- FREE FOR ALL: Tommy Schnurmacher, host, The Tommy Schnurmacher Show on CJAD 800 and Dan Delmar, managing partner, Provocateur Communications. • Is the Quebec Charter of Values reasonable? • Russia offers to take the chemical weapons. Is that a better idea? • Obama’s legacy: does this move make him look any better? • Child pageants in Quebec... good idea? • EI Freeze a rip-off? • Is whiteface as wrong as blackface? • Smart marketing? - The Charter has been revealed, after weeks of speculation and punditry. Time to get to the bones of it... GUEST: Angelica Montgomery, CJAD Quebec City bureau chief - The PQ says religious neutrality guarantees equality... but does it really? GUEST: Fo Niemi, executive director of Centre for Research-Action on Race Relations (CRARR) - What’s with all the nice hot weather tomorrow? GUEST: André Cantin, meteorologist with Environment Canada - Kevin O’Leary’s the Cold Hard Truth on why you need to worry about the fingerprint scanner rumoured to be on the new iPhones revealed today by Apple.…