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Reformed Raza

Reformed Raza

This is Reformed Raza! A podcast where we talk theology para toda La Raza! We break down hard theological concepts so that we can practically apply the Bible to our lives. Our goal is to glorify God through the edification of the saints. Please join us and grow as we grow!
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show series
It is important to be theologically accurate when presenting the gospel, or high theological concepts but it is equally important to know how to communicate these truths so that the hearer may understand. On this episode we talk about the importance of Contextualizing the gospel and high theological concepts without missing the essence of the messa…
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We are joined by Matt Matias who runs the Instagram page “Memes for Jesus” to talk about how we should conduct ourselves online. How far is going too far when it comes to memes? How about the comment section? We also talk about humor, but can memes be used to glorify God? You’ll be surprised by the answer… ---- Memes4Jesus:…
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We are finally back with another episode! We do a quick update of what we’ve been up to, then we bring on our guests Joseph and Sarah Marquez. They share their experience as being Calvinist in a church that rejects the doctrines of grace. There are so many believers around the world that share the same experience of being shunned because they belie…
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The Protestant Reformation is one the most important events in church history. The Reformers brought the Gospel back where it needed to be and proclaimed that salvation was by grace through faith alone in Christ alone according to Scripture alone all to the glory of God alone! But does this event effect Latinos in churches across America today? We …
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Mormons, JW’s, and Roman Catholics all claim to be Christian, but what separates true biblical Christianity from these groups? Don’t these all believe the Gospel? We examine the essential teachings of the Christian faith to see if these groups are actually Christian. ---- Website: Email: Facebook…
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How important is it for a Christian to be a member of a local church? On this episode we talk about how crucial it is for a believer to be involved with a local church body. God has given us the community of believers to equip us, to edify us, to strengthen us and to carry our burdens. What about from a Pastors perspective? How important is church …
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What is legalism? How does it effect our Christian walk? How does it effect our relationships? Legalism comes into the church in a very subtle way and often times people don’t recognizing that they are being legalistic. How free are we? What about Christian liberty? When personal obedience or personal piety become the emphasis we leave out Christ a…
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We joined by Jon Da Presby and Caro from For Christ y Cultura to talk about Church hurt. On this part 1 we talk about our experiences in causing others to be hurt by our lack compassion after learning about Reformed Theology. Then we talk about how we ourselves have been hurt by the local church then we end with asking, how does the same church tha…
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On this episode we are joined by our fellow church member from the Reformed Church of Los Angeles brother Paul Solorzano to talk about the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity. Growing up in a Oneness Pentecostal church Paul found salvation, security, and assurance in the Triune God! Is Jesus the Father? Is the Holy Spirit a person? Why did the Apostle…
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WE ARE BACK!! On this first episode of season 3 we chop it up about all the things that cause division amongst the body of Christ. Republicans vs Democrats, mask vs anti maskers, Calvinism vs Arminianism. Are these reasons to divide or cancel each other over? Should the body of Christ be divided over non essential issues? Matthew 5:46 - For if you …
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On this bonus episode we talk with homies from Saints Edified and For Christ y Cultura. We define what the word “urban” means, what it means to be Reformed, we also talk about the need for urban Reformed churches and the need for urban Reformed Pastors! Also hit up 24/7 free online Christian Hip Hop and podcasts! Website: h…
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This is the last episode of season 2! We play some voicemails, we talk about our plans in church planting and the need to for sound churches in the hood, and we talk about what’s to come in season 3! Gracias to all who have supported us we will see y’all in season 3! ---- Website: Email: Facebook…
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If you’ve been around Christians long enough you’ll probably hear some phrases like “let go and let God” or “God works in mysterious ways” but do these cheesy cliche statements hold any Biblical weight? We take 5 cliche statements and put them to the test! ---- Website: Email: Facebook: https://w…
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We wrap up our Jesus series by talking about His death and resurrection. What did His death accomplish? Why was there a need for someone to die? How did His resurrection affect us? We answer these questions and more! ----Website: ReformedRaza@gmail.comFacebook:…
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How do we as Christian fathers navigate in what media we let our children consume? What about movies like Soul, Coco, Moana that have a worldview being presented? or lyrics in certain music? We are joined by our bros: podcaster Alex the Rebel, Lynwood Unified School District special Ed teacher Adrain Bañales, and Church planters Sam Oxymoron and Da…
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We continue our Jesus series and talk His life. We are saved not only by the death of Christ but also by the life of Christ. Since Jesus actually lived a righteous life we who put our faith in Him are actually made righteous as well. ---- Outro Song: Active Obedience by Shai Linne feat. J.G. of I Six5 ---- Website: Ema…
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We are joined by Stract and Curt Kennedy from the Cross Examine Podcast! We talk about their new albums and the concepts behind them, then we talk about the current state of Christian Hip Hop and where it’s going! ---- Cross Examine: *Support the brothers!* Da Beat Goes On Album: https://hishypeman.bandc…
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If you missed our live event on Facebook no worries we got you! This is the audio recording of our first time going live! ---- Website: Email: Facebook: Instagram: ---- Radio Station: http://www.RedeemedProjectR…
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Wutsup y'all! This episode is brought to you by our good brothers over at The Basement, Pastor Los and Wayne. We had the honor to be a guest on their live recording of "The Heart of the Gospel" where we discuss Christ and culture. So please listen if you have not been able to check it out! ---- The Basement:…
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What a day to celebrate! Martin and Vic chop it up about their background growing up in a Pentecostal home not celebrating Christmas and the struggles behind that and shaking off those traditions, Justin talks about his upbringing and the consumerism around the holidays that’s leads to depression, but most importantly we talk about why the birth of…
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Did the Old Testament Prophets speak about Jesus coming? We go back into the Old Testament to see what prophecies Jesus fulfilled. This is important for us today to know because since Jesus actually fulfilled what was written of the Messiah He was and is who He claimed to be! This makes our salvation all the more secure and since God was faithful t…
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In this episode we continue our look at the types and shadows and how they point to Christ. We see how the priesthood, the law, and the judges point to Jesus as the final and fulfillment of these! Its crazy to see the Old Testament images revealed and culminate in Christ. We hope you enjoy this episode.Website: R…
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We start a new series on Jesus! We go into the Old Testament to see where Jesus was foretold in fuzzy pictures called types and shadows. We look at the kings, prophets, and sacrifices and how these were pictures of the greater fulfillment in Jesus, then we see how Gods plan of redemption through His Son has always been the same! Website: https://ww…
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On this episode we bring on Timothy Brindle, one of Christian Hip Hop’s big dogs! We talk about his testimony, how he started rapping and how he into Reformed Theology. We also get an inside perspective of “the switch” that happened in CHH from Christian rappers to rappers that are Christian and the current state of CHH, this and much more! Song: T…
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2020 has been a rough year! At the beginning of this year we were forced to look at the death of one the worlds most renowned basketball player Kobe Bryant seems like it all went down hill from there! Many had to deal with the loss of a loved one due to COVID-19 and so on. So have we as Christians considered our own death? How does our view of deat…
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What makes a sermon? What should we in the pew be listening for? What application can I make to my life? If Christ and the Gospel are missing from the sermon then what did we receive? The Gospel makes all the difference we don’t just learn it then move on to something else. Growth, maturity, sanctification all come from diving deeper into the Gospe…
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When we think of idols we usually think of a statue or something material that we can see. What about the idols of the heart? Those hidden things inside us that we run to for comfort, fulfillment, satisfaction, do we really run to Jesus for these things? We put our selves on blast on this episode and get real about what’s really in our hearts. If y…
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Wutsup familia, today we want to share with you a project that we are excited about! Redeemed Project Radio!! In this episode, Jonathan (For Christ y Cultura Podcast) and Arturo (Saints Edified Podcast) join us as we talk about how we met to put this together and what we hope to accomplish through this. We hope this may give more insight and possib…
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We come to the conclusion of our TULIP series with Preservation if the Saints! With all that we’ve been talking about, it is only natural that since salvation is of the Lord that He would be the One to keep us til the end! We are joined by our brothers Pastor Los and brother Wayne from The Basement podcast to chop it up about this very important do…
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On this episode we continue with the “I” in the TULIP. Since man is dead in sin and is unwilling to come to salvation on his own God must draw people to Himself, but what is the means through which God calls people to Himself? Are people able to resist when God draws them? This is our hope in Christ that those whom He calls will come to Him and the…
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We are now at the center of the Calvanism teachings! Most believers when reading the term "Limited Atonement" already have a preconceived notion about what they think it means, but what does it really teach when we search the scriptures? Is atonement for all people or is it limited to certain people? What dangers follow if we believe in the opposin…
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We continue our T.U.L.I.P. Series with Unconditional Election. If we’re totally depraved and are unable to choose Christ on our own then how are we saved? Is it our free will? Is it our works? This doctrine gives us hope knowing God really does love us even though we fail Him daily. Song: T.U.L.I.P. by Christcentric Website: https://www.reformedraz…
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We kick off our TULIP series by talking about “Total Depravity”. Is mankind by good by nature? Does man have the ability to cleanse himself from his sin? We go back in church history to see that these issues have already been dealt with in the church between a man named Augustine who defended this Biblical doctrine against a heretic named Pelagius …
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On this episode we talk about some misconceptions that people have when they hear about “Calvinism” we recently were asked to leave our former church because of this doctrine and we want to shed light to some misconceptions or misrepresentations that people have. Did Jesus atone for the sins of the entire world? Do we have free will? Do we follow a…
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On this episode we had the privilege of interviewing Dawain Atkinson, the founder of the B.A.R. Podcast and network! We get to know Dawain a little deeper from his humble beginnings on a farm to his conversion to getting involved in the word of faith and NAR movements. We also talk about how he built his network and we let you in on some podcasting…
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On this episode we do our first international interview! CHH artist Joshua Kriese. We talk about his testimony, how he started rapping, and the concepts behind some of his singles that bring some hard truths. We also talk about some doctrinal differences , his latest ep “Ad Fontes” and his experience winning the Cross Examine sweet 16 “I Rap For Re…
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It is only proper after interviewing Curt Kennedy that we interview The Wolverine, Stract! We talk about his early beginnings how he came to the Lord, his art, owning a restaurant how got into the rap game, CHH, what’s behind the themes behind his albums, and what we can expect from his up and coming album “Da Beat Goes On” Stract: https://www.hish…
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On this episode we are privileged to interview Hip Hop artist Curt Kennedy. He’s the Pastor at Solid Rock Church in Maryland, a rapper, and co host to the Cross Examine podcast. You could say his last 3 albums are the anthems to today’s culture but who is the man behind the mic? We get to know him a deeper we talk how came into the rap game, how it…
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Churros! As much as we love these, only these delicious treats should ever be twisted. Scripture is sacred. It is "Scripture Alone" that we hold, so let us not twist it for our benefit or gain or make it fit into our messages where it doesn't fit. In this episode, we each bring a verse that is commonly used out of context and "put them back where i…
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We bring this long conversation home in part 3 with our bro’s and sis from For Christ y Cultura! We’ve heard during this conversation to “Just preach the Gospel” pero que es eso? What does actually entail? Is the Gospel just words that come from our mouth? Or does it actually call us to do something? In the midst of racism and injustice in our coun…
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On this part 2 of 3 conversation we talk Black Lives Matter movement, protests and riots, we ask why isn’t white mainstream culture on the frontlines of racism? is the answer just to preach the Gospel? And how do we find racial reconciliation? Lamont English: Gonzalez:http://forchristyculturanetwork.c…
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Today we are joined by Lamont English and Jon Da Presby to talk about the recent events of the murder of George Floyd and the riots that took place. We talk about white privilege, systemic racism and what should be the churches response to all this? This conversation is so important that we had to break it down to 3 episodes! So join us for part 1 …
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On the second installment of our struggle series we bring on our brother Edwin Pluma to shed light on the struggle of homosexuality in the church. How do we as the body of Christ minister to brothers and sisters who battle with this? How can we better understand their struggle? We hope this episode not only sheds light but will help in how to respo…
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This is the first episode of a new series "The Struggle". We hope to be able to shed light on the struggles that we as Christians may face in our walks. In this episode, with our guest Jerry De Oleo, we speak transparently about our experiences and share advice that have helped us. If you struggle with pornography, we encourage you to listen and se…
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On this edition of Gangs to Grace we have Reverend Rudy Rubio from the Reformed Church of Los Angeles. From street gangster to prison to being wanted on the run in Mexico to planting a Reformed church in the hood teaching sound doctrine, It’s only by the grace of God this was possible. Please reach out to us if you have any questions, comments, con…
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Welcome back familia! Season 2 is here!! Today we kick off the season with some theological exercise in response to an episode of a podcast hosted by the rapper T.I. We hope you are edified and encouraged to search scripture and put these things in practice that you too may give a defense for the faith that you have in Christ Jesus. expidiTIously p…
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This is Reformed Raza!! And this is the final episode! By the grace of God we have had a good year podcasting. Join our "Final Episode" as we reflect on the year and share our encouragements of this ministry!Support La Raza!For Christ y Cultura:…
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Dang bruh! This episode we get it in and share with you, the listeners, just a few songs that have had an impact in our personal walk. We converse about the need for content in music and how we benefit from this. CHH is not by any means dead and continues. Enjoy!Songs (In order of appearance):Neva Satisfied by Dear Society ft SevinSuffering and God…
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To what extent is God in control? If God is truly in control of ALL things then He MUST be in control of one’s individual salvation because if He’s not, then He isn’t in control of ALL things! We are blessed to be joined by solid brothers in the Lord Sola Cast to help us understand clearly this tough doctrine! Intro Song: Skit Audition for Compilat…
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The sovereignty of God! How much is God in control? Is God sovereign?In this episode we will attempt to bring biblical insight into one of the most beautiful yet mysterious wonders of God. Join our conversation and feel free to hit us up regarding these things and share what you have learned through the scriptures about the sovereignty of God. Song…
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