Latin music is ascending in the U.S., and, in some surprising ways, much of the story behind the trend begins in Texas. On Viva Tejano, host J.B. Sauceda talks with legendary tejano artists and well-known tejano music fans about how the music has shaped their lives. It’s a nostalgic journey and a close look at the influences behind many of today’s biggest acts in música Mexicana. Audio subscribers to Texas Monthly can listen to episodes one week early, and get access to exclusive bonus mater ...
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Confira a versão em podcast do Roda Viva, o programa de entrevistas mais tradicional da televisão brasileira.
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Explaining current legal events in terms everyone can understand. Making sense of the world, and democratizing information. Viva Frei!
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Da edição semanal do Expresso para o formato podcast. A opinião de Miguel Sousa Tavares, de viva voz, todas as sextas-feiras à tarde. Com um tema extra, improvisado, para descobrir na parte final de cada episódio
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Análise e o contexto dos principais fatos do dia a dia.
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A Latin centered society and culture podcast hosted by Sammy Wallach.
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Viva Sci-Fi é um podcast sobre literatura de ficção científica. Apresentado por Tiago Meira e Fabio Fernandes
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This podcast is designed to give English students extra practice by discussing events, history, culture and language.
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世界太复杂 你可以跳进她的声音里泡个澡 再出发~
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Música viva nos trae la actualidad de los programas de música contemporáneos, compuestos en esta época, y también interpretados en directo.
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Marie Arnould, rédactrice en chef du magazine Les 4 Saisons nous offre conseils pour concilier qualité de vie et protection de notre planète. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Predigten der Kirche im Rebgarten, Romanshorn
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Sermões baseados na palavra de Deus e proferidos por diferentes oradores.
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Das ist der offizielle Podcast der Viva Kirche Amriswil. Die Videoaufnahmen der Predigten findest du auf der Homepage ( oder auf Youtube.
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”Viva Vejle” er podcasten, hvor nogen af Vejle Boldklub’s mest passionerede fans samles for at dele deres kærlighed til klubben. Hver uge dykker værterne ned i de seneste kampe, taktiske analyser og de mest spændende nyheder fra VB. Med eksklusive interviews fra spillere, trænere og andre nøglepersoner fra klubben, bringer ”Viva Vejle” fansene tættere på handlingen end nogensinde før. Dette er stedet, hvor VB’s hjerte banker højest. Vær med i fællesskabet og råb ”Viva Vejle” sammen med os!
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Reflexões para tocar nosso coração e promover algum despertar em nosso espírito.
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En svenska podd om Microsoft Viva, employee experience platform, är din guide till en spännande värld av moderna arbetssätt och digitala möjligheter. Är du nyfiken på att lära dig mer om hur Microsoft Viva kan förändra din arbetsplats till det bättre och skapa en mer engagerande och produktiv arbetsmiljö, då är vår podd helt rätt för dig!
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Das Schweiners für die Ohren! "Viva la Movielución" ist der bayrische Podcast rund um die Themen Film, Serien, Games und alles was unterhält! Wie bei einer Stammtischrunde gehts in so mancher Sendung mit bayrischem Dialekt zu. Am Ende jeder Folge müssen die "Filmexperten" mindestens einen Pro- und einen Contra-Punkt nennen - unabhängig davon, ob ihnen der Film gefallen hat oder nicht. Der Spaß für die ganze Familie!
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It's Lifestyle Meets Culture Entertainment! Join the ride as our host, Ash Tonee, overshares stories from her life and her journey creating the infamous, Viva La Life Podcast 2.0 Check out the Viva La Life Podcast 2.0 on the website,, we're talking celebs, gossip, and everything pop culture.
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Welcome to the VIVABLU podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Comunidade Viva, a sua comunidade cristã, simples informal, autêntica e real.
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La culture au Havre, tout savoir (ou presque) sur les créateurs, les évènements et les lieux, les coulisses de la création, les réactions des spectateurs, les 5mn d'histoire...les coups de coeur de l'association MCH
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Ministerios Ebenezer Roca Viva San Antonio, Texas Servicios: Domingo 10:00am Miércoles 7:30 pm Viernes 7:30 pm
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We Believe Heavily On The Basis Of What Is Written In The Word Of God.
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¡BIENVENIDOS A NUESTRO CANAL! Estamos convencidos de que la única manera de vivir plenamente y en libertad es siguiendo la voz de DIOS, por eso en Presencia Viva respondemos bíblicamente a la vida y queremos que tú puedas experimentarlo nutriéndote por medio de las enseñanzas y de todos los recursos que tenemos para ofrecerte. Presencia Viva es una iglesia cristiana ubicada en Miami, Florida. Los pastores que dirigen este ministerio son Edwin y Maribel Castro, acompañados de un gran equipo d ...
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Hosted by Vivien Allred, Naturopathic Nutritionist & Subconscious Mindset Coach. In this podcast, we’ll dive deep into how you can heal your body using the power of your mind, the best ways to look after yourself in this modern world, manifesting your dream life, and create lasting change in your health and well-being.
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We out here trying to change the world.
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Gestiona tus emociones, o tus emociones te gestionarán a ti. Programa enfocado a las entrevistas de personas del mundo de la salud, el deporte y la empresa. Cuentos y relatos de liderazgo y audios sobre desarrollo personal. Conferencias enfocadas al mundo del deporte y la salud, y entrevistas a personalidades del mundo de la empresa y comunicación. Entrevista semanal en Ivoox y Youtube.
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Dans ces Chroniques Biologiques, vous serez surpris d'apprendre les liens inattendus qui peuvent exister entre des éléments apparemment sans rapport. Quel est le lien entre l'île de Pâques et la quête de la jeunesse éternelle ? Entre le combat de David et Goliath et les voies nerveuses de notre vision ? Entre le cyclope rencontré par Ulysse et le rôle du fœtus dans le déclenchement de l'accouchement ? Pour avoir la réponse à ces étranges questions, suivez simplement ces Chroniques Biologique ...
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The art of being lively animated
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Art, environment, culture, and the artist Allen Gervais Comettant
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This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)
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A monthly podcast that brings you the latest updates on Service Management solutions, software, innovations and interviews with smart people who have smart things to say with information you can use. All in around 30 minutes.
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Welcome to Vivavictor Podcast. Finally you made it here. Thanks! My duty is to push you to the wall, take you beyond your limits. I see greatness in you, you have to discover it to become better in life. Listen as I talk about how to upgrade your business and life.
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Le Podcast Français de VivaLing, c'est un épisode par mois, avec des sujets liés à la langue et la culture française, mais aussi plus généralement à l'apprentissage des langues et à leur enseignement ! Vous découvrirez les facettes les plus surprenantes de la culture française au son de sa douce voix. Lisa, rédactrice du blog et des newsletters chez VivaLing et membre de l'équipe pédagogique, abordera la question des neurosciences ou comment le cerveau apprend une langue et parlera des toute ...
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Podcasts focados no campo da ciência da Psicologia. Expressando saberes da Psicologia sobre os mais diversos assuntos com intuito de ajudar pessoas.
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VIVANT, c'est le 1er podcast dédié aux professionnels du funéraire. Toutes les trois semaines, je vous invite à explorer des conversations singulières et inspirantes qui éclairent vos pratiques, éveillent votre conscience et approfondissent vos connaissances. Avec mes invités, vous découvrirez que parler de la mort et de votre vocation, c’est parler de la vie. Je suis Teddy Bredelet, créateur de (, je vous souhaite la bienvenue dans ce podcast VIVANT. B ...
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Lyt til forskellige udsendelser fra Radio Viva
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Sejam bem vindos ao Bruno Vivas Oficial , Podcast com temas atuais e de Psicologia. Muitas coisas legais acontecerão por aqui!
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Hi, I am Vivan Rana a credit card podcaster. Through my podcast I strive to provide information that will help my audience to make right decision regarding credit card
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The best place you can ever be.
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Devocionais e estudos do Pastor Alan Cajueiro. Deus abençoe!
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A Palavra diária, em menos de 3 minutos, para uma mudança de Paradigma Espiritual.
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Deus e a sua palavra é o centro das mensagens. Seja abençoado.
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Mudanças de rota em reforma ministerial?
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
Vera Magalhães traz bastidores sobre a tão aguardada reforma ministerial do governo Lula, e afirma que, provavelmente, não se consolidarão mudanças 'naquela amplitude que se anunciava'. Learn more about your ad choices. Visitبقلم CBN
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DEVASTATING! Breaking Down the Alberta Covid Pandemic Analysis Report - With Attorney Jaffray Rath! ALL FOR JAIL!
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التشغيل لاحقا
بقلم David Freiheit
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Join showhost Sammy Wallach for the second installment of our Latin cultural podcast, Cultura Viva!بقلم Sammy Wallach
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#468 Reflexão sobre a reflexão Saudade dói no coração
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التشغيل لاحقا
by Goreti Kirsten
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التشغيل لاحقا
O Roda Viva entrevista o diretor-geral da Polícia Federal, Andrei Rodrigues.Nesta edição, participam da bancada de entrevistadores: Bela Megale, colunista do jornal O Globo; Isadora Peron, repórter do jornal Valor Econômico; Fausto Macedo, repórter do jornal O Estado de S.Paulo e editor do blog Fausto Macedo no portal do Estadão; Ricardo Brito, rep…
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Elsa Garcia Was Finished With Tejano, Until the Stage Called Her Back
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التشغيل لاحقا
For twenty-five years, La Primera Dama del Tejano was happy to leave the music behind. When she returned to performing last year, an arena of fans was still waiting.بقلم Texas Monthly
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#279 - Wer bistn du? Daniel Alvarenga (Hundswut)
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التشغيل لاحقا
Musikvideo "Voices"von Crypt-X Projects feat. Brosef (Seppi) und produziert von Daniel Alvarenga:بقلم Kane und Seppi
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#257 Mistakes I Made Early On in My Health Coaching Business
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التشغيل لاحقا
I’ve now been in the Health/Wellness/Nutrition business for over 10 years 😲 - wow time does fly when you LOVE what you do! Listen in today to hear me share the things I should’ve done differently when I started my career. If you're training to be a practitioner this episode will be really useful! MENTIONED: 📣 NEW PRACTITIONER PROGRAM 📣 FROM 1st FEB…
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Was ist kostbarer als Gold & Silber? Wenn Jesus in dein Leben kommt und alles neu macht!Die Jünger gehen nach Pfingsten ihren Alltagsgeschäften nach. Petrus und Johannes sind auf dem Weg in den Tempel, um zu predigen. Vor dem Tempel treffen sie auf einen Lahmen, der um Geld bettelt.Was werden sie machen? Geld spenden? Ein Heilungsgebet sprechen? De…
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PRESENTATION GC du 20 mars FEMMES INVISIBLES ENTRETIEN Flora Elie AU REVOIR + VIVA SUR SCENE : ClaireLise Chobelet interviewe Géraldine Lefèbvre directrice du MuMa, exposition Senn.بقلم Ouest Track Radio
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No episodio de hoje, Tiago Meira e Fabio Fernandes conversam sobre a carreira de Ted Chiang, seus contos, artigos e a adaptação de "História da Sua Vida" que virou o filme "A Chegada" dirigida por Denis Villeneuve. Artigo Ted Chiang na New Yorker: Apoie o podcas…
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🎙️Viva Vejle Special - Besøg af Jacob Krüger🎙️
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التشغيل لاحقا
I dette afsnit har vi besøg af fodboldagent og tidligere Teknisk chef i Vejle Boldklub, Jackob Krüger. Lyt med og få et hidtil uhørt indblik i alt det der foregår bag facaden når sportchefer og agenter arbejder på højtryk i et transfervindue som det vi står midt i. Glæd dig til at høre Jacob fortælle om: Hans tid som Teknisk chef i VB Arbejdet i ag…
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O perigo dos tecnomilionários que “ameaça a nossa civilização” e o roubo das malas: “um policial de série B”
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التشغيل لاحقا
Miguel Sousa Tavares analisa a cerimónia de posse de Trump, os seus anúncios e a foto de família, ilustrada por empresários ricos que vão tornar o nosso futuro "imprevisível e perigoso", todos com "um ego desmedido, fortalecido pela sua inteligência, enquanto o ego de Trump é diminuído pela sua estupidez natural". Sobre o episódio das malas roubada…
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Música viva - Crisol: Richard Serra - 24/01/25
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التشغيل لاحقا
Recordamos con Ana Reina la amistad entre Richard Serra y Steve Reich. En la agenda. Susana Gómez Vázquez e Isabel Dobarro nos presentan sus recientes registros sonoros. Escuchar audio
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El Ente espiritual de la luz y de las Tinieblas - Pastor Elvis Rivera - #EbenezerRocaviva
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التشغيل لاحقا
بقلم Pastor Elvis Rivera
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The Resilience Code: Thriving Without Family Support
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التشغيل لاحقا
How do you ask for help when you don't have close family to rely on? This episode dives into the complexities of seeking support, exploring different approaches and coping mechanisms. We'll discuss the challenges of vulnerability, building trust, and finding the right resources. Join the Viva Fam Community at…
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La Iglesia: Una familia | Pr. Edwin Castro
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التشغيل لاحقا
La Iglesia, una familia.En esta nueva entrega de nuestra serie sobre la Iglesia, profundizamos en el propósito divino detrás de la familia de Dios y su importancia en nuestras vidas. La semana pasada entendimos que la Iglesia es una idea de Dios, clave en su plan para alcanzar a la humanidad. Hoy exploramos cómo la Iglesia impacta personalmente cua…
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Mt 6,7-14بقلم Marc Bommeli
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2025-01-17 - 一 搭子下午茶 - 搭子跨个台:Miss JuJu - 双语交流课室 - 第十三课:一丝不挂 Cutting Corners
التشغيل لاحقا
التشغيل لاحقا
2025-01-17 - 一 搭子下午茶 - 搭子跨个台:Miss JuJu - 双语交流课室 - 第十三课:一丝不挂 Cutting Corners 克敏のIG: mintsoblessedبقلم mengsm07
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Después de un pequeño parón volvemos con energía en 2025. Suenan SON OF THE VELVET RAT, LOOSE KOOZIES, MEMO PST, CAPSULA, LOS CHICOS, LUTHER RUSSELL, BRAD MARINO y además hablamos a de los fabulosos MANIC STREET PREACHERS en la sección El Camino al Rock and Roll.
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O post Um trofeu da na mão de Deus – Ep 07 apareceu primeiro em Rede Novo Tempo de Comunicação.بقلم Novo Tempo
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