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Kerusso® Daily Devotionals help you make more room for Jesus. Here you’ll find faith, hope, and joy — bite-sized moments of inspiration for busy believers. ABOUT THE KERUSSO DAILY DEVOTIONAL — Developed by Kerusso®, makers of Christian apparel, accessories, and gifts, the Kerusso Daily Devotional:● Features personal and historical stories influenced by the Bible.● Uses various Biblical translations including NIV, KJV, ESV, and NLT.● Includes professionally recorded audio of original content. ...
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When we walk with God, we want to see that our relationships are healthy. It’s part of the command to love one another. And few things are more heartbreaking than damaged relationships. When those linger, the Body of Christ is weakened. Churches split because of it. Families suffer for it. Joshua 22:5 says, “Love the Lord your God, walk in all his …
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Have you ever wondered why the Samaritan from the book of Luke was called “good?” In the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10, he stops and helps a man lying on the road who had been beaten and robbed. Jesus told his disciples this story to illustrate how they are to treat one another—how we are to treat one another. Micah 6:8 says, “What does …
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The Bible is famous for speaking in parables and metaphor. One of the most famous is found in one of Paul’s letters, in which he tells us the benefits of a life in Christ. The “Fruit of the Spirit” is a list of nine attributes that a person filled with the Holy Spirit will model for the world. It’s probably no coincidence that Paul starts with…Love…
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Carl loved working on his farm. He loved the solitude, and the sense of accomplishment. One day though, working alone, he was injured severely. In fact, if he didn’t get to the hospital, he would likely die. So, he got in his old pickup and took off. He pulled into the hospital parking lot and lost what little consciousness he had. Waking up 24 hou…
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Have you ever been fooled by someone? Doesn’t feel good, does it? But the absolute worst is when we fool ourselves. We try to manage some problem on our own, or analyze a situation gone awry. The Bible has a better way of thinking about it. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” We have to…
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Gwen closed her eyes and didn’t dare to even breathe. Japanese troops were right outside her house, looking for her and other missionaries. It was World War 2, and American forces in the Philippines were nearby. Just when Gwen and her friends thought someone would throw open the trapdoor to their basement hiding place, loud voices began to get dimm…
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Do you find it hard to trust some people? Do you find it hard to trust…anyone? Our society is full to the brim of people who have been hurt, wounded, and devastated. It puts up a wall and we live behind it in silence and fear. After the fall of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the people of that captive country were free for the first time to tell their sto…
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When trouble is on the horizon, it can be hard to trust in God’s promises, and to believe He has a plan for us. The book of Judges in the Old Testament gives us an awesome example of trusting God in the story of Gideon. God called Gideon to lead Israel into battle with the Midianites, who had a sizable army of 135,000 men. Gideon gathered an army o…
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A common theme today is that people are just tired of chaos—both public and private. It’s exhausting sometimes dealing with bad relationships. Global problems are with us every day. And we wonder when it will end. There is good news for you, though. Literally, Good News. 1 John 5:4 says, “For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the vi…
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Rebecca knew just what Craig needed when he lost his job. She knew he felt ashamed that his job performance was a major contributing factor. In other words, he had failed in front of people. The hurried goodbyes and awkward pats on the back actually sort of made Craig feel worse. He threw the small box with his personal belongings in the backseat a…
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One of the things that mark a healthy society is the consistency between generations. In other words, adults who care about the future of their children will invest the time to make sure tomorrow is bright. God the Father is the ultimate parent, and we would do well to model His love for us. Luke 18:1 says, “One day Jesus told his disciples a story…
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Today in America, two million men and women serve in our armed forces. More than 200,000 of them are deployed to various points around the world. Joshua 1:9 reminds us, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” The Lord has told us directly …
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For most of us, being humble is easier in theory than it is in practice. Reaching out in Christian Love and kindness often means being a peacekeeper, and letting go of the need to be right or to win an argument. God wants us to walk with humility at work, on social media, and at home. When we’re frustrated with someone across the table or online, c…
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Since before the world was created, God has had a master plan to deliver people from evil. He cared for us so much that He was willing to endure pain to redeem us. In Acts 14:20, we read about Jesus and the disciples preaching in a city called Derbe. It says that Jesus then was busy, strengthening the souls of His disciples, encouraging them to con…
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Many times over the centuries, earnest Christians have run out into the world to aggressively and passionately share Jesus, and the world doesn’t always want to hear it. John 15:19 says, “If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own and as it is you don’t belong to the world. But I have chosen you out of the world, and that is why the…
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Charles Templeton was surging ahead in ministry. Converted at 21—by 1946 the Canadian evangelist founded Youth for Christ. Billy Graham was hired as the organization’s first full-time evangelist, and he and Templeton toured Europe together. A decade later, after a turn at Princeton Theological Seminary and after wrestling with doubt, Templeton bega…
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There are different schools of thought about just how Christians should share their worldview in a world often at odds with God’s best. Some feel it’s best to jump into the deep end of the pool and look just like the world. Others view it very much the other way. Second Corinthians 6:17 says, “‘Come out from them and be separate,’ says the Lord.” W…
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Sweat was pouring off Peter as he moved to protect Jesus. As Roman soldiers held the one who had been labeled a heretic, Peter drew a sword and cut off a soldier’s ear. And he was stunned when Jesus told him to put the sword away. You see Jesus knew infinitely more than Peter, or anyone else. He knew the end from the beginning, and He knew He had a…
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There’s a reason the Bible uses so many metaphors. The wisdom God has for us lends itself well to short narratives, as we learn much from stories. A famous passage from Isaiah we’ve been discussing this week uses a powerful mental image to convey deep truths from God. Isaiah 40:31 says, “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They wi…
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Does the future scare you? If it does, that’s understandable, from a human standpoint. After all, so much is unknown. And yet, God gave us His Word as a guidebook. The Bible tells us certain specific things that can bring us great comfort. Colossians 1:17 says, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” For the most part, we kn…
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Part of God’s unchanging nature is that He is sovereign and does things His way. In Isaiah 55, we read that God’s ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. In other words, He’s infinitely more powerful than we are, especially when it comes to perspective. We read in the Old Testament that sometimes other nations mocked the Israe…
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We often hear that it’s harder to raise kids today than ever before. That isn’t true, of course. All eras down through history have been challenging. We live in a world scarred by sin, after all, and children grow up among all sorts of temptations. That’s why the role of a parent is something to take seriously, as a sacred duty. We’ve been discussi…
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Truth makes an appearance in the Bible right at the start, and it sets the stage for everything that comes after it. The opening scene, if you will, takes place in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve have been placed there in a perfect setting. No worries. Every need is taken care of. It’s hard to imagine that kind of harmony now, but it once existed……
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We look for things and stuff to make us happy, don’t we? Especially in the United States, where we are blessed with abundance, people from all walks of life look for more and more. That can bring us to an empty place. Spiritually and emotionally…we begin to look in the wrong places. But as we’ve discussed this week, that spark of joy we look for ca…
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As humans, we tend to have a problem asking for help. I think we can chalk that up to our proud hearts. Often, when we are really up against it, that’s when we resist seeking help. Jesus does away with all that. Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Ask yourself: is my prid…
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