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show episodes

Pod Save the UK

Crooked Media

Pod Save the UK is your weekly fix of political news, big ideas and a shot of inspiration. Each week hosts, comedian Nish Kumar and journalist Coco Khan are joined by politicians, experts, and famous friends to unpick the latest news, look for solutions, and inspire action. From Crooked Media – the creators of Pod Save America – in partnership with Reduced Listening, tune in to new episodes of Pod Save the UK every Thursday wherever you pod.
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Pod Save the World

Crooked Media

“Pod Save America” cohost Tommy Vietor thought foreign policy was boring and complicated until he got the education of a lifetime working for President Obama’s National Security Council. On “Pod Save the World,” he and former deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes break down the latest global developments and bring you behind the scenes with the people who were there. New episodes every Wednesday. Subscribe to Friends of the Pod! Your subscription makes Crooked’s work possible and gives ...
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Pod Save America

Crooked Media

Pod Save America is a no-bullshit conversation about politics hosted by former Obama aides Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer, and Tommy Vietor. It cuts through the noise to break down the week’s news and helps people figure out what matters and how they can help. They’re regularly joined by journalists, activists, politicians, entertainers, and world leaders. You can watch on YouTube or listen to new episodes every Tuesday and Friday. Subscribe to Friends of the Pod! Your subscription ma ...
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Tech Won't Save Us

Paris Marx

Silicon Valley wants to shape our future, but why should we let it? Every Thursday, Paris Marx is joined by a new guest to critically examine the tech industry, its big promises, and the people behind them. Tech Won’t Save Us challenges the notion that tech alone can drive our world forward by showing that separating tech from politics has consequences for us all, especially the most vulnerable. It’s not your usual tech podcast.
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Pod Save the People

Crooked Media

Organizer and activist DeRay Mckesson explores news, culture, social justice, and politics with analysis from Kaya Henderson, De’Ara Balenger, and Myles Johnson. Then he sits down for deep conversations with experts, influencers, and diverse local and national leaders. New episodes every Tuesday.
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Vous connaissez, mais est-ce que vous savez ? En moins de 3 minutes, nous vous donnons les clés essentielles pour savoir vraiment ce qui se cache derrière les mots, sigles, concepts qui font notre actualité. Après, vous pourrez dire que vous savez. Les épisodes de Maintenant Vous Savez sont disponibles sans publicités pour les abonnées à la chaîne Bababam+ sur Apple Podcasts. Si vous souhaitez écouter les épisodes sans interruption, rendez-vous sur la chaîne Bababam+ d'Apple Podcasts Abonnem ...
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Website: SAVETHEM is a counter human trafficking organization. The SAVETHEM Podcast is available on most all podcast platforms, to include: Spotify, Apple, Google, Podomatic, iHeart, etc. DISCLAIMER: The contents of these podcasts may not be suitable for children or those with sensitive ears.
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Jerry Savelle Ministries Audio Podcast

Jerry Savelle Ministries

Jerry Savelle teaches the uncompromising Word of God in down to earth terms, applicable to your life, dreams, and destiny. Discover through God's Word how you can be a victorious winner in life. The Jerry Savelle Ministries television broadcast airs in over two hundred countries worldwide. Find more information and resources at
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Jerry Savelle Ministries Video Podcast

Jerry Savelle Ministries

Jerry Savelle teaches the uncompromising Word of God in down to earth terms, applicable to your life, dreams, and destiny. Discover through God's Word how you can be a victorious winner in life. The Jerry Savelle Ministries television broadcast airs in over two hundred countries worldwide. Find more information and resources at
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Pastor Joseph Clark

In its fifth year with over three hundred episodes, JESUS SAVES features short sermons, interviews, experiences, and inspirations, about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and how our eternal freedom from sin and torment is in Christ alone.
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Innovation Saves Lives dives into the forefront of medical technology, exploring the two sides of the coin: clinical medtech and business development. Discover the cutting-edge technology transforming healthcare and improving lives in digestible conversations with top experts.
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SaveHeart Stories

Dave Fritzsche

The SaveHeart Stories podcast, hosted by Dave Fritzsche aims to shed light on the urgency to equip outdoor sporting event arenas, schools and parks with outdoor defibrillator machines in order to save lives. There are too many stories of unnecessary tragedy in sports with kids of all ages. These stories should inspire us to do something about it, so that there are no more stories to tell. SaveHeart Stories is brought to you by your host, Dave Fritzsche, AED industry veteran and founder of Sa ...
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Saves Together

Saves Together

A podcast all about cooperative gaming experiences. Whether that means a coop mode, passing the controller back and forth or just playing the same game at the same time - it doesn't matter how, it only matters that it's together! Join your hosts Grace and Craig as they discuss their co-op gaming experiences to help you find the perfect co-op game to play with friends, partners and family!
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Saved Not Soft

Emy Moore

Navigating the Christian lifestyle is beyond challenging, especially facing the obstacles of today’s world. Each week, we’ll be diving into topics of; how to rise up from culture, modeling Christ to others, theology, hot topics and much more! Buckle up with your host, Emy Moore; we’re going on a fruitful journey!
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Save One More Now

Jerry Hendrix & Adrienne Hendrix

Our focus is to lovingly confront all activities dishonoring human life, created in the image of God. There is no greater dishonor to God than to reject His eternal salvation only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
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Vedecký podcast SAV


Slovenská akadémia vied spustila v septembri 2020 svoj vlastný vedecký podcast. Každé dva týždne predstavuje poslucháčom a poslucháčkam jednu zaujímavú osobnosť zo SAV-ky. Poslucháčom sa od začiatku prihovárali viacerí moderátori a moderátorky z radov SAV. Podcast moderátorsky odštartovala Lucia Molnár Satinská z Jazykovedného ústavu Ľudovíta Štúra SAV, v. v. i. Vystriedal ju moderátorský tandem Soňa G. Lutherová z Ústavu etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v. v. i., a Peter Boháč z Ústa ...
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Save Our World (SOW)

Steven Gaines

Be your OWN super hero!! ..and SAVE OUR WORLD!! Let's learn to start taking accountability for our role here on earth to make the world a better place by actually becoming the change that we'd like to see.. All change starts with you(us).. #SaveOurWorld #SOW
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Kennedy Saves the World

Fox News Radio

A personal journey through the ultimate prism: freedom. With humor, logic and compassion Kennedy will tackle political pickles, cultural quagmires, and parenting paradoxes with a spit-out-your coffee quick wit and unending curiosity. There will be monologues, interviews with authors, politicians, MTV legends, and Fox News compatriots that will joyfully probe in ways no other podcast would dare! Get on the K-Train.
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Chaque jour c’est le plaisir de cuisiner ensemble qui nous réunit. Autour de la table, venez rejoindre nos fines gueules pour échanger sur les joies de l’art culinaire et sur le savoir-faire des artisans et producteurs du Pays Basque Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Savage to Saved Podcast is a Christian Based Podcast hosted by Benita Ovwurie that focuses on where the Lord has brought us from to who he has called us to be, our transition from being Savage to Saved. The Podcast Launches every Sunday night at 7pm.
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Tech Can't Save Us

Literal Humans

Every week, hosts Paul David and Maya Dharampal-Hornby sit down with founders, CEOs, and innovators at mission-driven tech companies to discuss how tech can help solve the most pressing issues of our time— and how to avoid losing sight of the humans it affects.
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Save The D8

Partyfish Media

People are getting abducted from their homelands and trapped in a prison with no name. Prisoners are kept under substandard conditions and either executed or forced to work for the prison when their time comes. Four of these prisoners plan to escape this terrible place and find their way home! From Partyfish Media 🎉🐟
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The Thick Thighs Save Lives Podcast

Constantly Varied Gear

Powered By Constantly Varied Gear Kelsea and Rachael explore and challenge conventional standards surrounding women's wellbeing. Episode favorites: EP15: Abs Aren't Made in the Kitchen EP159: Be Bad at Something and Enjoy It Leave the Podcast a voicemail: Join the CVG Nation app: or search CVG Nation in your phone's app store. Join our group: ...
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A New Breed of Christian Talk Show moving "from information to transformation," Chuck Crismier, veteran attorney, author, and pastor, has an amazing ability to probe below the surface and deal with issues that few dare to touch. It's dialogue that demands decision. It's 'Viewpoint' from Save America Ministries!
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show series
Technologický pokrok mení náš svet rýchlejšie než kedykoľvek predtým. Ako sa vyvíjala elektrotechnika a aké prelomové objavy ju formovali? Kde sú hranice miniaturizácie a akú úlohu zohráva Slovensko vo výskume nových polovodičových materiálov? Aj tieto otázky sme v našom podcaste prebrali s doktorom Vladimírom Cambelom, riaditeľom Elektrotechnickéh…
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The dark history of retinol, the causal myth of bacterial vaginosis, and Abel Selaocoe crosses time and cultures in new album. DeRay interviews Nic Stone about her new book, Dear Manny. News Retinol: The Skin-Care Ingredient With a Horrifying History A Third of Women Get This Infection. The Fix: Treat Their Male Partners. South African cellist Abel…
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The price of eggs is still high, the stock market is sinking, but Donald Trump is fulfilling at least one campaign promise: using the power of the government to punish those who disagree with him. ICE arrests one of the leaders of the campus protests at Columbia—a legal permanent resident—and sends him to a detention facility, while the administrat…
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Avez-vous parfois le sentiment que vous n’avez pas eu assez de temps libre pendant la journée et donc vous repoussez volontairement l’heure du coucher pour récupérer du temps personnel ? Bien souvent, ce n’est pas avec un livre et une tisane mais avec un écran, le pire ennemi de votre sommeil. Si oui, vous faites sûrement de la “revenge bedtime pro…
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Si certains n’aiment pas les poils et préfèrent un corps bien lisse, les poils ne sont pourtant pas là par hasard, et sont un utile à la régulation de votre température et vous protègent des agressions extérieures. Votre corps est recouvert d’environ 5 millions de poils. Même si certains ne sont pas visibles à l'œil nu, vous en avez littéralement p…
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C’est une véritable catastrophe qui s’était abattue sur la Turquie et la Syrie le 6 février 2023. Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,8 avait ébranlé le Moyen-Orient et a atteint, à date du 10 février, la barre des 22 000 morts. L’OMS avait d’ailleurs prévenu la communauté internationale que 23 millions de personnes pourraient être touchées par …
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Take us out to the hockey game, baby! Kennedy and Host of FOX Across America and FOX News Saturday Night, Jimmy Failla recap their time at the New York Rangers game over the weekend — where their front row seats scored them some serious screen time (unfortunately not due to the Rangers scoring). However, their biggest takeaway from the night was th…
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durée : 00:26:40 - La vinaigrerie Saint-Jacques de Mauléon - Produits industriels ou artisanaux, le vinaigre n’a pas toujours la même valeur en cuisine. À Mauléon, Jean-Philippe Lanouguère perpétue un savoir-faire traditionnel en affinant ses vinaigres en fût de chêne.بقلم ici
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Tomber dans le vide, perdre ses dents, rater un examen… Ces rêves vous hantent peut-être depuis des années. Mais vous n’êtes pas seul : près des deux tiers de la population font des rêves récurrents. Mais pourquoi notre esprit rejoue-t-il inlassablement les mêmes scénarios, parfois angoissants, parfois euphoriques ? Selon les spécialistes, ces song…
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Par manque de temps, on a souvent tendance à négliger nos relations. Pourtant, pour entretenir vos connexions avec vos proches, quelques minutes suffisent. Un appel de 8 minutes serait la durée idéale pour pouvoir profiter d’un moment privilégié avec un proche sans encombrer votre journée. Le premier à avoir théorisé l’appel parfait de 8 minutes es…
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L'IA est dorénavant imprégné dans beaucoup de sphères de notre vie. Que ce soit pour des recherches internet, dans nos images du quotidien, dans l'art... Levi’s a annoncé en mars 2023 son partenariat avec, une entreprise néerlandaise spécialisée dans le design de mannequins par intelligences artificielles. Dans un autre épisode, Mainten…
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Donald Trump is looking pretty invincible right now, and it's easy to lose hope that Democrats will ever be able to regain power. But back in the '90s, liberals in Britain were in a similar predicament. Alastair Campbell, right hand man to former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and co-host of the podcast "The Rest Is Politics," joins Tommy to discuss …
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En 2016, une étude américaine fait le tour des médias. Selon plusieurs articles, celle-ci affirme qu’un chef d’entreprise sur 5 aurait des tendances psychopathes. Mais rassurez-vous ! Ce n’est absolument pas le cas, et comme pour beaucoup d’études, elle a été mal interprétée. En réalité, le taux s’élève à 3,4% selon Médiapart. Bien qu’ils soient pe…
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Qu’ont en commun le pape François en méga doudoune style Balenciaga, Barack Obama et Angela Merkel qui partagent une glace sur la plage, Donald Trump arrêté par la police au pied de la Trump Tower à New York, ou Emmanuel Macron habillé en éboueur ? A priori rien ! Mais ces images sont toutes devenues virales sur Internet au début de l’année 2023. P…
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Selon un rapport de l'institut de sondage Statista Research Department publié en 2023, il y aurait plus de 19 millions de visiteurs sur des sites pornographiques chaque mois en France. Et 2/3 des enfants de moins de 15 ans auraient déjà visionné ce genre de contenus. Aujourd’hui l’accès au porno est tellement facilité qu’on en oublierait presque ce…
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A confident Dundalk looked set to continue their perfect start to the season establishing a 2 goal lead on the 80th minute of a game they looked comfortable in throughout. However a goalkeeping error invites a previously inert Treaty United into the game and ultimately sees the Lilywhite lose their defensive composure and concede 2 late goals in a …
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Le 8 mars, c'est la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, à cette occasion, célébrons les avancées, rappelons les combats encore à mener et affirmons notre engagement pour l'égalité des droits. L'humanité est constituée à 52 % de femmes. Pourtant, cette majorité numérique ne se traduit pas systématiquement par une égalité de statut, de droi…
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Le 8 mars, c'est la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, à cette occasion, célébrons les avancées, rappelons les combats encore à mener et affirmons notre engagement pour l'égalité des droits. L’image est à la fois belle et poétique, mais elle illustre pourtant une injustice bien réelle qui touche les femmes dans le monde du travail. On pa…
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Le 8 mars, c'est la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, à cette occasion, célébrons les avancées, rappelons les combats encore à mener et affirmons notre engagement pour l'égalité des droits. En 2022, une enquête de l’IFOP a révélé que 45 % des hommes considéraient leur santé mentale comme très bonne, voire excellente, contre seulement 33…
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Although Kennedy gave up drinking for Lent, she still made time for Happy Hour! Founders of De Nada Tequila, Danny Neeson and Adam Millman are treated to a Kennedy classic cocktail featuring their spirit. The pair share why they decided to create sustainable tequila and how they went from college roommates to entrepreneurs shaking up the cocktail i…
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The DOGE wrecking ball keeps swinging, but the Supreme Court, and even Donald Trump himself, might finally be slowing Elon down. Trump backs off his trade war with Canada and Mexico—without extracting a single concession—as economic indicators begin their predictable slide. Jon and Dan break down the latest on government cuts, why Social Security i…
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Key Bible Verse; "Immediately (the paralytic) got up before them, and picked up what he had been lying on, and went home glorifying God. They were all struck with astonishment and began glorifying God; and they were filled with fear, saying, “We have seen remarkable things today.” Luke 5:25-26
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