1 closing early on account of starkewl oh MEOW 2:23
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
Well you saw it for yourselves they was hoggin again all it took was one wooooooo for the CSL Solution, doppler 4 detected ice cold head down dr. Quinn here comes a hatchet looked like a colorado ram plodding around where , actually I ain't here to talk about about uh a reliable Taurus. I'm here to be all about the wild hog but instead of julie peppers walking on field lore says steamboat kelly has court ordered right to play and go hoggin withxhiz boys so hicks andstarkewl. Twas the sparkle tundra that killed him [motions to the mahen on a pump 4 looking for sorries and a full house]…