects with Amy D'Alessandro - الحلقة ٤ - المؤثرات البصرية مع ايمي داليساندرو by Abraam Mikhaelبقلم Abraam Mikhael
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Episode 3 - Lighting - الحلقة ٣ - الإضاءة
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3:38Episode 3 - Lighting - الحلقة ٣ - الإضاءة by Abraam Mikhaelبقلم Abraam Mikhael
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Episode 2 - Moving A Story Forward - الحلقه ٢ - مكونات ومحركات القصه
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3:45حلقة النهاردة عن مكونات القصة وازاي بتتحرك لقدامبقلم Abraam Mikhael
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Episode 1 - Story Structure - الحلقة ١ - بناء القصة
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1:52أهلاً بيكم في أولى حلقات السينمائي. حلقة النهاردة عن بناء قصة العمل السينمائي.بقلم Abraam Mikhael
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matth…
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matth…
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matth…
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matth…
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matth…
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matth…
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matth…
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matth…
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matth…
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matth…
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matth…
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matth…
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matth…
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Today With God Arabic language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matth…
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