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Xena Romanova

Xena Romanova

Discussing: Personal Life / Personal Stories / Diary / Journal / NYC / Life as a Dominatrix / Kink / BDSM / Fetishes / Sex / Role Play / Fashion / Health & Safety / Relationships / Q&A's
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Lisa A. Romano is a globally recognized Breakthrough Life Coach, award-winning author, and a leading expert in emotional recovery. Named the #1 Most Influential Person of 2020 and one of the World's Most Inspiring Women of 2023, Lisa has dedicated her career to helping others break free from the chains of codependency and narcissistic abuse. As the creator of the Conscious Healing Academy, she has developed a groundbreaking approach to emotional recovery that focuses on healing the deep-root ...
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Breves historias, historietas y anécdotas de griegos y romanos y el mundo clásico y antiguo en general. ¡Conoce la historia de Grecia y Roma en breves píldoras y entretenidas y curiosas anécdotas! Soy Paco Álvarez, el de y, licenciado en Filología Clásica y apasionado de todas estas cuestiones de lenguas y el mundo grecolatino. 👉 Y por cierto, si tú también lo eres, seguro que te va a encantar mi boletín diario: apúntate gratis en https://humanistasenlared ...
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Infierno Romano

Red Moskito Radio

Infierno Romano Roberto Romano reu?ne semanalmente en la mesa a un grupo de apasionados en lo que hacen para compartir lo que vivenciaron y mezclarlos en un coctel explosivo. Nos inspira aquellas reuniones familiares que organizaban los abuelos alrededor de la mesa, donde la premisa era pasar un buen momento y festejar. Infierno Romano, música, inspiración y buena música. Infierno Romanol: Lunes 20hs. Mira los programas de nuestra radio en vivo!. Baja nuestra App y disfruta de todo el conten ...
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Zarhem Bazan Davila

Bienvenidos a mi primer podcast. Hablaremos del derecho romano. Las etapas y procesos del derecho romano en la sociedad. Cover art photo provided by Nahil Naseer on Unsplash:
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Misal Romano

Santi Pérez

Podcast dedicado a la Tercera edición oficial en español del Misal Romano reformado por mandato del Concilio Vaticano II. En lenguaje coloquial iremos profundizando en este libro tan importante para la vida de la Iglesia.
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Ex Reality TV Stars Tracy DiMarco and Jessica Romano have f*cked it all up, so you don’t have to, on this award nominated podcast. Sex. Dating. Love. Marriage. Friendship. Babies. A modern day advice podcast from two pretty, and pretty much unqualified people. We’re not here to judge you, though we probably will. Follow us on Instagram and ask us your toughest questions. @tracydimarcoeps, @jesshottie, @dimlywitproductions. Theme - Golden by Vibe Tracks. Bad Examples airs every Tuesday, on Di ...
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Actor James Franco, directors Bruce Thierry Cheung and Pamela Romanowsky, and writer Shruti Ganguly talk about The Color of Time. The film—an ensemble piece by 12 different directors—is an inventive look at the life and work of Pulitzer Prize–winning poet C.K. Williams (Franco). The Color of Time is available on iTunes.
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Secondo il mito, quando Romolo tracciò a terra i confini sacri delle mura romane, uno stormo di uccelli si alzò in volo sorvolando l’area, a testimonianza della volontà divina di fare di quei confini la Città Eterna, culla di quello che sarebbe poi diventato l’Impero più importante mai conosciuto dall’Antichità. In questo podcast inedito di Intesa Sanpaolo On Air, la Professoressa Chantal Fantuzzi esplora genesi e declino dell’Impero Romano, dall’ascesa di Ottaviano Augusto fino alla caduta ...
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Bienvenidos a este Podcast ! Tora To Go Kids (Monte Sinaí México) presenta a Shimón Romano. Maasim (Cuentos con mensaje) para los Niños (Y también para los papás) Ideales para antes de dormir... y comentar en familia. No está permitido escuchar en Shabat (Sábado) y Yom Tov (Fiestas). ¿Te gusta?, ¿Tienes algún comentario o sugerencia? No dudes en escribirnos...
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Behind the scenes tales of what it's like being a top cam model! Have you ever wondered what its like when the cameras go off? Do you wonder about how Meadow got to where she is today? Our podcast gives you the backstory of how she got here and gives you a behind-the-scenes listen to what it's really like working in the adult entertainment industry. It's not at all what you imagined! If you're just getting into camming and want to hear from the experts, you've come to the right place. Meadow ...
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L'existence de la tectonique des plaques est acceptée depuis plus de cinquante ans, mais il reste encore beaucoup à découvrir sur le fonctionnement du « moteur » interne qui la nourrit et sur l'évolution de la terre et des planètes rocheuses au cours des temps géologiques. L'intérieur profond de ces planètes n'étant pas directement accessible, ceci nécessite une approche pluridisciplinaire qui combine les informations apportées par différentes spécialités des sciences de la terre. Dans les p ...
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As palavras neste livro irão saciar a sede do seu coração. Os cristãos de hoje continuam vivendo sem conhecer a verdadeira solução para os pecados reais que eles têm cometido todos os dias. Você sabe o que é a justiça de Deus? O desejo do autor é que você faça essa pergunta a si mesmo e creia na justiça de Deus, que é revelada neste livro. As Doutrinas da Predestinação, da Justificação, e da Santificação Contínua são as maiores doutrinas cristãs, mas que trazem confusão e um vazio à alma dos ...
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As palavras neste livro irão saciar a sede do seu coração. Os cristãos de hoje continuam vivendo sem conhecer a verdadeira solução para os pecados reais que eles têm cometido todos os dias. Você sabe o que é a justiça de Deus? O desejo do autor é que você faça essa pergunta a si mesmo e creia na justiça de Deus, que é revelada neste livro. As Doutrinas da Predestinação, da Justificação, e da Santificação Contínua são as maiores doutrinas cristãs, mas que trazem confusão e um vazio à alma dos ...
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The quality of our relationships reflects the quality of our lives. As human beings, we are created to relate to others in healthy ways. Empathy allows us to understand one another's emotions, needs, wants and desires, which allows for a sense of human connectedness. In the best of relationships, emotions, triggers, needs, wants and desires are honored by all parties. However, when we are dealing with those with high narcissistic traits, we often discover a lack of boundaries, tremendous emo ...
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show series
Are you codependent? If so, you may be suffering from codependency trauma. Once you see codependency traits, signs and symptoms showing up in your relationships, particularly codependent narcissist relationships, you can't unsee it. Codependency recovery relies on the ability to look within to make peace with our shame, low self-worth, and abandonm…
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“There is significant unrest in the dressing room.” When Steven Pressley, Craig Gordon, and Paul Hartley, three of the most respected players in the dressing room, took a stand against the Czar’s chaotic rule. They knew there would be consequences. What they didn’t know was just how far he would go to crush their rebellion.…
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Vladimir Romanov rewards his cup winning team with a preseason to remember. Joining them are two new coaches who arrive from eastern Europe plus his interference spreads beyond the pitch and into the medical department. All of which leads to the one of the most unbelievable press conferences football has witnessed.…
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Are you a caregiver by nature, and do you overgive at the expense of yourself, and wish you knew how to say no, or how to take care of yourself without feeling selfish? Were you raised in a dysfunctional home, and did you grow up feeling unseen and unsafe emotionally? If so, this podcast will empower you on your inner healing journey, as you learn …
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Vlad has now sacked both George Burley and Graham Rix in the same season despite challenging for the league title and reaching the Scottish Cup semi-final. The countdown to the end of the season is now on and despite Romanov’s changes in the dugout and constant tinkering with team selection they are still in with a chance of a historic second place…
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📚 Fuente: Seis historias fascinantes de Heródoto, de Barrington D'Almeida y Boden (traducción y adaptación de Paco Álvarez). Hasta aquí este episodio. ¡Dos cosas antes de despedirme hasta el siguiente! 💪 En tienes el pódcast prémium y están listados todos los libros en los que se basan mis pódcast: los tienes disponibles en papel …
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Are you codependent? Do you lack self worth, and focus more on others happiness, needs, and expectations than you do on your own happiness, desires or wants? When you are codependent, it implies that you have been raised to be detached from the self. In this case, you are hypervigilant but might not even know it. You may spend your entire life tryi…
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Post colloquium praeritum de novis consiliis anni 2025, in ipso colloquio nos interrogabamus.. quid faceremus si nobis tempus liberum esset? si vere ea quae semper facere voluistis nec unquam satis temporis est sponte facere liceret? Ecce ea quae nos excogitavimus! quid vos faceretis?Lidae nunquam satis linguarum sunt! Quid si dies triginta horarum…
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