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New Life Philly

New Life Philly

Pursuing God Together with Sermons for your soul. Our Mission is to Pursue God Together by Making disciples of all nations by equipping each member, serving in ministry, connecting in community, and engaging our neighbors.
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Kingdom folk are….. People who Long for Right Relationships People who are Conduits of God’s Mercy People who are Pure in Heart We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer today? We pray the New Life Philly Podcast encourage…
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In the opening statements of the Sermon on the mount, Jesus takes our idea of the good life and turns it upside down. We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer today? We pray the New Life Philly Podcast encourages you toda…
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Listen in to the best sermon ever spoken from our savior and king Jesus with a creative reading of the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5-7. We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer today? We pray the New Life Philly Podc…
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The Spirit-Led Church is a church where members are growing in their ability to hear and discern the still-speaking voice of God, in a way that transforms them to love with Spirit-empowered love. It is a church where people look honestly at themselves, their community, and their world, and they deeply lament every place where sin, evil and injustic…
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Healthy followers of Jesus need Christ-centered community. Why do I need community? 1.Christ Centered Community brings us closer to God. How? learning together, gathering together, praying together and giving together. 2. Christ Centered Community transforms us and those around us. How? Transformative power, hearts, favor and growth through the Hol…
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As we close out our current 1 Thessalonians Sermon Series in 2 parts we see that we are called to do 3 things. 1. Honor worthy leaders 2. Commit to highly involved community 3. Immerse yourself in God's presence. Reflect on this: Are you making honest, transparent, and highly involved Christian community a priority in your life? We'd love to connec…
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Is the news of Jesus’ second coming good news or bad news? For the believer it's the best news ever. 1 Thessalonians 5:8-9 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. 9 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Ch…
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16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.…
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The Spirit of God changes us and makes us more and more Holy – set apart and different from the world. Listen in as we talk about what it means to be holy or set apart. We pray you may make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, [12] so that your daily life may win the…
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When we grow in God, spiritual blessings flow. Growing in God means encouraging and being encouraged through faith and love. Listen in to an insightful word on growing in God together and try this challenge today before you go to bed. Challenge: When you pray think about praying for the people at church, and other believers in your life, etc before…
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Do you know what really happens where you're on mission for God? There is pain. There are obstacles. Yet... There is Glory in mission! 19 For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? 20 Indeed, you are our glory and joy. We'd love to connect with you https://newli…
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Listen in to this week's installment of our summer series on the book of 1 Thessalonians. Real Christ Imitation is rooted in how you receive the Word 13 And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed a…
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Letting God lead requires pure motives and pure actions. Questions: Where has God called you to follow him into the world? What motives and actions in your life need re-aligned to let God lead? We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer today?…
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True faith follows Jesus day by day Listen in to our new Sermon Series on Thessalonians as we explore Hope, Holiness and the Goodness of God through this small letter written to the Thessalonians thousands of years ago with timeless truths for us today inspired by the Holy Spirit through the work of Paul the Apostle. We'd love to connect with you h…
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Listen is as we finish up our series on the Foundations of the Faith with a look at the grand view of Genesis 1-11. What is happening in your heart is what matters so press in to what God is doing and come to him with your questions, thoughts and prayers allowing him to pour out his love upon you. We'd love to connect with you https://newlifephilly…
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Listen in as guest preacher Pastor Rafael speaks on God's holy love for us, reminding us that God's love for us is unfailing and essential to the core of our essence. We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer today? We pra…
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Your Spiritual DNA in Christ promotes his purposes in your calling above the perplexity of the crisis Listen in as Pastor Chris looks into the life of Abraham as a Father we can trust in God's promises being fulfilled as he left the familiar in faith and found God providing everything he needed. We'd love to connect with you https://newlifephilly.c…
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In a world of ongoing spiritual warfare, you need God way more than you think. Listen in as Pastor Larry brings us through a familiar story in a new way. Reminding us that you will only understand an individual story well when you see how it connects with the larger story. We'd love to connect with you…
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Listen in as Pastor Tim leads us through a complicated passage of scripture where we find our need for cover only in the blood of Jesus. Please use viewer discretion with younger audiences due to the sexual content of Genesis 9. We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer today? htt…
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Listen in to Elder Bob Haymes preach on the Unshakeable Kingdom of God We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer today? We pray the New Life Philly Podcast encourages you today! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTub…
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On Pentecost Sunday we reflect on the idea of covenant as seen in God's relationship with Noah and in Jesus's relationship with Peter. God's covenant is conditioned on us but solely on his grace, justice, mercy and power. We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer today? https://ne…
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Noah needed to Trust and Obey God's Master plan through a very traumatic experience on the ark, and it led to being a representative of God in the recreation. Yet, the Earth still needed one more righteous than Noah to fulfill the earth's groanings: Jesus is the fully righteous God and Man who gives us eternal safety. "But God remembered Noah and a…
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Genesis 7 makes plain for us the integrity of the character of God by both showcasing the devastating reality of his wrath, but also the unwavering commitment of God to rescue his creation. We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer today?…
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The Story of Noah and the Ark is a story of God's faithfulness amidst tragedy due to sin. God's love is shown in the mercy he shows Noah and "Noah did everything that God had commanded him" Noah means rest and the ark was God's means for saving Noah and his family. In the same way, Jesus calls us to rest and believe in Him to be saved. We'd love to…
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Dive into the Foundations of the Faith with us as we explore a difficult Genesis 6 passage. The mixing of human and divine is complicated and has come with sever consequences as we see in Genesis 6. But, don't we know our God is the exception Jesus the Christ being fully God and fully man! Put your thinking caps on for this one folks. We'd love to …
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Will you choose the way of violence or the way of the Lord? We need reliance on God not violence in our hearts when we don't get our way. Lamech chose the way of violence and it cost him. We must choose to forgive thus following after the way of the Lord, We'd love to connect with you Would…
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Come explore the weight of sin and the grace of God on full display in the story of Cain and Able in our Foundations of the Faith Series. We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer today? We pray the New Life Philly Podcast…
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Hallejuah! Jesus has gotten up from the grave. The reality of the resurrection through scripture at times is... confusing, mysterious. It present real people wrestling with the resurrection and Jesus coming alongside them in there time of wrestling and doubting. Jesus does the same for us! Bringing us life into our dark night of the soul every time…
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There's a new king in town! Jesus leads the way to humility, justice, holiness and inclusion as God intended it. Celebrate Palm Sunday with us as we prepare our hearts for Holy Week. We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer today?…
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"God’s Wisdom can be trusted even in times of temptation" Listen in to our newest edition of the New Life Philly Podcast as we look at the narrative of Adam and Eve being deceived by the Serpent in a new light. How do we grasp for more wisdom when only God's wisdom can satisfy us? We'd love to connect with you…
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How we understand Genesis 2:18 is important. the Hebrew word "Ezer Kenegdo" is sometimes translated as "helper". Listen in to hear other more helpful translations of "Ezer Kenegdo" like "delivering ally" as Tim Mackey translates it. We see here before sin enters, male and female in harmony fulfilling God’s design as priests in sacred space. We'd lo…
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God is the architect of creation. What He has done is SECONDARY to what that says about WHO He is. God brought chaos into order, formed the formless, and filled the void. God takes dust as solid as a grain of sand and forms humankind into his likeness. Nobody but our God!! Listen in for the whole story We'd love to connect with you https://newlifep…
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This special teaching on Genesis 1:2-3 serves to replace our regularly scheduled Sunday podcast which we lost due to technical difficulties. God says after creation was finished that it was very good. Even the chaos creatures of the sea are considered a part of God's "Very Good". God dwells on the 7th day in His temple which is His created world dw…
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Did you know? The Bible is not written to us, but it is written for us. We see this in the opening verses of Genesis and in the Beginning God created Time, Weather, and Food. Starting our Series in Genesis by breaking down how to truly read and understand the bible since The Bible’s message transcends culture, but it is culture bound. We'd love to …
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Christian Community only reflects Jesus well, when the community embraces a radically new "way of life" which is only found in Jesus. Listen in as we talk about the importance of living radically for Jesus in community with one another. Take some time to think deeply about this question and write down your answers. “What is God asking of me as a pa…
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Did you know that Love is the most definitive and demonstratable attribute that reveals our awareness and understanding of the heart of God. See what the bible says about how to love: We love because he first loved us. 20 Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom the…
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Where is your greatest treasure? How do we live as stewards in the wealthiest country in history? We learn that The Kingdom of God is a better treasure than anything thing else you have and the best investment you can possibly make. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not brea…
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The Great Surprise is that Helping those in need is actually helping Jesus. Do we pass by the poor, needy, broken, and do nothing? Do we ignore the elderly, sick? imprisoned and lonely? Everyone is made in the image of God and so every single person is worthy of God's love. Loving the least among us from the womb to the tomb is how we as Jesus's Ap…
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Your effectiveness as a disciple of Jesus is not bound up in meeting standards that are impressive to the world but in the simplicity of knowing the crucified Christ. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power…
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Enjoy this class from Pastor Larry how to rightly Study and Apply the Word of God to life today as a bonus edition of the New Life Philly Podcast. We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer today? We pray the New Life Phill…
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Enjoy this class on Contemplative Spirituality as a bonus edition of the New Life Philly Podcast! We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer today? We pray the New Life Philly Podcast encourages you today! Follow us on Face…
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Discipleship is living as an apprentice of Jesus Christ. It is believing in Jesus in such a way that you are compelled to follow him in every area of your life. What areas do you need to set apart for God's way instead of this world's way? We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer…
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Where did you see God’s redemptive work in your life this past year? How will you wait and participate in the returning, restoring, and Reviving of God’s people in 2024? Listen in to the New Life Philly podcast as we look back into 2023 and move forward into 2024 seeing that God is returning, restoring, and reviving His people in 2023 and calls us …
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Merry Christmas Eve!! As we celebrate the Savior during the 4th week of Advent we look at the love of God bringing peace, hope, and joy to the world!! We are New Life Philly, a church in the Olney section of North Philly that prioritizes Real People. Real. Love. and Real Hope. We do this by Pursuing God Together by making disciples of all nations t…
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What brings you Joy? Now answer this what is currently robbing you of Joy? On this third week of Advent we talk about living a life of joy centered on the incarnation and eventual resurrection of Jesus The Christ. We'd love to connect with you Would you like Prayer today? https://newlifephi…
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As you prepare for the coming king's return, is your heart ready to receive Him? Is your mind focused on Jesus or holiday stress? Are you ready to lead in repentance and have full trust in our God who can remove every obstacle in your way? Listen in to this week's edition of the New Life podcast where we focus on the preparation of Jesus's coming. …
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Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14) Let's take some time to soak in God's love today and the reality that the God of the universe came down to Earth to save You and your family and your neighbors and the Whole World from Death and instead came so…
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Do you struggle to trust God with EVERYTHING in your life? Do you say you trust God but your actions prove otherwise? Remember Remember Remember! to always Trust God. Proverbs 3:5-6. We are New Life Philly, a church in the Olney section of North Philly that prioritizes Real People. Real. Love. and Real Hope. We do this by Pursuing God Together by m…
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What is a biblical hope? How do we have hope in Jesus while living in a world that leaves us hopeless at times? How can we embrace suffering as a crucial aspect of our relationship with God? Let's lean into these questions together as we venture into today's episode of the New Life Philly Podcast. We are New Life Philly, a church in the Olney secti…
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Pastor Larry leads us in another installment of the Word and Spirit series with a message on the 3 blessings of the Holy Spirit. We are New Life Philly, a church in the Olney section of North Philly that prioritizes Real People. Real. Love. and Real Hope. We do this by Pursuing God Together by making disciples of all nations through equipping each …
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