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Main Point. We wage the good warfare by holding to Christ, our safeguard from spiritual shipwreck. Driving Question. How do we wage 'the good' warfare?1. Remember your calling to the fight (18)Application. Wage the “good” warfare (18). Defend the revealed truth of God against those who distort it (3). Christian ministry is more than proclamation; i…
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Main Point. Christ came to save sinners, and His great mercy leads to the praise of God our King. Three Driving Questions today. 1. What is the very center of Christianity? 2. What can we learn about God? 3. How do we respond? 1. What is the very center of Christianity? Observations of this “saying” (the gospel). The saying is trustworthy. The sayi…
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Main Point. The Church’s charge is to guard sound doctrine by faith, promote Christlike love, and use God’s law to reveal sin and lead us to the gospel. Driving Question. Why is it essential that we guard the sound doctrine?1. Because sound doctrine protects the church from false teachers (3–7)1 Cor 4:1–2 This is how one should regard us, as servan…
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The why” of 1 Timothy. (1 Tim 3:14–15) 14 I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, 15 if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth.Driving Question. What is the foundation of the Church of the Living God? Main Poin…
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Main Idea. How we manage our resources reveals our true devotion to Christ and eternal perspective. Question. What can we learn from the manager's foresight and shrewdness, despite his dishonesty?Jesus teaches 3 lessons to his disciples. Lesson 1: Use Worldly Wealth with Eternal Perspective (8b–9).Applications. Invest in the Kingdom of God and make…
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Main Point: Jesus is and brings a glorious hope to all nations. I. Jesus is the hope of Israel (v.17-23)II. Jesus is the hope of the Gentiles. (v.24-28)III. Jesus is the hope His disciples proclaim (v.30-31)Takeaways from the book of Acts:Jesus is the Resurrected KingThere is not neutralityJesus commissions His disciples to be His witnessIt’s a mis…
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Main Idea. Holdfast to Christ in the storm, for He not only makes promises but faithfully keeps them.Driving Question. In what ways can God’s word be trusted during difficult storms?1. He Makes Promises of Passage Through the Storm (13–26)Applications. Hold tight to the Lord’s words and promises despite living in seasons where you succumb to injury…
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Main Idea. Paul's steadfast faith in Christ’s resurrection sustained him during his final defense. Driving Question. Why is the resurrection of Jesus Christ the center of our defense?1. Because the Risen Christ Completes God’s Promises (4–8)What’s the promise?Psalm 16:9-11 Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwell…
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Main Idea. In life’s trials, God’s providential care enables our faithful living and directs our mission. Driving Question. How can we remain faithful amidst our trials?1. Remember Christ’s Care (1–5)2. Reflect Christ’s Character (6–11a)3. Remain in Christ’s Commission (11b–12)Responses. 1. Repent and believe. 2. Reconsider your trust in God today.…
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Main Idea:Evil plans will not prevail against the providential purposes of the Lord.1. An Evil Plot to Thwart God’s Plan (vv. 12-15)2. Divine Providence & His Fatherly Hand (vv. 16-35)The Heidelberg Catechism - 1563 “Providence is the almighty and ever present power of God by which he upholds, as with his hand, heaven and earth and all creatures, a…
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Main Idea. God’s grace produces a good conscience, firm convictions, and close companionship with Jesus Christ yielding faithful testimony.Driving Question. What are components of faithful testifying amidst a trial? We will be diligent to look at three things today to build up our faith in trial. 1. A Clear Conscience Before Christ (22:30–23:5) App…
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Main Idea. Jesus Christ is able to save the most unlikely person and make him a preacher of good news. Driving Question. Why does Paul’s defense provide such hope for all peoples? 1. Because Jesus Saves Persecutors (vv. 1–11)2. Because Jesus Sends Preachers (vv. 12–21) Ananias (12–16)Paul, himself (17–21)Responses:Repent and turn to the righteousne…
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Main Idea. Willing submission to Jesus Christ. Driving Question. What does a life submitted to Jesus Christ look like?1. Paul's Humble Submission (Acts 21:17-26)Three Applications From Paul’s Humble Submission:i. Testify to God’s work in our lives.ii. Consider others Spiritual well-being.Phil 2:4 iii. Lay down liberties for unity and discipleship. …
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Main Idea. Following and obeying Jesus Christ is costly. The cost of following Jesus. Luke 14: 26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. 27 Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.28 F…
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Main Idea. Through his own blood, Christ purchased the Church, and he cares for the Church by providing elders who must be faithful and vigilant in their oversight.Driving Question. What does the church need from her leaders? (let's consider 5 things)1. The Church Needs Humble Elders (19)2. The Church Needs Scripture-Centered Elders (20–27)1. Notic…
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Main Point: The ministry of the Gospel is supported and advanced by the ministry of encouragement.1. Encouragement from the Church (v.1-6)a. In Distress (v.1)b. In Ministry (v.2-3)Different examples of how the church encouraged one another.The church encouraged one another in hope (Rom 15:4)The church encouraged one another in unity of faith and lo…
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Planting EkklesiaMatthew 28:16–20Authorized by the King: Ekklesia Commissioning ServiceToday’s text unpacks and answers the question: Why do we want to plant churches? Big Idea: Based on Christ's all encompassing authority and the promise of his presence, he commissions his followers to make disciples of all nations. 1. Because a Glorious Announcem…
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Main Idea. The Gospel of Jesus Christ confronts idol worship, leading people to repent or revolt. We will observe 3 confrontations in this passage: 1. The Gospel Confronts Idol Worshipers (23–27)Two effects when the gospel confronts.1. The gospel pushes idols deeper into the heart. 2. The gospel also pushes idols out of the heart The Gospel actuall…
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Main Idea. Christ deserves our highest praise, while sin deserves our firmest disdain. Driving Question. "Why should we offer Christ our highest praise?1) Because of his extraordinary power 2) Because of his exclusive worthiness. 1. The Extraordinary Power of Christ (11–16)A. He is more powerful than diseases and demons.2. The Exclusive Worthiness …
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Main Idea. The church is strengthened through continued discipleship that is centered on Christ.Driving Question: Why do we need continued discipleship in the word?First reason we need continued discipleship in the word?Because we need reminder that Christ is our strengthCase 1: Strengthening Ministry of Paul (23)Second reason we need continued dis…
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Main Idea. God’s provisions strengthen his weary saints to persevere in gospel ministry. Provision 1: Ministry Partners (vv. 1–4)Provision 2: The Word that Occupies (vv. 5–8)Provision 3: The Presence of Christ (vv. 9–11)“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and h…
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Main Idea. Idol worshipers are called to take heed of the gospel of the true God and repent. What does Paul see? 1. The Problem of Rampant Idol Worship (vv. 16–21)How does Paul respond to this problem?2. The Remedy is Preaching the Only God’s Gospel (vv. 22–31)11 attributes of God’s nature:Attribute: God as Creator (v. 24)Application: Trust in what…
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Main Idea: The disrupting word of God must be eagerly received as our final authority if we are to find life, grow in faith, and please God.1. The Word is Disruptive -The Lesson from Thessalonica2. The Word is the Final Authority -the Lesson from BereaResponse:1. Commit to eagerly approach the Scriptures with reverence, humility, and complete submi…
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God alone is worthy to be worshipped by people from all nations for all of eternity.1) The end of missions (vv. 1-6).2) The extent of missions (vv. 7-9)3) The exigency of missions (vv. 10-13)Responses1) Grow in your knowledge of the glory of God.2) Pray for God to raise up more laborers.3) Consider your role in missions.4) Remember that Christ is c…
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Main Idea. As the gospel began to transform lives in Europe, Christ's kingdom advanced and his church was established, demonstrating his power over sin and evil.1. The Lord Jesus Graciously Open Hearts (11–15) 2. The Lord Jesus Powerfully Displays His Authority Over Evil (16–18)3. The Lord Jesus Drastically Changes People's Allegiances (23–34)Takea…
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1. God’s Churches Are Strengthened Despite Conflicts (15:36–41)2. God’s Gospel Drives Our Missional Commitments (16:1–5)3. God’s Spirit Supervises His Mission (vv. 6–10)Takeaways. 1. We have two responsibilities with the gospel: 1) Strengthening the church. 2) Give to non-believers.2. We must be willing to accommodate others for the sake of the gos…
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Main Point: Jesus Christ reconciles, creates and unites a new people, the gathered church, to display the manifold wisdom of God.We were a people alienated from Jesus Christ (v.11-12)We are a people reconciled in Jesus Christ. (v.13-15a)We are a people created and united in Jesus Christ. (v.15b-18)We are a new people in Jesus Christ. (v.19-22)Takew…
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Main Idea. Enduring ministry is rooted in speaking the truth of God’s grace and strengthening his church, despite facing tribulations and varied responses from men. 1. Endure by speaking of God’s grace (1–7)2. Endure through the varied reactions of men (8–20)3. Endure to disciple and strengthen the local church (21–23)How did they strengthen the ch…
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Main Idea. Faithful preaching explains God’s work and promises [in the OT], culminating in the significance of Jesus whose work fulfills all of God’s promises [in the NT]. 1. Preach the Work of God and the Promise of the Savior (16–25)2. Preach the Good News that the Savior has Come (26–37)3. Preach the Proposition to be Freed by the Savior (38–41)…
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Main Idea:Christ-centered corporate worship is commanded by God as a means of grace to preserve and strengthen the faith of Christians who await their Savior.1. The Access to Corporate Worship (vv. 19-21)2. The Goal of Corporate Worship (vv. 22-25)- Communion with God (v. 22 “let us draw near…”)- Endurance of faith (v. 23 “let us hold fast the conf…
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Main Idea. The missionary work of Paul and Baranbas is authored by the Spirit and affirmed by the local church for the purpose of taking the gospel to God's people. 1. The Spirit Sets Apart and the Church Affirms (1–3)2. The Spirit Sends for the Church to Speak (4–7)3. The Devil Seeks to Turn People Away from God’s Word (8–11)Application. What are …
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Main Idea. The conversion of Cornelius is a turning point in salvation history, as God reveals that the time for the Gentiles to receive the Gospel of Christ and the Spirit has come. A. God Draws Near (1–23) 1) The Call of Cornelius (1–8)2) The Convincing Vision for Peter (9–23)B. Christ is Preached (23b–43)Apply. For the gospel to be presented, yo…
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Main Idea. The sovereign Lord Jesus intervenes and he heals, and many lives are changed through it. 1. Jesus changes lives by tending to the weak (32–35)2. Jesus changes lives because he has authority over death (36–43)Eph 5:26–27 Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing …
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Main Idea. Behold the glorious grace of the Lord Jesus, who converts hearts for his purposes.The Lord Jesus Confronts Saul (1–5)The Lord Jesus Converts Saul (6–9)The Lord Jesus Commissions Saul (10–19)Takeaways.Salvation is by God’s grace alone. God's grace can save the most zealous sinner. Conversion involves a confrontation with Jesus. (but all l…
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Main Idea. God’s gospel is for the outsider: he provides messengers to explain it, the Messiah to save, and the means for obedience. God provides messengers to explainGod provides a Messiah for savingGod provides means for obedienceTakeaways.Rejoice that Jesus treats his servants differently than earthly kings treat theirs. Rest in God for he provi…
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Main Idea. The gospel expands past boundaries and into the hearts of people from different nations, and yet also exposes those who do not have genuine faith in the name of Jesus. 1. The Gospel Expands (4–8) 2. The Gospel Exposes (9–25)(3 things the gospel exposes from this text)1. The Gospel exposes real hope (9–13)2. The Gospel exposes authentic p…
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The Christlikeness of Stephen from three angles. 1. Stephen's Christ-like Character (6:8–16) The two specific charges (13, 14):Speaking against the temple Speaking blasphemous words against Moses and changing customsPsalm 34:4–7: I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. 5 Those who look to him are radiant, and their…
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Driving Question. What do we learn about the gospel from these Spirit-filled Apostles when they are opposed by the Jewish leaders for ministering in the Name of Jesus? The Gospel of Salvation is exclusively found in Jesus’ Name (5–12)3 temptations we face today in caving to speak of the exclusivity of ChristThat we would be found arrogant That we w…
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Driving Question/or Main Idea. Why is Peter’s message more glorious than the miracle it follows? Because the message shifts all the focus onto Jesus.Because his message conveys that healing is found in Jesus’ Name (12–16)Because his message offers an even greater healing in Jesus’ Name (17–21)And then Peter provides 3 purpose clauses (that)... that…
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Main Idea:The mission of Christ unfolds as His Spirit-filled witnesses bring hope to the hopeless and credibility to their Christ.1. The Mission of Christ (vv. 1-4)2. The Wonders of Christ (vv. 5-10) -The Wonder of His Name (v. 6) -The Wonder of His Power (v. 7) -The Wonder of His Hope and Grace (v. 8) -The Wonder of His Identity (vv. 8-10)Response…
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Driving Question: Who is this Jesus whom Peter is preaching? The One Whom the Spirit Speaks About Through Prophets (vv. 16–21) The One Whom The Apostles Witnessed (vv. 22–32)The One Whom The Father Exults (vv. 33–36) The One Who Offers You Grace in His Name (vv. 37–41)Responses. Proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ with bold conviction, and clear pr…
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Driving Questions. Who is the Holy Spirit? What is his purpose?Who is the Holy Spirit?His Manifestation Confirms That He is God (1–3)Who is the Holy Spirit?He is the Fulfillment of God’s Promises (4)What is his purpose?His Message Proclaims God’s Mighty Works in Christ Takeaways. (Theological connections)God comes to us through His Spirit. The Spir…
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Main Idea: Jesus’ followers seek the Lord’s will together by uniting in prayer, relying on the inspired Scriptures, and trusting God to direct sovereignly. Driving Question. What can we learn from Jesus’ followers about seeking the Lord’s will?Jesus’ followers were unified and devoted to prayer (14)Applications for prayers.- Confess your tendency t…
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Framing Question: What is the plan that Christ has for the church, and why is the ascension important to the plan?The ascension. Is a significant part of the ministry of Jesus Christ and the plan for the church.He gives gifts to men that he might fill all things (Eph 4:8–10)We have an interceding High Priest, who has passed through the heavens (Heb…
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Who will attend the great banquet of Christ?1. Those who are humble. (v.15)2. Those who truly value Christ. (v.16-21a)3. Those who receive His mercy. (v.21b-24)How do we respond?For those who do not follow Jesus:Embrace the mercy that God extends to you today.For those among the church:Pray that the Lord would grow you in humility.Pray that the Lor…
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