The Nature Podcast brings you the best stories from the world of science each week. We cover everything from astronomy to zoology, highlighting the most exciting research from each issue of the Nature journal. We meet the scientists behind the results and provide in-depth analysis from Nature's journalists and editors. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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FALTER Natur ist der neue Podcast aus der FALTER-Redaktion. Die Journalist:innen rund um Natur-Ressortleiterin Katharina Kropshofer und Chefredakteur Florian Klenk nehmen euch mit auf eine Reise in die Themenwelten Natur, Nachhaltigkeit, Umwelt, Ökologie, Klimawandel und Tierschutz. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Episódios voltados para ajudar você a alcançar a liberdade linguística falando inglês naturalmente através de dicas práticas e conversações reais. Acesse para mais conteúdo.
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Learn more at: Rain, rain sounds, thunderstorm, nature sounds, waterfall, ambient sounds, relaxation, sleep, meditation, white noise, calming, peaceful, atmospheric, weather, rain, lightning, stormy, dark skies, soothing, natural, environment, ASMR, podcast
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Educational podcast discussing anything from natural products chemistry to pharmacy.
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Explore the history and present of over 27,000 acres of park land inside Minnesota's Hennepin County and surrounding areas. Hosts Angela (wildlife biologist) and Brandon (interpretive naturalist) guide you through this suburban wilderness managed by the Three Rivers Park District.
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„Inżynier – naturalnie” to podcast o energetyce i otaczającym nas świecie. Poruszam w nim takie tematy, jak: OZE (odnawialne źródła energii), inżynieria, środowisko, ekologia i technologie z nimi związane, energetyka, klimat, natura, eko. Wszystko to bez zbędnej „naukowości”, moralizatorstwa i czarowania rzeczywistości. Jestem autorem bloga „Inżynier – naturalnie” pod adresem: Wierzę, że wiedza czerpana z wiarygodnych źródeł może ułatwić życie, uczynić je pro ...
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Natural Resources University is a podcast network focused on delivering science-based natural resource management. Funding for this project comes from the Renewable Resources Extension Act.
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The business of outdoor hosted by Aaron Lutze & Dylan Bowman
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Podcast o ogrodach: naturalnych, ekologicznych, pożytecznych, wiejskich, miejskich i… angielskich. Usłyszycie tu praktyczne porady i rozmowy o tym: jak założyć swój pierwszy warzywnik, dlaczego podwyższone rabaty stają coraz bardziej popularne, czy da się stworzyć ogród bezobsługowy, oraz czy w pojemnikach można uprawiać prawie wszystko. Będzie też mowa o najnowszych trendach w ogrodnictwie, o zieleni miejskiej i uprawie „no dig”, a wszystko w zgodzie z naturą, bez chemii, w sposób prz ...
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Nature Guys connects you to the exciting natural world right in your own neighborhood. These nature connections will help you be cool, calm, collected and ready to make a positive difference in the world. Nature Guys is hosted by Bob a long time nature lover.
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Having trouble sleeping? Need some calming sounds while you write? Relaxing Nature Sounds are soundscapes designed for meditation, relaxation, sleeping, and other activates where you need natural ambience in the background.
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KBOO Radio is a community-powered station in Portland Oregon
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Nature’s Archive, hosted by Michael Hawk, delves into the beauty and complexity of the natural world through interviews with ecologists, naturalists, educators, authors, and researchers. Each episode inspires curiosity and reveals nature’s surprising nuances. Part of Jumpstart Nature, a movement empowering everyone to support the environment, this podcast invites you to connect with nature like never before.
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Life is strange, naturally you want to hear about it. Strange by Nature is your guide to the strange, weird and unbelievable side of nature. Professional naturalists present weekly curated stories about just how strange nature can get.
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Co-host for Quantum Leap Book Call. Let's talk about things that makes life wonderful and how everyone is connected as one.
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Golden State Naturalist is a love letter to California's ecological past, present, and future. Come with Michelle Fullner as she climbs to the top of a beaver dam, descends into a tar pit, peers into the canopy of a giant sequoia, and basks in the glow of the Milky Way under the eerie silhouettes of Joshua trees. Each episode, Michelle interviews captivating experts in their natural habitats across California to find out how the unique plants, animals, geology, and hydrology of this biodiver ...
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Natur til tiden er en podcastserie om, hvad der sker i den danske natur netop nu. Podcasten udgives af Bågø Naturcenter og Assens Kommune. Vært er naturvejleder Christian Heller.
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Nature Revisited is a podcast that explores our relationship with the natural world through interviews, stories and discussions that highlight the notion that nature is not a place one goes to, but rather a place one is a part of - that We Are Nature.
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Rozmawiam o tym, jak w czasach późnego antropocenu możemy przypomnieć sobie, że jesteśmy częścią natury. Bliska jest mi idea głębokiej ekologii i odpowiedzialnego podejścia do wszystkiego, co nas otacza. Szukam nowych opowieści o świecie, w których środowisko naturalne odzyskuje swoją podmiotowość. Obserwuj mnie na Instagramie: @joannapachalko
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The Podcast that talks the Art and Craft of Nature Photography around the world. Presented and hosted by professional Nature and Specialist Polar Photographer, Joshua Holko. M. Photog II
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Naturally Florida is a podcast about Florida's natural areas and the wild things that live here. Naturally Florida's hosts, Shannon Carnevale and Lara Milligan, bring over 25 years of experience in natural resources and conservation to Naturally Florida. Listeners will learn about Florida wildlife, local ecosystems, and conservation issues in the Sunshine State. If you love learning about nature but need to learn on-the-go, this podcast is for you. This podcast is brought to you by UF/IFAS E ...
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You don't need more willpower to be Naturally Thin for Life. It can be easy and effortless once you master 3 steps. Desiring the food that serves you, processing emotions productively and identifying as a naturally thin woman. I am going to show you how.
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Nature and Science for Kids produces engaging stories and facts about nature and science from a Christian perspective, so kids of all ages can explore their world one episode at a time.
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Make homeschool nature study a reality with these simple lessons and outdoor challenges for families. Cindy West of No Sweat Nature Study LIVE shares seasonal, bite-sized information and creative nature journaling suggestions to enhance your science studies. Listen to a lesson during morning time in preparation for an afternoon nature walk or as you get ready to walk out the door. Turn it on in the car on your way to a nature walk destination or listen at the beginning of your walk. No matte ...
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Welcome to the Springer Nature Soundcloud page! Here you will find several podcasts from our journals across a range of scientific subjects, including Gene Pod, ModPath Chat, Pediapod, Hereditypod and Brainpod.
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Impactful research you should know today.
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Welcome to Naturally Off Topic—the podcast where Megan and Mariah dive into conspiracies, mysteries, and the unexplained! From unsolved disappearances to bizarre phenomena, they tackle it all with deep dives, lively banter, and unexpected twists. New episodes every other Thursday!
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A podcast covering every side of the Arkansas Razorbacks.
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Ein einsamer Sandstrand, eine blühende Sommerwiese, ein Gewitter im Wald – die Natur fasziniert uns mit ihrer unvergleichlichen Schönheit und Vielfalt. Mit diesem Podcast machen wir die Natur erlebbar. Eine warme, beruhigende Stimme begleitet Dich in einen einzigartigen Naturmoment zum Entspannen und Einschlafen – mit liebevoll arrangierten Naturgeräuschen und einer sanften Musik. Du schließt Deine Augen und hörst einfach zu. Wir freuen uns über Feedback an
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Denis Stewart is a natural therapist and hosts this phone-in show about natural medicine.
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Dieser Podcast richtet sich an alle, die sich nach einem ganzheitlich gesunden und glücklichen Leben in Balance sehnen. Hier lernst du eine gesunde Ernährung und einen gesunden Lebensstil in Einklang zu bringen und mit Freude und Leichtigkeit nachhaltig in deinen Alltag zu integrieren. Ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger und frei von Diäten und Verzicht, kannst du von dieser Lebensweise mit einem Plus an Lebensenergie auf allen Ebenen profitieren und dieses gesunde Glück und Lebensgefühl auch im Auße ...
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A podcast about Wilderness Christian Mysticism, hosted by Stephen K. Hatch and Will Warrick. Join us as we explore how this spiritual tradition can help us all find beauty and meaning in our lives. This podcast is for nature lovers, people who consider themselves spiritual but not religious, modern mystics of all backgrounds, and all who are genuine seekers of truth, goodness, and beauty.
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Country walks, overseas adventures and the candid ramblings of professional nature photographer, Robert Canis.
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Two marine scientists share true stories of tragedy and triumph in the great outdoors, from the comfort of their home.
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A podcast from Wild Birds Unlimited about feeding the birds and enjoying nature right in your own backyard. Relax, enjoy the birds, and stay Nature Centered.
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Every week there are new marvels to look for in the outdoors, and Discover Nature highlights these attractions. The Missouri Department of Conservation’s Candice Davis brings us the stories of river otters, luna moths, red buds, and other actors as they take center stage in nature’s theater.
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The host, Tommy Fowler, is an amateur naturalist with a deep love for the outdoors. Each week we will discuss the natural history of wild plants or animals. These discussions will give the listener much information about these plants and animals and hopefully surprise the listener with some interesting and/or fun facts. -Please leave 5 stars as a review. -Please be sure to hit follow. -What would help me the most is if you would hit the download button on each of the episodes. -Also, please ...
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CONTRE NATURE, le podcast du média PAINT qui donne la place et la parole aux personnes LGBTQ sans tabou! Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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High quality nature soundscapes from real nature. Enjoy and listen – Nature sounds amazing! Tervetuloa luontoäänien maailmaan. Korkealaatuisia äänimaisemia suomalaisesta luonnosta. Kuuntele ja nauti.
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Hi, I’m Jiajia, a qualified language teacher and a language lover. If you have been learning Chinese for years and still haven’t reached fluency, I’m here to help! Through this podcast you will learn the REAL Chinese. You will listen to different topics, such as the cultural, the custom, idioms and slang, stories, tips for learning and more. Listen repeatedly-Read the transcripts-Do output activities. You will find yourself using new words and phrases that you’ve listened before automaticall ...
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Ob zu Froschkunde oder Vulkanismus - Expertinnen und Experten werden so geschickt gefragt, dass sich gut und gerne fünf Minuten zuhören lässt, wie sich eine Antwort entfaltet.
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Brian Moon and Laura Militello interview leading NDM researchers who study and support people who make decisions under stress.
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Des experts vous font découvrir la faune et la flore de notre territoire. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Join host Seth Larson as he interviews experts on some of the biggest environmental issues affecting people and our planet, including climate change, habitat loss, endangered species, and more. Learn something new about nature in every episode. This show is produced by World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
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Der Astrophysiker Franz Kerschbaum spricht über die Sternbilder. In der zweiten Folge geht es um den Südhimmel im Dezember. Gestaltung: Maria Harmer - Eine Eigenproduktion des ORF, gesendet in Ö1 am 17.12.2024
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denne børnenaturjulekalender kan du følge den unge sikahjort Sigurd, hvis største drøm er at blive et af julemandens rensdyr. I dag skal han lære at flyve, hvis han kan! Næste afsnit udkommer mandag den 23. december 2024. Denne julekalender er samtidig premiere på Natur til tiden Junior. En natur podcast for børn og deres forældre.…
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Nach 10 Folgen Mutter Natur sind wir schon so entspannt, dass wir einen kleinen Winterschlaf einlegen ;) Ihr solltet den Podcast auf jeden Fall abonnieren, dann erfahrt Ihr als erste, wenn es mit neuen Folgen weitergeht. Bis dahin wünschen wir auch Euch eine entspannte Zeit! Und vielleicht hört Ihr inzwischen ja mal in unseren zweiten Podcast rein:…
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Bonus-Folge: Was macht Ihnen Mut, Herr Wagner?
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Hitzerekorde, enttäuschende Klimakonferenzen, Präsident Trump ante portas – die Welt scheint momentan ein grimmiger Ort zu sein. Aber es gibt auch einige positive Trends: Vom unglaublich schnellen Ausbau erneuerbarer Energiequellen und neuen geopolitischen Chancen für Europa – davon erzählt der erfolgreiche Klimaökonom Gernot Wagner im Gespräch mit…
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欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解"光脚的不怕穿鞋的。"的意义、用法。 2.练习发音。 「This episode is sponsored by pinyin app. 」 预订和佳佳的线上一对一课-Book your 1-on-1 class with Jiajia: 加入会员以获取完整文本、释义、拼音和练习-Sign up for membership to rece…
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Small River Flowing - 10 Hours for Sleep, Meditation, & Relaxation
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Listen Ad Free - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free!بقلم Sol Good Media
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Diálogo em Inglês (Real Life Conversations) AN OLD DOG
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Para participar gratuitamente da Imersão Inglês Fluente Wave acesse o site e para receber o PDF desse episódio envie uma mensagem via WhatsApp para (32) 98810-3208.
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Le grand duc d'Europe : un rapace nocturne majestueux dans le Vaucluse
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durée : 00:03:27 - Le grand duc d'Europe : un rapace nocturne majestueux dans le Vaucluse - par : Nathalie Mazet - Rapace nocturne imposant et fascinant, le grand-duc d’Europe habite les falaises provençales. Découvrez ses chants graves, son rôle de super-prédateur et ses habitudes captivantes, un trésor de la biodiversité locale que nous présente …
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Der Astrophysiker Franz Kerschbaum spricht über die Sternbilder. In der vierten Folge geht es um die Sonnenwende- eine Frage der Perspektive. Gestaltung: Maria Harmer - Eine Eigenproduktion des ORF, gesendet in Ö1 am 19.12.2024
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Der Astrophysiker Franz Kerschbaum spricht über die Sternbilder. In der ersten Folge geht es um den Nordhimmel im Dezember. Gestaltung: Maria Harmer - Eine Eigenproduktion des ORF, gesendet in Ö1 am 16.12.2024
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Der Astrophysiker Franz Kerschbaum spricht über die Sternbilder. Den Abschluss der Serie bildet dier ominöse Stern von Bethlehem. Gestaltung: Maria Harmer - Eine Eigenproduktion des ORF, gesendet in Ö1 am 20.12.2024
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Der Astrophysiker Franz Kerschbaum spricht über die Sternbilder. In der dritten Folge steht ein Besuch in der Wiener Universitätssternwarte auf dem Programm. Gestaltung: Maria Harmer - Eine Eigenproduktion des ORF, gesendet in Ö1 am 18.12.2024
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19.12.2024 - Canon EOS R1 Field Report
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In this episode, I discuss my experiences with the Canon EOS R1 after photographing Emperor Pens with two of these cameras on the sea ice deep in Antarctica earlier this month. These were the world's first Canon EOS R1s to travel to Antarctica and photograph Emperor Penguins. How did they perform? Support the show Wild Nature Photo Travel Photograp…
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Salut! C’est Aline et Cédric de votre média LGBTQ préféré: PAINT! Et si l'amour trouvait sa place là où on l'attend le moins? Jérémy, premier rugbyman professionnel à faire son coming out, et Clément, graphiste et réalisateur talentueux, n’imaginaient pas que leurs chemins se croiseraient un jour. Tout a commencé quand Clément est tombé par hasard …
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The Nature Podcast festive spectacular 2024
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01:11 “Ozempic you’re able” In the first of our annual festive songs celebrating the science of the past year, we pay homage to Ozempic, or Semaglutide, that's able to tackle obesity, diabetes and potentially a whole lot more. 05:20 A very scientific quiz We gather an all-star cast and see how well they can remember some of the big science stories …
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Managing Mid-Size Lakes | Fish University #373
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Fisheries managers have a wealth of information available on how to manage small ponds, and there has been substantial research directed at managing large reservoirs that impound substantial rivers. However, there is a scarcity of information on reservoirs that are too big to be ponds and too small to be major reservoirs. These mid-size systems app…
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This week Rachel brings us the Bumblebee Bat which by some measures is the smallest mammal in the world. It weighs the same as two skittles candies. Kirk then describes some fascinating research that the authors claim shows plants can actually hear running water and send their roots toward it. Join us weekly for more strange nature. Our supporters …
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Umbrella Rain - 10 hours for Sleep, Meditation, & Relaxation
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Listen Ad Free - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free!بقلم Sol Good Media
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Episode 227: Dragonfly Festival Live - Audience Questions
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Wander with us as our audience asks questions and Angela and Ron answer them. What is one of Ron's most memorable dragonfly experiences? Can we see all of the colors on a dragonfly? Can you make dragonfly habitat at home?بقلم Three Rivers Park District
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Episode 226: Dragonfly Festival Live!
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As season six comes to a close we look back at a summer highlight of the Big Year of Bugs. Join Angela at Eastman Nature Center’s Dragonfly Festival as she talks to Ron Lawrenz, founding and current board member of the Minnesota Dragonfly Society, in front of a live audience. Why do Plain's Emeralds live near Eastman? What is the cultural significa…
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Le houx, une tradition de Noël et de langage dans le Vaucluse
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durée : 00:02:55 - Le houx, une tradition de Noël et de langage dans le Vaucluse - par : Nathalie Mazet - Le houx, symbole de Noël et de traditions anciennes, est présent dans les forêts du Vaucluse, mais sa cueillette est strictement réglementée. Découvrez pourquoi ce végétal est si précieux avec Jeanne-Marie Pascal, ethnobotaniste !…
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Episode #3 - Safety, Privacy, And Bias
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In this third episode, Dr. Niklas Lidströmer, co-editor of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, tackles the complexities of ethics in AIM. He first discusses issues of safety and privacy when handling sensitive medical data, highlighting solutions like encryption, decentralized storage, and sharing algorithms rather than raw data. Next, Niklas addr…
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Episode #2: The Benefits and Challenges
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In this second episode, Dr. Niklas Lidströmer, co-editor of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, discusses the benefits and challenges of AI in medicine. First, Niklas digs into how AIM allows for a progressiveness that could leave non-AI inclusive doctors behind. He also touches on the process of creating standardized, global practices for medical…
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Episode #4 - Trends And Looking Ahead
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In the final episode of this series, Dr. Niklas Lidströmer, co-editor of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, looks at future trends of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIM). Niklas covers major innovations ahead and their potential impacts on treatment and the patient and doctor relationship. In addition, he discusses the current global applic…
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Kevin Fallon and Dave Dombrow join Second Nature today to talk about the evolution of Speedland from the early days of starting up until now. They've passed through multiple inflection points on their journey to establish the brand, and this discussion digs into the topics of focus and discipline as they build both the brand and the business. Show …
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Trout Biology, Life History, and Winter Trout Fishing | Fins, Fur, & Feathers #372
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Trout provide unique fishing experiences and are stocked in many states to provide fun fishing opportunities in cooler months. In this episode, Joe and Drew dive into the fascinating world of trout biology, the importance of the ocean in their life history, and how the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks provides trout fishing opportunities in …
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Bob runs into a pet opossum with his grandson Drew and his friend Graeme in a city park. Poppy is very cute and inspired us to listen to a podcast Bob and Bill recorded back in 2017. Related episodes: Bat in the House and Sick of Ticks Our sources for this episode include: 10 things you didn’t know about opossums Wildlife Rescue: Opossums Opossums …
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Steady Rain - 10 Hours for Sleep, Meditation, & Relaxation
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Listen Ad Free - Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free!بقلم Sol Good Media
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Diálogo em Inglês (Real Life Conversations) ITCHY FEET
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Para participar gratuitamente da Imersão Inglês Fluente Wave acesse o site e para receber o PDF desse episódio envie uma mensagem via WhatsApp para (32) 98810-3208.
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Are you holding onto clothes that are too big? Worried that you might need them in the future? Use this podcast episode to calmly let go of clothes that no longer fit. Get a free trial of the Naturally Thin for Life program by clicking here.بقلم Laura Dixon
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Le Moro-sphinx : l’étonnant papillon qui butine en hiver comme un colibri
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durée : 00:03:18 - Le Moro-sphinx : l’étonnant papillon qui butine en hiver comme un colibri - par : Nathalie Mazet - Le Moro-sphinx, aussi appelé sphinx colibri, est un papillon fascinant que l'on trouve dans le Vaucluse. Il vole comme un colibri et peut butiner des fleurs même en plein hiver. Découvrez son incroyable mode de vie et son rôle dans …
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بقلم KBOO Community Radio
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Should offensive species names be changed? The organisms that honour dictators, racists and criminals
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Categorizing things is central to science. And there are dozens of systems scientists have created to name everything from the trenches on the sea bed to the stars in the sky. But names have consequences — unintended or otherwise. In our new series What’s in a name we’ll explore naming in science and how names impact the world — whether that’s how …
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Revisit: Jared Rosenbaum - Wild Plant Culture
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Jared Rosenbaum is a botanist, native plant grower, certified ecological restoration practitioner, and co-owner of Wild Ridge Plants LLC in New Jersey. He has extensive experience in stewardship of natural communities and is known for his lively workshops on plant ecology, restoration, and the cultural uses of wild plant foods and medicines. In thi…
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Population Ecology for Dummies | Wild Turkey Science #371
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Dr. Colter Chitwood is back on to break down the unique population dynamics of the wild turkey. Join as we explore which vital rates are significant to turkey population trajectories, impacts of boom bust cycles on reproductive success, the interplay between reproductive parameters and hen survival, why high reproduction rates may not compensate fo…
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