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Game Time with Taylor, Max, and Reese

Taylor Gautney, Max Mesman, and Reese Kinder

Just 3 friends talking about sports and having fun. Join us every Monday and Thursday for hot takes, predictions, and reactions to the biggest events in sports. Follow our instagram @gametimepod_official. We can't wait to see what you think of the episodes!
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Malachi 2:14-17 We close off the chapter by looking at God’s purpose and the beautiful spiritual picture of marriage to represent our union with God made possible through Christ. There are some good lessons on marriage from these verses that we should glean, as well as a warning about divorce or viewing marriage too loosely. Then Malachi closes out…
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Malachi 2:10-13 We see two sad realities concerning the children of Israel in today’s verses, their callousness towards each other and their lack of commitment to God. They took awful advantage of one another and they arrogantly refused God’s love and instead pursued a strange woman as it were. These acts were not taken lightly by God. He denied th…
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Malachi 2:10-11 Today we are just beginning to look at these verses, and we are seeing that how we treat one another is directly linked to how we treat God, just as New Testament books like 1 John teach. Their cold treatment of their brethren (brethren in a spiritual sense) was connected to their abandonment of God to pursue their own selfish desir…
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Malachi 2:7-11 This rebuke is relevant for us because as New Testament believers, we are all priests. We have been dedicated to God just as the Levites and the firstborn of the Israelites before them. So when we read this indictment, we ought to read it from the viewpoint that it could be addressing us as priests. What are we doing with the covenan…
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Malachi 2:1-7 I love that God’s Word is personal, its messages are directed to us individually. And it is also sufficient to meet our deepest needs and speak into our deepest problems. The question is, will we take His Word to heart? The Levites of this time failed that question, but it didn’t have to be that way. We can take God seriously. We can …
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Malachi 1:12-14 In the final verses of Malachi chapter one, God contrasts the sad condition of Israel with His own greatness. The people are described as defiling and destroying God’s name, calling the table of the Lord marred, and counting God a weariness, and God will not accept their offering. But then we get a glimpse of Him. Perfect, exalted, …
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Malachi 1:10-11 As we continue to unpack accusations two and three, God traces the root of their problem to covetousness. It is our love for other things that creep in and redirect our love for God that causes us to offer unworthy service to Him, profane His name, and ultimately question His love for us. God shows His people here that their greed a…
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Malachi 1:6-9 We cover the next two questions against God today. The people’s offering showed what they really thought about God’s name. Their thoughts of God corrupted their service for God. Because they didn’t appreciate His love, they didn’t view Him as a loving Father, and therefore they did not offer Him their best. Are we offering God less th…
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Malachi 1:1-5 When God describes you as having a certain attitude, you do. It is so important that we realize it is only by being near to God that we can actually discover ourselves. We must spend time with Him, not only to know His thoughts towards us, but so that He can reveal our true thoughts towards Him. If you are struggling with knowing God …
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Outline of Malachi There are eight rebuttals against the children of Israel in this short book, and God describes the people as having these views: “Wherein hast thou loved us?” (1:2) “Wherein have we despised thy name?” (1:6) “Wherein have we polluted thee?” (1:7) “Wherefore?” (2:14) “Wherein have we wearied him?” (2:17) “Wherein shall we return?”…
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Background to Malachi Welcome to the last words of God before the coming of the Messiah to the world. These writings precede over four hundred years of silence from God before the He broke the silence with the glorious announcements that the promises of the Messiah (and of this prophecy) were being fulfilled. Today we lay the groundwork for this bo…
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2 Corinthians 1:3-7 The words “comfort” and “consolation” appear ten times in this short passage. In today’s bonus episode, we are going to pause and reflect on Christ’s consolation in the midst of our suffering in this life. And we also remember the imminent rapture of believers which will end all suffering for the followers of God.…
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1 Peter 5:5-14 Hope is the thread that runs through the entirety of this epistle, and it goes all the way to the end. In the concluding statements, Peter instructs us believers to continue in the daily disciplines listed here, to understand the duration of our suffering, and to keep our eyes on the final destination. May we be able to say as Paul d…
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1 Peter 5:1-4 When it comes to pastoral qualifications, many of us turn to 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, however I have grown to treasure this section in 1 Peter 5 as one of the best passages on God’s expectations for a pastor. Unfortunately, many pastors have “cared more about the mission than the people. And they [don’t] realize that the people are th…
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1 Peter 4:12-19 The end of chapter four and the majority of chapter 5 contains some of the best condensed teaching on suffering, in my opinion. We have already mentioned suffering several times as we have gone through this book, and I think that is one of the major themes God had in mind for this book. Chapter four closes with some helpful reminder…
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Join Max and Reese on our very first prediction episode and our first week with two episodes! Taylor unfortunately wasn't able to come on for this episode, but trust us it's still a great one. Be sure to follow @gametimepod_official on all social medias. See y'all next episode!!بقلم Taylor Gautney, Max Mesman, and Reese Kinder
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1 Peter 4 There is suffering all around us in real, bitter, even sickening ways that make our hearts sink and our stomachs turn. And there are disappointments and hardships and sorrows that we all carry with us. I don’t have the answers to all of the heartaches people face, but I do know that God gives us hope in the midst of all of it. Look to Him…
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1 Peter 4:1-11 Before we get into how to handle and deal with suffering, the text takes a look at some benefits to suffering. This in no way minimizes or marginalizes the suffering and pain that it brings, but it does help us to see that God works all things out for good according to His will. May these verses help our outlook and inspire us to liv…
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1 Peter 3:18-22 The last several verses in 1 Peter 3 are tricky because they involve some deeper theological topics such as (1) Penal Substitutional Atonement, (2) Christ preaching to Spirits in prison, (3) the days of Noah, (4) the figure of baptism, and (5) the authority and power of Christ. We will touch on each of these only briefly in order to…
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1 Peter 3:13-17 Here we see a compelling case to live for the Lord in righteousness, joy, holiness, and the peace that comes from a pure conscience. As believers, we can expect suffering and persecution, but we can still remain joyful and experience God’s peace through the rough times. Though these trials are hard and painful, suffering for well-do…
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Join Max and Reese on our very first prediction episode and our first week with two episodes! Taylor unfortunately wasn't able to come on for this episode, but trust us it's still a great one. Be sure to follow @gametimepod_official on all social medias. See y'all next episode!!بقلم Taylor Gautney, Max Mesman, and Reese Kinder
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1 Peter 3:8-12 When we come to these verses, it is easy to start with the applications in our relationships with others, however we must be properly aligned with Christ first. Only when He is preeminent in our lives can we truly live out these results towards others. This section actually has much more to do with our standing with God than with oth…
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1 Peter 3:7 This week we are looking at several ways the husband is to show compassion for his wife. He should (1) pursue his wife, (2) prioritize his wife, (3) protect his wife, (4) be present with her, (5) pray with her, and ultimately picture Christ to his bride. His role should be to lift up his wife, recognizing her calling and gifting, and pu…
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1 Peter 3:1-6 This passage focuses on the kind of person a wife should be, it is completely focused on her character above her appearance, possessions, and showiness. This is not how the world typically measures a person’s worth, but it is what God is concerned with. According to this passage, a wife should be (1) arranged under her husband, (2) ad…
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1 Peter 2:21-25 Christ is the greatest example of suffering, and He endured all of it without ever reviling, threatening, or complaining against God. As Christians, we are called to follow suite. We must be willing to suffer in order to follow Christ because, as Jesus said, the servant is not greater than his master. May we consider the cost of dis…
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1 Peter 2:18-21 What an encouragement to know that Jesus can relate to all of our suffering! There is a suffering that we are called to endure and a suffering that we should escape from, and we will touch on both of those in this episode. If you suffer unfairness or slight mistreatment, we are called to endure that with patience for the sake of the…
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1 Peter 2:13-17 What does it mean to be submitted and who should we be submitted to? The basis of our submission must be a yielding to God. From that will flow our submission to one another, to the government, and even submission through persecution. I hope we will not view submission as a bad thing, it is a beautiful description of what we are to …
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1 Peter 2:9-12 We are chosen (not ordained to be saved, but entrusted with the highest of callings) to demonstrate the very brightness and nature of God. We are called to be kings and priests unto God. And as such, we must abstain from our sinful tendencies. Prone to wander, the composer wrote. This passage shows us that we are to see the holiness …
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1 Peter 2:4-9 What a depiction of the saved. We are built upon this rock that is Christ and joined together into a spiritual building in order to show forth the nature and very essence of God. This is why we must walk in the light. This is why we are called to be holy. I hope this short episode somehow encapsulates the amazing calling we have as th…
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1 Peter 2:1-3 This is one of the simplest lessons of God’s Word, and yet it has some of the deepest and farthest-reaching implications on our lives. The more we seek and pursue the Word of God, the more we experience the satisfaction and goodness that only God can bring. Trust in God’s promises produces assurance of our salvation produces growth ou…
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1 Peter 1:21-25 Here we see a snapshot of the Christian life in four steps: (1) hearing the truth from the Spirit, (2) obeying the truth through belief, (3) purifying our souls from sin, and (4) loving the brethren sincerely. The passage turns from this description of the Christian life and our hope in God to assurance of salvation. God’s Word is t…
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1 Peter 1:18-21 The ‘Gospel’ seems overused and trite today after it has been featured in the titles of so many mini movements and become a rallying cry in some Christian circles. Many are understandably confused as to what the gospel actually means due to its overuse and misuse. In some cases, the word has been used to mean almost anything. But th…
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1 Peter 1:13-17 The gospel is such an unsearchable gem, and as we look at it we are faced with the challenge to not forget the splendor of the gospel, not let it slip, and not neglect to share it. Today we are moving on to the two-part call of the gospel that has to do with soberness. We are called first to hope and second to be holy as God is holy…
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1 Peter 1:10-13 “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us” (2 Corinthians 4:7). God has given us a magnificent treasure called salvation, and that is what we are being reminded of today. The plan of God is something that has been wondered about for thousands of years, especially bef…
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1 Peter 1:6-9 “The Christian's joy is bound up with love to Jesus: its ground is faith; it is not therefore neither self-seeking or self-sufficient" [STEIGER]. Our salvation carries us through our suffering. So often how we come to know what is real is by going through these times of heaviness and hardship. That is when our faith is refined, being …
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1 Peter 1:5-7 As I have thought about last episode, I have come to change my definition of assurance of salvation, and I want to clarify how I think assurance is defined throughout Scripture. I hope this episode gives us a better understanding of assurance before we continue looking at our position in Christ. My hope is that this also challenges yo…
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1 Peter 1:5-7 Caveat: some of my opinions and thoughts expressed in this episode change in the next episode. There is an important difference between eternal security and assurance of salvation. Our eternal security is objective and rooted in God’s unchanging promises, but assurance of Salvation is subjective, depending on our feelings, and prone t…
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1 Peter 1:1-5 Peter starts out this magnificent book with a celebration of salvation from God “for you” (vs 4). This opening section is almost like a personal thank you note to the Lord for the abundant mercy whereby He has begotten us again. This is what our hope lies in, it is what our inheritance lies in, this is our salvation!…
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Introduction We will cover a few more introductory facts before jumping into the first passage of this book next week. You won’t want to miss this background material to this fascinating general epistle! The three main goals of the author are (1) to inspire hope in the people of God, (2) to impart spiritual wisdom to God’s people, and (3) to instru…
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Introduction Welcome to our new study in the general epistle of 1 Peter! Today we will begin by talking all things Peter and drawing some key lessons from his life as an apostle, contribution to the Scripture, and message to us. I’m so glad you are here, and I hope you make it a point to join us each week as we embark on this pursuit to understand …
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Daniel 12:5-13 Season 1 Finale! Our study of Daniel concludes with a great encouragement about our future. We may not understand God’s plan in this life, but we will understand finally. There is coming a day ultimately when there will be no more mystery to the people of God, but we will know God and know His ways. Until then we study and seek after…
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Daniel 12:1-4 As we close this final prophecy, we get a brief description of the coming tribulation when God puts the focus back on Israel. This passage also shows the eternal contrast between those who have eternal life and those who will suffer eternal judgment. These are vastly different futures. We need to awake to the realities of what is comi…
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Daniel 11:31-45 History—and prophecy—has a tendency to repeat itself. In the description of the rule of Antiochus Epiphanes, we see parallels to the times we are about to face. But this is not all negative, we are given the task of being testimonies for our Lord in these dark days and we have the promise of His imminent return to motivate us to mak…
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Daniel 11:21-35 Three times in this section of verses the phrase “time appointed” appears. God has set specific times in which He will judge the world for its sin. During this short time in which we live, we are confronted with the ultimatum to either repent of our sin or be lost in the judgment and wrath of God. We either deal with our sin or we a…
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Daniel 11:5-20 It is a good reminder for us that God is operating in the background throughout all the events of human history and of our individual lives. Thank you for listening this week despite my sickness, I am looking forward to recovering and being able to spend more time in Bible study and sharing from the book of Daniel!…
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