A comedy podcast hosted by the comedians Lee Kyle ('Top up and coming comedy performer' - BBC) and Sammy Dobson ('Shockingly funny' - NARC)where they decide which is the best out of two things with either identical or similar names. For example, which is the best out of Dominoes (The game) or Domino's (The pizza delivery service)? But not that one, that is just an example, albeit quite a good example, we should have kept it for the show really. You might recognise Sammy from Byker Grove or a ...
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ReLEX SMILE, LASIK or Contoura Vision, Which is the best procedure for specs removal
The Sight Avenue- From the Founder of Spectra Eye
ReLEX SMILE - THE LATEST GENERATION REFRACTIVE SURGERY ReLEX SMILE is an advanced technique and therefore the latest development in the refractive laser treatments. Beyond Lasik and it’s variants like Contoura Vision, Femto Lasik, Robotic Lasik; it is suitable for patients with dry eyes, contact lens intolerance, and playing contact sports. It has already helped millions achieve freedom from glasses and contacts. Are you still confused about choosing the best procedure? Watch the full video ...
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Well, look who it isn't!It isn't Marlene Dietrich.Well, look who it is!It is thrifty old Lee Kyle and potential pickpocket Sammy Dobson with the first episode of Which is the Best Podcast for aaages.It's a bit different in that it's pretty short as it's a pilot we recorded last week, you know, for a thing.My word, the sound quality is as immaculate…
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Every Episode Of The Upper Hand - Series 1 Episode 1
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التشغيل لاحقا
Hi,Lee here.I'm so bored man.I'm so bored I'm watching every episode of 90s ITV sitcom The Upper Hand and talking about them as they play.Here's Episode 1, Episode 2 is available on my patreon now (patreon.com/leekyle) I'll get that to you next week if you can wait that long!No idea at all why this is happening.…
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Best Treatment Options for Specs Removal.
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التشغيل لاحقا
ReLEX SMILE - THE LATEST GENERATION REFRACTIVE SURGERYReLEX SMILE is an advanced technique and therefore the latest development in the refractive laser treatments. Beyond Lasik and it’s variants like Contoura Vision, Femto Lasik, Robotic Lasik; it is suitable for patients with dry eyes, contact lens intolerance, and playing contact sports. It has a…
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What's That Thing You Watch On Youtube? - Episode 2
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التشغيل لاحقا
It's the Podcast where I ask people about that thing they watch on Youtube that might seem like it'll be rubbish but isn't.This time, award participating comedians Joby Mageean anf Lauren Pattison talk about people restoring old things they've found even though the things aren't usually that expensive new (Joby) and people cutting soap and mixing p…
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Which is the Best podcast is the podcast that once saw a ghost.It also has a very specific remit but this is episode 156, if you've not listened by now you probably won't so I'm not telling you what it's about.No, honestly, you aren't allowed to. Go away.This is for people who already know about it, you probably wouldn't get it anyway.Intriguing eh…
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Get Out Of Bed You Little Shit - 1This podcast was available at patreon.com/leekyle 2 weeks ago, join up to get these and loads more.It's me, waking my son (20) up and recording the first 5 minutes each day. I think this episode is probably horrific but they get worse..بقلم Lee Kyle & Sammy Dobson
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