Yahya عمومي
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Candidly YahYah

Samaiyah Steward

Candidly YahYah is a podcast dedicated to the black experience, the woman experience, and the millennial experience. On this podcast I will have conversations with my friends and acquaintances about the experiences we as black people and millennials face everyday. It's important that we share our stories, our way! I want to provide a safe space for US to exchange our experiences, thoughts, and ideas. Through conversation change can occur. Get Knowledge, Spread Knowledge.
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Welcome to Doldrums, this podcast talks about business, leadership and change makers in Nigeria. It's focus is to build a community of business leaders who will build, grow and thrive together as they build the future of Africa.
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C.O.F.A.H with Yahya Bandele


Come Out From Among Her ( C.O.F.A.H ) is a Hebrew Ysraelite Ministry who holds to the belief that the ancestors of the transatlantic slave trade who were kidnapped on slave ships and taken to the land of their Enemies are the TRUE Hebrew Israelites proclaimed in the bible. Yahya Bandele was the writer, producer and director of the best selling Documentary "Hebrew or the So-Called Negro as well as the Founder and Chairman of The C.O.F.A.H Network. C.O.F.A.H also holds to the belief that YaHWe ...
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show series
On this week's episode, we have two guests talking to us about the power of storytelling and persistence. Ayodele Oluwatobi is an NGO Consultant and Gender Equality Advocate. She has wealth of knowledge in the social development space where she has functioned in several principal positions. Having interned with the Centre for International Private …
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On this week's episode, we have two phenomenonal ladies share their superpower with us, and remind us of what's most important right now. First, we listen to Fandy Hassan from Kano, a beauty entrepreneur with a passion for excellence and brilliance. Next, we go to Ogun state for a dose of wisdom from Wuraola. Wuraola Ademola-Shanu is a copywriter w…
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On this week's episode, we have Naufal and Anne talk to us about going back to the core and building a brand that connects with your audience. Naufal Ahmad is a young civic leader and a co-founder at Kirkira innovation hub, where he oversees the brand's strategy and help to develop startups. He is also the curator of TEDx Kangiwa and founder of the…
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On this week's episode, our guest is Aisha Tofa, founder of Startup Kano. Aisha Tofa is the Founder: Startup Kano Ltd; A Technology incubation Hub and a Coworking space. The Baby Bank Nigeria and Lead Women Founders Group. Aisha is a Technology Enthusiast, Women and Youth Advocate, Global Shaper at the WEF, and Marketing/Communication Specialist.…
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On this week's episode, Habeeb Salaudeen is sharing useful tips about marketing for startups. Habeeb is a Renowned Brand and Marketing Strategist and the founder of Canvalorrd and Smatbizz ConsultantAs a phenomenal content creator, he is committed to teaching and helping coaches, creatives and online entrepreneurs create visual appealing content to…
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Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are called by Yahweh to warn the inhabitants of the earth of the great evil that has…
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Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are called by Yahweh to warn the inhabitants of the earth of the great evil that has…
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Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are called by Yahweh to warn the inhabitants of the earth of the great evil that has…
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Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are called by Yahweh to warn the inhabitants of the earth of the great evil that has…
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Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are called by Yahweh to warn the inhabitants of the earth of the great evil that has…
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Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are called by Yahweh to warn the inhabitants of the earth of the great evil that has…
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Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are called by Yahweh to warn the inhabitants of the earth of the great evil that has…
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Es werden u.a. folgende Stationen des jüngsten Tages behandelt, an die zu glauben Pflicht ist [in der Reihenfolge erwähnt, die Imam ad-Dardir vornahm, nicht chronologisch]:1) Die Abrechnung (al-Ḥisāb)2) Die Versammlung (al-Ḥašr)3) Die Auferstehung (al-Baʿṯ)4) Die Brücke (aṣ-Ṣirāṭ)5) Die Waage (al-Mīẓān)6) Das Wasserbecken des Propheten (al-Ḥauḍ) - …
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Überblick:Die notwendigen Eigenschaften der Gesandten sind vier:1) Die Wahrhaftigkeit (aṣ-Ṣidq): alle ihre Aussagen sind wahr und entsprechen der Realität.2) Die Vertrauenswürdigkeit (al-ʾAmāna): sie sind von Allah vor jeglichen Sünden (klein und groß) geschützt, innerlich und äußerlich.3) Die Verkündung [dessen, was sie von Allah übermitteln solle…
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Dieser Unterricht setzt mind. die Kenntnis über die rationalen Urteile & die substantivischen Eigenschaften voraus [Siehe Sitzung 2 & 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFGGo...]Ein kurzer Überblick, der bei der Begleitung des Unterrichts helfen kann: Die substantivischen Eigenschaften sind die Allmacht, der absolute Wille, das Allwissen, das Leben…
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Die Erhabenheit Allahs von körperlichen Eigenschaften & die paradoxe Zirkel- & Kettentheorie - arab. Daur & Tasalsul.Im ersten Teil geht es um einige Theorien zur Entstehung der Existenz.Der zweite Teil (eine wichtige Klarstellung): Ahlus Sunnah bestätigt die absolute Erhabenheit Allahs von körperlichen Eigenschaften. Es gibt nun Verse und Hadithe,…
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Kharidah al-Bahiyya | Glaubenslehre/'Aqida45:31Kharidah 4 | Die fünf negierenden Eigenschaften Allahs [19 - 28][ PDF hier: https://de.scribd.com/doc/256395061/a... ]Die fünf negierenden Eigenschaften Allahs:1) Anfangslosigkeit [Qidam]2) Endlosigkeit [Baqaaʾ]3) Unabhängigkeit [Qiyam bi Nafs]4) Unähnlichkeit zu den Geschöpfen [Mukhalafatu lil-Hawadit…
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Kharidah al-Bahiyya | Glaubenslehre/'Aqida40:21Kharidah 3 | Die rationalen Urteile, Beispiele im Qur'an & die geschaffene Welt [Vers 9 - 19]Verse 9 - 19Themen: - Wiederholung der rationalen Urteile und Beispiele aus dem Qur'an.- die Veränderlichkeit der Welt und die damit verbundene Erschaffung aus dem Nichts…
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Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are called by Yahweh to warn the inhabitants of the earth of the great evil that has…
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KURSBESCHREIBUNG- Zusammenfassung:Dieser Kurs zielt auf die Vermittlung fundierter Kenntnisse islamischer Glaubensgrundlagen ab. Es werden grundlegende Methoden und Ansätze traditioneller und somit mehrheitlich vertretener Glaubensinhalte präsentiert. Dazu gehört die Erläuterung der Wichtigkeit göttlicher Erhabenheit und Transzendenz. Einer der wic…
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Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are called by Yahweh to warn the inhabitants of the earth of the great evil that has…
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Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are called by Yahweh to warn the inhabitants of the earth of the great evil that has…
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Recorded 10/27/2015, but very relevant today. Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are called by Yahweh to warn the inhab…
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Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are called by Yahweh to warn the inhabitants of the earth of the great evil that has…
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Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are called by Yahweh to warn the inhabitants of the earth of the great evil that has…
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I read 2 Esdras (4 Ezra) 11 and 12 and knew exactly what I was looking at. It is the spiritual description of the 4th Kingdom, prophecied by Daniel, by way of interpretation of the king's dream. When it was shown to Daniel, the vision was too heavy for him and our Brother asked for the vision to be cut short. What Daniel couldn't look at, Ezra (the…
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Crying COFAH, The Seed of Light (TSol) How's Your Mind?? Romans 1:28 Check-in. Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are c…
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Crying COFAH, The Seed of Light - The Groaning for XY: The Invisible Energy that Binds Quantum Mechanics Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Mes…
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Crying COFAH, The Seed of Light (TSol) How the XY Love Story has and will Shatters ALL Realities! Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic …
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Crying COFAH, The Seed of LIGHT: The Rendezvous of Time Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are called by Yahweh to warn…
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Crying COFAH, The Seed of LIGHT: The Universe and Beyond is Flat (Space-Time) Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Messianic believers who are ca…
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Crying COFAH, Seed of LIGHT: Description and Purpose of the Electromagnetic Spectrum ( Visible and Invisbile) Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network o…
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Crying COFAH, The Seed of Light: The Kingdom Over All the Electromagnetic Spectrum (visible and invisble) Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.F.A.H is a Network of Me…
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Crying COFAH, Open Forum with the Brothers: Components, Measurements & Procedure of Authority, Leadership & Government ** Last Broadcast As Open Forum** Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born…
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Crying COFAH, Open Forum with the Brothers: Are You Entitled or Thankful? It's Being Revealed NOW via your Thoughts and Behavior! Shalom Brothers and Sisters and listening audience; Follow along with us as we explore the News, Science, Current Events, Economic Trends, and the Scriptures from a Hebrew Israelite Redeemed & Born-again Perspective C.O.…
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