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show episodes


RAFT: Indrani Goradia, Alyce Jurgensen, Jeremie Miller, Amy Jaffe

A podcast about resilience in the face of compassion fatigue and burnout.
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Raf & Story Club

Raf Stevens

Business mentor en vrijheidsarchitect Raf Stevens deelt wekelijks een 'mind shot'. Voeding voor je brein, je verbeelding en je intuïtie. Een boost die je een duwtje in de rug geeft om jouw volgende stap te zetten richting een leven vol rijkdom, volheid en vrijheid.
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Raff Bizzarro & Raffa Rispo host the ONLY SSC Napoli podcast from the USA. Raff N Raff review matches, Rant about hot topics and award the Beast of the Match after every matchday. Raff Bizzarro also hosts “Mind Your Bizz”: A show for the people, by the people. Raffa Rispo also hosts “Frenemies”. Friendly banter with Raffa’s non-Napoli fan friends.
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Queen Raffy's Space

Rafiat Akinwande

On Queen Raffy's Space, whenever you click on PLAY, You Learn, You Laugh, and You Grow...This is exactly where you need to be because with over 5 different segments covering Motivation, Books, Fun Facts, Travel, Tips and Tricks, Poems, Interviews, Bants, and Random Thoughts. You will never be Bored...So Click on PLAY and ENJOY. For Comments, Suggestions, and Feedbacks, Just send an email to queenraffyspacepodcast@gmail.com OR Check out our Instagram handle: instagram.com/queenraffyspacepodcast
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Whiskey Riff Raff

Whiskey Riff

A podcast by Whiskey Riff for the country fan. On 'Whiskey Riff Raff' buckle up for an unfiltered and unapologetic take on country music, life, sports, and all the craziness that comes with it. Laugh with us. Rant with us. Drink with us.
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The PhD Life Raft Podcast

Emma Brodzinski

This is the podcast for you if you are currently doing a PhD; are working with PhD students; or just living with someone who is on a PhD journey. The PhD Life Raft focuses on sharing insights and experiences around common issues like anxiety, procrastination, imposter syndrome, and work-life balance. Host Dr Emma Brodzinski talks to students, supervisors and experts in the field of wellbeing and mental health who share actionable tips and additional resources. Doing a PhD is tough. The PhD L ...
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La Fundación Rafael del Pino fomenta el diálogo y la transmisión del conocimiento mediante la organización de reuniones de expertos, debates y encuentros en los que se abordan cuestiones de importancia para nuestros dirigentes y en las que participan destacadas personalidades del mundo académico, empresarial o político.
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R.A.F (Rien à foutre)

Rafaëlle Roy, Florence Belzile

Le R.A.F. (Rien à foutre avec Raf And Flo), c’est un tout nouveau show sur le web qui a pour mission de faire briller nos invité (es) de tous horizons sous un nouveau jour, au-delà des apparences et du métier. En explorant les souvenirs de jeunesse et en faisant des liens avec le présent, les animatrices Florence Belzile et Rafaëlle Roy tracent leur parcours unique à travers des échanges à la fois amusants et émouvants, toujours dans l’authenticité et la transparence. C’est une invitation à ...
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Welcome to randInt podcast, where Raffy & Chandra explore how seemingly random events can shape our lives and lead to unexpected success. In each episode, we either delve into the stories of people from all walks of life and uncover the pivotal moments that led them to where they are today or explore the seemingly random development that influence our state of the world. From chance encounters to serendipitous discoveries, we examine the role of luck and opportunity in shaping the planet. So ...
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Raffaele Gaito, il podcast.

Raffaele Gaito

Sono un Growth Coach e guido le aziende e i professionisti a migliorare i loro prodotti e i loro processi con un approccio sperimentale. Ho fondato il Growth Program, l’unica academy italiana di formazione continua che ti aiuta a far crescere il tuo business e il tuo mindset. 👉 https://growthprogram.academy/ Insegno alla Business School de Il Sole 24 Ore. Faccio divulgazione sui temi del marketing, business e crescita attraverso il mio blog, il mio canale YouTube e un podcast. Credo nella sp ...
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Christian Fox

Welcome to RaffiCast (name pending), a fantasy football podcast for members of the Order of Raffi and Revenge of the Footclan fantasy leagues, of course all others are welcome as well. We cover the NFL and also insult each other. Shenanigans ensue
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Yogi Pramadani

Podcast karya @yogi_pramadani seorang pengusaha muda yang bergerak dalam bidang bisnis sarang burung walet. Yogi adalah CEO dari RAFLESIA CORP yang telah memimpin 700 karyawan saat berusia 23 Tahun. Be Strong and Never Give Up...!! *LAYANAN KONSULTASI (081381944272)
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Le Temps - Pascaline Sordet & Célia Héron

Raffut est un podcast qui mois après mois, interroge les idées reçues sur le sport féminin. Un série audio du quotidien suisse Le Temps, réalisée par Pascaline Sordet et produit par Célia Héron. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Rafael Jimenez

Siempre hay historias para contar, a veces nuestras, a veces de otros, en este espacio hablaremos de todas las que nos interesen, todas las que nos impacten o impresionen, acompáñame en este espacio donde estaremos contando historias.
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Raftalk is an all about knowledge based platform. This channel talks about entrepreneurship, career advice, personal development, marketing, student life, health, food and so on. We also share buying guides so that we could help people to take the right buying decisions. We are working to capture and serve various categories of valuable information. Every category has a dedicated expert team. Our motto is to be a trustworthy knowledge authority where people find their specific problem soluti ...
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show series
L'humoriste Arnaud Soly, qui a gandi dans le quartier Centre-Sud à Montréal, nous raconte sa jeunesse passée à côtoyer la différence et son adolescence rock'n roll, avec tout l'humour qu'on lui connait. Suivez Arnaud Actualités et spectacles: https://arnaudsoly.com/ Sur YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ArnaudSoly Sur instagram: https://www.instag…
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In this episode of the randInt Podcast, hosts Raffy and Chandra explore the world of smart devices, discussing various products like the Apple Vision Pro, Happy Fork, Ember coffee mug, and smart gardening solutions. They delve into the practicality and absurdity of these devices, questioning whether they truly enhance our lives or simply complicate…
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Brought to you by our friends at Rock the Country festival, Gavin Adcock joins the podcast to talk about playing at the festival this year as well as his other upcoming tour dates, his rowdy shows and how he handles fans who get a little out of hand, his knack for songwriting and where he finds inspiration, opening for Morgan Wallen this summer, pl…
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Natasha Joyce is a historian, researcher, and PhD candidate at La Trobe University in Bendigo. Her research focuses on accidental childhood fatalities during Victoria's gold rush era. Known as the 'Victorian Historian', she enjoys sharing her expertise with the public through storytelling and expert commentary. Natasha has appeared on national tele…
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Un paio di settimane fa ha fatto scalpore la news di 3 studenti di Matematica e Fisica che hanno vinto 50.000 euro al lotto. La news ha girato un sacco perché, a quanto pare, la vincita è stata dovuta in gran parte all'intelligenza artificiale. Pare che grazie al machine learning i 3 studenti abbiamo sviluppato un sistema per vincere. Come potete i…
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For the twenty-seventh episode we will be drawing lessons from Prophet Musa(AS). Prophet Musa(AS) early life was characterized by trials and reliance on Almighty Allah. You can listen to this podcast episode from Muslim Centra to know about his life story - ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://open.spotify.com/episode/1CChNZSgh2immxApwoKgX5?si=tbWS9Wz5QB6aFtAsyzgJFQ⁠…
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Za nami tydzień w którym zbłaźnili się wszyscy polscy politycy. W tle ich dziecinady dzieją się jednak ważne rzeczy. Niemcy chcą ogołocić unię z pieniędzy, ostatecznie pana Zielony Ład, a nasze granice ze wszystkich stron przestały działać.Program ten powstał dzięki Waszemu wsparciu. Abonament Polityko opłacisz tutaj.54 1090 1841 0000 0001 4725 761…
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Pierwszy etap wyborczej kampanii prezydenckiej za nami. Mamy trzech kandydatów którzy mają podobne szanse na drugą ture. Każdy z nich inny, wszystkim chodzi o jedno.O ich szansach oraz stanie polskiej sceny politycznej rozmawiam z redaktorem Karolem Gacem z tygodnika Do Rzeczy . Program ten powstał dzięki Waszemu wsparciu. Abonament Polityko opłaci…
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Reflexión sobre lo poco que ha cambiado el panorama de la divulgación de la filosofía desde 1950 hasta nuestros días, a propósito de una cita de Emilio Uranga, "Rigor y divulgación en la filosofía" (publicado en México en la cultura, número 53, 5 de febrero de 1950, página 2, suplemento del diario Novedades). De la segunda época de Ráfagas de Pensa…
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La Fundación Rafael del Pino, Lopez-li Films y la Asociación Unidos por la Historia organizaron, el día 20 de abril de 2025 el diálogo “Estados Unidos, nación hispanoamericana» en el que participaron Manuel Lucena, Gonzalo Quintero y Maite Rico.
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For the twenty-Sixth episode we will be drawing lessons from Prophet Musa(AS). Prophet Musa(AS) early life was characterized by trials and reliance on Almighty Allah. You can listen to this podcast episode from Muslim Centra to know about his life story - ⁠⁠⁠https://open.spotify.com/episode/1CChNZSgh2immxApwoKgX5?si=tbWS9Wz5QB6aFtAsyzgJFQ…
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This week, Raff N Raff celebrate Raffa Rispo’s birthday by reviewing Napoli’s DISMAL 0-0 draw in Venezia. It was so bad, Raffa claims it gave him the flu. In all seriousness, the Raffs try to make sense of what exactly is happening with our partenopei. With Inter beating Atalanta, Napoli are now 3 points adrift the top, but gain a point on La Dea. …
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For the twenty-fifth episode we will be drawing lessons from Prophet Yusuf (AS). Prophet Yusuf (AS) was known for his unwavering patience, resilience, and exceptional beauty. You can listen to this podcast episode from Muslim Central - ⁠⁠⁠https://open.spotify.com/episode/0QpwzTZ5ST2Rbyz9gR0C3T?si=URkNh6inT5aeLTQTLeQkZg⁠⁠…
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Na temat skuteczności sankcji nakładanych na Rosję krążą liczne mity. Okazuje się, ze prawda jest tak skomplikowana, że mało kto wie naprawdę jakie są fakty. Temat ten przybliża pan Marek Reszuta, polski dyplomata znający doskonale zarówno Rosję, jak i Gruzję i Armenię. Analityk Centrum Rosja i Instytutu Prawa Wschodniego.Program ten powstał dzięki…
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►Website: http://www.rafalwegiel.com ►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rafalwegiel ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/rafalwegiel ►Instagram: http://instagram.com/rafalwegiel ►Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rafalwegiel Seminars: ►⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.rafalwegiel.com/ai-seminar⁠⁠…
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In this episode we explore the value of being brave and passionate in research. Cilla shares her own journey into research leadership and identifies the most important research skills to develop. We consider strategies for building research collaborations and Cilla shares advice on how to maintain authenticity while navigating the ideas of others. …
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For the twenty-fourth episode we will be drawing lessons from Prophet Yaqub (AS). Prophet Yaqub descended from a line of devout Prophets of Allah and continued to carry the message of oneness through his progeny. He was the son of Prophet Ishaq, and his grandfather was Prophet Ibrahim (AS). You can listen to this podcast episode from Muslim Central…
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Un comentario a la idea de Emilio Uranga sobre la antinomia divulgación-rigor filosófico, a partir de "Rigor y divulgación en la filosofía", publicado en México en la cultura, número 53, 5 de febrero de 1950, página 2, suplemento del diario Novedades. De la segunda época de Ráfagas de Pensamiento en Radio UNAM. Comentarios: Ernesto Priani Saisó. Pr…
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For the twenty-third episode we will be drawing lessons from Prophet Yaqub (AS). Prophet Yaqub descended from a line of devout Prophets of Allah and continued to carry the message of oneness through his progeny. He was the son of Prophet Ishaq, and his grandfather was Prophet Ibrahim (AS). You can listen to this podcast episode from Muslim Central …
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Mi sono fatto una bella chiacchierata con l'amico e collega Andrea Ciraolo, organizzata da FrancoAngeli. Abbiamo parlato del mio nuovo libro "Marketing della generosità", ma abbiamo colto l'occasione per andare in dettagli sul tema. Ci sono tanti consigli pratici e riflessioni interessanti per chi comunica, chi vende e, in generale, chi ci mette la…
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For the twenty-second episode we will be drawing lessons from Prophet Yaqub (AS). Prophet Yaqub descended from a line of devout Prophets of Allah and continued to carry the message of oneness through his progeny. He was the son of Prophet Ishaq, and his grandfather was Prophet Ibrahim (AS). You can listen to this podcast episode from Muslim Central…
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Grande viva! Escrevo-vos anafadinho e com café caseiro no bucho. Espero que me oiçam em condições idênticas. Como sabem, esta jukebox passa tudo, mas hoje a insistência vai para Bruxaria, Lei da selva, Cabeleireiros e Promoção artística. Isto e mais no meu podcast preferido. Haja Saúde, Rafaela!
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Rozmowa w której komentuję aktualną sytuację międzynarodową. W co gra Trump? Na czym mu zależy? Jak oceniać postawę Zełenskiego i Unii Europejskiej? Co z Władimirem Putinem?Nagranie ukazało się premierowo na kanale tygodnika Do RzeczyProgram ten powstał dzięki Waszemu wsparciu. Abonament Polityko opłacisz tutaj.54 1090 1841 0000 0001 4725 7610 z do…
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In this episode of the randInt Podcast, hosts Raffy and Chandra discuss various tech failures that have significantly impacted the world. They explore the cautionary tale of Outcome Health, the innovative yet ultimately unsuccessful Palm Pre, and the ongoing concerns surrounding data privacy in AI, particularly in relation to DeepMind's partnership…
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On this edition of the Napoli Rant, Raff & Raff begin with a look back at the epic Rant trip to Napoli with Quintin, the work for Serie A North America and the overall air about Napoli and the Stadio Maradona for the big 1v2 clash with Inter from last week. Then, Rispo & The Bizz get to looking back at the draw with Inter and the win over Fiorentin…
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Kip Moore joins the podcast to talk about his fantastic new album 'Solitary Tracks,' his journey thus far and how he's carved out his own lane for himself in terms of his unique sound in the country genre, the challenges that come along with a career in the music business, his impressive success touring internationally, what's on the horizon for 20…
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For the twenty-first episode we will be drawing lessons from Prophet Isa (AS). Prophet Isa (As) was a very knowledgeable man and the best human of his time. You can listen to this podcast episode from Muslim Central - https://open.spotify.com/episode/7I0aZ6ZgYXZ8ce7uUO9WkU?si=nDxCEJywQ8KFYsKozpgZZw
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Cynthia Fasola is doctoral candidate at the University of Greenwich with a background as a research manager. Her Phd explores feedback practices and the barriers that people from ethnic minority backgrounds face within academia. In this episode we talk about building confidence and strong foundations in the PhD process. Cynthia shares advice on nav…
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DISCLAIMER: THIS EPISODE WAS RECORDED FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, BEFORE NAPOLI-INTER LIVE FROM NAPOLI, IT'S RAFF N RAFF!!! For the first time ever, Raff Rispo & Raff Bizzarro film a live YouTube episode together in person. With Quintin in the background, The Raffs are in the terrazzo talking about the big match that takes place between Napoli and Inter a…
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nterview with Nafis Faysal►https://headshotly.ai►https://www.linkedin.com/company/headshotlyai/►https://www.instagram.com/headshotlyai/ Subscribe to My Channel Here: http://www.youtube.com/c/RafalWegiel​​​ ►Website: http://www.rafalwegiel.com​​​ ►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rafalwegiel​​​ ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/rafalwegiel​​​ ►Instagr…
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For the twentieth episode we will be drawing lessons from Prophet Isa (AS). Prophet Isa (As) was a very knowledgeable man and the best human of his timeYou can listen to this podcast episode from Muslim Central - https://open.spotify.com/episode/7I0aZ6ZgYXZ8ce7uUO9WkU?si=nDxCEJywQ8KFYsKozpgZZw
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Reflexión a partir de una cita de Emilio Uranga de "Rigor y divulgación en la filosofía" (publicado en México en la cultura, número 53, 5 de febrero de 1950, página 2, suplemento del diario Novedades), sobre las actitudes de los filósofos para divulgar la filosofía. De la segunda época de Ráfagas de Pensamiento en Radio UNAM. Comentarios: Ernesto P…
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For the nineteenth episode, we will be drawing lessons from Prophet Nuh (AS). Prophet Nuh showed that he believed completely in the promise of Almighty Allah, and even though his human mind could not comprehend it, he followed through regardless. You can listen to this podcast episode from Muslim Central - https://open.spotify.com/episode/3YyriHJs0…
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Plongez dans l’univers déjanté d’Anne-Sarah Charbonneau, humoriste audacieuse et primée ! De ses débuts sur scène après l’École nationale de l’humour à ses shows cultes comme Amour Propre et le fameux Womansplaining Show, Anne-Sarah nous partage ses anecdotes croustillantes – des souvenirs d’enfance étonnants aux révélations hilarantes sur le quoti…
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For the eighteenth episode this season, we will be drawing lessons from Prophet Nuh (AS). Prophet Nuh showed that he believed completely in the promise of Almighty Allah, and even though his human mind could not comprehend it, he followed through regardless. You can listen to this podcast episode from Muslim Central - https://open.spotify.com/episo…
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O kryzysie na linii Unia Europejska USA, potencjalnych scenariuszach jego zakończenia, pomysłach gospodarczych Niemiec i przyszłości Ameryki rozmawiam z panią Magdaleną Ziętek-Wielomską z Instytutu Spraw Obywatelskich.Program ten powstał dzięki Waszemu wsparciu. Abonament Polityko opłacisz tutaj.54 1090 1841 0000 0001 4725 7610 z dopiskiem Darowizn…
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Kay Danes is an award-winning author, human rights advocate and humanitarian. In this episode Kay shares the transformative experience of reshaping her PhD research and provides insights for other PhD candidates facing similar obstacles. Kay posits the importance of recognising challenges as part of the academic process. She reflects on her own maj…
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For the seventeenth episode this season we will be drawing lessons from Prophet Sulaiman (AS), the story of his life is filled with lessons of his wisdom, leadership, and deep devotion to Allah. To learn more about the life of Sulaiman (AS), you can listen to this podcast episode from Muslim Central - ⁠https://open.spotify.com/episode/2JgKFldKMtR2I…
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Qualche giorno fa sono stato intervistato dallo psicologo Antonio Quaglietta per il suo canale YouTube. Abbiamo parlato di intelligenza artificiale, delle sue grandi potenzialità, ma anche dei grossi rischi collegati. Una chiacchierata ricca di spunti interessanti, che ti consiglio di ascoltare fino alla fine. Trovi il canale di Antonio qui _______…
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Ráfaga sobre quiénes son destinatarios de la filosofía y si podemos llevarla más allá de su lugar natural, de un texto de Emilio Uranga: "Rigor y divulgación en la filosofía" publicado en México en la cultura, número 53, 5 de febrero de 1950, página 2, suplemento del diario Novedades. De la segunda época de Ráfagas de Pensamiento en Radio UNAM. Com…
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