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show episodes

Pure Cinema Podcast

Elric Kane & Brian Saur

A weekly film podcast hosted by Elric Kane (of the Shock Waves podcast) and Brian Saur (of the Rupert Pupkin Speaks film blog) featuring discussions of new films, old films, double features, cult movies, filmmakers and movie lists among a smorgasbord of other Cinema-related things.
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Mohamed Abousoliman

دردشة عن كل ما هو عظيم في السينما المصرية والعالمية Mohamed Abousoliman, creator of the popular CINEMATOLOGY video series chats all things movies with guests from various backgrounds and with one thing in common- their passion for cinema!
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The Cinematologists Podcast

The Cinematologists

Film academics Dr Dario Llinares and Dr Neil Fox introduce a live screening followed by an audience Q&A. The podcast also features interviews with filmmakers, scholars, writers and actors who debate all aspects of cinema and film culture.
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Cinematographers on the Loose Podcast

Lorenzo Levrini & Thomas Terminet

Cinematographers Thomas Terminet and Lorenzo Levrini chat with film industry professionals about cinematography, filmmaking and life. Cinematography-specific episodes and interviews with filmmakers and crew members from all departments.
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Cine:viel Podcast


Der Podcast der Filmfressen. Hier dreht sich alles rund ums Thema Film, seien es aktuelle Sichtungen aus dem Kino oder von der Couch, neue und alte Veröffentlichungen, Retrospektiven, Jahresrückblicke und andere Themen...
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Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast

Stranded Panda | QCODE

Fans talking all things MCU! Going on 10 years of discussions and deep dives into every episode and movie connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Your one stop hub for all discussion, news, and insight into what is happening with Marvel Studios. We love this stuff and want you to, too!
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Cinema Rex - Iranian Cinema Podcast

Kaveh Mohebbi & Faran Moradi

From Kiarostami to Abbasi, from Farrokhzad to Amirpour. From pre-revolutionary cinema to modern times. Join Iranian-Canadian filmmakers Kaveh Mohebbi and Faran Moradi (a screenwriter and a director) as they embark on a crash-course on all that Iranian cinema has to offer episode-to-episode one film at a time.
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Hinter den Kulissen von Hollywood ging es nur selten harmonisch zu: narzisstische Stars, unfähige Autoren, oder Regisseure, die ihren Allmachtsfantasien freien Lauf ließen. Erlebt in diesem Podcast die Geburt wegweisender Filmklassiker – von „James Bond“ über „Star Wars“ bis zu „Alien“ und „Der Pate“. Präsentiert von den CINEMA-Redakteuren Ralf Blau und Ina Hagemann.
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The Cinematic Flashback Podcast

Cinematic Flashback Podcast

”The Cinematic Flashback Podcast” is like jumping into the Way Back machine and revisiting movies of the seventies. We’ll explore the great, the not so great and everything in between as we discover what made the seventies such a great decade for going to the movies!
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Court of Cinema Podcast

Court of Cinema Podcast

Welcome to the Court of Cinema hosted by cinephile Logan Worrell. The Court of Cinema is your one stop shop for all things Film. Join us each week as we explore this wide landscape of Film and TV. New Episodes Weekly!
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The Criss Cross Cinema Podcast

Transcend Entertainment

Movie Reviews exploring every era of movie history, hosted by Filmmaker Aaron Wilson, and History Professor Mark Klobas. Weaving in and out of films past and present, take a journey with us through forgotten gems, and instant classics as we crisscross through cinema on the Criss Cross Cinema Podcast.
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Podcast Cine en serie

Cine en serie

Programa semanal que se emite en la emisora CANDIL RADIO en el que hacemos un viaje al pasado para hablar de una pelicula de culto, volvemos a la actualidad para conocer una serie de moda, y otras secciones varias, para la realización de algunas de las cuales necesitamos la colaboración de nuestros seguidores
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The Sleepless Cinematic Podcast

The Sleepless Cinematic Podcast

Emilio, Madeline, and Julian love music, and spend their afternoons and evenings working for and teaching at a music school in midtown Manhattan. But they also really love movies. A lot. So when they're done teaching, they stay up late and discuss a movie, sometimes a few, that they've all agreed to see recently. Opinions, musings, personal stories, and sincere film enthusiasm ensue.
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¿Qué impacto tiene el Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel en nuestra vida? ¿Y en el cine? ¿Y en la cultura popular? Este podcast está presentado por un grupo de personas a las que no unió un negro con un parche en el ojo. Lo hizo el propio Stan Lee y un grupo de genios que crearon un universo que nos alegra cada día de nuestras vidas. Y nosotros hacemos lo propio grabando este podcast. Escúchanos en todas las plataformas: https://babelinfinito.mumbler.io/p/pcm-podcast-cinematografico-de-marve ...
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Le Pire Podcast Cinéma

Victor B.

3 fois par semaine, la pire (meilleure ?) émission pour suivre toute l'actu du cinéma. Tous les lundis, mercredis et vendredis à 7h. Dispo sur Youtube et en podcast (avec du contenu en exclu pour les deux). Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Soldiers of Cinema Podcast

Clark Coffey And Cullen McFater

Two filmmakers, Clark and Cullen, a generation apart, compare and contrast the movies that inspire them. They'll use their difference in age to analyze each film from their own unique time and perspective. Join them as they journey into a new movie each episode - the old and the new, blockbusters and indies, from the best known masterpieces to the hidden gems you may never have heard of.
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Sorociné est un média indépendant dédié au cinéma à travers un point de vue féministe. Créé en 2018, Sorociné (https://www.sorocine.com/) a d’abord vu le jour sous format podcast avant de se décliner en un site internet, un ciné-club, et une revue papier. Depuis plus de cinq ans, nous analysons les représentations de genre à l’écran, au cinéma comme dans les séries, et valorisons les femmes et les minorités devant comme derrière la caméra. La mission de Sorociné est de redonner une place ess ...
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A CHAUD ! Le podcast cinéma

A Chaud ! Le podcast cinéma

À CHAUD ! est un podcast cinéma de critiques de films qui viennent tout juste de sortir, que ce soit au cinéma ou toutes les plateformes de streaming. On voit le film et on file vers les studios du Podlab et on vit les premiers moments des chroniqueurs, leurs sensations, leurs ressentiments pris sur le vif de la séance, tout juste "à chaud". L’émission est en deux temps, une première partie SANS spoiler, et une partie AVEC spoiler où on va plus loin dans l’analyse du film.
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CINE ENTERTAINMENT TALK ist der zweiwöchentlich erscheinende Podcast des Entertainment Blog rund um das Thema Film und Fernsehen mit Schwerpunkt auf Action- und Genre-Produktionen von den 80ern bis heute. Seit 2015 haben wir eine Vielzahl an Episoden mit meist über zwei Stunden Laufzeit sowie zahlreiche weitere Specials produziert. Thematisch ist (fast) nichts vor uns sicher. Bis dato haben wir u.a. Tribute an Meisterregisseure wie Wes Craven, Richard Donner und George A. Romero oder die Vit ...
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A blend of film talk and raunchy comedy. We go over current topics in the world of movies and chime in on new releases and all things Blu-ray. A variety of segments make up the rest of the run-time. There is no filter here. This is a fun and often times vulgar listening experience. Leave a message for the show at (213) 444-3766
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Halló! Kvikmyndapod is a film discussion podcast that journeys through the cinema of 21st century Iceland celebrating the unique films made in Iceland and the film-makers behind them. Each week Rob (a big fan of Iceland) and Ellie (a relative newbie to all things Iceland) tackle a single movie and chat about it. From comedies to documentaries to horror films, the podcast looks at what makes them specifically Icelandic as well as how they fit into the wider world of film. Get in touch: kvikmy ...
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The Cine-men movie podcast

the cine-men movie podcast

the podcast of all podcasts we breakdown all kinds of movies discuss entertainment news talk big box office juggernauts shows drop Monday nights we also deliver a entertaining segment every week dubbed the top5. dont forget to check out our episodes
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Der Podcast für Freunde des abseitigen Films. Flo, Jan, Martin und Burger pairen Arthouse und Trash-Filme (Art or Trash), diskutieren aktuelle Filmperlen (CCC) und handeln den Genrefilm thematisch - auf der Jagd nach obskuren Perlen - ab (Genrejagd).
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Movies! Movies! Movies! We love ‘em even when we hate them. Join indie filmmakers Brian Cottington and John Wooliscroft who each week tackle your favorite movies both new and old..good and bad, through the lens of smart film critique with a heavy dose of comedy. So strap in to laugh about the films of Neil Breen while analyzing the works of Steven Spielberg because all are welcome to our cinematic madhouse.
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Întrucât ne-am decis să trăim o veșnicie, ne-am hotărât că vom avea destul timp să povestim despre istoria intelectuală a omenirii într-o serie de podcasturi începând cu antichitatea și ajungând până în zilele noastre. Planul nostru este ca, în fiecare săptămână, să purtăm o discuție despre o temă esențială din sfera umanistă. Vom vorbi, așadar, despre literatura, istorie, religie și, bineînțeles, filozofie. Totul în ordine cronologică.
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Back Look Cinema: The Podcast

Alonzo Richardson

Back Look Cinema invites you to revisit the cinematic treasures of yesteryear from the 70s, 80s, & 90s. Join us every other week as our host, Zo Richardson, welcomes a special guest to share their cherished memories of some of the greatest movies in history and delve into the legendary Hollywood lore that unfolded behind the camera.
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show series
We are here this week to review the newest film from Bong Joon Ho, Mickey 17 (2025) If you want to know what we are watching...What Did We Watch This Week? Dawson on Letterboxd Brent on Letterboxd Reggie on Letterboxd Rob on Letterboxd MCU Leaks More Disney BS? Potter Drama Amazon Ruining Franchises Netflix Spending Your Money No Disney Animation F…
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Not all cinematography jobs are created equal. Some jobs require creative input and some jobs do not. At least not in the same quantity. Knowing the difference between the types of jobs and what is being asked or required from you can have a big impact on the quality of the work. I think the goal for most working in the industry is to be sought aft…
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Jurandir Filho, Rogério Montanare, Thiago Siqueira, Fernanda Schmölz e Gnu batem um papo sobre todas as novidades do DCU de James Gunn. Dois anos após o anuncio oficial dos projetos iniciais do novo Universo Cinematográfico da DC, muita coisa mudou, algumas coisas se concretizaram e outras novidades apareceram. “Comando das Criaturas” abriu esse un…
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Jurandir Filho, Rogério Montanare, Thiago Siqueira, Fernanda Schmölz e Gnu batem um papo sobre todas as novidades do DCU de James Gunn. Dois anos após o anuncio oficial dos projetos iniciais do novo Universo Cinematográfico da DC, muita coisa mudou, algumas coisas se concretizaram e outras novidades apareceram. "Comando das Criaturas" abriu esse un…
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For the latest episode we are honoured to share a recent talk at Falmouth University's School of Film & Television by Rod Stoneman titled 'Amongst Artistic Forms of Thought'. Rod's talk discussed different and often radical uses of film form to move the art form and audience thinking into different, not literal, not factual, non information-driven …
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Le dernier trailer de chez Marvel n'a aucun sens, Canal continue de virer des gens, l'IA s'infiltre dans les doublages Amazon (la honte) et j'ai vu THERE WILL BE BLOOD, quel bonheur ! Bonne écoute ! 💛 Pour soutenir l'émission (et l'avoir dès 7h) : https://patreon.com/victorb ---------------------------- 🔥🔥PARTICIPE AU PROCHAIN TOURNAGE DU BISTRO À …
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Matt and Jeff dive into this episode a little deeper. It is so exciting to have this show back!!! SPONSORS: Hims https://www.hims.com/MCU Support Matt's Daredevil Album! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/album-inspired-by-daredevil-from-matthew-carroll/x/24216561#/ Patreon https://www.patreon.com/mcucast Join The Stranded Panda Community! https://…
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¡Prepárate para emocionarte, cantar y redescubrir #LaMagiaDelMusical! En esta emocionante iniciativa, 50 pódcasts se han unido para celebrar clásicos de culto y estrenos recientes de uno de los géneros más fascinantes del séptimo arte: el cine musical. Cada día un pódcast diferente explorará la historia, canciones e impacto cultural de películas qu…
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Zo is in the famed Chinatown area of Los Angeles enjoying the sights, the sounds and, as it turns out, a bunch of commotion. Zo loves a good martial arts bout just like everyone else, but does a kung fu fight have to break out at the Chinese restaurant where he's at trying to enjoy egg fu young? It seems as though a well dressed Chinese man and a t…
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A CHAUD! Le podcast cinéma, revient sur Mickey 17 de Bong Joon-ho ( palme d'or pour Parasite, Mother, The Host, Memories of murder ). Au menu de cette épisode, une satyre spatiale qui veut nous emmener loin dans l'exploration de la société post-capitaliste. Bref, gros programme fouille, mais serons nous tous du même avis ? 00:00:00 Intro 00:06:37 S…
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We watched Bio-Dome (1996) so you don’t have to—and trust us, you’re welcome. This 1996 Pauly Shore "comedy" is a chaotic, cringe-filled disaster that somehow became a cult classic. Join us as we break down every painfully absurd moment of this eco-themed trainwreck, from its baffling plot to its questionable humor. Whether you’re a 90s nostalgia j…
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En este episodio analizamos en profundidad el segundo episodio de Daredevil: Born Again, la nueva serie de Disney+. Únete al Marvel Express y recibe GRATIS una dosis extra en tu bandeja de entrada https://marvelexpress.substack.com/ Desde los primeros 100 días de Wilson Fisk como alcalde hasta las implicancias de los acuerdos de Sokovia, te contamo…
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¿Es "Daredevil: Born Again" la secuela que esperábamos o un simple reboot? En este episodio, nos sumerjimos de lleno en la nueva serie de Disney+, "Daredevil: Born Again". Analizamos si esta entrega logra mantener el espíritu de la serie original de Netflix o si Marvel ha dado un giro inesperado al personaje y su universo. En este episodio escuchar…
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Wir reden nicht über die OSCARS, dafür über einige aktuelle Streaming-Filme und gleich zwei Patreon-Picks...(00:00:22) Wir sprechen nicht über die OSCARS oder doch?!(00:04:28) A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (1984) bei den THURSDAY NIGHTMARES [Kino](00:07:02) Wir reden schon wieder über die Oscars: SEINFELD bei den OSCARS(00:08:36) Miles Teller vs. Anya …
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Enfin ! Merci ! MICKEY 17 est là ! Mais vous savez aussi ce qui est là ? La maladie. Ouais, je vous explique dans l'émission mais la crève a détruit la moitié de l'émission. Pardon. On revient fort lundi. Bonne écoute ! 💛 Pour soutenir l'émission (et l'avoir dès 7h) : https://patreon.com/victorb ---------------------------- 🔥🔥PARTICIPE AU PROCHAIN …
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Flo und Burger stellen sich dem Endgegner der Masala-Genrejagd entgegen. Folgt ihnen in Gewalt, Alpha-Männer, Mysoginie und Absurdität - denn die Jungs besprechen den Erfolgsfilm Animal, welcher mit seinem Machismo die Grenzen des Erträglichen testet und evtl. auch eine konzeptuelle Kritik an den Masala-Film darstellt? Tune in to find out. SUPPORTE…
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Astăzi am discutat despre doi autori importanți din secolul XVIII, Helvetius și d'Holbach, care au avut un rol esențial în iluminismul radical. Acești gânditori, mai radicali chiar decât Diderot, erau materialiști și atei, critici ai monarhiei și ai vechiului regim. D'Holbach a scris mult despre creștinism, politică și societate, publicându-și lucr…
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Mohammad Rasoulof, the Iranian director whose films have consistently challenged the authority of the Islamic Republic, has faced imprisonment and persecution for his artistic vision. While serving time in Iranian prison for his films A Man of Integrity and 2020’s There Is No Evil, Rasoulof began to think about his next film, The Seed of the Sacred…
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Julian, Madeline, and Emilio are graced by the enthusiastic presence of Tony-nominated actor Rob McClure to finish off their episode cycle on Oscar-Winning Supporting Performances with a "Close-Up" about three classic comedic roles, which each garnered their performers the coveted trophies. The first of these would be Kevin Kline's role in "A Fish …
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Une militante de droite raconte n'importe quoi sur les César, des images du prochain Avengers ont leak et je parle d'une révélation musicale que vous DEVEZ voir !! Bonne écoute ! 💛 Pour soutenir l'émission (et l'avoir dès 7h) : https://patreon.com/victorb --------------------------------------------------- 🦹 Pour écouter MCU "M*rdique Cinematic Uni…
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It's here, my friends! Daredevil is returning for a shocking couple of episodes that maintain the tone and DNA that made the Netflix series so great. Some bold choices and new elements, but we are here for it! Let's talk about it! SPONSORS: Open Phone https://www.openphone.com/MCU Patreon https://www.patreon.com/mcucast Join The Stranded Panda Comm…
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Send us your fan mail :) Unfortunately Denis Villeneuve didn't receive any recognition from The Academy for Dune 2. If The Academy wont do it then I'll do it myself, in todays episode I present to you Denis Villeneuve's movies Ranked from worst to best. 8.Enemy 7. Sicario 6. Incendies 5. Prisoners 4. Arrival 3. Dune 2. Blade Runner 2049 1. Dune: Pa…
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Decimonoveno programa de la decimotercera temporada, el 421 del total, en el que hemos resumido las casi cinco horas y media que duró la retransmisión de la Alfombra roja y de la Ceremonia de los Oscars. Muchas gracias a Mercedes Úbeda @ladyandrocker, Merche Murcia @merxilla, Curro Ruiz @curroruizartesaniaflamenca, Leles Salvador @leles_salvador, S…
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On this episode, Brian and Elric are joined by longtime film aficionado Drew McWeeny to talk about movies from a period that Drew is very familiar with: the 1980s. Check out Drew's new Podcast The Hip Pocket: https://open.spotify.com/show/3THI6JD4MVojIeZjBbZM2c as well as his online writing (including and 80s movie Newsletter) here: https://drewmcw…
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This week on the podcast we are back to our regularly scheduled programming after an awesome "Life Off Set" series hosted by Jon Bregel. There is no guest this week just myself rambling about the difference between taste and judgement and what I think actually moves the needle on any production. Cinematography has so many different angles we can ta…
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We are here this week to review the newest film from Apple, The Gorge (2025) If you want to know what we are watching...What Did We Watch This Week? Dawson on Letterboxd Brent on Letterboxd Reggie on Letterboxd Rob on Letterboxd The Oscars Happened Mo Money Mo Problems Fear Street hits High School Big Mad Actor Deaths Box Office We now have a mid-w…
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Retransmisión completa de la de la 97ª Edición del Oscars desde la emisora Candil Radio @candilradio, tanto de la alfombra roja, en la que Mariola Mariola Martín @martinsa ha estado acompañada de Mercedes Úbeda @ladyandrocker, Merche Murcia @merxilla, Curro Ruiz @curroruizartesaniaflamenca, Leles Salvador @leles_salvador, Sandra Palacios @sandrapal…
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C'est fini la saison des cérémonies et on termine en beauté ! D'un côté, les Cesar, la Fronce, la joie, le bonheur, la tendresse ; de l'autre les Oscars, l'extravagance, le too much, les émotions et les surprises ! Bonne écoute ! 💛 Pour soutenir l'émission (et l'avoir dès 7h) : https://patreon.com/victorb -------------------------------------------…
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¡El final explosivo de Daredevil temporada 2 nos dejó sin aliento! En este episodio analizamos en profundidad los últimos cuatro capítulos de la segunda temporada de Daredevil. Nos sumergimos en las intensas batallas, revelaciones impactantes y giros argumentales que cierran esta emocionante entrega de la serie de Marvel. Únete al Marvel Express y …
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Aufgepasst, liebe Horrorfilmfreunde, der Gruftwächter ist aus seinem Mausoleum gestiegen, um mit dem CINE ENTERTAINMENT TALK seine Filmtrilogie zu reanimieren! Trilogie? Ja, denn neben RITTER DER DÄMONEN und BORDELLO OF BLOOD gibt es auch noch den Voodoo-Horror RITUAL, welcher viel zu oft vom Radar vieler Genre-Freunde verschwindet. Doch kann der S…
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Jurandir Filho, Rogério Montanare, Thiago Siqueira e Fernanda Schmölz fazem a reunião anual sobre a maior premiação do cinema: o Oscar. No ano de 2025, especialmente, ele está com uma das melhores seleções dos últimos anos e temos o Brasil com 3 indicações!!! “Ainda Estou Aqui” e Fernanda Torres atraíram todas as atenções dos brasileiros para a pre…
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Jurandir Filho, Rogério Montanare, Thiago Siqueira e Fernanda Schmölz fazem a reunião anual sobre a maior premiação do cinema: o Oscar. No ano de 2025, especialmente, ele está com uma das melhores seleções dos últimos anos e temos o Brasil com 3 indicações!!! "Ainda Estou Aqui" e Fernanda Torres atraíram todas as atenções dos brasileiros para a pre…
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Mel Gibson gehört in eine Zwangsjacke, Nazis auf die Fresse, Louis Defunes Kohlsuppe seinem ausserirdischen Freund und Euch eine geballte Stunde Cineviel Eskapismus...(00:00:22) Politische und kulinarische Auswüchse(00:04:11) Mel Gibson ist als Hollywood Beauftragter eventuell ein FLIGHT RISK (2025) [Kino](00:16:19) Oz Perkins ist auf den Affen gek…
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Le nouveau documentaire du frère d'Orelsan est là et c'est une déception, les votants des Oscars font n'importe quoi, des légendes nous quittent et j'ai vu LE TOMBEAU DES LUCIOLES... oh on pleure fort. Bonne écoute ! 💛 Pour soutenir l'émission (et l'avoir dès 7h) : https://patreon.com/victorb --------------------------------------------------- 🦹 Po…
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Is Captain America: Brave New World on track to be a $400 Million Dollar Hulk-Sized Flop or are the negative reviews a bit over blown? This week, we are gliding into another entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Where last year’s Deadpool & Wolverine gave us a glimmer of hope in a MCU that embraces doing something a bit different, Captain Ameri…
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Denis Diderot este una dintre figurile emblematice ale secolului al XVIII-lea, cunoscut în special pentru coordonarea monumentalului proiect "Encyclopedia". Această lucrare nu este doar un simplu dicționar, ci un dicționar critic al ideilor și cunoașterii, simbolizând dorința iluministă de a răspândi cunoașterea nu doar printre elite, ci și în rând…
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