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show episodes
The Ron Johnson Discipleship Podcast is designed to bring the Lordship of Christ to our everyday lives. In each episode we'll discuss current events from a biblical worldview perspective with the goal of displaying the beauty, wisdom and blessing of a life lived in joyful obedience to Jesus. The goal is to equip you to better engage our culture with the good news of the gospel for all of life.
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show series
“If the foundations [of a godly society] are destroyed, What can the righteous do?” (Ps. 11:3 AMP) David understood the importance of foundational principles in a healthy government. One of those foundation stones is the concept of stewardship. Public service is a sacred trust from the people and involves stewarding resources that are not your own.…
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Vice President JD Vance addressed world leaders at a security conference in Munich challenging our European allies for their retreat from fundamental values. At the heart of his critique were two unalienable rights: the right to life and freedom of religion, both of which are under attack. He confronted the mass migration problem calling it a "cris…
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The Washington "swamp" is deeper and more corrupt than we thought. Financial integrity and accountability are returning and everyone with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar is crying, "constitutional crisis!" We are witnessing a skyrocketing number of new recruits in our armed forces, as American pride and purpose return. Our President is keep…
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The sparks are flying at the confirmation hearings and RFK, Tulsi and Kash are still in the hot seat. We'll talk about the issues surrounding these three disruptive firebrands and why America needs more reformers and less bureaucrats! Speaking of making America healthy again, President Trump continues his remarkable leadership by closing our southe…
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We are currently witnessing the collapse of the globalist, utopian vision around the world. A closer look at President Trump's executive orders reveals the culprit: common sense. There are two genders. Put America first. Stop the waste of our tax dollars. Protect American sovereignty. Secure our borders. Promote religious liberty and free speech. T…
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The inauguration of President Donald Trump provided a clear contrast of leadership. The departing administration, led by a weak, corrupt, self-serving globalist, who granted late night presumptive pardons to his criminal colleagues on his way out of town and the new sheriff with a strong, clear, common sense mandate from the American people.…
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There's a fresh wind of sanity blowing through America. Transgender madness is running out of steam. DEI is dying in corporate America. Our top college athletes are using a national platform to honor Christ. President Trump is being his wonderful disruptive self as he looks out for America's national interest. And progressive mismanagement and gros…
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President Trump ran on the promise of "draining the swamp." House Speaker Mike Johnson echoed this priority, promising to "roll back the totalitarian, fourth branch of the government known as the administrative state." Until you know just how deep and wide this swamp is, you'll never understand the magnitude of the task before them. While there is …
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On our first podcast of 2025 we weigh in on the Twitter debate over H1-B visas. Is the system broken? And more importantly, does our current American culture support the kind of academic rigor and discipline required to produce the next generation of engineers and tech leaders? Higher education is experiencing a dangerous decline in enrollment. Why…
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The coming of Jesus means "good news of great joy for all people!" (Luke 2:10) Our Christian worldview provides a unique vantage point as we navigate the many challenges of life this side of eternity. In our podcast today, we'll provide what Doug Wilson calls, "Six Stone-Cold Reasons for Confidence and Upbeat Optimism" as we approach this Christmas…
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As we ramp up to Christmas, it's a great time to be reminded of the impact our Savior King, JESUS, has on culture. Jesus came to save sinners and to transform human hearts. Doug Wilson reminds us that, "Cultures apart from Christ cannot avoid decadence...and must eventually call down the chaos." This is where we are today. But this condition is not…
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Thanksgiving is in the rear-view mirror and Christmas is just around the corner! And for Hunter Biden, Christmas has come early. On the first day of December, President Biden granted "a full and unconditional pardon." After months of assurances that "no one is above the law," Biden's actions sure scream otherwise! His miscarriage of justice gives u…
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Life, and especially our life together in the public square, can be highly complicated and difficult for Christians to navigate. President elect Trump has been assembling his cabinet and he's nominating individuals who are outside of the DC establishment. They all share one common characteristic: they are disruptors. Each appointee is hand-picked t…
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Most Americans expressed concerns that our country was headed in the wrong direction. The election gave them a chance to turn things around and they sure did! We witnessed an overwhelming reversal in leadership, culminating in what looks like a clear majority in both the House and Senate and President Trump back in the White House. We discuss the p…
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The final command of Jesus to His Church is what we have come to call the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-19). It involves sharing the gospel with all nations and teaching these new disciples to obey all the commands Jesus has given. How does this command of Christ square with a robust doctrine of free speech? Does this obedience to Christ involve …
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In Acts 4, Peter and John are accused of spreading "propaganda." They were banned from the public arena and threatened with severe punishments if they continued speaking. Sadly, their experience is the norm in most parts of the world as approximately 70% of the earth's population live in nations where religious liberty is highly restricted. This is…
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On today's podcast, I am joined by my good friend, Apostle Keith Tucci. Keith serves as the Senior Leader for the Network of Related Pastors ( and has a rich history of biblical cultural engagement. We discuss the role of Christians in the upcoming national election. How should we approach this responsibility? What issues are at stake…
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One of the most common myths we hear today is that Christianity is a form of cultural oppression. If Christians have their way, what will become of the unbelievers or non-religious? While these are valid questions, an equally valid question is what is the impact of a secular government on the rights and liberties of others? Since secularism has no …
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Our Founders all agreed that civic freedom was impossible apart from Christian virtue. American statesman, Samuel Adams observed, “Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.” Republics do not survive apart from republican virtue. When Christ is rejecte…
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Many Christians are completely satisfied with the notion of a secular federal government serving as the referee for determining what is officially "moral" behavior when it comes to public policy decisions. They are uncomfortable with the idea of bringing Jesus into the public square. They want a gospel that is "unfettered" from all the political ba…
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Should our morality as a nation be grounded in God's will or the will of the people? Ironically, our advocates for a liberal secular democracy are okay as long as the majority is not held by Christians, especially those who run for office or who try to legislate according to biblical morality. Then you are labeled a "threat" to democracy! How do we…
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In our cultural skirmishes, a common tactic is to use a pejorative label to attack or to discredit your enemy. One of those labels attached to believers in Christ is the name "Christian nationalist." It evokes scary images of the Inquisition or the Salem witch trials. If you wear that name badge, you are an object of scorn and derision. So, what is…
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The Bible declares, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."( Proverbs 1:7) This means we have two choices as a nation. We can seek and follow the wisdom of God as we order our life together or we can reject God and His law and pursue the path of radical autonomy. If we will not be governed by Christ, we must necessarily be governed by so…
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The Scriptures clearly define the role and scope of government. All those in authority are God's servants. Their authority is not absolute but delegated. They are tasked with the power to punish wicked behavior (Romans 13:1-4). In other words, there is a legitimate form of government coercion and an illegitimate expression as well. As Doug Wilson w…
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While Christians are often attacked for trying to bring our worldview into the public arena, those doing the accusing often hide behind the veil of neutrality. They act as if they are non-biased and without their own agenda. Of course, this is patently false. And as they work to advance their own agenda, they use words to destroy all who disagree w…
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It was Benjamin Franklin who noted, “Our new Constitution is now established, everything seems to promise it will be durable; but, in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes." And it seems that governments who ignore their constitutional boundaries must levy ever-increasing amounts of revenue, via taxation, to simply maintain the ever…
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For the Christian, life is simple. God's authority outranks that of the king. The king is to do what God says, not the other way around. But for the secularist, what outranks the highest human authority? Herein lies the problem. An autonomous state will , in the end, commit overreach and the rights of the people will be trampled. This overreach is …
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In America today, we are witnessing the epic failure of democratic secularism. Secularism is the false belief that we can function as a nation and society without any reference to God. Whether it's the frightening assassination attempt on our former president or the recent White House leadership coup, we are witnessing the profound loss of justice,…
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On today's podcast, we discuss some of the high points from the Alliance Defending Freedom conference Pastor Ron recently attended. We also talk about the power of our words to shape the world around us. And we marvel at the way God uses the most unlikely people to accomplish His kingdom purposes. Once again, our Christian worldview helps us make s…
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The late Francis Schaeffer observed, "When truth retreats, tyranny advances." This has never been more evident than in American culture today. Without a transcendent standard, objective truth, there is no limit to what governments can do, and no accountability for their actions. On this 248th birthday of American independence, we must renew our com…
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Have you ever wondered why "Pride" month is observed every June? And why do we designate the entire month when Veterans, for instance, are given only one day? What is the connection between Ishtar and the month of June? Where did the idea of "pride parades" come from? And why is Whoopi so mad??? We'll discuss all of this and more in our podcast tod…
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The Stonewall uprising and the resulting movement were ignited by a female with male attributes, a fighter, a protector of alehouses, a fierce, angry, raging leader of those who crossed the boundaries of gender, the inciter of a multitude of feminized men. And like Ishtar, the goddess of storms, her name was - Stormé. Ishtar had returned and unleas…
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No other symbol was so prominently associated with Ishtar than the lion. In ancient prayers and poems, she was referred to as the "great light, lioness of heaven." The lion was her chosen platform for waging war and inflicting vengeance. It should come as no surprise that just two doors down from the Stonewall Inn was another bar called "Lion's Hea…
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Ishtar was goddess of the tavern and patroness of the prostitutes. She had always been known as the one who broke down barriers. She came through New York, the gateway to America, for that very purpose. Her re-entrance into American culture would manifest at the Stonewall Inn, where the three elements of the goddess would converge: the gate, the al…
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The return of the goddess, Ishtar, into American culture began with the sexual revolution but it climaxed in a single event which would forever alter the values of the realm of sexuality, marriage, family and gender. It would be known as "Stonewall." In today's podcast we will talk about what has become "PRIDE" month, an event commemorated every ye…
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Ishtar's sorcery involved the transforming of men into women and women into men. Her temple priests embraced castration as an attempt to rid themselves of the characteristics of the gender in which they were born. These priests were the transsexuals of the ancient world. We should not be surprised that with the rejection of Christianity by the ruli…
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The arrival of June is only weeks away and we are all wondering if corporate America learned anything from last year's painful lesson - that trans activism is the fastest road to financial insolvency. Companies like Target, Anheuser - Busch, Nike and Disney felt the full force of consumer outrage as customers and dollars went racing for the doors. …
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Ishtar's deconstruction of the sexes led to the merging of masculinity and femininity. Our pop culture now features female entertainers appearing wild, unruly, shocking and vulgar. Their male counterparts are often sporting eyeliner, lipstick and other evidence of femininity. And if this was not confusing enough, we are witnessing "Drag Queen Story…
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Ishtar's goal was the deconstruction and emasculation of men, resulting in the blurring of distinctions between what it means to be male and female. Strong biblical masculinity was increasingly mocked, marginalized and deemed "toxic." Male leadership, whether in public life, the home or popular culture came under constant assault. The God-given ins…
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While Ishtar was the goddess of love, allurement and sexuality, she also embodied ferocity, aggressiveness, war and destruction. Other traditionally feminine qualities were missing, particularly those linked to nurturing - gentleness, compassion and empathy. Her sorcery specialized in blurring distinctions and transgressing boundaries. It was her n…
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Today we celebrate our 200th podcast! We discuss the power of a biblical worldview to deliver us from a "fishbowl sized Christianity" into an oceanic perspective of faith. We also highlight the remarkable power of a Christian worldview to foster personal transformation and positive spiritual change in the lives of believers. Find out more at https:…
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This week America witnessed a total eclipse. Unfortunately, what could have been a perfect opportunity to highlight the truth of our Christian worldview was hijacked by end time hysteria and prophetic prognosticators. We also witnessed a surge of interest in women's collegiate basketball as South Carolina and Iowa faced off in the national champion…
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If the spirit of Molech were to return America, a nation that had rejected God and His principles, would he once again require blood and child sacrifice? Baal's goal was to erase the law of God and to inspire lawlessness and rebellion. Ishtar's objective is to sever sex from the marriage covenant resulting in unrestrained sexuality with no thought …
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His name is Molech and he is associated with the darkest of sins, the sacrifice of children. This evil practice, which God calls an "abomination," was nearly universal in the pagan world. Children were routinely subjected to mistreatment, abuse and murder. It was not safe to be a child. Jesus and the good news of the gospel changed all of that! Chi…
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It should come as no surprise that Baal's deification of profit and pleasure would lead to Ishtar's sexualization of American culture and the public monetization of sex. As sexual expression was "liberated" from the marriage bed, it became a commodity to be bought and sold. America, a nation consecrated at its inception to advancing the gospel, has…
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The seduction of American culture has been radical! As sexual expression was severed from the biblical confines of the marriage covenant, sex became deified. Sex was the new god. Sex was pursued as an end without regard to marriage, love or relationship. Sexual immorality was now not only accepted, but treated as sacred. The results of Ashtoreth's …
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It was the apostasy and rebellion of the spirit of Baal which opened the door for the entrance of Ashtoreth and unbridled sexuality, licentiousness and depravity (Judges 10:6). It happened in ancient Israel, and it is happening in America today. We have witnessed the open rejection of biblical standards and morality, the same ethics which have prov…
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Another election cycle is coming to town which means the Left will be coming out with their new list of scare tactics to keep Christians from being politically engaged. The latest bogeyman? White Christian Nationalism. Evidently if you love God and country and you exercise your God-given rights to engage in the political process you are not a threa…
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The spirit of Baal is a spirit of apostasy. Baal's assignment was to turn God's people away from Him. He promises prosperity, fulfillment and liberation, but in the end, it results in total bondage. Scripture tells us that we become like that which we worship (Psalm 115:4,-5, 8) We'll explore this principle as it relates to the rise of artificial i…
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