Helene عمومي
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show episodes
Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you quick tips (mostly 2-5 minutes, but some are up to one hour long) on the mindset, strategies or tactics successful people implement for effective time management and productivity. Note to podcast aficionados: This is not a show, so there’s no set format. These are recordings of musings, recommendations and interviews – all designed to help you understand key time management strategies to achieve the balance you seek. The author of two Amazo ...
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Hélène est de retour et se pose plein de questions, cette fois-ci sur la forme physique! De manière générale, qu’est-ce que ça veut dire « être en forme »? Quelles sont les différentes composantes de la forme physique? Grâce à des entrevues avec des spécialistes du sujet et des athlètes de tous horizons, la série Hélène reste en forme explore la notion d’être en forme et comment le rester.
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Hélène et les déchets

Hélène Laurin

Hélène se pose plein de questions sur la gestion des déchets. Où vont nos déchets une fois qu’ils sont lancés dans un camion? Est-ce que le plastique se recycle vraiment? Comment se forme le compost, au juste? À travers les épisodes de cette série balado, suivez le chemin de nos déchets, qu’ils soient jetés dans la poubelle, dans le bac de récupération ou dans le bac à compost! Avec la participation financière d’Éco Entreprises Québec.
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show series
L’alimentation est considérée comme l’un des piliers de la santé. Mais au-delà des grandes recommandations, comment savoir si notre alimentation est optimale pour "être en forme"? Que faut-il manger avant, pendant (?) et après avoir fait du sport? Entre les calories, les nutriments, les vitamines, les protéines, glucides et lipides, qu’est-ce qu’on…
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Pour les personnes qui vont au gym, il a y a peu de choses aussi satisfaisantes que de soulever un lourd poids et de le traîner sur plusieurs mètres pour montrer qu’on est en forme! Est-ce qu’on manque de forme physique parce que nous ne sommes pas capables de porter du lourd? Comment les muscles se forment-ils? Est-ce que les culturistes sont des …
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La génétique est une pièce maîtresse du casse-tête que représente la forme physique. Comment ça fonctionne, les gènes? Est-ce qu’on a des gènes de forme physique? Y a-t-il des gènes spécifiques associés à l’endurance ou à la force musculaire? Quelle est la part des gènes dans la forme physique d’un individu?…
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Pourquoi le poids d’une personne est-il si important? Le fameux IMC (indice de masse corporelle), d’où vient-il? Est-il un bon indice pour déterminer la forme physique d’une personne? Pourquoi l’industrie du fitness insiste tant sur la perte de poids? Est-ce qu’on peut être en surpoids et en forme? Et inversement, est-ce qu’on peut être mince et pa…
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Lorsqu’on s’entraine, notre rythme cardiaque s’accélère et nous avons l’impression de nous faire du bien, de muscler notre cœur. Mais qu’est-ce que l’aptitude cardiorespiratoire ou encore l’endurance cardiovasculaire? Qu’est-ce que ça permet de faire et quel est son rôle dans la forme physique globale d’une personne? Comment l’améliorer? Comment sa…
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Helene Fischer hat zahlreiche musikalische Gäste in die Messehalle Düsseldorf eingeladen: Die Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer können sich auf exklusive Duette der beliebten Entertainerin freuen – mit Deutschlands Shootingstar Ayliva, einer der grössten deutschen Entertainer Hape Kerkeling und Superstar Robbie Williams. Zudem hat sich eine deutsche Mus…
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Eine Herausforderin ist das zwölfjährige Nachwuchs-Turnerinnen-Talent Nala aus Rüti ZH. Sie tritt in einem spannenden Schwebebalken-Duell gegen die dreifache deutsche Meisterin auf diesem Gerät, Sarah Voss, an. Wer schafft in einer Minute mehr Flickflacks? Alle Helene Fischer-Fans dürfen sich auf eine echte TV-Premiere freuen: Die ungekrönte Schlag…
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Eine Herausforderin ist das zwölfjährige Nachwuchs-Turnerinnen-Talent Nala aus Rüti ZH. Sie tritt in einem spannenden Schwebebalken-Duell gegen die dreifache deutsche Meisterin auf diesem Gerät, Sarah Voss, an. Wer schafft in einer Minute mehr Flickflacks? Alle Helene Fischer-Fans dürfen sich auf eine echte TV-Premiere freuen: Die ungekrönte Schlag…
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Hochkarätig wird es auch diese Woche im „Gäste Gäste Gäste -Spezial“ von „Willkommen Österreich“. Nur die gute Laune mag streckenweise nicht so recht aufkommen. Es wird morbid - Schlagerstar Helene Fischer erfährt, dass sie es mit ihrem Hit „Atemlos“ auch in die „Begräbnischarts“ geschafft hat. Josef Hader wird danach gefragt, wie er gerne sterben …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Viola Tami: Moderatorin, Schauspielerin und seit Samstag, dem 3. August, Schweizer Meisterin im Wakesurfen. Die 43-Jährige ist heute Montag bei uns zu Gast und spricht mit Moderator Michel Birri über ihre 1. Platzierung im Wakesurfen und ihren neuen Job. Ausserdem in der Sendung: Schlagerkönigin Helene Fischer feiert ihren 40. Geburtstag, Herzogin …
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Themen: Batik und Shibori: DIY-Expertin Sabrina Hey zeigt verschiedene Färbetechniken | Ernährungsexpertin Julia Floß zu hochverarbeiteten Lebensmitteln und gesunden Alternativen | Getränke-Spiking: Achtung K.O.-Tropfen | NRW-Quiz: Tasche oder Tasse | Schlagerikone Helene Fischer wird 40 | WDR-Kultursommer mit Sänger Björn Nonnweiler…
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Das Konzert-Highlight der Pop-Ikone zeigt SRF ungekürzt und mit allen Hits, packender Akrobatik und Feuer- wie Wasser-Elementen in einer perfekt inszenierten Show. Der preisgekrönte Filmemacher Paul Dugdale (unter anderem Emmy Award für «An Evening with Adele» sowie BAFTA für «Glastonbury Festival: Live at Worthy Farm») fängt die emotionalen Moment…
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Nach der Kurzstrecke ist "Der Bergdoktor" wohl das größte Volumenprodukt, an dem Hans Sigl je beteiligt war. Und wenn zwei Fernseh-Legenden, wie Hans Sigl und Pierre M. Krause, aufeinandertreffen, dann machen wir daraus natürlich in ZDF-Manier einen schönen Zweiteiler. In der ersten Folge geht es um das Leben nach dem Bergdoktor, Helene Fischers Ne…
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Die Themen der Sendung im Überblick: Zukunft von SVolt-Batteriefabrik im Saarland unklar, Nach dem Rückgang des Hochwassers wird das volle Ausmaß der Zerstörung sichtbar, Saarländische Grubenlampe der Olympischen Spiele 1952 kehrt zurück, Ermittlungen nach rassistischen Parolen auf Sylt, Tote und Verletzte nach Restaurant-Einsturz auf Mallorca, Wer…
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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Ever feel stressed from having too much to do, or wish you had more time in the day to get things done? Time management consultant Helene Segura brings you simple yet mind-bending productivity tips to help you become more efficient at work so you can have a life outside of it. The author of two Amazon best-selling books, Helene Segura has been the …
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