Tune in to our podcast, “FBCG Live with Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.” Enjoy weekly messages from Pastor Jenkins and guest preachers that will encourage you in your walk with God. Listen here or subscribe so that each new episode is delivered directly to you. If you’ve been blessed by this message and would like to help us reach more people through this ministry, please visit www.fbcglenarden.org/give to donate.
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The devil uses fear to try to keep you from doing what God wants you to do. You must remind yourself of the doors God has already opened for you in your past. Don’t let the devil make you forget the miracles God has performed for you! Sometimes you have to praise God and fight at the same time! Support the show…
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You don’t win spiritual battles by fighting “fleshly” wars. The devil has tricked you when you start fighting against another human being! He wants you to fight in the flesh. Don’t allow the enemy to make you question or doubt God. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Spiritual Warfare - Part 2: The Belt of Truth
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30:59We are in a battle between what’s truth and what’s a lie, and many have accepted lies as truth. You must put on the armor. It doesn’t jump on you. Putting on truth is a decision you must make. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Spiritual Warfare - Part 3: The Breastplate of Righteousness
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25:32Protect that in your life which gives you spiritual life. Don’t allow the devil to put hatred in your heart; it damages your relationship with God. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Your lifestyle should be such that, when people see how God answers your prayers, they want to know your God! When the opportunity arises, always be equipped to share the gospel. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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The ABCs of Family - Part 4: Discerning God's Will for Marriage
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33:45When considering marriage, here are some things you should evaluate: parental blessings, salvation status, marital circumstances, and discerning God’s voice. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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When you decide to leave your family, you have allowed the enemy to deceive you! Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Family is essential to God, as it plays a crucial role in developing character and shaping how we function in church and beyond. Our interactions with others reflect the lessons we’ve learned or missed within our families, teaching us to navigate relationships with people who think or act differently. Support the show…
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God has established boundaries for our lives, guiding us through principles we must teach our families and through the authorities He places over us. Jesus gave us redemption, reminding us to guard our marriages, perspectives, and minds against outside influences and temptations. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Prioritize worship and a genuine relationship with God by giving your best, teaching your children to give from their own hearts, and focusing on your offering rather than comparing to others. Honesty with God allows for true deliverance and helps cultivate a life that respects Him fully. Support the show…
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Debt is not God’s plan for your life! God will help you to get out of debt if you make a commitment to get out of it. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Financial Freedom - God’s Keys To Prosperity
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24:54How you spend your money is a reflection of what your values are. If you make one step toward God, He will make ten steps toward you. God is looking for opportunities to shower you with His favor and blessings. When you honor God, He always honors you! Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Avoid and eliminate debt. Do not pursue temporary comfort at the expense of your financial health. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Financial Freedom - God’s Purposes For Money
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23:38God’s four purposes for money are to supply our basic needs, provide direction, help others and show God’s power. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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God favors us when we plan because proper plans lead to profit; haste leads to poverty. Finances are cyclical. There will be seasons of plenty and seasons of lack. Look at your circumstances, situations, and income to develop a plan. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Trusting God wholeheartedly ensures directed paths, and honoring the Lord with your possessions results in abundance. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Why I Delight And Love God’s Word And Why You Should Too
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23:13We govern our lives according to the Word. The Word allows us to live the best life that God has for us. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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We serve a God who answers prayer in light of His purposes for your life. No matter where you are, you are not beyond the realm of God’s ability to reach you! Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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God's thoughts differ significantly from ours, particularly in the realm of finances. The way we manage money not only reflects our spiritual beliefs but is also a means through which God demonstrates His power. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Pastor Jenkins highlights what happens when we die, emphasizing that our body returns to dust, our spirit goes to God, and our soul rests eternally. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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All judgment has been given to Christ, requiring everyone to give an account. However, the great news is that Jesus has made provisions for believers to be forgiven. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Believers are not judged regarding going to heaven; rather, they are judged for their service to God's kingdom, which will be tested by fire. What work are you doing to help advance the kingdom of God? Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of heaven. God has made provisions for you to accept Him and have eternal life. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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At seasons and times, we have all strayed away from God in our hearts. If we know people who are backsliders, we have a responsibility to try to win them back to the Lord. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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God does not want you to think there’s a possibility that you aren’t saved! The devil’s program is to keep you ignorant and unsure about your destiny. Jesus died for you knowing you would sin. You do not have to keep carrying your sins! Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Laying on of hands can be done without anyone physically touching you. Who you allow to lay hands on you makes a difference! Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Faith is not positive thinking. It involves having steadfast assurance and placing trust, reliance, and complete persuasion. Faith is a requirement for a walk with God. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Evidence of Being in a Backslidden Condition
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التشغيل لاحقا
32:19The devil desires to slowly pull you away from God. The enemy will make you think that you’re too far away and can’t get back into the will of God but we serve a God who can turn your situation around. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Repentance is a lifestyle, not a one-time act. What actions are you taking in your life that indicate you’re trying to move closer to God? Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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A disciple is a doer of what Jesus taught! We are to be disciples and make disciples. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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The discipleship process is designed to help you put your faith and works together. The kingdom requires that your faith is demonstrated by your walk. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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We are called to repent from dead works. A dead work is anything that you seek to do by human effort to gain favor with God. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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God can’t use the people who think they have it all together. He uses people who recognize that in their own strengths and abilities, they are nothing! Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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The God Who Can Keep Us From Falling
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التشغيل لاحقا
39:58How you live matters! We don’t live right to get saved; we live right because we are saved. We should not be comfortable living lives that are out of order. We must fight our temptations and not give in. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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The Importance of Raising Children To Hear And Follow God’s Voice - Part 1
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30:50The most important thing you can teach your child is how to hear from God. Your child belongs to the Lord, not to you! Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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The Importance of Raising Children To Hear and Follow God’s Voice - Part 2
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التشغيل لاحقا
27:19Pray for your children and the decisions they make. How a child is raised will determine how they will live their life when they get older. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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God gives a variety of spiritual gifts. Spiritual gifts make one body and they need each other. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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When you’re doing what God has called you to do, He gives you help! Everything you do in life should be measured against your purpose. Learn more about God's purpose for your life. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Jesus has talked to God the Father about your situation. He has prayed for you. Once you really meet Jesus and have an encounter with Him, you can’t doubt Him anymore! Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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When you get into the realm God has called you to, the devil will mess with you. The devil may ask for you, but he cannot have you. God has put a shield around you! Learn more about God's purpose for your life. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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The Purpose Series - Part 4: Sifting
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التشغيل لاحقا
25:17During the sifting process, there are things, people, and habits that have to go. Learn more about why sifting is essential when you are operating in your purpose. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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God created you for the purpose of giving Him glory with your life. Whatever your assignment is, God will open the door of opportunity for you to operate in it. Learn more about God's purpose in your life. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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When you look at your life, who are you representing or seeking to please, earthly desires or God’s desires? When you have a relationship with the heavenly Father, He opens your eyes to see things you’ve never seen before. Learn more about the importance of pleasing God's desires rather than our own. Support the show…
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There’s one sower and the same seed, but the soil determines what happens with the seed! You need the seed of the Word and the Holy Spirit in your life to stay undefeated and victorious against the devil. Learn more about the causes of spiritual defeat and how you can overcome it. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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God assigns you to something from the day you’re born. Your purpose in life is to give God glory! Learn more about God's purpose in your life. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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The Principle, Power, and Promise of Unity
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40:58God loves unity! God will send his dew from the high places to your dry places. Learn more the significance of unity. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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As Christians, we are to be convicted and stay consistent with our beliefs in spite of the consequences. There will be situations in life where the enemy will try to compromise with you, and in those times you have to remind yourself of the God you serve and stand openly on your conviction. Learn more about how to be a committed disciple of Jesus. …
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Distinctive Traits Between A Good And A Bad Mother
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التشغيل لاحقا
25:41We must recognize that life is not just about us! We have to learn to be selfless. Motherhood is about making the choice that’s in the best interest of your child, not in your best interest. Learn more about the distinguished traits of a mother. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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Pastor Jenkins continues the conversation about the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Learn more about the doctrines of scripture. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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When we repent, we change our lifestyle, our values, our relationships and our attitudes. When you are repentant, you take thought before you get close to what you struggle with. Until you learn to hate sin, you will continue sinning. Learn more about the signs of repentance. Support the showبقلم John K. Jenkins Sr.
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