Tar Sands Diplomat is a satirical thriller set at the Canadian diplomatic mission in Brussels. After a Russian prostitute dramatically murders the Canadian mission's star diplomat with an Inuit statue, Macgregor is plunged into a world of spooks, Big Oil, Russian oligarchs and eco-hacktivists that leads him back to a well-connected Canadian oil company and the Prime Minister's Office in Ottawa. Author Keith Halliday was formerly the twelfth most senior diplomat at the Canadian Mission to the ...
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Keith Halliday reads final Episode 27 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads penultimate Episode 26 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 25 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 24 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 23 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 22 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 21 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 20 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 19 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 18 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 17 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 16 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 15 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 14 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 13 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 12 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 11 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 10 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 9 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 8 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 7 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 6 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 5 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 4 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads Episode 3 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday reads episode 2 of The Tar Sands Diplomat.بقلم Keith Halliday
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Keith Halliday introduces the Tar Sands Diplomat and reads chapters 1 & 2.بقلم Keith Halliday
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