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• Become a Patreon Supporter: • Follow Ocho on Telegram: • Watch the BE LIBERATED broadcast on rumble: • Listen to the BE LIBERATED podcast on Apple Podcasts: • Follow on Instagram: • Download my book, Verses Vol 1, 2 & 3: ...
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閒置中 Liber Podcast by 本土研究社

本土研究社 Liber Research Community

《閒置中 Liber Podcast》係由本土研究社嘅一班研究員製作。平時攰攰地個陣,停一停將平日關注嘅唔同議題沈澱同累積,研究以外同大家深度講解研究背後嘅心路歷程,破除迷思同發掘新諗法,提著亂世之中唔好閒置自己,仍然關注香港身邊事物嘅朋友記著follow我哋,想聽啲咩都歡迎PM同我哋講! 研究員:劍青、Brian、Stewart 、Sunny、Cody、Emily、Elise and more Facebook: IG: YT: 支持本土研究社: #閒置中 #本土研究社 #本研Podcast #LiberPodcast
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The Liberated AF podcast is a vortex of deep safety and transformation. Host, Jenna Gordon, uses her knowledge as a PhD analytical chemist with her experience in Liberate mentorship and somatics for trauma therapy to share insightful, potent, and impactful episodes to help you on your own healing and liberation journey.
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The Liberated Leader Podcast

Bea Chan | BTYB AKITA Agency

✨Welcome to the Liberated Leader Podcast! 🙏 Together we’ll connect with leaders in the psychedelic space 🍄 & explore the creations they birthed into the world. All in hopes to bring the psychedelic renaissance into the 21st century & spread the message of inner healing...because when we heal ourselves, we heal the world. ❤️‍🩹So...let’s get liberated! 🔥 🎶Music by
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Hey there Liberated Artist! It’s Mariana Durst, a marketing nerd with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Art who’s helped hundreds of artists sell their art online. Whether you’ve got yellow ochre under your nails or clay dust on your jeans, this seasonal podcast is THE space for unvarnished conversations about selling art online from a place of integrity, artistry, and courage. Tune in to hear about the practical strategies that Liberated Artists use to get their art seen and sold, all while build ...
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Mary Jo Fairhead is a former public school teacher and principal who in 2021 founded Onward Learning, an affordable, child-centered PK-8 school in rural Martin, South Dakota. As her enrollment climbs, she plans to open additional schools throughout South Dakota. *** Sign up for Kerry's free, weekly LiberatED e-newsletter on education trends at fee.…
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近年,增加市民幸福感成為咗政府施政嘅一大重點,房委會仲推出咗幸福感設計指引,講到明係以人為本,居民齊齊變幸福。但當幸福變成一堆嘅指引,居民真係會幸福?研究員走入最幸福嘅國家 - 芬蘭。喺當地首都赫爾辛基睇下要建立一個幸福城市背後到底有咩秘密。閒置中,深入北歐小國,睇下幸福原來講個「信」字。 研究完:劍青、Cody #芬蘭 #赫爾辛基 #Helsinki #幸福 #城市
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Vince and Tiffany Torres are the cofounders, along with two other couples, of Santa Fe Christian, a low-cost private school in New Mexico that they launched in 2022. It began with 20 students and has tripled in size over the past two years. *** Sign up for Kerry's free, weekly LiberatED e-newsletter on education trends at…
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未來「屯元天」要改稱為「屯元洪天」!工程進行中嘅洪水橋新市鎮將有20多萬人口,媲美一個天水圍。為避免重複天水圍嘅「悲情城市」,規劃數十年嘅洪水橋著重「職住平衡」,仲計劃起一個中環級商業區,聲稱為居民(同內地專才)喺原區有工返。但疫後全球辦公室空置率高企,喺洪水橋囤積農地多年伺機發展大失預算,要求政府更改規劃「商改住」,整區規劃有打回原形趨勢。經濟重心北移至深圳河以北嘅今日,洪水橋以至北部都會區嘅前景有幾好?今集閒置中,以超精簡方式同大家探討下。 研究完:劍、Brian #屯元天 #洪水橋 #閒置中 #本土研究社
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Sabrina Reynolds is the founder of Mastery Learning Academy, a first through twelfth grade microschool in Taylorsville, Utah outside of Salt Lake City that focuses on core academic content within a classical-inspired, project-based learning environment. Sabrina has a Master’s degree in secondary education and taught in both public and private schoo…
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Candice Hilton left her job as a public school teacher last year and just opened her K-8 microschool, Hilton Horizons Academy, in Kingsport, Tennessee. Tuition for the three-day program is $4,900 a year. All 12 of Hilton’s students are legally homeschooled, with the vast majority of them new to homeschooling this academic year after being in public…
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地價樓價跌跌跌,政府有啲招標發展項目,甚至無地產商肯參一腳,政府明言對地價要求已經唔高,只期望唔好係負數就得,原來地價歸零仲有得再跌?今集3位研究員就同大家分析一下,負地價會係咩嘢概念,而地價嘅高低對於香港城市發展嚟講,又有咩意義呢?當土地再唔值錢,政府仲不惜大舉借債,發展北部都會區,究竟前景係咪咁樂觀?閒置中,淺入深出地跟大家傾下。 研究完:劍青、Brian、Sunny #負地價 #財赤 #北部都會區 #融資成本 #補地價 #地價 #發債 #入不敷支 #赤字 #香港財政 #政策研究 #財政研究 #高地價政策 # #BudgetPlan #HKFinance
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LiberatED Education Associate Nasiyah Isra-Ul interviews Sumay and Aila Lu, the cofounders of the WEquil App educational platform and its virtual school, WEquil School. For Sumay and Aila, ages 15 and 12 respectively, creating a virtual school, and later a wider community platform, was inspired by their journey from public school into unconventiona…
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Tobin Slaven is an educator, entrepreneur, and author who has joined our team as an Entrepreneur-In-Residence. He is the co-founder of Acton Academy Fort Lauderdale in Florida, which is part of the fast-growing Acton Academy network of hundreds of learner-driven schools across the US and globally. *** Sign up for Kerry's free, weekly email newslett…
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農地在香港鮮少成為議題的主角。有關農地的新聞,大多是農地被破壞了,被徵收了的被動處境。然而,一塊適合進行農耕活動的土地是怎樣的?我們可以如何分辨農地的現行狀況?不同類別的農地位於香港何處?城市各處的農地,又分別面對怎樣的處境?尤其是最近政府力推的「北部都會區」,正影響香港農地最集中的北區及元朗區。與北都「城鄉共融」的準則相呼應,優質農地可以如何滿足大眾各方各面的需要,發揮多元的價值呢? 要回應以上關於香港農地狀況的重要問題,今集《閒置中》請來葉子林先生,談談試驗性地集合學界、環團及民間團體跨界完成的《活農活現:北部都會區農地調查報告及農業優先區建議》研究中,調查農地現況的方法,意料之外的研究發現,以及對農地規劃政策制定的展望。 嘉賓:葉子林先生(嘉道理農場暨植物園再生農業部經理) 研究員:劍…
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Michelle Lee Thompson is the founder of Hand In Hand Christian Montessori in Minnesota. She launched Hand in Hand in 1999 as a small summer camp and today it has three campuses serving infants to teens with both full-time private school options and part-time homeschool programs. *** Sign up for Kerry's free, weekly email newsletter on education tre…
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Dr. Erin Flynn is a longtime educator and founder of the Hedge School Cooperative, an inclusive, secular, LGBTQIA-welcoming microschool for homeschoolers in Austin, Texas. The school offers two to four days of in-person instruction for 8th-12th graders. *** Sign up for Kerry's free, weekly email newsletter on education trends at…
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Nasiyah Isra-Ul is a young entrepreneur and innovator who has joined our team as the new LiberatED Education Associate, in partnership with Stand Together's Koch Associate Program. Nasiyah launched her own education business as a teen, for which she has won many awards and accolades. She is passionate about youth entrepreneurship, student agency, a…
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巴黎奧運熱潮持續,除咗睇開幕、睇運動員表現、睇運動本身之外,仲可以用咩角度睇奧運? 近日研究員一路睇比賽,一路從文獻、新聞、當地組織全方面睇巴黎奧運嘅情況同問題,發掘獎牌背後少人談及嘅城市現象。奧運同城市發展有咩關係?巴黎奧運同以往有咩唔同?今屆奧運對香港又有咩啟示? 閒置中迎來第二百集,就喺今集同大家直擊奧運。
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Founded by Amir Nathoo in 2015, offers live, video-enabled online classes for young people ages 3 to 18. Learners can select content ranging from typical academic subjects and tutoring services, to more adventurous classes such as pet-trick training, forensic science, engineering with Minecraft, and wilderness survival skills. Instruc…
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Shante Lane Tamerat is the cofounder of Discovery Lane, a Reggio Emilia-inspired PK-5 private school located in Waldorf, Maryland. Shante has been in education for 15 years, and worked in schools in both Philadelphia and Washington, DC. She has a Bachelor’s in Psychology, a Master’s in Elementary/Special Education, and a Ph.D. in Special Education/…
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市建局提出重建旺角花墟,令香港人不得不重新審視這個專屬於園藝的集中地何去何從。適逢幾位研究員在盛夏前往英倫,路經倫敦最有名的哥倫比亞路花市(Columbia Road Flower Market)。 各研究員將在今集閒置中分享在倫敦所見所聞,究竟當地社會對花有甚麼看法? 倫敦的花卉與植物現在的地景有何特色?當地的政府相關部門,在疫情中知道哥倫比亞路花市遇到挑戰時,如何設定自己的角色,去支持花市的未來發展?這個花市的規劃,又可以為香港花墟現時人車爭路、想提升顧客體驗等問題,帶來甚麼啟示? 研究完:Brian、Sunny、Elise
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Today's guest is Hannah Holguin, founder of Masterpiece Academy located just outside of Omaha, Nebraska. Hannah was a public school teacher for nearly a decade, mostly teaching mathematics. She has also worked as an adjunct professor with a local community college, and founded Masterpiece Academy in August of 2022 as a K-12 microschool for homescho…
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Today's guest is David O'Connor, a college lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania for many years and a longtime theatre director and designer. David is a cofounder of Philly ALC, a self-directed school in Philadelphia that also has part-time programs for homeschoolers. *** Sign up for Kerry's free, weekly email newsletter on education trends at…
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Ally Adair-Chung is the founder of Beachcities Classical, a Classical Christian homeschooling collaborative based in Huntington Beach, CA. It launched in the fall of 2021 and today serves about 250 students. *** Sign up for Kerry's free, weekly email newsletter on education trends at…
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Jill Brown and Susan Deakins are both longtime public school teachers who quit their jobs and, in 2021, launched the Columbia Academy for Learning and Enrichment (CALE), a JK-12 microschool in Columbia, Missouri that has experienced remarkable growth. *** Sign up for Kerry's free, weekly email newsletter on education trends at…
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時隔兩年,本研又有大型發布,今次講嘅議題竟然關動物事?事關近事越嚟越多人養貓養狗,新界都突然多咗有關動物寄養所嘅申請,但研究員發現呢啲申請,超過一半都係流流哋,申請完都無真係用嚟寄養動物,而係填完土就拎嚟做擺貨同擺車。究竟點解有咁嘅現象?佢哋又用咗幾多隻貓貓狗狗嘅名義,嚟合理化自己破壞土地嘅事實?今集就等研究員同大家直入元朗,到申請用地四圍看。 研究員:劍青、Brian、Sunny、Emily 立即收聽/收睇📻 閒置中Podcast 🎬Youtube版、🎧Spotify、🍎Apple Podcast、🔊Google Podcast、💻網頁版
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Andreas Widmer is an Associate Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurship at The Catholic University of America’s Busch School of Business. His most recent book is The Art of Principled Entrepreneurship: Creating Enduring Value. In this episode, Professor Widmer shares his perspectives on entrepreneurship and offers advice for education entrepreneur…
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Lindsey Vose is a former public school teacher who launched Wild Wonders out of her garage in Belgrade, Montana in 2022. She opened with four students, including her two children. Today, Wild Wonders is located on a five-acre farmstead property near Vose’s home. It has 22 K-6 students who attend the mixed-age, drop-off program Monday through Thursd…
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花卉對於一般香港人來說,似乎是年節時才偶爾購入的產品。但曾幾何時,本地花產業一年四季都非常興盛。花墟也是因為本地花農的聚集經營而成雛形。因為交通和物流技術進展,以及農田的流失,香港現在大部分的花卉已是進口貨。但現在花卉產業中,是不是完全沒有本地花的位置?本地花的產業,在生產、應用和銷售方面,正在面對怎樣的挑戰?今集《閒置中》,請來嘢·菜花實驗研究社的阿魚,為我們分享她以本地農田出產的花卉和各式作物,製作成花藝作品的經驗。藉著她對花藝同行和本地農業的觀察,探討本地花在種植、日常文化上,與消費者及香港土地議題有何關聯?研究員:劍青、Elise嘉賓:阿魚 @嘢·菜花| 實驗研究社#本地花 #花墟 #花業 #花藝 #嘢菜花 #本地農業 #食農教育#閒置中 #香港 #本研Podcast #LiberP…
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Priscilla Yuill is the founder and educational director of Casa Ranch Montessori , an eco-conscious Montessori homeschool cooperative program that is educating for sustainability and cultivating environmentally-conscious global citizens. Priscilla has been a passionate Montessori educator for more than 10 years, with early childhood and elementary …
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Dale Ahlquist is the cofounder of Chesterton Academy in Hopkins, Minnesota. What started in 2008 as a microschool with 10 students, including some of his own children, has grown into a flagship location with over 150 high schoolers, as well as a global network of over 70 Classical Catholic Chesterton Schools educating more than 2,000 students. *** …
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Amanda Lucas, founder of Lucas Literacy Lab, a middle school microschool in Middlesex County, New Jersey opening this fall. She taught in charter and private schools across New York City for nearly a decade before becoming an education entrepreneur and joining the KaiPod Catalyst microschool startup accelerator program. *** Sign up for Kerry's free…
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Elmarie Hyman is the founder of Learn Beyond the Book, a California-based secular homeschool resource center for students in pre-K through high school. Young people can attend Learn Beyond the Book’s in-person classes in three locations in the greater Los Angeles area, or take advantage of additional live virtual classes. Students who attend are ei…
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Benita Gordon was a longtime public school teacher who is now the founder of Miami MicroLearn Hub, a microschool focusing on rising 6th to rising 12th graders in South Florida opening this August. Benita also founded the educational consulting company, Global Education Concierge. *** Sign up for Kerry's free, weekly email newsletter on education tr…
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John Mackey is an author, entrepreneur, and co-founder of Whole Foods Market. In 2022, he stepped down from his 44 years as CEO of the natural and organic grocer. He is now launching a new startup, Love.Life. Mackey is the author of several books including the just-released The Whole Story: Adventures in Love, Life, and Capitalism. *** Sign up for …
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In Stillwater, Minnesota, Amy Marotz launched Awakening Spirit microschool to serve the distinct needs of gifted and neurodiverse learners. After earning an education degree and teaching at a Minneapolis charter school early in her career, Amy began homeschooling her own children and saw a need for a dedicated program to address neurodiversity with…
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Jessica Slayback and Victoria Forsman launched the REALM, Redesigning Education And Living Meaningfully, in 2010 as a microschool with one student and since then they have served 3,000 students with both full-time and part-time learning options. Located in Santa Monica, California, REALM currently enrolls 134 students ages 4 to 14 each semester, wi…
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大家有無試過去錯地方,或者目的地同我哋腦海嘅記憶有出入呢? 有時地名會連帶回憶,例如深水埗會聯想價格相宜嘅舖頭,有特色嘅電子零售業、布業、皮革業等。 但我哋嘅認知可能會畀市區重建項目同地產界逐漸「改造」深水埗。我哋今次同大家討論地產文學究竟點樣扭曲大家對深水埗嘅記憶同邊界,令買家因為代理語言藝術墮入美麗嘅誤會之中。會唔會有一日「深水埗」將會消失於地圖之中? 今集閒置中,我哋有研究員分享日常觀察及研究心得。 研究員:劍青、Sunny、Echo #本土研究社 #LiberResearchCommunity
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Denice Dixon is a former public school special education teacher and founder of TREAD Academy, a K-12 microschool serving neurodivergent and neurotypical in Atlanta. Sign up for Kerry's free, weekly email newsletter on education trends atبقلم Kerry McDonald
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Chip Reichanadter is an experienced Montessori educator and cofounder of Pinyon Montessori, a PreK-6 microschool in Salt Lake City that opened in November 2023 and is the first Wildflower Montessori school in Utah. Founded in 2014, Wildflower is a national network of dozens of teacher-owned Montessori microschools fostering child-centered learning.…
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有關元朗流浮山呢個地方,新啲印象可能係電影緣路山旮旯既一幕,舊啲既印象可能係「小桃園飯局」,但近日都係因北部都會區,令呢個香港咁遍遠既地方即將變天。 而最新公佈既流浮山發展大計講緊啲乜,會為地區規劃、土地分配、社區影響、生態環境帶來咩影響? 計劃中會由數碼港用「片區模式」發展創科用地,同埋推廣「生態旅遊」,又係一件乜回事? 今集閒置中我地有研究員,連同來自香港大西北既資深地區工作者 Terence,黎分享多年黎流浮山既研究分析,同埋所見所聞。 研究員:劍青、Elise 嘉賓講者:Terence (資深地區工作者) #流浮山 #本土研究社
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Former public school teacher Coby Aldana is the founder of Refresh Learning Center, a Christian microschool for kindergarteners through high schoolers near Phoenix, Arizona. It opened in August 2023 and focuses on small classes and personalized learning. *** Sign up for Kerry's free, weekly email newsletter on education trends at…
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Jackie Hill is the founder of Acton Academy Hampton Roads in the southeast part of Virginia. A mom of 5 and a Montessori teacher, Jackie wanted a different educational experience for her own children. In 2008, she created a little Montessori learning pod in her living room that kept growing and growing and eventually evolved into a democratic schoo…
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Magatte Wade is an entrepreneur and author renowned for her dynamic approach to business and her dedication to fostering economic development in Africa. Born in Senegal, Magatte is the founder and CEO of, a skincare company providing high-quality, ethically sourced products. Magatte’s entrepreneurial journey began with Adina World Be…
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Located on beautiful 400-acre organic farm in Smyrna, Tennessee, about 20 miles outside of Nashville, Bloomsbury Farm School began in 2020 with one teacher, Kaiti Dewhirst Monroe, and five homeschooled children, including farmer Lauren Palmer’s own five-year-old. Today, it is a Reggio Emilia-inspired K-5 farm school, with additional parent-child pr…
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Founded in 1989 by alternative education advocate Jerry Mintz, the Alternative Education Resource Organization (AERO) continues to provide resources, support, and community for parents, teachers, and learners interested in alternatives to traditional schooling. AERO's Peter Berg joins me today to talk about the organization's enduring legacy and it…
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大家最近一次去公共圖書館是什麼時候?近年借書量下降又是否代表閱讀或者逛圖書館這件事已經失去魅力?今集研究員將分享下以前浸在圖書館的書蟲生活,亦都會提及較早前搜羅的各適各樣的專題圖書館,旨在透過研究拋磚引玉,等大家一齊補漏拾遺搵下各類型嘅藏書地標,亦都重新關心閱讀的公共空間。研究員:Elise、劍青、Stewart 💪🏻支持我們:❤️關注我們:本土研究社 #LiberResearchCommunity
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Robert Kimble is the founder of Dream Academy in Dubuque, Iowa. A project of the Dubuque Dream Center, an afterschool program that Kimble cofounded in 2013, Dream Academy is opening this August as a faith-based, K-7 private school with plans to grow through high school by 2029. More than 50 students have already enrolled, and all are attending tuit…
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年頭食環公佈上年度總滅鼠量接近十萬隻,睇返歷年嘅數字,捕鼠量一年比一年多,而投訴數字又係咁升,咁究竟捉得愈多老鼠係咪代表鼠患問題就緩和咗?定係因為多咗老鼠所以多咗老鼠畀人捉到?老鼠嘅出現同城市空間、環境衛生、全球暖化又有咩關係?城市老鼠愈嚟愈多又有乜啟示?今集閒置中,三位研究員Emily、Brian、劍青同深入淺出講老鼠。 💪🏻支持我們: ❤️關注我們: #本土研究社 #LiberResearchCommunity
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Corey DeAngelis is a senior fellow at the American Federation for Children and a visiting fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He is the author of the new book—out today—entitled: The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids from the Radicals Ruining Our Schools. *** Sign up for Kerry's free, weekly email newsletter on education trends …
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Hannah Mackey and Lauren Umlauf are former teachers who cofounded The Dandelion Project, an unschooling community in Philadelphia that offers daytime programming for homeschoolers as well as after school programs and summer camps that emphasize self-directed education. They also do homeschooling evaluations for homeschoolers throughout Pennsylvania…
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Amy Novak is a former teacher who in 2021 launched Acton Academy Red Rock in southern Nevada. Acton Academy Red Rock is part of the fast-growing Acton Academy network of learner-driven microschools that was founded in 2009 and now includes more than 300 schools serving thousands of learners. Amy's program is intentionally inclusive of neurodiverse …
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深水埗正做緊全區重建研究,十幾條街一次過研究點樣大改造,預計將會對市區基層社區帶黎巨大影響,各種平民、小店、文青、不同種族及興趣社群都可能會因而改頭換面。 今集《閒置中》搵到跟進市區重建議題多年既舊區街坊自主促進組Kelvin 同Ken,講下佢地近月做左份有關深水埗重建既民間調查報告,想了解: - 除左又話重建起多啲豪宅、商場同天橋,其實真正喺深水埗生活既人對重建有乜諗法? - 對現今深水埗士紳化既城市形態有乜觀察? - 重建深水埗呢類市區重建議題究竟重有冇人關注? 《閒置中》淺入深出, 一齊深入探討深水埗重建最前線。 研究員:劍 分享嘉賓 Ken、Kelvin (舊區街坊自主促進組)
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Christen Parker-Yarnal is the cofounder of the Miami Sudbury School in Miami, Florida, a fully self-directed, democratic K-12 private school modeled after the flagship Sudbury Valley School that was founded in Massachusetts in 1968. Christen was a conventional school teacher for several years in St. Louis, then moved back to Miami where she grew up…
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