EP: 64 Opening your heart with Alan John Holmes, Spiritual Medium and Healer based in British Columbia, Canada
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Disclaimer, the views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guest and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the show and its host.
Today's guest speaker is…
Alan John Holmes is a Spiritual Medium and a Healer, and he's based in British Columbia, Canada.
In 1980, Alan sat with Ruth Vickers, a renowned and gifted medium and healer, and she became a long-term mentor and dear friend, and her influence was invaluable. Alan has since become a reverend in the spiritualist church and has taken numerous courses in advanced mediumship and trans at the Arthur Finley College in England, a world center for spiritualism and psychic sciences. He has been blessed to have had the influence and encouragement of several noted mediums and tutors of the college.
Alan is the founder of Spirit Lights Healing Center, which conducts online healing meetings every Thursday evening, 7 pm. PST.
He also offers Sunday night meditation and mediumship, 7 pm. PST.
Alan has a podcast and it's called Let Spirit Speak, a spiritual and mediumship podcast with Alan John Holmes, and he also has a YouTube channel.
What we're talking about...
Today we are talking about Alan’s experiences in mediumship
* Alan shares his experiences of being trained by one of the top mediums in British Columbia, Canada – Ruth Vickers
* Alan began his mediumship training as a teenager
* Alan is passionate about meditation – Sitting in the awareness of your Soul
*Alan shares what it was like to see spirit as young as 3 years old
* Alan shares see St. Nicholas for the first time as a child!
* Alan shares his struggles in school, and despite that went on to become a High School teacher and have one of the most success Music Programs in British Columbia!
* He shares how spirit would let him know when people would pass away
* he shares his grie
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Disclaimer, the views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the show and its hosts.
To book a reading, sign up for mentoring or join my Mediumship Development Circles, please go to www.mariagoncalvesmedium.com to sign up.
The Intuitive Tarot Journal can be purchased on Amazon and is available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.
If you have any questions, please email me at mariagoncalves.school@gmail.com
Website: https://mariagoncalvesmedium.com/
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