In diesem Podcast sprechen Unternehmer und Gestalter vitaler Organisationen über ihre Praxis. Es geht um effektive Unternehmensführung, Organisationsgestaltung und Strategien.
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A podcast about the church in Ravenna, San-Vitale by fellow gamers.
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Love u all
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Podcast by Guillaume
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Podcast by Vitale Family Stories
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An informative podcast that reviews techniques, technology, treatments and best practices for a healthy smile.
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Agilität zwischen Formalität und echtem Leben
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In dieser Podcast-Episode spricht Philipp Simanek mit Backo Schönfeld, Agile Coach und Organisationsentwickler bei der Firma sipgate, über die Einführung und Weiterentwicklung agiler Organisations- und Arbeitsweisen. Themen der Episode: Organisationsstruktur und Agilität bei Sipgate: Wie Sipgate als agiles Unternehmen arbeitet und was Backo gelernt…
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Change durch Morgentreffen (Werkzeug #1)
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In dieser Podcast-Episode spricht Philipp Simanek mit Stephan Löttgen von der Firma Stommel Haus über die Einführung und Weiterentwicklung des Morgentreffens, als das zentrale Instrument ihrer erfolgreichen Organisationsentwicklung. Stephan teilt spannende Einblicke, wie diese täglichen Kurzbesprechungen dazu beigetragen haben, die Kommunikation im…
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In dieser Podcast-Episode spricht Philipp Simanek mit Ralf Stommel, Geschäftsführer der Stommel Haus GmbH, über die Einführung von Lean Management in der handwerklichen Manufaktur. Themen der Episode: Einblicke in ein spannendes Familienunternehmen im Massivholzhausbau Die Bedeutung von Inspiration aus anderen Unternehmen Die Einführung von Lean-Pr…
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Starke IT-Lösungen aus der Mitte der Wertschöpfung
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In dieser Podcast-Episode spricht Philipp Simanek mit Alexander Knöller, Principal Consultant beim Software-Unternehmen neuland, über... die Rolle von Softwareentwicklern in modernen Unternehmen die Vorteile und Risiken der Nutzung von Standardsoftware versus Eigenentwicklungen die Integration von IT in fachlichen Wertschöpfungsbereichen die notwen…
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Konflikte als Treibstoff für die Organisationsentwicklung
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Konflikte sind in Organisationen allgegenwärtig. Auch wenn manche sie nur ungern erleben: Konflikte sind nicht nur unvermeidbar, sie sind für den Fortschritt einer Organisation sogar unverzichtbar. Entlang zentraler Konflikte kann die Organisation bewusst weiterentwickelt werden. In dieser Podcast-Episode spricht Philipp Simanek mit Stephan Jäckel,…
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Change durch organisationale Diskurse
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In dieser Podcast Episode sprechen Stephanie Borgert und Philipp Simanek über die Möglichkeiten und Bedingungen organisationaler Diskurse. Und es geht um Change, Schnäpse, Scheinpartizipation und Klarheit in der Führung. Anlass des Gesprächs ist Stephanie Borgerts neuestes Buch mit dem Titel: "Gemeinsam denken, wirksam verändern. Organisationaler D…
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In dieser Podcast Episode geben Nina Schubert, Geschäftsführerin der Agentur mediaman, und Marcus Berghoff, Personalentwickler bei der Business- und IT-Beratung metafinanz, Einblicke in die Praxis der Selbstorganisation. Sie beschreiben die Herausforderungen und gefundenen Lösungen rund um die Etablierung selbstorganisierter Teams. "Es war wirklich…
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Organisationsgestaltung als Führungsaufgabe
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In dieser Podcast Episode gibt Fady El-Murr, Mitgründer und Geschäftsführer von pressrelations, einen spannenden Einblick in die Entwicklung seines Unternehmens und seine Rolle als Organisationsgestalter. Als das Startup von 3 auf über 200 Mitarbeiter wuchs, musste er die Arbeitsweise schrittweise anpassen - von einer intuitiven Führung hin zu agil…
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You don't have to suffer with sensitive teeth or a toothache that won't go away. A dentist can identify what is causing your discomfort and recommend solutions to desensitize your teeth and fix what is causing your toothache.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Eating a healthy diet and avoiding candy and sugary drinks improves our oral health and our overall general health.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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All-On-4® Dental Implants are a permanent solution to replacing your missing teeth with only four implants. This is a fast, convenient option to restoring your smile.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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05% : Le regard des autres après la perte de poids
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Recevez 4 menus pour perdre du Gras lorsqu'on est gourmand:بقلم Guillaume
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Comment j'ai changé physiquement : mon parcours
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Comment j'ai changé physiquement : mon parcours by Guillaumeبقلم Guillaume
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04%: 3 Erreurs qui vous empêchent de maigrir
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3 erreurs communes lorsque l'on veut perdre du poids.Je sais c'est compliqué de s'y retrouver dans cette jungle d'information.Mais je vous propose dans ce podcast des alternatives intéressantes pour changer.Guillaume@muusculationvitale.comبقلم Guillaume
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03%: L'état d'esprit indispensable pour perdre du gras
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03%: L'état d'esprit indispensable pour perdre du gras by Guillaumeبقلم Guillaume
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%2 : Pourquoi Vous Devriez Manger Beaucoup Le Soir
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Souvent diabolisé , le repas du soir est il si néfaste ?Je vous explique tout iciبقلم Guillaume
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%1: L'ingrédient Indispensable Pour Perdre Du Gras
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Dans ce premier épisode de la série je vous partage la chose à savoir si vous avez envie de changer physiquementبقلم Guillaume
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Dental sealants are an important tool dentists use to help prevent cavities and decay in the teeth in the back of your mouth.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Flossing your teeth keeps food from building up between your teeth and keeps your gum healthy. Whether you use a Waterpik or traditional dental floss, floss at night or in the morning, the important thing is that you floss your teeth every day.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Dentists can restore a great smile by replacing missing teeth with dental implants that are custom fit and designed to last a lifetime.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Some of the newest developments in cosmetic dentistry involve successfully combining existing tools and techniques to produce a better, faster result.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Pregnant women are at a higher risk for developing gum disease and should visit their dentist for regular cleanings to get checked and to maintain good oral health.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Having a bright, white smile is possible! You can visit your dentist for a professional teeth whitening treatment or purchase an over-the-counter teeth whitening product to apply yourself.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Maintaining proper oral health by brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist regularly is important to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Eating a healthy diet and avoiding bad habits such as chewing ice are just someبقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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04: Antoine Fombonne : Un état d'esprit par dessus tout
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0:55 présentation 1:38: développement personnel 6:32: les habitudes et les challenges12:24: science et hypetrophie 21:10 : application pratique sur son entraînement 30:03: relativisation , événements difficiles , blessures42:27: Bayesian bodybuilding51:10 : que dirais tu a ton toi de 20 ans 53:00 : ton meilleur livreRecevez votre livre gratuit pour…
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Not everyone needs to get their wisdom teeth removed but if they are causing crowding of the other teeth, swelling and inflammation they should be extracted or surgically removed.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Fluoride is a mineral found naturally in water and soil that helps to build the enamel on teeth which protects them from decay. Children should be exposed to fluoride while they are young and their tooth enamel is being formed.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Sleep apnea is a disruption in your breathing cycle while you are sleeping and could be fatal. A dentist can help by providing an oral appliance to wear at night to help open the airway to allow for normal breathing.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Root canals are sometimes necessary but today they can be done quickly and with very little discomfort due to modern technology and advances in the dental field.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Your diet directly affects your oral health. Eating foods rich in calcium, iron and B vitamins will help your teeth stay strong and your keep your gums healthy. Avoiding sticky, sugary foods, sports drinks and soda will help prevent tooth decay.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Taking care of your teeth now can ensure that you have a health smile for life. Visiting the dentist on a regular basis to get your teeth and gums examined is a critical step in identifying and preventing any potential issues.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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There are many forms of tooth trauma including knocked-out teeth, chipped teeth and teeth that have been pushed up into the gums. Learn what to do in a dental emergency and the different methods used to repair the teeth.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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A dentist can help determine if a child will need orthodontic treatment and when their mouth is ready the dentist will refer the family to an orthodontist for treatment which may include braces or a preliminary palatal expander.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Ben, Austin, and Gabe delve into the history of this church.
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Xerostomia is a condition also known as Dry Mouth and is usually caused by taking medication or smoking tobacco. There are treatments available in the form of prescription medication or an oral rinse.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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As people age, they face new health and lifestyle challenges that may seem to take priority over their dental health. It is critical for senior citizens to continue to see a dentist for cleanings, to check for gum disease and to address any concerns.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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There are links between oral health and serious medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and pregnancy. Learn how these are related and what the risk factors are.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Botox treatments are a safe and effective way to remove wrinkles on ones face with quick results and little to no recovery time.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Mouthguards are worn by athletes to protect their teeth but are also worn by others to protect their teeth from nighttime grinding, or to protect tissue inside the mouth from braces. Custom mouthguards from dentists provide the best protection.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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03: Juanito - Réussite, Passion et Equilibre (Partie 1)
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Chaîne de Juanito : Facebook : ne plus grignoter et ne plus avoir faim toutes les 2 heures ?Récupérer votre cadeau ici :https://musculationvitalef…
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Having sensitive teeth can be very uncomfortable and include feelings of pain in your teeth when you eat something hot or cold. Gum recession and enamel wear are the main causes. A dentist can treat the teeth gums and provide other helpful solutions.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Dental anxiety affects many people of all ages but there are some successful strategies that both the patient and the dentist can practice to overcome it.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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While some people are more at risk for developing gum disease than others, there are ways to help prevent it such as brushing, flossing, visiting the dentist on a regular basis and not smoking.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Screenings for oral cancer should take place at every regular dental visit and include visual checks of the inside of the mouth, the tongue and the lips and sometimes X-rays of the bone structure. If detected early, oral cancer may be treatable.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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There are many different types of toothbrushes to pick from but an electric toothbrush offers benefits and conveniences you won't get in a manual toothbrush.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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Wisdom teeth don't always need to be extracted however if they are impacted, come in crooked or cause other teeth to shift due to over-crowding, they should be pulled.بقلم Dr. John R. Vitale, DMD
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