The PHP Roundtable is a podcast of web developers discussing PHP, JavaScript, community, open source, and anything else PHP nerds care about. It is broadcast live from Google Hangouts On-Air. For complete show notes or to watch the episodes in video format visit And join the conversation live! Just subscribe to the newsletter at and never miss a live show.
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093: PHPRoundtable September 2024 - CLIs and TUIs with PHP for fun and profit
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1:22:15Unlock the power of command-line interfaces and text-based user interfaces with PHP in our latest PHPRoundtable episode: ‘CLIs and TUIs with PHP for Fun and Profit.’ Join us as we dive deep into how developers leverage PHP to create robust and interactive CLI and TUI applications that drive productivity and innovation.…
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92: PHPRoundtable Aug 2024 - Event Sourcing
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1:12:44Show Links Event Sourcery: Event Sourcery is a video course created by Shawn McCool that covers the fundamentals of reactive systems and event sourcing, both theoretical and practical. The course combines carefully produced video lectures and real source code examples to show how the ideas translate into working code. The code is written in PHP by …
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In this episode on PHPRoundtable, the panel discusses AI, what we are using, and what we are not. We also discuss frontend development for backend developers and our history on the frameworks we use and why.بقلم The PHP Roundtable
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In this episode on PHPRoundtable, the panel discusses the adoption and current state of PHP in the industry. We also share out thoughts on what we feel could be some potential improvements for the development experience. We also talk about the importance of understanding PHP's internals and embracing change to keep up with the evolving landscape.…
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Here are some links from the show. glibc/iconv Vulnerability The GNU C Library security advisories TaskFile Open Telemetry PHP PHP BCMath RFC Python NumPy Panel Eric Van Johnson - X / Mastodon Sara Golemon - Mastodon Joe Ferguson - X / Mastodon TJ Miller - X / Mastodon Derick Rethans - X / Mastodonبقلم The PHP Roundtable
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Join us on the next PHPRoundtable as we decode the superheroes behind the scenes in the tech world! No, they don't wear capes (usually), but they're the bridge-builders, the peace-makers, and the tech whisperers. Dive into the enigmatic world of Developer Relations, find out who they are, what magic they weave, and how they keep both sides of the c…
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87: Open Sourcing Mental Illness
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1:41:15Please consider supporting OSMI and its mission to help those facing mental illness in the tech community. Donate to Open Sourcing Mental Illness OSMI began in 2013, with Ed Finkler speaking at tech conferences about his personal experiences as a web developer and open-source advocate with a mental health disorder. The response was overwhelming, an…
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86:The Education of Development
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2:00:05Links from the Show Boise State University GIMM Program Madison Area Technical College The Panel Eric Van Johnson - This is me :-) I am a self-taught PHP developer and have been running a development studio for over ten years. Back in 2021, my business partner and I took over the operations of php[architect] / and @shocm on Twi…
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85: The State of PHP User Groups
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1:31:10An international panel of PHP Community members discusses the stat of PHP User Groups. How to get involved, so of the pitfalls, and a lot of the benefits of being a part of the community. Panel Member: Andreas Heigl Rafael Dohms Rick Kuipers Bob Bloom Chris Spruck Joe Ferguson Ben Ramsey Sara Golemon Eric Van Johnson Links Discussed on the show htt…
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Ben shared with us his experience being a Release Manager for PHP 8.1. We also talk about the voting process for Release Manager voting for 8.2 ( Congratulations to Sergey Panteleev and Pierrick Charron on becoming the Release Managers for PHP 8.2. We share our thoughts on how to follow along with discuss…
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10 years of Laravel, and the framework continues to grow stronger with the passing of each release. More and more talented developers are creating packages and contributing to the overall health of Laravel. We talk with Eric Barnes, Matt Stauffer, and Taylor Otwell. We talk about conferences, kids, PHP, and so much more.…
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Sammy opens the Roundtable back up. Everyone talks about what they've been doing for the past few years. What we are up to now. And what the future holds for The PHPRoundtable.بقلم The PHP Roundtable
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There have been lots of big changes happening with the PHP-FIG. Today we chat with a number of figgies to get the inside scoop on what has changed and also get a glimpse inside of the latest accepted standard, PSR-18: HTTP Client Interface. The PHP podcast is where everyone chimes in. Website: Youtube:…
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80: PHP Internals: Preloading, FFI & More
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1:16:54We'll be deep-diving into some PHP internals goodness that you won't want to miss. We'll go behind the scenes of preloading, a possible foreign function interface (FFI), typed properties, a password hashing registry and more. The PHP podcast is where everyone chimes in. Website: Youtube: …
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The first major piece of legislation that we've seen attempt to regulate how our personal information is handled on the web is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Today we chat with some panelists who have gone down the GDPR-compliance road and they are going to help us PHP devs understand how the GDPR affects us and what we can do to ma…
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78: DocBlocks, Annotations, PSR-5 & The Like
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53:16We discuss DocBlocks, PSR-5, Annotations, reflection, automatic API documentation generation, and their future in PHP. The PHP podcast is where everyone chimes in. Website: Youtube: Twitter: @phproundtable The PHP Roundtable is a podcast of web developers discussing PHP, JavaScript, commu…
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077: Tech Interviews for Self-Taught PHP Programmers
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50:38Self-taught PHP programmers, even those of us with decades of experience, would likely fail a tech interview in an epic way. If you've ever wanted to work for a big tech company like Google, Amazon or Facebook but have always been too nervous about the tech interview, this episode is for you. We chat about what we need to do to be fully prepared fo…
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076: Concurrency, Generators & Coroutines - Oh My!
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54:18PHP has had support for coroutines since PHP 5.5 and it allows you to do some really cool non-blocking stuff. We chat about concurrency in PHP and how we might be able to use it to speed up our apps.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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075: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1
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55:39New accessibility guidelines are coming down the pipe that will impact our apps with the new WCAG 2.1. We chat about what the guidelines are and how we can start preparing our apps for them.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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Secrets, secrets, are no fun, all they do is cause pain when trying to deploy to production. By secrets, we're talking about database passwords, API keys, and other credentials that we want to keep from prying eyes. There are a number of solutions out there to keep our secrets out of the codebase and in a more secure area. We discuss the options we…
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Static analysis is a fancy word to describe a tool that looks at our code and gives us helpful hints on how to improve it. We'll be discussing what static analyzers do, which tools the PHP community has access to, and how we can incorporate the tools into our daily development flow.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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We finally unveil the super-secret project to the world! Listen in to find out what it is and how you can get your hands on one.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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071: Extra, extra: PHP 7.2 released!
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59:34The next major version of PHP is here! PHP 7.2 comes with a nice set of upgrades, performance enhancements, and a brand new crypto library right out of the box. We discuss some of the features and breaking changes that we should be aware of before upgrading to PHP 7.2.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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We chat about backwards compatibility, Gutenberg, and the WordPress ecosystem.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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We're still alive! We come off our hiatus to have an informal catch-up session with some PHP friends. And proof of the secret PHP Roundtable project is revealed to Chris & Joe.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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068: PHP's Dirty Little Segfault Secret
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1:01:37PHP is known for running really bad code really well. But it has a dirty little secret: deep within its code is a hidden "stack bomb". You can cause PHP to completely crash with just a few lines of code. Today we discuss why this happens and what we can do to fix the issue.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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067: Imposter syndrome and the Dunning-Kruger effect
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56:37In an industry like software engineering where it seems like there's always something else to learn, it's easy to come down with a case of imposter syndrome. We chat about imposter syndrome's impact on the PHP community and contrast it with the Dunning-Kruger effect.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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066: Docker: Drinking the Kool-Aid
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1:04:10After years of resisting, SammyK finally drank the Docker Kool-Aid for his everyday client work. We talk about his transition from Vagrant to Docker and some bumps he hit along the way.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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Adding tests to php-src is a great way to get involved with PHP internals. Don't know how to get started? You're in luck. TestFest 2017 is going to be a thing in September. User groups and individuals around the world are going to organize to learn how to add tests to PHP and become official internals contributors. It has been 7 years since the las…
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064: PHP 7 Source Code: A Deep Dive
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1:15:12We take a deep-dive into the underlaying structure of the the PHP source code and talk about the scanner, parser, the new AST layer (and the evil things we can do with it), and the Zend engine. Let's see how the PHP sausage is made!بقلم PHP Roundtable
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We have a mashup recording with PHPUgly and PHP Town Hall during the community night at php[tek] 2017. We chat about OSMI, UUID's, git, product development, getting involved in the PHP community and funky socks.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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We chat all things about the Laravel ecosystem.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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Dependency Injection has been a design principle that the PHP community has embraced more fully than a lot of other programming communities. There's even an official PHP-FIG standard being discussed called PSR-11 which will standardize dependency injection containers. Today we chat all things dependency injection.…
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060: Logging & Crash Reporting in PHP
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59:34No matter how experienced you are as a programmer, at some point your app will generate errors and crash. Fixing problems with your app quickly is paramount in order to affect as little of your user base as possible. We discuss what is involved with implementing effective logging and crash reporting techniques in PHP to help you keep your apps up a…
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PHP 7.1, the latest minor version of PHP, was released on December 1st. We discuss some things that went on behind-the-scenes that brought this new version to a stable release and we look at some new features that we can start taking advantage of today.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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Guzzle has become the de-facto HTTP-client library for PHP. But recently a number of open source projects have been switching to HTTPlug which boasts itself as an HTTP-client abstraction. We chat about the problems HTTPlug aims to solve, the plans for its future and the reasons behind why some library maintainers have chosen to adopt it or not.…
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There's a lot more going on at Zend other than Zend Framework. We chat about the Zend ecosystem, from Apigility to Zend Certification and what Zend's role is in PHP internals.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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There are two seemingly contradicting philosophies about how to charge clients for programming work. The hourly camp suggests that the client is paying for your skill and hiring you for your time. The value-based pricing camp suggests that the programmer should price a project based on its value to the client instead of the hours it will take to bu…
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055: Acceptance Testing with Behat
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1:10:04We chat about the open-source Behavior-Driven Development framework called Behat. We get a brief overview of how Behat can help us write more reliable code and also explore some best-practices when writing automated tests.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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054: Security: Encryption, Hashing and PHP
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1:10:22We chat about security in the the PHP community, encryption & hashing in PHP and a new-hotness crypto library called libsodium.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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053: Why I'm Afraid To Admit I Use PHP
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1:12:42So you spend most of your time programming in PHP. You meet another programmer out in the wild. You begin explaining what you do. Do you find yourself using vague terms and actively trying to avoid the word "PHP?" Do you dread the question, "What language do you primarily code in?" Do you anticipate them scoffing at you when you say, "PHP?" We disc…
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052: Happy Birthday PHP Roundtable!
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1:09:40Today the PHP Roundtable celebrates 2 years of generating nerdy discussions! We take a look behind the scenes of the PHP Roundtable podcast and chat with some nerds about what's going on the world of PHP.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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Despite the fact that there was never an official release of PHP 6, it was going to be a real thing with a lot of great improvements to the engine and language. But why was this version of PHP never released? We talk with some previous and current internals developers to hear the story of what happened to PHP 6.…
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If you're just starting with programming & PHP, this episode is for you. We discuss some helpful tips to get you started with PHP programming such as some helpful learning resources and some common pitfalls to watch out for when learning to program.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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We spend much of our time as developers managing the state in our applications. There are many different approaches and philosophies attributed to reading, mutating and storing state. The Event Sourcing pattern is an approach to managing application state. If we think of any given state of our app as a frame in a video, Event Sourcing allows us to …
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The demand for DevOps skills is growing more and more in modern web development. But all the hype and demand is met with myriad DevOps tools. Staying abreast of how these tools can help make our jobs easier can be daunting. So today we take a closer look at one of these tools called Docker which takes a microservices-architecture approach to managi…
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HTTP/1.1 will eventually be replaced by HTTP/2 so it's important for us PHP nerds to know all about the latest version of the HTTP protocol that's already running some of the internet's biggest websites. We discuss the things we need to know to start using HTTP/2 in our next PHP app. We also go briefly off topic to discuss the status of PHP 7.1 and…
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046: Character Encoding and UTF-8 in PHP
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1:07:34If you've ever gotten a number of weird looking characters in your database or on your website like, "�" and didn't know why, then this episode is for you. Those bizarre characters called "mojibake", rear their ugly heads when we don't account for a consistent character encoding. Today we discuss what character encoding is, how to accommodate for i…
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We record live from main stage at php|tek in St. Louis, MO. We discuss speaking at conferences and recent events in PHP-FIG.بقلم PHP Roundtable
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Async? Isn't that like AJAX in Javascript or something? Most PHP developers encounter asynchronous code for the first time in Javascript, but not many are aware that PHP can do async too. We discuss asynchronous programming in PHP and how we might be able to implement it in our own projects using various libraries. We also take a look at how async …
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