In this episode sad and Jakeless, Sir Alex and Sir Dan talk a new Keyforge variant the Sanctumonious discord community has come up with called Unnatural Selection. Also we announce some details regarding "The Glorious You" a new free to enter tournament. Unnatural Selection Format: This is an archon format where prior to the deck selection stage a draft takes place to determine the houses your deck must contain. Drafting takes place in pods of 8 people. At the start of each draft the players are each assigned a randmon place in the draft order 1-8. In turn order each player drafts a house that will NOT be present in their archon deck. Each house may not be chosen more than 6 times and you may not ban a house more than once. (So once 6 players have banned Logos 2 seats will have Logos locked in as their pick) Picks are chosen as a snake draft (i've explained below in case your not sure what that is.) The 8th player always picks twice in a row and after their #1 pick the 1st player will double pick. So the turn order goes "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1...etc" For the first two round of draft picks each player must draft a unique house. (I.e once a player has banned Logos no other player may ban logos that round) Starting on the 3rd round of picks each player cannot choose a house the player before them has drafted. (I.e 2 seat picks Logos therefore Seat 3 may NOT pick Logos) This process repeats until each player has chosen until each player has drafted 6 houses which will NOT be present in their deck. If any point you are locked into house Mars your last two picks will be instantly locked in to ban Star Alliance and Saurian. If you already have either SA or Saurian banned than your next single pick must be used to ban the remaing house that would cause could cause an impossible house combination. If at any point you are locked into Saurian or SA your last pick is instantly locked in to Mars. After the draft has completed the players will choose an deck which houses match the 3 houses not banned by their draft picks. Tournament play will the proceed based on organizers choosing Sanctumonius Links: Support Sanctumonius on Patreon: Join the Sanctumonius Discord: Get your new design Sanctumonius merch here: Sanctumonius Playmats:…