Jay gives you his Top 10 Movies Coming to Disney Plus on Nov. 12, 2019... and of course, most of them are geek (sci-fi, fantasy, or comic book) movies! Full list of movies coming to Disney Plus: Check out the original article on Variety . What is The Story Geeks Talk Disney Plus Podcast Channel? The Story Geeks love podcasting about Disney Plus! We're not affiliated with Disney or Disney Plus in any way, we just dig Star Wars, Marvel, Disney, and Pixar and want to talk about all the Disney Plus geek content! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PURCHASE TIMESLINGERS! Jay and Nathan's time travel novel is available now! TIMESLINGERS currently has 4.5/5 stars on Amazon.com! For a limited time, purchase TIMESLINGERS for $0.99 on Kindle before the price increases to $9.99! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is a "Geek"? The Story Geeks classify "geek" as anything that falls into the science fiction, fantasy, or comic book genres. If you like one or more of those genres, then you're a geek! Here are some great examples of geek stories on Disney Plus: Star Wars (e.g., The Mandalorian, The Clone Wars, all the films, etc.) Marvel (e.g., Wandavision, Loki, and the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe) Disney (e.g., most of Disney's animated movies) Pixar (e.g., most of Pixar's movies) What can you expect from The Story Geeks Talk Disney Plus Podcast? The Story Geeks Talk Disney Plus is a sister podcast to The Story Geeks podcast and part of The Story Geeks network . Here are some of the shows we intend to release, just for you: After Shows: Want to break down the latest episode of The Mandalorian or Wandavision? You've come to the right place! Dig Deeper: Just like on our The Story Geeks channel, we'll be digging deeper into the geek movies available on Disney Plus! What to Watch: This is a brand new type of show for us! A weekly dose of what we're watching on Disney+ and what we would recommend to you! Show/Movie Reviews: We also have a ton of folks onboard looking to do reviews of Disney Plus entertainment! And stay tuned, because we're always coming up with more content ideas! Should I subscribe? Absolutely! Make sure you subscribe on your preferred podcast provider so you don't miss out on any great discussions! And if you want more information on what we're up to, check out www.thestorygeeks.org for more info! FOLLOW US: Facebook Group | The Story Geeks YouTube Channel | Reclamation Society YouTube Channel Twitter | Instagram | Email: thestorygeeks@gmail.com | Jay: @JaySherer | Daryl: @darylhsmith | Sandra: @sand_rad…