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Kenichiro Wada & Norio Sanbonmatsu

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Rafael Kenedy da Silva Alves

Um podcast casual onde falamos tudo que nos dá na telha, com apresentação de Rafael Alves e Duan Lêdson, pra você ouvir onde quiser.
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NoName Podcast

Instituto NoName

Este é o PodCast do Instituto NoName, aqui falamos sobre os projetos da ONG NoName e também sobre assuntos pertinentes à nossas campanhas ou entrevista direcionadas ao nosso trabalho.
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The Noname Nerd Podcast

The Noname Nerd

This podcast is focused on providing practical tips on how nerds engaged in content creation can further their craft and grow their followings. It is part of the Noname Nerd community, which is dedicated to creating positive and welcoming online spaces for nerds of all shapes, sizes, and colors.
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show series
NONAME.FMメンバーの3名が久々に集合、それぞれの近況報告です。※初の対面収録、環境音が大きく聞きづらいかもしれません。 #ONTAKE100 #信越五岳 #故障続き#健康診断 #コレステロール #肝臓 #お酒を減らした #睡眠の質 #片方だけ靴が減る #実は走ることが好きなのかも #TDT100 #ONTAKE100mile #気持ち悪くなる #補給食 #自分に負けたくない #まだだまだ終わらんよ #フレンドリー枠 #土台をつくる #テレビやめた #最近試してみたジェル #オレンジとバナナ #異常な暑さ Instagram @nonamebroadcasting #nonamefm…
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EP.44は、塙 翔太さんをお招きして、香港の4大トレイルを巡るウルトラトレイルランニングレース "Trail Ultra Loop"のお話や、お仕事のパーソナルトレーナーのことを聞かせていただきました。 Instagram @nonamebroadcasting #nonamefm
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NONAME.FM EP.41は、ニュージーランドの北の端から南の端までを通るロングトレイル「Te ARAROA(テアラロア)トレイル」をスルーハイクした、佐藤ユキ丸 (@yukimaru1ab)さんをゲストにお迎えしました。 Instagram @nonamebroadcasting #nonamefm
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NONAME.FM EP.38は、トレニックワールド 100mile & 100km in 彩の国 / 星の郷八ヶ岳野辺山高原100kmウルトラマラソンのお話しです。 Instagram @nonamebroadcasting #nonamefm
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EP.33は、TDT100 (2022)を走った溝江広治さんがゲスト。完走者が推薦→抽選で翌年の出走者が決まるというTDTのルールで、溝江さんを推薦した藤田慎一郎さん、溝江さんのペーサーとして後半を走った和田友美さんもお迎えして、賑やかにお届けします。 Instagram @nonamebroadcasting #nonamefm
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#nonamefm EP.32は、おんたけ100マイルに向けての走り込みで疲労が抜けないと悩んでいる三本松さんが、マウンテンバイクとトレイルランニングの二刀流アスリート 池田祐樹さんと、プラントベースアスリートフード研究家の池田清子さんをお招きして、お悩み相談をするという内容です。トレイルランニング・マウンテンバイクに限らず、マラソン、ロードバイクなどなど、様々なスポーツを楽しまれている方に聴いていただきたい約60分です。 お詫び:通信トラブルで、大事な会話が途切れてしまっている数秒間が何箇所かございます。収録にお付き合い頂きました池田夫妻にお詫び致します。 Instagram @nonamebroadcasting #nonamefm…
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#nonamefm EP.30は、静岡在住で、フリーMC、メイクアップ・ビューティープロデュース、ウェルネスビューティーアドバイザーとして活躍する杉崎夕子さん(@urara_sky)に、トレイルランニングとの出会いや、静岡のおすすめトレイル&グルメについて聞いてみました。 Instagram @nonamebroadcasting #nonamefm
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NONAME.FM EP.28は、UTMF(2022)ふり返り第二弾です。オンラインゲストのシャウシャウさんこと藤本直樹さんは、その昔のトレンディドラマの主題歌のように、たとえば君がいるだけで周囲の人まで笑顔にしてしまうような、その昔のドラマにあった、いいひとを絵に描いたようなナイスガイ。辛いときにも笑顔を忘れないように(たぶん)と、両手の甲にマジックで「笑」と書いてスタートした2022年のUTMFのお話を聴かせていただきました。 @nonamebroadcasting#nonamefm
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ちょっと油断すると配信が滞るNONAME.FMの今回のゲストは、熊本市のクラフトビールのボトルショップ『outdoor and beers』のオーナー高野欽司さん。会社勤めと併行しながらオープンしたボトルショップの話と、20年以上楽しんであるマウンテンバイクの話、現在の愛車であるE-MTB(電動アシストつきマウンテンバイク)の話、高野さんおすすめの熊本グルメの話なんかを聞かせてもらいました。 Instagram @nonamebroadcasting #nonamefm
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Today, we’re gonna take a look at game capture. We hear a lot of talk about capture cards. Do you really need a capture card to start streaming? Well, a lot of that depends on what platform you are trying to stream from, but on PC and some modern consoles, you actually don’t need a capture card for basic streaming! We'll let you know how! --- Send …
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Last time we talked about cameras. But what good is being on camera if people can’t see you clearly? So, if we’re going to be on camera, we need to address the lighting in the room. You need to be lit clearly, but not so brightly that it overwhelms the camera. In some situations, the ambient lighting in your room will be serviceable enough for this…
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When we talk about what it takes to start a stream, you don’t need anything fancy for a webcam to get up and running. For some categories, like gaming streams, you don’t even really need a camera! You may have a webcam lying around the house or baked into your computer that can get the job done. As long as it’s outputting at a minimum of 240p, it w…
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One of the biggest barriers to new people getting into content production is not knowing where to start with gear. So, in these next few podcasts, we’re going to discuss the basics you need to start, and where to go with upgrades, specifically with regards to audio, video, lighting, and game capture. Today, we’re gonna take a look at sound. Er, tak…
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トレイル/ロード問わず色々なランニングを楽しんでいる堤智美さんをリモートゲストに、お気に入りのトレイルと、その時に立ち寄ることの多いお店を紹介してもらいました。(ホストの機器セットアップ不足、リモート収録時の回線状況も重なり、聞き取り難い部分があるかもしれません。ご了承ください) Instagram @nonamebroadcasting #nonamefm
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One of the most rewarding parts of being a streamer is building authentic connections with fans in your chat. A lot of fans enjoy building those connections as well, and it can be a lot of fun when we all feel comfortable enough with each other to talk about our own lives and such. Unfortunately, sometimes, that sort of comfortability can lead to f…
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In addition to some updates about the Noname Nerd NFT projects (especially the Digidenizens!), I talk about why the criticism that you simply right click and make copies of NFTs invalidates the value of NFTs. As I discuss, there are lots of very famous and very collectible items from famous art to basketball shoes that is either a functional copy o…
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「数年前に仕事中に転落して大怪我をして、そのときに働き方というのを考えるようになって、自分がやりたいことを追求していった方が自分の人生にはプラスになるんじゃないのかなって」福岡市の六本松でクラフトビールのブルワリーをスタートするべく奔走中の緒方淳さんに色々と聞いてみました。 Instagram @nonamebroadcasting #nonamefm
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If you ask most streamers–especially new people–why they want to make a career out of streaming, one of the most common answers to this question is “because being paid to play games sounds fun!” It’s often not until we really dig deep into streaming that we realize how challenging of a job it can be. Around the discord server, we often refer to it …
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なんとなくキリの良い20回目を、キレの悪いトークで祝います。 ADIZERO TAKUMI SEN 8 Nike React Infinity Run Flyknit 2 冬のウエアリング @3bon の2022ベストバイ? Instagram @nonamebroadcasting #nonamefm
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Here at the Noname Nerd Communities, we’ve talked to countless nerds wanting to get into various content creation categories. We often ask them why they haven’t started, and the response is always some variant of the same answer. “I don’t know how.” “I’m not good enough yet.” We could keep going, but you get the idea. So, let’s take a deep dive int…
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Charity streams are one of the most fun ways to give back to the community as a streamer. Last time, we discussed how to pick a charity to work with. But now that we’ve found one, how can we fundraise as effectively as possible with our audience? Today, we’re going to look at some widely successful tactics that we can use to increase the revenue fo…
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You know, if our community is any indication, nerds might just be the most caring individuals on the planet. Have you ever wondered how you can help other people by creating content? Charities all over the world have discovered how great it can be to work with online content creators, which has opened up a plethora of options for you to help the wo…
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In previous podcasts, we’ve discussed finding the right voice and right platform for your content. But how do people find that voice? Equally important to finding your voice is finding consistent places where your fans can find you! So today, we’re going to discuss the steps you need to take to carve out a more permanent home on the internet! Befor…
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サイクリストの衣本始司さんをお迎えして、主にグラベルロードのことをお聞きしました。「形にとらわれず自由に楽しむこと」「今が一番楽しい」などなど、自転車の難しい話は出てきませんのでランナーの方も安心してお聞きください。(機材の不具合により鈴の音のようなノイズが入ってます。ご了承ください) @nonamebroadcasting#nonamefm
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Joe was recently promoted to our community manager. For a long time, he has been the backbone of the community and we are really excited to have him move into this role. Listen to this podcast to learn a little more about Joe and what the Noname Nerd community means to him. Remember, you belong at the Noname Nerd and you can always join our Discord…
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Last time, we talked about finding your voice. We failed to answer one very important question, though. What if you have multiple voices in your videos? Finding your voice is one thing, but finding the voice of your team is a completely different battle. In this podcast, we’ll discuss why variety and balance matters, and discuss some ideas for role…
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Who are you, who are you talking to, and what do you want to say? When we begin our journey into content creation, there are a number of different factors to consider. What platform will we produce on? What basic format of content are we going to make? What is my release schedule going to look like? I could make this list go on and on, but that wou…
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What is the fascination with NFTs? I'll give you a brief introduction to what are NFTs and why I think that they have the potential to change how we interact with technology in the future. I will show you some of the projects that I am currently working on connecting the Noname Nerd with NFTs and give you a brief look at what might be in store for …
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In the last podcast, we found what platform would most likely be a good home for us. But just because we picked a primary platform doesn’t mean we can’t utilize the other platforms! Playing around with cross-platform strategies can help us do three big things: it helps us explore new horizons, diversify our viewer base, and build our primary platfo…
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So you want to make content, huh? Choosing the correct platform can make or break your chances of making it big, so it’s important to consider. Now, cross-platform marketing strategies are important--so much so that we’ll be covering that next, but for today, let’s figure out which one of the Big Four content platforms are right for you, based upon…
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