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show episodes
Thoughtful conversations about NoCode (or "No Code") tools and ideas with freelancers, automators, creators, founders and other NoCoders. Their backgrounds are diverse and they're from all over the world, but they share one thing in common - a unique story as a backdrop to their NoCode journey. These are the stories that will help reframe your own! Email: URL: Twitter: @AyushSharma
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La NoCode Family

Simon Robic

Chaque semaine, on rencontre un.e membre de la communauté NoCode, on découvre ses projets et on apprend comment se lancer sans coder !, le podcast 🎙 qui t'aide à te lancer sans savoir coder, pour apprendre de celles et ceux qui développent leur business sans faire une ligne de code. Toi aussi, rejoins la NoCode Family 👊
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Call it NoCode, No-Code, Visual Development, or CodeLess. The fact is powerful trends in technology are making it easier to design, automate, and optimize your imagination beyond its limits - unlocking creativity, democratizing transformation, and redefining productivity. CodeLess is a narrative podcast, celebrating makers, tools, and heroes in NoCode. Every week, we ...
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Et si vous pouviez tout créer sans savoir coder ? Nous croyons qu'il n'y a plus besoin de développeur pour lancer sa startup, créer son produit et avoir ses premiers clients. Que personne ne devrait avoir à payer des sommes exorbitantes pour développer sa solution en prenant le risque que ça ne marche pas. Nous pensons que les outils et l'automatisation peuvent sauver des milliers de gens de la faillite en leur évitant de dépenser inutilement sans pour autant brider leur créativité. Qu’est-c ...
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show series
En el episodio de hoy entrevistamos a Álvaro Cerpa, una persona que ha emprendido y montado más negocios de los que podemos contar y que viene de una trayectoria que realmente es impresionante. Ahora, emprende con Buildt, una agencia No-code y Low-code especializada en Flutterflow, IA y cosas bonitas que está haciendo cosas realmente interesantes.…
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Hoy, tenemos con nosotros a Clara Iglesias, una de esas personas que nos han servido para definir quién es nuestra alumna ideal. Nos conocimos hace unos meses, cuando estaba estudiando el No-code Workshop. Ahora, está trabajando en Mendesaltaren para un gran cliente de Arteixo implementando mucho No-code en el proceso. ¡Ah! Y por si fuera poco, es …
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Hoy tenemos con nosotros a Marta Fánega, graduada en turismo internacional que ahora se ha reconvertido al mundo del marketing digital en una empresa líder en el espacio No-code en holanda como es Triggre, para conocer un poco más de su vida y cómo ha llegado hasta este punto se ha venido hoy por aquí. -…
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Miriam Dorsett is a seasoned entrepreneur with a proven track record in community building, leadership and digital engagement. She is a 5th year, woman of color, bootstrapped founder. In addition to growing her startup CHIBUR she is a certified Climate Crisis speaker through the CLEO Institute, on the board for Miami EdTech and the Entrepreneur In …
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Casey Stubbs is a 9 ½ year United States Army Veteran and married father of nine. He is an entrepreneur, a leader in his local church, and is a successful business owner and trader. That, however, wasn’t always the case. Casey’s compelling broke-dad to seven-figure trading education business story is inspiring. Casey is the founder & CEO of Trading…
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En esta oportunidad nos acompañan Fernanda Rojas y Alicia Martínez y nos cuentan acerca de cómo es emprender con nocode y cómo validar ideas. SOBRE NCH: 🐦 Twitter - 💡 LinkedIn - 📸 Instagram - 💌 Newsletter -…
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En el episodio de hoy tengo una persona que tenía muchas ganas de traer a este podcast. Una persona que lleva el emprendimiento en sus venas y que es una de las responsables de que Manfred comunique y haga las cosas tan bien como las hacen. Hoy vamos a conocer un poco más de Cris y entender cómo están haciendo las cosas tan bien como lo están hacie…
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There’s not much Reena Friedman Watts hasn’t done in her professional life. She’s scoured the NPR newswire for stories. She’s combed through hundreds of small claims cases. She’s worked on reality TV shows such as The Jerry Springer Show, Court TV, and Nanny 911. She’s worked in Radio. She’s planned mega-events for the telecom and finance industrie…
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Hoy os traigo a una persona que está construyendo una de las startups de mayor éxito de españa que estoy seguro que no sabías que tenía un corazón de Airtable que les ayuda a funcionar en su día a día. Tenemos con nosotros a Alvaro Falcones, CPO en Taxdown, la aplicación que ayuda a miles de personas a hacer su declaración de la renta cada año - co…
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Terence Bennett is the General Manager at DreamFactory, an API code-automation platform designed for no-code. It generates APIs on nearly any database with no code whatsoever. Terence is a former Naval Intelligence Officer and a member of Google's Redteam. He loves the no code space and wants to contribute to its growth and evolution. Website: Drea…
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En el episodio de hoy tengo una suerte inmensa. Te voy a contar por qué. Y es que cuando empecé en esto del no-code, había ya una agencia que era Partner de Webflow, z1. Y hoy tenemos a Héctor Giner, cofundador y CEO de uno de los estudios referencia de España, formando parte del grupo Tiny al que tenemos muy en la mira. Para conocer cómo es vivir …
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En este episodio te llevo a través de lo que ha sucedido en 2022 en Nocodehackers y sobre todo los principales aprendizajes que me llevo de haber conseguido facturar más de 100.000€ en este año como empresa. Este tipo de contenido normalmente lo escucharás en
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En el episodio de hoy contamos con Javier Rodriguez, un empresario que está abrazando el no-code para digitalizar y mejorar los procesos internos de una compañía que a priori no te creerías que está utilizando herramientas no-code. Para conocer cómo está utilizando herramientas como Softr y Airtable para la mejora de sus tiempos, operaciones y proc…
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Lucie Baratte is the Art director & co-founder at Logology, helping you get a designer-quality logo for your startup, in 5 minutes. Lucie specializes in visual story telling: the art of conveying emotion through symbols. She has refined her user-centric design process by helping startups for 15+ years, and teaching in universities for 10. Website: …
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Hoy tenemos en el podcast a un invitado que está construyendo una comunidad en torno a Webflow y el No-code en italiano. Y es que tenemos a Nicola Toledo, una persona que se acerca al ecosistema no-code desde el punto de vista de los developers, para ahora trabajar como freelance en Webflow a tiempo completo. Para hablar de desarrollo, Webflow y mu…
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Hoy tenemos en el Podcast a una persona que me hace mucha ilusión traer. Otra ingeniera que acaba pivotando al diseño de productos digitales, cosa que hace en Telefónica como UX Design Lead. A la vez que forma a nuevas generaciones de diseñadores en La Nave Nodriza. En este episodio vamos a hablar sobre diseño, comunidad (iniciativas tan chulas com…
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Hoy tenemos unos invitados un poco diferentes. Y es que en vez de ser usuarios ellos son los creadores de una plataforma con mucho espíritu No-code, Velneo. Velneo se define como una herramienta Low-code en español para poder crear herramientas de negocio como ERP de manera sencilla y escalable. Para conocer cómo es construir un producto enfocado e…
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En el podcast de hoy tenemos a Víctor Falcón, una persona que pica pizzas y come código. Y os preguntaréis por qué estamos hoy hablando con un Senior Developer en este podcast. La razón es sencilla, que está creando, una herramienta financiera que mejora las finanzas personales de personas normales. Y todo se debe a un tweet, en el que de…
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En este podcast entrevistamos a Celia, que ya no trabaja en su puesto de automator en pero que es una persona referente dentro del ecosistema. Su visión, habilidades y manera de trabajar han conseguido que sea una persona que sin duda marcará el futuro del No-code.
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Hoy tengo la suerte de que nos acompañe una persona que ha estado en Nocodehackers desde literalmente - el principio. Y es una persona que mientras acababa su carrera de ingeniería informática, decidió adentrarse en el mundo del no-code a través de Glide. Si eres PRO o has hecho algún curso de Glide, ya conocerás a nuestro invitado, Adriá Solé. Aho…
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Johnny Walker is the Executive Career & Job Seeking Coach For Six & Seven-Figure Earners. Johnny Walker is the creator of The Executive Edge Program and the 7 Steps to Six-Figures System. These systems help executives and high earners get their ideal job, faster, for more money, without having to sell themselves and have more fulfilling careers. Li…
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After a short break, I’m thrilled to share a conversation with Ziga Fajfar from Flowout. Ziga is a coder turned no-coder, and tech entrepreneur who launched many successful ventures and is currently focusing on building and operating Flowout. Flowout is a productised service helping companies stand out from the competition with unlimited web design…
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En el podcast de hoy, tengo un invitado que no me puede hacer más ilusión para abrir la cuarta temporada del podcast. Y es que gran parte de que estemos hoy aquí la tiene la persona que (si estás viendo esto en Youtube), ya estás poniendo cara. Tomás Alonso. El empleado nº1 de Nocodehackers y la persona que se encarga de que la comunicación que hag…
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Gáspár Nagy is the creator and main contributor of SpecFlow, a regular conference speaker, a blogger (, the editor of the BDD Addict monthly newsletter (, and co-author of the BDD Books series ("Discovery - Explore behaviour using Examples"; "Formulation - Express examples using Given/When/Then" (http://bd…
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Today, Seth and I discuss a hot topic - what tools should beginner NoCoders use for various projects. There is a lot of content on this, but the hundreds of options can seem daunting. We try to simplify this by providing our Top 3 for each use-case (e.g., Website builders, web app builders, mobile apps, etc.). In addition, we talk about the mindset…
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Grant Shaddick is the Co-founder of Tella - a new kind of screen recorder helping people make better videos at work. Tella provides Screen and camera recording for making an impression. Fully customizable, instantly shareable, all in your browser. Twitter: @9ranty Website: Tella.tvبقلم Abdulaziz M Alhamdan, M.Sc.
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Camille Franceschi is the co-founder of Joonbot, a no-code chatbot builder to automate in minutes your recurring interactions. JoonBot is accelerated by the Zendesk Acceleration Program and the famous Incubateur HEC, and it is, based at "Station F" in Paris, which is the world's biggest startup campus. Twitter: @camillefrancesc Website:…
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My guest on the show today is Gautam Nimmagadda, CEO of Quixy. We get into some fascinating topics like Enterprise NoCode Tech, how big corporations are adopting NoCode in an iterative manner, and Gautam's experience building Quixy's culture in a tough business environment since 2020. Guest Twitter: @matuagn | @QuixyOfficial | Web: Music:…
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Paul Salvage is the CEO at, where they design, develop and maintain minimum viable products using #nocode development tools. Their clients are startups, corporate product labs and regular non-technical folks with an idea. Website: Productly.devبقلم Abdulaziz M Alhamdan, M.Sc.
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Ernesto Verdugo is a Multi-Award Winning Speaker, TEDx Speaker, Corporate Trainer, 247th Most Traveled Person in the World. Ernesto helps You Gain Visibility, Become Relevant & Get People Lining Up To Buy Your Products Or Services Using YouTube. LinkedIn: /in/ernestoverdugo/ Twitter: @ernestoverdugoبقلم Abdulaziz M Alhamdan, M.Sc.
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Dr. Charles Redd, D.Min is a Fortune 500 Executive, Author, Life Coach, Professor, Speaker, Mentor and Transformational Leader. With over 30 years of success as a speaker, minister and leader in Fortune 500 organizations, Dr Charles' Mission is to Add life purpose through teaching and growing others. His Linkedin: /in/drcharlesredd/ Website: DrChar…
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Jason Todd is a Strategic Advisor, an Interventionist, a Consultant, and a Keynote John Maxwell Speaker. For over 20 years, Jason has helped businesses see the bigger picture and use that vision to eliminate the constraints that clutter the path to success. His experience ranges from business ownership, marketing & consulting to software applicatio…
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Bryant Francisco is a Brand Production & Affiliate strategist with a distinctive familiarity with the Asian, North & South American markets. From co-founding/launching the Ayra wireless brand to guiding niche Kickstarter brands such as RokBlok & Fromaggio in the product development/strategic Business Development planning process, Bryant has been fo…
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Today, Seth and I discuss a hot topic - what tools should beginner NoCoders use for various projects. There is a lot of content on this, but the hundreds of options can seem daunting. We try to simplify this by providing our Top 3 for each use-case (e.g., Website builders, web app builders, mobile apps, etc.). In addition, we talk about the mindset…
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Julie Barbier-Leblan is the Chief Executive Officer at Merit Incentives. Julie is an award-winning CEO and entrepreneur with a demonstrated history of working in Europe and in developing markets. Barbier-Leblan is the founder and CEO of Merit Incentives, a B2B technology company with offices in the U.A.E., Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Egypt, and the U.…
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Parth Gaurav is an Official Webflow Expert since 2020 and a self taught web designer and webflow developer. He started as a freelancer under the brand name ‘Digi Hotshot’, now him and his team of 5 are creating beautiful websites for startups and design agencies on webflow. Twitter: @DigiHotshot Website:…
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Geir Christian Karlsen is the Founder & CEO of AppsCo Inc which is a member of World Economic Forum Tech for Integrity initiative and has won several international awards. He also holds a number of board and advisory roles in Digiquip, Emajlis, Annex Investments, Mesier, Global Corporation, USAKO Group and AppsCo. His LinkedIn: /in/geirck/ Website:…
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My guest on the show today is John Darbyshire, CEO & Co-Founder of Smartsuite, a no code work & data management platform built for workplaces in every field imaginable. Jon was the youngest Partner ever at EY and an Executive Chairman of The Archer Foundation, a charitable foundation dedicated to entrepreneurial achievement, community service progr…
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In this episode, Seth and I discuss the astounding valuation numbers we've seen in the first half of 2022. This is specific to NoCode tools and it's amazing to be part of a thriving ecosystem. Special thanks to Matteo Scarabelli and his amazing "Low Code Future" Newsletter ( for supporting this episode with his c…
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My guest on the show today is Michael Ionita. Michael is a CTO by profession. He is also a YouTuber, sharing the power of No-Code with the world. In 2020 he co-organized the worlds biggest Hackathon (#EUvsVirus) together with the European Commission. Michael is also a board member at AustrianStartups and is advising startups & blockchain projects o…
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My guest on the show today is building a NoCode way to create automations for Web3. We get into everything Crypto, Blockchain and how Boto is using 'recipes' to simplify bot creation. Breno also provides a ton of valuable insight on how he's building Boto with a focus on community. Let's get into it. Here's my conversation with Breno from! …
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Today, it's time for Part 2 of the NoCode Weekend recap - a project that connects NoCode builders and gets them building their dream app within 36 hours! Today, I share some valuable tips for beginner NoCoders from the judges Colleen Brady and Glenn. I also take you on a tour of the winning projects and figure out what makes them click! Check it ou…
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