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Join me as I read through the Bible in 1 year, in about 7 minutes a day (plus a little discussion time) using the Day By Day Kid's Bible, written by Karen Henley, author of the Beginner's Bible. Don't be discouraged by the title; this is not just for kids! Written in story format and in chronological order, this version covers the big story from Genesis through Revelation! Each day will include encouragement about how the day's reading can be applied in YOUR life and sharing how God is using ...
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Today's reading will cover 1Samuel Chapters 15-16. Today we will see Saul disobey God and try to do what HE thinks is a good idea. We will see Saul refer to God as "your God," rather than thinking about God as his God. Samuel will make it clear for us today that obeying God is better than offering God gifts. We will discuss the importance of a pers…
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Today we will be reading 1 Samuel Chapter 14. We will read about Jonathan's faith in God to go against the enemy with just TWO men- himself and his helper, and see God in control of the battle. We will see God performing great acts in response to Jonathan's faith in Him. In our discussion we will talk about making God happy today by having faith in…
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Today's reading comes to us from 1Samuel Chapter 13. Today we will read about Saul disobeying God by making an offering to God himself, instead of waiting for Samuel to return. The consequence for this is that Saul's family will not inherit the kingdom. God has chosen another man to take over as king for Israel. In our discussion today we will talk…
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Today we are reading from 1 Samuel Chapters 9-10. We will see that God knows exactly when Saul will be arriving to meet Samuel and who Saul will meet on his way home, signs to Saul that He has been chosen by God to be His peoples' king. We will talk about God's divine timing vs fate in our discussion today and be reassured that when God calls us to…
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Today's reading comes to us from 1Samuel Chapter 8. Today we will read about Samuel's sons not judging the way Samuel judges, so the people claim this as their excuse to want Samuel to find them a human king. God reassures Samuel that the people are not turning away from him, they are turning away from God as their king and forgetting about Him, wo…
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Thank you for joining me today. Today's reading covers 1 Samuel Chapters 5-7. Today we will find out what happened to the people who took God's Ark. We will see that God brought trouble to them until they decided to return it to God's people. We will see God's faithfulness and love for His people to protect them from their enemies as soon as they t…
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Happy Saturday! Today's reading comes to us from 1 Samuel chapters 2-4. There is a lot to read today! We will read about Eli's sons, who were also priests, sinning against God. We will read about God's warning to Samuel about what He will do to Eli and his sons and God sending Eli a message through a prophet about what He will do to Eli and his son…
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Today's reading is from 1 Samuel Chapters 1-2. We will read about Samuel's mom, Hannah, praying for a child and being so grateful for God's gracious provision that she gives the son back to God to serve him his whole life. We will see God bless her further by giving her 5 more children after Samuel! We will discuss today that we cannot out give God…
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Today's reading covers Judges Chapter 16. We will finish the story of Samson. We will read about Delilah trying to find out about Samson's secret so she can sell the information to the enemy and have him captured! We will read bout God's faithfulness to restore Samson's strength after his hair starts to grow back and discuss that God's faithfulness…
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Thank you for joining me today. Today's reading will cover Judges 14 and 15. We will be reading about Samson, and seeing that it probably wasn't easy to be dedicated as a Nazirite to God from birth. No one is perfect! Today we will see Samson committing sins and God's ability and perfect will to use Samson and work good into what Samson was doing. …
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Today's reading comes to us from Judges 13. Today we will be introduced to the story of Samson and see how God set Samson apart to be special for Him before Samson is even born! This is a very special and not seen before dedication to God, called a Nazirite vow. (The term Nazirite vow is not used in our Day By Day Kid's Bible but is described.) In …
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Thank you for joining me today. Today we will be completing the book of Ruth with Chapters 3 and 4. We will see Ruth obeying Naomi's guidance to go to Boaz, asking him to marry her and take care of her as a man related to her husband, and his responsibility to do so, since her husband had died. We will see Boaz thankful to Ruth and honoring to God,…
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Happy Sunday, everyone. Thank you for joining me today. We will be starting the book of Ruth today. We will be reading about Ruth's dedication to both her mother-in-law, Naomi, and to God! We will see that God had a plan for Ruth's life, to bring her to Bethlehem and introduce her to Boaz. We will see Boaz's generosity to Naomi while she exercised …
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Thank you for joining me today! Today's reading comes to us from Judges 7 and 10-12. We will be reading about how God wants to keep us humble. We will see that God can use anyone He chooses, even the youngest person from a supposedly unimportant family. We will discuss that God works through us and HE will complete the good work He has begun in us,…
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Happy Valentine's Day. Thank you for joining me today. Today's reading will be from Judges chapters 4 and 6. We will be reading about Deborah, who tells Barak that God wants him to lead the army against King Jabin's army and we will see how Barak responds. We will also read about God choosing Gideon to fight for Israel and see how Gideon responds. …
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Welcome to today's daily reading session! Thank you for joining me for this event. Today we will begin the book of Judges. We will cover Judges chapter 2 and 3. We will learn about how God's people forgot about Him in the generations after Joshua and the leaders died. We will read about God's faithfulness to forgive and send judges to help lead His…
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Thank you for joining me today! Today we will finish the book of Joshua. We will be covering Joshua chapters 9, 10, 13-14, and 23-24. Today's reading will tell us about the deal that God's people made with Gibeon to not fight with them, without first asking God about it. We will talk about the importance of keeping our promises that we make, becaus…
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Thank you for joining me today! Today's reading comes to us from Joshua chapters 6-8. Today we will read about God giving His people TWO cities, the cities of Jericho and Ai. We will read about the amazing way God just GAVE these two cities to His people. We will learn about the consequence when a man did not obey God and instead took some items fr…
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Thank you for joining me today! Today's reading will cover Joshua chapters 1-5. There is so much to read about today! Today's reading is packed full of action and daily application. We will see God affirming that Joshua has been selected by Him to lead God's people. We will see God going ahead of His people with the Ark of the Covenant to once agai…
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Thank you for joining me today! Today's reading comes to us from Exodus 22-23, Leviticus 19, 23-24, and Deuteronomy 5, 22-24 for the sections entitled Rules for Treating People Right. For the Section entitled Rules About War, it covers Deuteronomy 20. The section entitled Moses' Song comes to us from Deuteronomy 30-32, and 34. Today we will read ab…
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Thank you for joining me today! Today's reading comes to us from Exodus 21-23, Leviticus 19, 24, Numbers 35, Deuteronomy 5, 15-16, 19, 24-25 for the section entitled Other Rules. For the section entitled Rules About Sickness and Food, our reading comes to us from Leviticus 11, 13, and Deuteronomy 14. Today we will be reading about rules that God ga…
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Thank you for being here with me today! Today's reading comes to us from MANY chapters in the Bible. With All Your Heart section: Numbers 26-33; Deuteronomy 1-11. Rules About Worship: from Exodus 22-23; 31, 34-35; Leviticus 16; 18-20, 23-24d; 26; Numbers 28-29; Deuteronomy 5; 12-18; 26. Today I will begin our daily reading with telling you about my…
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Thank you for being here with me today. We will do a quick reminder about yesterday's reading and discuss that no matter how many times we sin God is faithful to forgive us, especially now that we have Jesus, who paid the price for our sins. Today's reading will cover Numbers Chapter 23 and 24. We will see the king of Moab asking Balaam three times…
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Today we will read Numbers chapters 21 and 22. We will be reading about how once again God's people complain about being tired of the food they are eating. Application in our own lives: How many times have we committed the exact same sin over and over and over again? And yet, when they asked for forgiveness, God forgave them and sent them healing. …
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Hi there everyone! First off, I want to say I am sorry for once again speaking part of the wrong date in the supplementary session! It's not the 5th today. It's the 4th of February, as you can plainly see by the posting date being on the 4th. I didn't go back in time to post this. haha! This video is a supplement to today's daily Bible reading. Thi…
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Today we will be covering Numbers Chapters 16, 17, and 20. We will see how the people were becoming arrogant and wanting to take over the position of leadership, claiming that God talked to all of them and therefore Moses and Aaron needed to step down and let other people be in charge. We will discuss how the people were not rebelling against Moses…
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We are reading Numbers chapters 12-14 today. We will read about Miriam and Aaron fussing about Moses and see how God dealt with their behavior. We will read about God's people arriving at the border of the land He promised them and see why they had to continue living in the desert for 40 years before being allowed to enter it. We will discuss how i…
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Happy Sunday, everyone! Today we will be reading Numbers 10-11. We will read about God's people complaining about not having meat again and Moses feeling overwhelmed by the big responsibility of leading so many people by himself. We will see God affirm His ability to provide 600,000 men (plus women and children) with enough meat to eat for a MONTH …
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We are finishing Exodus today! If you are JUST joining me and want to start at the beginning of Exodus you can find it starting on January 19, 2025. Today we will read about God's very specific instructions for building the worship tent, how generously He provided for the materials to build it, and how important it was to follow His instructions fo…
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Today we will be reading something VERY exciting in Exodus 33-34. God shows his back to Moses and Moses' face SHINES after being in God's presence! God and Moses talk to each other like FRIENDS! And guess what? We can, too. Jesus told his disciples that he called them his friends, not servants, for a servant does not know his master's work, but Jes…
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Today we are covering Exodus 25-32. We will read about God's instructions for building the Tabernacle and Ark of the Covenant (in this version it is called the Ark of God's Word, an easier to understand word than Covenant.) We will see how God's people were easily frightened about Moses being gone for a long time with God and how they responded by …
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Today we will be covering Exodus 20, 23, and 24. God calls Moses to come to Mount Sinai, where He will be giving Moses some very important rules for everyone to obey. We will also read about God leaving His "Angel" who has HIS NAME with the Israelites to go with them. Angel can also be translated as Messenger. The Angel has GOD'S NAME, and so we kn…
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For those of you just joining me today, welcome! We will be reading Exodus 18-19 today. If you would like to start at the beginning of Exodus, we started Exodus on January 19, 2025. Please visit my playlist, Read the Bible in 1 Year, to find all of this year's daily readings. You can also find January 19 (as well as all this year's daily readings) …
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Join me as we read what happened in Exodus 15-17 today- Making a Fuss for Food and Water from a Rock! Today we will see God's people losing heart (and faith!) as they encounter difficulties along their journey. Thankfully, our wonderful, loving God knows EVERYTHING we need and is ready to provide for us! We just need to ask (sooner, rather than lat…
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Happy Sunday! Today's reading covers Exodus 13-15 and covers the amazing event of Moses parting the Red Sea for the Jewish people to cross it! Of special note in today's reading is the quick discouragement of the Jewish people at the first sign of trouble as they left Egypt. I want us to ALL be encouraged to look to GOD when we have difficulties an…
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God's Pass Over. Today's reading is so powerful. God tells the Jewish people that he will Pass Over their homes and spare them the death that is coming to those who do not believe in Him and worship false gods. This is a foreshadowing for Jesus, our Passover Lamb, who saved us by HIS blood. For those who believe in HIM shall not perish but have ete…
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We are continuing in Exodus today and seeing how God is hardening the heart of the king of Egypt for the specific purpose of being able to show the fact that HE is in charge of the world as well as everyone and everything in it. We will talk about glorifying God in His ablity to choose to spare those who belong to Him as well as accepting what He D…
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Welcome to today's Bible reading! Today we will read about the king of Egypt's continued refusal to allow the Jewish people to leave Egypt and God's continued wonders that He is performing as consequences to the king of Egypt and the Egyptians for not allowing the Jewish people to leave Egypt. We will see how God protects HIS people and allows thos…
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Today we will be reading about Moses' lack of confidence in what God is going to do by bringing the Jewish people out of Egypt. We will see that despite the fact that God has told Moses that it isn't going to just happen without any difficulties, it will happen with MANY difficulties, Moses is not convinced that God is going to get the job done! Ta…
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Longer than usual video alert! This video is 40 minutes and I usually try to keep them to under 20 minutes. This video essentially contains an "After Thoughts" session because there is SOO MUCH content! Feel free to dismiss the younger kids after the daily Bible Reading but keep watching for yourself and the older kids. There is a LOT of good stuff…
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Today we will read about Moses and get some insight as to who Moses is and what he stands for, as we read Exodus, chapter 2. If you would like to download the monthly calendar to keep track of your commitment to read the Bible every day with me this year you can do so at my site, here:…
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Welcome to the Book of Exodus! Today we will see how much Jacob's family has grown and how God protected and provided for His people. Specifically we will see God's abundant protection and provision for Moses' family. I would like to encourage you today to look for God's protection and abundant provision for YOU and YOUR family and give thanks to H…
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Today we will finish the book of Genesis and read about the blessings that Jacob, now called Israel, prays for his 12 sons, now to be called the 12 Tribes of Israel. I have also included an update to my January 17, 2025 After Thoughts video, and God is, as always, so good to give me resolution to the events I discussed in yesterday's After Thoughts…
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Hi there! This is my very first supplementary video to go along with our daily Bible reading event. This is meant for adults who are looking to identify with a real life sister in Christ who is sharing how God is using the very story we read TODAY to show opportunity to learn how to practice our faith in the EXACT SAME WAY we just read about, in re…
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Today's reading will show us God's great provision for Jacob's family! God is providing for Jacob's family and Joseph is giving God the glory for it! In the same way, God will provide for US and use EVERYTHING that happens in our lives for GOOD. Let's give God the glory every day for using everything that happens in our life for good. Let's ask God…
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Cliffhanger alert! Today we will read about Joseph's brothers traveling to Egypt to buy food for their families. They meet Joseph and don't even know it! What will happen when Joseph tells his brothers they have to come back and bring their youngest brother, Benjamin, back with them so he can see him? Watch the video and find out! If you would like…
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Welcome to today's reading of the Bible as we read through it ALL in just ONE YEAR! Today we will read about people having dreams and God telling Joseph what those dreams mean. We will see how God worked everything "bad" that had happened to Joseph into GOOD! And guess what? He does the SAME THING FOR US! When you are frustrated about people treati…
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Today's story comes to us from Genesis 37 and 39. We will read about Joseph's dreams and his brothers' jealousy of him. We will see how Joseph was doing the right things in life and yet "bad" things happened to him. In our after story discussion we will talk about how our wonderful God uses absolutely everything for good, even "bad" things! If you …
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Today's daily reading brings us to Jacob returning home to Canaan with his family. He will be seeing Esau for the first time in over 20 years. Let's see how Jacob's faith has grown and how he looked to God for protection. We will also read about Jacob's all night fight with "a man" who turned out to be God! I am so glad you are joining me for this …
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Welcome to our daily reading of the Bible in 2025! Today's story is from Genesis 30-31. We will read about how God took care of Jacob and blessed him, no matter how many times his Uncle Laban changed his pay. We will see Jacob give God the glory for taking care of him and blessing him despite Laban's effort to cheat him. If you would like to downlo…
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